tctaleclipse · 8 months
4 + 13 for 🫶 yuyu 🫶
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yuyeon looks confused as he’s passed the ipad, as if he’s not used to having questions directed at him. “for me?” yuyeon clutches the ipad a little tighter in his hands as kitae nods.
is there anything u regret abt ur trainee days? yuyeon’s silent for a couple of seconds, glancing kitae before answering. “my biggest regret about my trainee days was the company i chose to audition for and train under, for obvious reasons. i love my members and the fact that we met. but i wish we became a group under a better company.”
given the chance to re-debut, would u choose to be a part of a group or become a soloist? “i don’t wanna be a soloist. i don’t wanna be alone i don’t wanna redebut either i like my members a lot, i don’t want to do anything without them, i’d be scared…”
tysm for asking! find the game here.
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
2 + 15 for LEO 💞💞💞?
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saerom picks up the ipad from where it was propped up and hands it to leo, pointing at the questions that were sent for him. “ooooo i have questions too!” leo sits up from where he’s laying against the couch and smiles at the camera, reading over the questions again.
were ur family and friends supportive of ur chosen career path? “um i would say kind of? my parents are really chill and stuff so they weren’t like no don’t become an idol, but like i feel like i messed up their whole traveling thing. they loved like moving to a different country like every year and once i started training they were like….stuck in korea i guess? so yeah like kind of.”
if u could predict ur life after disbandment do u think that u would still work in the industry? or would u rather go for a quiet life far away? “maybe i would live a quiet life. i’ve had a lot of fun experiences in the industry but like a lot of bad ones too so idk if i’d wanna stay you know? i guess it would just depend?” saerom grabs his grabs and squeezes it reassuringly. “but anyways. thank you guys for sending in questions im very grateful!”
tysm for asking! find the game here.
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
tw: mentions of overworking, mistreatment, the loona situation.
ECLIPSE made their debut on march 20th, 2022 under blockberry creative with the intent of being the younger brother group of loona. their first album would be entitled GENESIS with the title track GIVE AND TAKE. this is would be the first of ECLIPSE’s lunar eclipses.
seeing the success of the group, blockberry began to pump out comebacks for the group. fans speculated that they knew that loona were planning to leave and ECLIPSE were their last resort.
ECLIPSE would have their first comeback on july 14th, 2022 with the title track OUR SUMMER. an example of their solar eclipse with a brighter concept. they would have their next comeback, a lunar eclipse with the song JUNGLE on october 25th, 2022.
fans began to notice how drained the members were getting. when they weren’t performing they were on multiple variety shows, a bunch of interviews, it seemed exhausting just from watching them.
it would be a month before chuu would be removed from loona and how bbc was treating the members of loona and eventually the members of ECLIPSE. due to the fact that their contracts weren’t terminated, they would have one more comeback with THE FAME on january 4th, 2023 before their contracts would officially be terminated and the group would be bought from bbc.
KICK IT 4 NOW is the most recent comeback of ECLIPSE after leaving bbc. with a solar eclipse concept, the song talks about finally being free (hint hint) and introduced a new sound for the group with the more retro style of the choreo, sound, and performances.
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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god made men and then sent park jihoon as an apology [x]
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
8 + 10 for kiki ‼️‼️‼️
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“hi guys. how are you guys today? did you guys eat yet?” he’s carefully putting together a lego set in front of the screen, occasionally glancing up to read the comments and smiling at what all the fans have to say. “i had tteokbokki with dongminnie earlier it was really good. i thought i’d come on here with you guys for a little bit while i build my legos from yuyeonie.”
is there any rumor netizens made up abt u or ur group that actually made u laugh out loud? is there a rumor that genuinely offended u? he glances up at the screen again, reading the question. “hmm, a funny rumor? maybe not like super funny but one that made me laugh a little was that people assume we’re not close with the loosemble and artms girls, especially after we all left bbc. we were always very close with them, they’re like our big sisters really, they took a lot of care of us, they looked out a lot.”
“um one that offended me? maybe that dongminnie (leo) was getting bullied by us? i know that people like to make things up just to do it….but i guess it made me really like insecure about what kind of leader i was that people would think that our maknae was being bullied. but the other members helped me feel better about it.”
do u like the music and concept that ur group is pursuing? if not, what would u change it to if u could? “i think considering that we make the music…most of the group likes the music and concept…i hope?” he trails off, getting distracted by a harder part of the lego set. “i think our eclipse concept is really like fun because we can do bright concepts for the solar eclipses and darker concepts of the lunar eclipses and that’s really fun and its easier to like…stay um what’s the word…engaged? yeah engaged, it’s easier for us to not get bored because the concept is so versatile.”
tysm for asking! find the game here!
