teabri · 2 years
Hi it's me I haven't fallen of the face of the earth don't fall on the floor in shock I'm posting again!
A lot has happened since I last posted from a new puppy in training to a partner who got my highschool diploma for me. Argos and I are continuing to enjoy discovering our new partnership. It's getting stronger as we work together. The new chapter has begun as we look forward to many adventures. My journey took me to Longleaf Elementary where I enjoy cruising around the halls and say hello to all the teachers and all my new friends I meet along the way. Another amazing thing happened my crazy goofball partner is back. We're setting the stage for funny adventures. You never know what we will be doing? If you drive by your likely to see us dancing in the yard. When we're not doing that we're laughing our way through an exercise routine. When we're out in the community who knows what will happen! Watch out world here we come. I'm even more thankful for her and all the people who help me and support me especially my Mom. Most of you know who read my blogs know that my journey hasn't been easy. My journey has taken some more twists and turns. I have a few surgeries coming up in the hope that it will relieve pain in my hips. Thank you to all the people who read my blogs you always support me . You are always on my mind because I know you stand behind me 100 percent! At this point I'd like to do a special shout out to the people in the community of the Blue Wahoos. I love the staff . As many of you may not know I have a confidence issue and the Blue Wahoo community and it's fans have helped me immensely with this issue. If confidence ever becomes an issue all I have to do is think of the Blue Wahoos and the fans and my confidence comes back. Due to my hip issues I won't be able to volunteer this season . I want my Blue Wahoos community and fans that support me to know I'll be there in spirit. Thank you for all you've done for me.
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teabri · 4 years
Life Update
Well...I wasn’t sure what I should write for this blog post. I know it has been a while since my last post. To sound not like a broken record I was trying to come up with something different for my inspirational posts. I couldn’t come up with anything other than what I have said in my past messages. So I have decided to give you all an update about what has been happening in my life.
Where should I begin? It has been crazy in my head and my life. First, as many of you know, I got a new partner named Argos aka The Service Dog Prince. Secondly, I have been working to get to know him and letting him become my new partner. We have been working to build our bond as a partnership. This means lots of treats and giving lots of love on my part. Next, I have been dealing with my crazy body and the pain that’s come with it. My meditation tapes have come to the rescue. They have truly been a lifeline during this time. Next, I have been taking this time at home to make myself stronger, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to exercise. Also, I have been continuing to work with my different types of technology. I have been using Siri to text, and thankfully she can “mostly” understand me.
I have recently been on a search for a better dictation app that will better recognize my voice. My goal is to be a great published writer. My head is constantly brimming with new stories. Have you ever tried to work with any dictation apps in your daily life? When you have difficulty trying to pronounce certain things, try making a computer understand you. You will have a front seat to a comedy show!!! Currently, the search is still on, I am open to any suggestions.
All of you will hear from Argos and me about the great things in the future! Even if it is more motivation or more stories on this blog. I look forward to what is coming in the future, whatever those things may be!
#teabri #lifeupdate #princeargos #future
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teabri · 4 years
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It’s a brother! Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduce Prince Argos! @puppiestopsych @teabri02 @jjc.teabri @ccicanine #cci #ccicanine #caninecompanionsforindependence #canine #service #servicedog #servicedogsofinstagram #servicedogqueen #Argos #Babette #queen #goargos #successor #success #congrats #congratsgrad #grad2020🎓 #graduation2020 #ccipuppy #dogsofinstagram #dogs #doglife #dogsofinsta #doglovers #dogsmile #servicedoglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6T0BUA3bI/?igshid=ow9a0jgbw5s8
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teabri · 4 years
Superman and Batman are not the only heroes in this world. We all have our heroes we look up to. For some people it might be someone in their own family, a celebrity, or a person who makes a daily impact. However, you don’t have to wait for a hero to come to inspire you. All it takes is one small act of your own, like simply giving someone encouragement. It can inspire others and continue the ripple effect of positivity. You can be your own hero or a hero for someone else. The ripple effect you begin can change the world.
#teabri #inspirational #heroes #positivity
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teabri · 4 years
Babette’s Break from the Blue Vest
One day Babette the Service Dog Queen was playing with her favorite toy. She glanced up and noticed something in her backyard. “You have got to be kidding me.” She muttered to herself. The two love birds, aka the Capital of Love City, the Leaders of All Things Love were coming to her back door.
If that wasn’t bad enough, the biggest goofball in the history of the Service Dog Universe had joined them, Yankee. He didn’t pass Service Dog School to say the least, Babette thought to herself while she shook her head. “Him and Milly together in the same room—This is going to be fun, I hope my people have stocked up on dog treats.” She spoke to herself. She braced herself for a very challenging and exhausting day.
They all burst into the room. Milly and Chappie came in side by side, holding paws. Yankee, as usual, came in lagging behind.
“Hey Babette, what is the Service Dog Queen up to these days?” Yankee asked.
“Oh nothing, just playing with my toy.” Babette responded.
“I’m glad to see you’re relaxing.” Yankee said.
Babette rolled her eyes and turned away from Yankee. “Even the Queen can relax.” She responded. She turned until she saw Milly and Chappie, who were as usual, all over each other.
She walked over and got in between them. “Alright, affection time is over.” Babette started. “How is the ‘visit’ command coming along?” Babette asked Chappie.
“Can’t a puppy have a break around here?” Chappie asked. “I’m working on it!” Chappie knew ‘visit’ was his latest command.
“Can’t a puppy just have some fun?” Milly asked.
“Not with Her Majesty around.” Yankee retorted, while standing behind Babette.
“She likes perfection. Blue is the least she’ll accept.”
