tcsthrowaways · 3 months
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ANGEL (1999-2004) “Sanctuary”
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tcsthrowaways · 10 months
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venda carter jewlery
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tcsthrowaways · 1 year
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tcsthrowaways · 1 year
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Ziwe doesn't choose violence. Violence chose her as its MESSenger.
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
so is anyone gonna make a gifset of every time patty said “jesus, allison”?
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
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This is gay no matter what literally anyone says
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
yes!!!! after my rewatch of s1, i really think tammy was kinda awful. she “asks” patty on the date to the cop bar by making it seem like she wants to question her further, the “you dont think you like vodka” thing. and she originally tries to drive a wedge between patty and allison (the scene at the salon when she says allisons “not my kind of ppl”) not bc she thinks allison has done anything wrong, but bc she’s jealous of how much time they spend together.
i didnt spend a ton of season 2 focusing on tammy but the bday episode did stick out bc, by this point, its clear that patty and allison are at least best friends so tammy telling her to stay away is a huge overstep. then her going and finding allison after the six months. for what? idk if she was purposefully written to come off manipulative (and v coplike) but i just dont find any redeeming qualities.
I didn't like Tammy.
At first I did because I always love the "gay awakening" partner-type characters, but I didn't like how pushy and semi-controlling she was around Patty.
Patty outright tells her she doesn't like vodka after she orders her vodka at the bar and she is just like "you'll get used to it" and that really annoyed me for some reason. Maybe because, as a non-drinker, I always hated being pressured by my own family to drink. Either way, I don't think it's okay to push anything on somebody when they've already told you they do not like that thing.
And I get her distrust of Allison, I guess, but her slight digs and meddling in their friendship rubbed me the wrong way. Her going behind Patty's back to tell Allison to stay away annoyed me to no end.
She was a decent person, but she needed things to be her way and Patty was bossed around for pretty much her entire life by everybody around her and she didn't need that. I'm glad that Patty at least was holding firm in the last few months of their relationship with refusing to leave Worcester. Like she had a house and her own business there, what did Tammy really expect?
I'm glad that Tammy helped Patty realize her sexuality, but I feel like Allison really made more positive changes in her life. She listened to Patty and made Patty feel loved in a way she hadn't before.
Idk usually I love the Tammy characters, but not this time.
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
I want to thank all the gif-makers of tumblr for allowing me to experience all of the best, funniest, hottest, most poignant, most romantic, most intensely heart-tugging moments of shows that I will absolutely never watch.
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
Living the Dream
- “We were gonna leave, start over. He said that things were gonna change. They were never gonna change.”
- “I actually think I used to enjoy driving. But we have one car and he doesn’t have to share it. He doesn’t have to share anything. He gets me all to himself, and that’s cause i never went back to school, and he says it’s cause i never finish things. but, do i never finish things, or does he take them from me?”
- “What the hell are you supposed if you can’t close your eyes and picture a future where everything’s okay? Because dreaming’s useless with him around.”
New Tricks
- Allison: “I’m writing a book. It’s a romance novel actually. Its about a woman who’s said, shes very sad and she just wasted the last ten years of her life on this terrible marriage. Very pathetic. it’s very depressing in the beginning.
- Librarian: Why wouldn’t she just leave?
Allison: Leave? Like it’s easy? Like he’d just let her take the $194 she has and buy a bus ticket to Jersey? No, what would she do, sleep on the street? He’d find her anyway.”
- “I had friends, right? I just don’t know when i got so isolated from everyone.”
We’re Selling Washing Machines
- Allison: “Soon as I go in, he’s gonna put me to work.
Patty: So, don’t do it.
Allison: Like thats an option. He’s just gonna whine until I, like, drive 90 miles to get pork belly or something like that.”
Live Free or Die
- “He got me fired. Right when I felt like I was worth something, he ruined it.”
- “He didn’t like something that was my own, and so he took it away from me. Like this car, like my friends, like any shred of life that was my own.”
- “The world revolves around (kevin). It’s not that it does; it’s that it has to. If it doesnt, he just blows it to hell.”
The Grand Victorian
- “He’s awful. It might seem like he’s just an idiot. And he is. Don’t get me wrong he is an idiot. But he’s also manipulative and an asshole.”
- “I’m his miserable, pathetic wife. And i’m glad he’s de*d.”
- “Of course (I want kids). Its what you do. I just don’t want Kevin’s.”
- Allison: “You can’t give into him like that, okay? It’s what he’s counting on.
Sam: Counting on? He’s not exactly a puppet master, okay? It’s Kevin.
A: Sam, “it’s Kevin” is why he gets away with everything. It’s why he always wins.
S: You say that like it’s destined.
A: It is! This whole world’s designed for guys like Kevin and Pete and Neil.”
and for good measure, a list of all the times allison mentions being miserable with Kevin outside of the sitcom
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
Living the Dream:
- D: What’s in the fancy bag?
Allison: It’s for Kevin, I got him a fancy watch.
D: What’d he get you?
A: Nothing yet. He wants me to tell him what I want.
D: Good man.
- Neil: You’re not actually moving, right? This is like when you said you were going back to school?
Pete: Or when you wanted to go to paris?
N: Yeah, we just kinda all pretend it’s happening until you come to your senses?
- Patty: We’re all in mourning bc Barbie lost her dream house.
- Patty couldve told her the account was empty way before this.
