tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
“My harp session turned into a Disney movie”
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
Wisdom from Uncle Iroh
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It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale.
Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.
Many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine light on them.
There are reasons each of us are born. We have to find those reasons.
Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.
While it is always best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others can be a great blessing.
Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place.
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There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.
There’s nothing wrong with a life of peace. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life, and why.
Protection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love.
Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.
You have light and peace inside of you. If you let it out, you can change the world around you.
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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"Hey so it turns out that the people of earth accidentally did a global experiment to see if every individual could course correct climate change through mass personal change of habits, and it turns out, no! We can't! It was massive corporate activity all along!"
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
One of the striking things about math education for me is that most of the common objections to how the material is taught have really simple answers, but I have never in my life heard a math instructor provide those answers.
For example, something you hear a lot is: “why am I losing points for not showing my work when I got the correct answer?”, or even “why are we being told to use this procedure at all when the answers are so obvious?”.
There answer to both of those questions, of course, is: “Because what’s actually being taught is a problem-solving method that works for big and complicated problems as well as small and simple ones. We practice it with the simple ones first so that you can easily compare your intuitive solution with the results of applying the method and know whether you did it right. That way, when we get to the complicated ones where the intuitive approach doesn’t work, you can have confidence that you practised the method correctly.”
Not once in two decades of schooling did I hear that rationale offered – if an instructor deigned to address the objections at all, their response typically boiled down to some variation of “because this is how it’s done”.
Like, what’s difficult about this?
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
i understand why old people sit outside just to sit outside
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
I have 13 cats and none of them would do this
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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Hoping for some more rain
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
why is it that whenever I am disillusioned with the world I go back to the epic of Gilgamesh
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“It is the story of their becoming human together.”
This is it. This is the oldest written literary work that we know of, and it’s a story of becoming human together.
This is a story about love, and it’s a story about death, and we told this story thousands of years ago, THOUSANDS of years. We have always, always, always been wrestling with this profoundly beautiful existence and with knowing one another, while knowing that we all will die and be forgotten.
We become human by loving, but we also become human by knowing death.
And I’m just sitting here touching other human beings, another human experience, from across millennia, feeling a bit more human too through it, and I am trying very hard not to cry.
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tea-and-galaxies · 4 years
rb this with ur opinion on this shade of pink:
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tea-and-galaxies · 5 years
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I did some drawings on my ipad using the goodnotes app and referencing google images.
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tea-and-galaxies · 5 years
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Who could have possibly foreseen that organizing the entire service economy around low-wage workers without sick leave or reliable access to a doctor might someday backfire. 
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