tea-academy · 2 hours
Who is worse
Neil Gaiman (rapist)
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tea-academy · 16 hours
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Im sorry but trans rights being your go-to issue we need to fix immediately in a country that's bombing the middle east on a regular basis, where you have to enter into a lifetime of debt just to go to university or the hospital, where black people are living in poverty and being legally murdered by cops and in the prison system, and where thousands of women dont have access to abortion, is fucking crazy to me 😭😭😭
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tea-academy · 1 day
Chappel Roan dedicating her win to drag queens and them continuously mocking and degrading her in the most misogynistic ways possible is proof appealing to the male ego is an endless black hole that you should never throw yourself into … now they are attacking her for “stealing/ appropriating from them.”
How are you gonna make impersonating and mocking women your whole career and accuse US of being appropriators?
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tea-academy · 1 day
Idk I think Job's wife really went off when she told him to curse God and die. It's interesting how there's no oxygen for her suffering in the narrative. She lost her children too. She lost her home too. Her health was taken from her too. Everything she had was stripped away by God. And yet there's no compassion for her. Not in the narrative nor in the commentaries or the sermons. She isn't even named.
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tea-academy · 2 days
i do genuinely think  I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out. should be like. required reading for anyone trying to make claims about gender politics.
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tea-academy · 3 days
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I will never understand why it's considered transphobic and bigoted to share stories of detransitioners.
They're the ones who went through the so-called "gender-affirming care" and are now suffering the irreversible side effects that have made them medical patients for life.
And one of the reasons why some of them are sharing their stories is because they don't want another kid who is struggling with their gender identity to go through what they did.
They deserve better care.
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tea-academy · 5 days
Why do males think they are special for opening jars or changing a tire? lol I literally saw some male say “Every woman is a feminist until she has to open a jar” i can do that easily myself and if not there are tricks!
It's not literally about jars and tires. It's simply a code for "I am stronger than you". Men think they are better because they are physically stronger, and see women as inept, clumsy, childlike and unable to do anything by themselves.
Add to that the fact that pretty much every object in the world is produced using men as the standard for ergonomy and usability, which does make day to day life harder for women, and they think it's funny to see us struggle.
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tea-academy · 6 days
lol. Her book sales remain consistently high enough to entirely fund her female-only shelter, the game was a huge success and has announced a sequel, and they’re building a new theme park in Florida. There’s no need for her to win anyone back because the majority of her base either agrees with her or doesn’t spend their time terminally online.
The Harry Potter reboot series should have a trans actor as one of the main three. JK Rowling's recent comments have been controversial at BEST, and it became apparent how much it really affected her fan base when the game turned out to be a huge flop. Her world is built on the idea that anyone can find a place where they belong as long as they fight against oppression for the freedom to be who they are, and that's a message that resonates especially with members of the LGBTQ+ community. So, after her transphobic posts also shed light on some of the other questionable themes in her writing, Harry Potter lost a huge portion of its fan base. The best way to get it back? A peace offering in the form of supporting trans actors in the show. An offering that will serve as a promise of redemption. I rest my case.
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tea-academy · 7 days
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This is so fucking funny.
“I think men are the highest form of womanhood 🥺”
“Can I ask why?”
“You are baiting me!! You are responding to me too quickly so you are baiting me!! The terfsesses are amogus”
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tea-academy · 7 days
You just KNOW if the serpent told Adam to eat the apple instead of Eve men would go on and on about basic human nature and reverse psychology and “like you wouldn’t” and “cmon, the serpent is really to blame, Adam is a victim! He’s just a boy! Like you wouldn’t do whatever a magic talking serpent tells you to do 🙄”
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tea-academy · 7 days
men's idea of protection is performative, not substantive. most men insist they're good and protective because they act territorial over us in public or toward other men (it's never really about us) when in reality, they'd actually protect us by holding other men accountable and reporting their sex-offending friends.
but they don't. and i think it's because most of them are complicit in the same crimes. telling on their friends is telling on themselves.
so all they can do is yap and perform in public to placate their guilt until their conscience rots inside them completely and they slowly deteriorate into being more abusive, more entitled, more predatory, making every guy in their cycle even worse over time.
men are not protectors. they are a public safety issue.
