tcsmonster · 11 years
No, only slander.
This is one's been sitting in cold storage for a while. It'll probably also be the last one we upload for a while. Enjoy!
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tcsmonster · 11 years
But for reals, we're working on other stuff right now. We may come back eventually, but we're not making any promises. Sorry, Senpai. Thank you for noticing us.
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tcsmonster · 11 years
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tcsmonster · 12 years
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sounds like the course for me
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tcsmonster · 12 years
Can you review Upotte!!?
Moe guns, eh? We'll see what we can do.
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tcsmonster · 12 years
TCSM Presents - Another (by Modulated)
Summaries are hard, so enjoy the dancing.
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tcsmonster · 12 years
Thanks, SHAFT.
Like our Madoka video (RIP, I do not think we have a copy anymore), our Nisemonogatari video was taken down. We're pretty sure SHAFT just does not appreciate our comedy genius, so as of right now, we're no longer doing reviews of SHAFT anime. Which, well, I guess makes sense, considering how little sense their shows make. 
Our consensus on SHAFT anime from here on out: It was weird. The end. And also, screw you guys, we're going home.
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tcsmonster · 12 years
Oh hey, I guess we're doing this again.
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tcsmonster · 12 years
Hi umm, could you do a review of Boku no Pico?
Nurie put you up to this, didn't she?
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tcsmonster · 13 years
aww... good luck for the things ! :) And take care you two ;)
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tcsmonster · 13 years
More more more more :p We're all waiting a new video :p
Aww, having fans is nice. :D
Sorry, guys! I hate to keep making excuses, but moving across the country is hard. James just got a job, and I am still looking. Which should mean we have a lot of free time, and you're right, it does, but we haven't been watching a lot of anime during that free time. ): We may just skip this past season completely and move on to the next. But we'll see. Thanks for sticking with us and our shitty, shitty updating schedule!
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tcsmonster · 13 years
Ok so I've found your reviews to be funny and honestly some of the most non trolling and most intellectual out there. Then saying that most trolls are teenagers that fap to hentai and annoy the shit out of people with out laughing I got to give you some props for that because i couldn't do it no matter how hard I try. Ok now to the thing I wanted 2 ask you 2 is could you do a review on well clannad and clannad after story as one review (and yes i did think it was really good but you two seem to have the ability to state what happens in an anime without giving away the ending and telling someone what to expect) and get some out on some of the new anime that's coming out and i know you actual have lives so you other this you probably should be doing.P.S.Thank you for all the time you spend doing this.
Aw, thanks so much! We're always happy to hear from people who truly like what we do.
James has watched Clannad and Clannad Afterstory, so we might be able to squeeze something out, but it might take a while. We're working on a final review for last season (we know how behind we are, don't worry) and have two more lined up for the current on. We do indeed (sadly) have lives, and we'll be moving across the country soon, so please be patient with us.
Thanks again for your kind words. You're a peach.
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tcsmonster · 13 years
TCSM Presents: The World God Only Knows (by Modulated)
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tcsmonster · 13 years
TCSM Presents: Astarotte's Toy (by Modulated)
Because sucking dick at 10 is okay so long as you learn something from it.
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tcsmonster · 13 years
We return! We started this video last season and it fell by the wayside, so please enjoy this while we get some new stuff together. Thanks for being awesome and sticking with us.
Fractale: I'm a little worried about what went on in that airship prior to Future Hipster's arrival.
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tcsmonster · 13 years
A Serious Note: Socks for Japan.
Once again, we apologize for our quietness on the mockery front, but shit happens. While we're getting our shit together, I hope everyone's been doing what they can for Japan. We here at TCSM mock the bejeebus out of anime, but it's all out of love (really). So if you haven't donated yet, please do. The earthquakes have not stopped and things continue to look grim. If you can't donate much, consider checking out Socks for Japan, a relief fund for those who don't even have the basics right now.
So be awesome, and help Japan, or we'll make fun of you, too.
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tcsmonster · 13 years
Where did you guys go?
Nowhere! Sorry we've been quiet, but I - the voice - am about to graduate college, and James - the everything else - got a job, so we're readjusting. Expect some new stuff soon and sorry to keep everyone waiting!
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