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
6 + 7 for romie pls <3
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saerom runs from somewhere off screen and jumps in front of the screen. he giggles, proud of himself as he grabs the ipad and brings it to his face and scrolling. “did i scare you guys? i’m so scary actually i know i scared you guys so bad it’s okay you can admit it. it’s okay to be scared because i’ll always protect you guys.”
“anywaysss now that you’re not so scared and you calmed down. i have more questions! i’m the best question answerer ever so no wonder you guys keep asking 💁‍♂️.”
is there something u think sets u apart from other idols in the industry? “just one thing? i have so many things that set me apart guys! obviously my face, duh. my rapping and singing. i used to play soccer so like not a lot of idols do that. i have the BEST members so that also counts. there’s so many things guys you could probably write a list so easily because i’m just that special. like a gem.”
how much do u look urself up online, if at all? “honestly i don’t really look myself up as much as you guys just make a lot of stuff you want me to see. like i get sent so many edits of me and the members i always wake up in the morning and see what you guys send.” he goes onto his phone, searching for something before propping up the ipad and pointing his phone at the screen. “like this edit! apparently this is like THE saerom edit like it had so many views it’s so cool! i really like seeing what you guys think about me, i don’t even have to search it up anymore it just shows up in my face.”
tysm for asking! find the game here.
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
3 + 11 for romie!!
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tw: mentions of dieting and overworking.
saerom fumbles with the camera, knocking it completely off the table and catching it just before it hits the floor “oh shit! i mean. um….i mean. anyways.” he manages to get it set up correctly with kitae’s assistance before smiling again the camera as if nothing happened. “hey guys! how are you? i’m actually doing great!”
he scoots forward in his seat and tries to read the comments before putting on his glasses. “oh you had ramen! that sounds so good! make sure you guys all eat thats important and stuff cuz like food helps you grow and stay strong. oooohhhh a question!”
what's ur worst and best memory from ur trainee days? “best memory is a hundred percent whenever we would all go out to the convenience store after practice and eat ramen and like a shit ton, i mean a whole bunch of snacks. it was like secret so it was really fun sneaking out of the building. cuz like we were all on diets so we weren’t allowed to eat stuff like that. dieting is sooo hard oh my gosh! don’t do it guys it’s not worth it, i mean maybe but like, do it safely and healthy if you really need it you know?”
saerom brings the screen closer to his face and scrolls before he realizes he never finished the question. “oh! worst was probably like the actual training man that sucked. we used to practice for HOURS every single day and then like the food we were allowed to eat sucked. i hated that so much it was so annoying.
who is the groupmate u get along with the most? is there a member u dislike or are awkward with despite working together for a while? “i think i get along with all the members in different ways. like ki hyung he’s like a big teddy bear so i like to cuddle with him a lot. but yuyeonie i like to play pranks on him it’s so funny because he’s always like a beat behind. and leo i like learning languages with him, and like he’s just a little baby so i like to take care of him.”
saerom spins around in his chair as he talks, counting on his fingers as he lists off each member. “you know what i mean? like i think everyone’s close with everyone especially like since like we had to stick together while we were training.”
tysm for asking! find the game here!
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
⠀⠀☆⠀⠀ask game ; idol career ver.
have u always wanted to become an idol? if not, did u have a "revelation moment" that made u want to be one?
were ur family and friends supportive of ur chosen career path?
what's ur worst and best memory from ur trainee days?
is there anything u regret abt ur trainee days?
if u could restart ur career completely, would u still choose to become an idol?
is there something u think sets u apart from other idols in the industry?
how much do u look urself up online, if at all?
is there any rumor netizens made up abt u or ur group that actually made u laugh out loud? is there a rumor that genuinely offended u?
would u be ur own group's fan? why or why not?
do u like the music and concept that ur group is pursuing? if not, what would u change it to if u could?
who is the groupmate u get along with the most? is there a member u dislike or are awkward with despite working together for a while?
was there ever a time when ur group nearly disbanded? an issue between members or maybe a company decision... what led to it?
given the chance to re-debut, would u choose to be a part of a group or become a soloist?
if u had to put urself in a new group with idols of ur choice, which idols would u want to team up with? is there any existing group u would want to join?
if u could predict ur life after disbandment do u think that u would still work in the industry? or would u rather go for a quiet life far away?