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tea-academy · 7 days
Your daughters do not exist to give you grandchildren
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tea-academy · 7 days
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ok lemme fix this b/c once again, it’s clear that these people have never come into contact w/anyone gender-critical and actually listened
gender-critical feminist: we are here to abolish gender
anti-’terf’ individual: oh, so we won’t use gendered pronouns anymore?
gender-critical feminist: changing your pronouns doesn’t change the way you’re treated if you’re female (afab). this is missing the point, also, many of us will respect pronouns. many radical and lesbian feminists are detransitioned or in the process of re-identifying and are using/have used he or they pronouns.
anti-’terf’ individual: gendered clothing?
gender-critical feminist: regardless of sex, people should be able to wear whatever they want, especially comfortable and practical clothing. many of us are gnc or butch. we are highly critical of the makeup/beauty industry and femininity being forced on girls. we don’t believe in ‘lipstick strong enough to kill a man.’ we think clothes are clothes and a boy who wants to wear dresses is not a girl.
anti-’terf’ individual: segregated bathrooms?
gender-critical feminist: segregated bathrooms were created to give afab women protection from the sexual harassment and violence of amab men. trans women are amab and are still male-socialized and many even have male anatomy still. 
female bathrooms are not a refuge for everyone who suffers from male harassment and violence. they are for females. should we let gnc gay men into our bathrooms, too? fat men? how do we distinguish between a man and a male-passing trans woman who identifies as a woman on the inside? females have the right to safe spaces in their restrooms. 
many of us consider single-stall gender-neutral bathrooms a good addition to male and female bathrooms (not a replacement).
anti-’terf’ individual: So, we’re going to do something about the gender binary, yes? We’re going to attack the idea that gender is intrinsically linked to one’s anatomy, and we’re going to boost the visibility of trans and intersex people, who face the most violence consequences of the sex and gender binaries–yes?
gender-critical feminist: oh, you’re so close to the point! the gender binary is not the source of violence, though. gender itself is. 
gender is a set of expectations and rules forced on people due to their sex. afab people suffer far worse consequences from this than men, although we also have sympathy for gnc and transitioned males who suffer under patriarchy. we want to end the idea that one’s personality, interests, sense of style, etc all come as a package with one’s anatomy. 
we want to end the idea that females are made for male consumption and males should chase females. we oppose and critique male and female socialization and we want children to be raised in a gender-neutral manner. 
as for intersex individuals, there are many intersex radical and lesbian feminists and many of us are striving to become more aware of intersex issues. the abuse intersex people suffer at the hands of the medical industry often stems from violent reinforcement of heterosexuality (e.g surgery to allow penetration) or ableism (fixing ‘abnormal’ bodies even when it’s not medically necessary). 
there are actually only two sexes and intersex conditions are just naturally-occurring (though often non-functional, as they lead to infertility) variations on male and female.
anti-’terf’ individual: Then what are you going to do, exactly? What is your plan? How are you going to accomplish this?
gender-critical feminist: if you acquaint yourself with our actual theory and practice and not just straw-women, maybe you’d understand that. anti-’terf’ individual: how?
gender-critical feminist: read a book. listen to a woman. stop misrepresenting us, burn-the-witch-ing us, and excluding us from our own feminist and lesbian communities because you can’t comprehend centering females.
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tea-academy · 7 days
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tea-academy · 7 days
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tea-academy · 8 days
I have no empathy for the women who regret dogpiling amber heard bc they couldn’t convince me for a second that Depp didn’t do all of that. None of that misinformation campaign had any effect on me. You have to have a deeply misogynistic streak to have found any kind of validity or humor in that.
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tea-academy · 10 days
in case anyone was wondering what these so called lonely men have to offer the women whose companionship they need so desperately
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