New Tricks
- D: Don’t just let yourself go. It’s not fair to Kev to just give up.
- Patty going to get the roman candles for Kevin
We’re Selling Washing Machines
- Patty: “Allison, I’m always impressed with how you can make nothing to do with you all about you.”
Live Free or Die
- Patty, telling Allison not to pick up her phone bc she didnt think Kevin would do something like call the cops
- When Allison reminds patty of the paralegal job and Patty says its just the kind of juvenile games Kevin plays
The Grand Victorian
- Patty and Pete never tell Allison or Neil about Kevin splitting his bday dinner between the two restaurants
- Instead of listening to Allison - his long time friend and a woman he has feelings for - about who Kevin really is, Sam downplays it the entire first season
- Everyone in the bar celebrating Kevin being the Everyday Hero
Ooh and also a thread of ppl not recognizing/enabling Kevin’s behavior.
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
Living the Dream
- Allison makes it clear she doesn’t want the anniversarager. And, instead of doing what she wants to do for once, Kevin explains that she really does want the party, bc she loves planning them. Also, does he not help her plan their anniversaries?
- She cares about the coffee table; she says its “the nicest thing they have in this house.” Not only does Kevin not use the coasters (that she had to buy), he mocks her for valuing the table bc “pottery barn from good will is still good will”
- In addition to the table, he writes on the mirror w permanent marker.
- He wants a very specific gift but she has to tell Neil what she wants so Neil can tell him
- He used her student loan money and never paid it back, and his reasoning is that he didn’t pay it bc she didn’t go to college.
- He agrees to the new place with the mudroom. “What allison wants, allison gets.” even tho he knows they don’t have the money for the house.
- He makes Allison plan a “normal” party for his boss, that she’ll have to stay at while he parties in the backyard on their anniversary.
- She asks him for bodies for the party inside and he refuses, saying he’s not gonna have ppl come to the boring party for their anniversary, leaving her alone on their anniversary.
- “So, we’re having a party and you’re thinking about cleaning up? I always forget mental illness runs in your family.”
- To avoid being called out for the complaints filed against him at work, he lies to his new boss about his name.
- He lies to his boss about telling Brenda to invite him just bc he wants her job.
- He gets drunk at the anniversarager after promising not to. He stands on the table she constantly asks him not to mess up. He makes an announcement about them staying without even consulting Allison. He breaks her table.
- “He had a feud with the mail woman and got her deported.”
- He lies to her about the money again and tells her to pick up more shifts to make more money.
- He expects her to cook the anniversary breakfast he planned even tho its supposed to be an apology.
New Tricks
- He wakes her up jumping on the bed on Bellichick Hoodie Day
- He spent “more than our wedding, less than our car.” on the hoodie
- He asks her to check for the hoodie, when her hands are full of his dirty dishes, so that he can keep eating.
- “Hon, you know what happens when you try to be funny.”
- He puts a cherry bomb in a soccer ball on the neighbors lawn. It burns their lawn down and leads them to torching the trash cans
- He abandons the dog Allison liked
- After all of the shit he’s caused this episode, he just decides to buy a new hoodie.
We’re Selling Washing Machines
- Allison: Last time you said you had a surprise for me, you and Neil went to rock n roll camp.
Kevin: Well, who doesn’t like a weekend alone?
Live Free or Die
- Allison asks him for the keys and to watch the corn beef several times. he doesn’t listen and has to ask her why she needs the keys and set a timer for the meat
- When he needs help, he calls Allison repeatedly because she always answers
- When Allison didn’t answer her phone, he reported the car stolen, knowing she had it
- When Allison got the paralegal job and Kevin told ppl she was having an affair w her boss then got her fired from a job she liked by putting sugar in her boss’s tank
New Patty
- “See, Allison doesn’t know squat about fast food. She’s simple. she’s narrow minded.”
- He “excommunicates” Patty from their group even tho she’s Neil’s sister and their long time friend. He also calls Kurt to ruin their relationship.
The Grand Victorian
- He’s been lying to Allison and Neil about the birthday dinner for years
- “You are way too trusting. These people spot suckers like you from a mile away.”
- He lets Neil and Pete down talk Allison
- He wakes her up again to talk about the band.
- “You shoulda been there. Although if you had been, it mighta changed the vibe a little.”
- He sends Neil off for hide and seek to get him to leave him alone
hmm. am i gonna rewatch kcfh and make a list of every single time his thoughtless (and/or purposeful) behavior has a negative effect on allison (and tbh sam, patty, tammy, the dad, neil and outside ppl we dont ever see)? i think i am
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
actually everyone but patty and allison fucking sucks (and on occasion they suck a lil bit too)
the bathroom scene in kcfh 1x06. ive decided that “is this a date?” is the first time allison realizes she feels something for patty. it reads so much like a couple argument and allison is clearly jealous
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
looking back, tammy’s storyline was a lil wild. she had patty come to the officer… outing thing by making her think she wanted to question her further only to treat it like a date? very cop like
the bathroom scene in kcfh 1x06. ive decided that “is this a date?” is the first time allison realizes she feels something for patty. it reads so much like a couple argument and allison is clearly jealous
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tcsthrowaways · 2 years
the bathroom scene in kcfh 1x06. ive decided that “is this a date?” is the first time allison realizes she feels something for patty. it reads so much like a couple argument and allison is clearly jealous
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