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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we are so young and free !
ECLIPSE made their debut as a brother group to loona on march 20th, 2022 with their debut album BIG BANG with the title track GIVE AND TAKE. they would leave bbc shortly after loona did in 2023 and would be taken under flowerbank entertainment shortly thereafter where they would have their redebut with the single KICK IT 4 NOW. the groups consists of kitae, saerom, yuyeon, and leo.
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kitae was born on february 14th, 2000 to parents who were definitely on the older side. his parents were sixty, and already had kids in their fourties by the time they realized his mom was pregnant with him. he began training at 13 years old mostly because he’s such an anxious person. he figured his parents may not be with him for as long as they were for his siblings and he needed to find a way to get a job.
he started training at angelico entertainment and would train for two years before appearing on the survival show the new wave, he would not make the final lineup, but would train there for another two years before going to blockberry creative where he would train until his debut in eclipse in 2023.
BIRTH NAME — min kitae.
STAGE NAME — kitae.
BIRTHDAY — february 14th, 2000.
STAR SIGNS — aquarius. dragon.
POSITIONS — main vocalist, lead dancer, visual, leader.
FACE CLAIM — park jihoon.
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saerom was born on october 25th, 2001 and was raised primarily by his uncle due to how busy his parents were constantly. despite not being home to help with things like homework, saerom’s parents always made sure to make a way to make it to his soccer games whenever they could. and he was amazing at soccer, his whole town thought he would go on to be a professional.
when saerom was 15 he got into an accident and ended up hurting his knee badly, badly enough to the point that he had to give up on soccer. but while he was recovering, he found his love for music. he decided to practice his skills and once his knee got better enough, he auditioned for blockberry in 2019.
BIRTH NAME — park saerom.
STAGE NAME — saerom.
BIRTHDAY — october 25th, 2001.
STAR SIGNS — scorpio. snake.
POSITIONS — main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist, fotg.
FACE CLAIM — kim sunwoo.
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yuyeon was born on april 3rd, 2002 in the middle of NOWHERE. his parents were literally driving around because his mom was bored and they got lost, next thing they knew yuyeon was coming. it’s probably why he has no sense of direction now, and he’s always lost both literally and figuratively. his parents were crazy and always encouraged his ideas and it’s why he was always expressing himself.
when he wanted to become an idol his parents were immediately on board, they literally walked with yuyeon holding hands and let him choose blockberry because it was the closest to their house and he’d be less likely to get lost getting there every day.
BIRTH NAME — lee yuyeon.
STAGE NAME — yuyeon.
BIRTHDAY — april 3rd, 2002.
STAR SIGNS — aries. horse.
POSITIONS — lead vocalist, sub rapper, visual.
FACE CLAIM — song eunseok.
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leo was born on august 1st, 2003 to parents who loved to travel. because of this love for traveling, leo spent a lot of his life moving from country to country and learning languages and languages. it was honestly kind of lonely not keeping friends because his parents would get bored and just emigrate somewhere else, but he made do.
he actually auditioned for blockberry on accident. he didn’t know korean well and he was scouted while visiting south korea before he officially moved back there. a scout had asked him to sign up and he agreed because he was confused, when he made it to actual auditions he was still very confused but auditioned anyways and started training.
BIRTH NAME — kam dongmin.
BIRTHDAY — august 1st, 2003.
STAR SIGNS — leopard. goat.
POSITIONS — main rapper, lead vocalist, center, maknae.
FACE CLAIM — sim jaeyun.
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tctaleclipse · 8 months
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LOADING . . . #ECLIPSE : baby, finally i feel like i can be me › a fictional four member boy group. supposed to be a part of the loonaverse and had just barely debuted before they left bbc. made by leah! connected to @nayeverse and @blvckveil !
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MIN KITAE. 2000. main vocalist. lead dancer. visual.
PARK SAEROM. 2001. main dancer. lead rapper. sub vocal. fotg.
LEE YUYEON. 2002. lead vocalist. sub rapper. visual.
LEO KAM. 2003. main rapper. lead vocalist. center.
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