The puppies laughed in unison. They knew a blue vest was the symbol of graduation from service dog school.
“Hahaha...” Babette said. “The blue vest is symbol of importance.”
“Hey, how many times have you given them that silly lecture already?” Yankee cut in. “Lighten up Babette, aren’t you suppose to be retired or something?”
“A true service dog never quits.” Babette responded.
“Hey Milly want to play a fun game?” Yankee asked.
“Yes!” Milly responded running over to meet Yankee. They started to run into the living room.
“No fun games.” Babette shouted, knowing any game of Yankee’s meant trouble.
Ignoring Babette’s request, Milly followed Yankee into the living room. “Catch me if you can.” Milly said to Yankee as she began to run around the room. Chappie followed, and soon they were all running around the living room like a whirlwind.
“This is chaos.” Babette said. Right before she got swept up into it herself.
“Hey Milly.” Yankee started. “Do you want a lesson in Counter Surface 101. I can show you how to get the best dog treats.”
“Oh Milly, you are always the best at that. Wait for me, I want to see the show.” Chappie chimed in.
In the middle of this, the diva queen herself was debating whether or not to flee the situation and get extra dog treats or try to put a leash on the chaos. She was extremely leaning towards the former. She was wondering if any of the humans had any peanut butter they were willing to give her.
However, she decided to kick herself out of the peanut butter fantasy. She knew a service dog was to never abandoned a situation when it got tough.
“Alright, everybody settle down. We are about to play a new game called: Who can Settle Down the Quickest. Plus whoever settles down in a second of a tail wag will get to avoid my next training lesson. It’s going to be a difficult one so it would be nice to have a break. Yankee, don’t you dare try anything to stir them up. You enjoyed the parties in college to say the least.” Babette sighed shaking her head.
Milly seeing a chance to avoid another lesson by Ms. Perfect, jumped right into the game. Milly came to a show stopping sit before Babette could even finish. Chappie not trying to be out down by his girlfriend; followed just behind Milly with a sit of his own, becoming perfectly still. Yankee lagged in last, sitting slowly. He had no need for a break from Babette’s teaching antics.
Before Babette could even get started, Yankee snarkily started for her, “Ladies and gentleman, it is time for another world famous lecture from Her Majesty.”
“Yeah, world famous is more like long and boring.” Milly responded.
“Yeah.” Chappie agreed.
“If all of you would just stop yapping for one second, I will keep this short and sweet.” Babette said.
“I know training can be hard, long, and boring sometimes. However, once you find what you were meant to do, it will all seem worth it. Whether it is wearing blue or not wearing blue you can always put a smile on someone’s face. It isn’t always about perfection, even though I strive for it, as you all well know. Sometimes it is just about making people happy.” Babette said honestly.
“After all it is Chappie’s Birthday today.” Milly added in.
All the dogs laughed.
“Everybody let’s go out and make people happy.” Babette said excitedly.
All the dogs went outside to enjoy the sunshine and Chappie’s Birthday.
Photocred: @Brittneynichole
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teabri · 4 years
Picture Day
Babette was resting in the sunshine. Ahh what a beautiful summer day, she thought. All the sudden she heard a noise. Oh great she thought to herself, do I have to work with the Capital of Love [aka Milly and Chappie],fabulous. Babette barely had time to think before the love birds themselves came running past her.
“What’s the best hiding spot?” Chappie asked Milly.
“I’ll hide you from my person, only if you hide me from your person.” Milly said to Chappie.
“I will, just hide me please!” Chappie said panicked.
“Right around the corner.” Milly responded.
“Hold it you two.” Babette spoke sternly. Oh yikes this is going to be a long day Babette thought to herself, so much for my relaxing day in the sun.
“I better get extra dog treats for teaching the two of you. What is going on? What has your two tails in a bunch?” Babette asked.
The dogs spoke so fast that Babette couldn’t catch up.
“My person’s got that goofy thing out.” Milly said.
“I don’t want to look silly.” Chappie said at the same time.
“Quiet, one at a time please.” Babette interrupted them.
The puppies both stopped and looked at Babette, they knew they shouldn’t do anything to get her tail in a bunch. Otherwise there would be extra lessons. The puppies knew they had to handle this cautiously or the diva service dog queen would be on them. The puppies decided to take a breath and start over.
Babette started, “Okay one of you at a time, let’s get this over with. Milly, why don’t you go first since you are the queen of all drama.”
Milly rolled her eyes at the nickname. “Another nickname I have a thousand of those already...” she muttered to herself.
“Milly.” Babette repeated, already getting annoyed.
“Sorry.” said Milly. “My person has that goofy board out, which means we will have to play dress up again.” sighed Milly. “Yippee.” she said sarcastically.
“I wonder what kind of torturous or goofball stuff we will have to put on.” Milly said.
“Yah.” said Chappie. “Milly’s person has been gone for a while looking for stuff, usually the longer it takes the more torturous it is.”
“Okay, Okay.” Babette said. “Do you two realize it is a training exercise?”
The two puppies sighed, of course that was the first thing on Miss Diva’s mind.
“Chappie, don’t you realize this helps your person?” Babette asked.
“Yah don’t remind me, I know there is a lot of pressure on me.” Chappie responded.
“Yah, yah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada . A service puppy’s job is to help their person.” Milly responded. “But how is dressing up and looking like two clowns going to help our people.”
“Yah I know how those costumes can be a pain in the tail, I had a person that dressed me up once upon a time.” Babette said looking at the puppies.
The two puppies then stared at each other, “Really?” They asked in unison.
“Yes.” Babette said, “and those costumes back then were a real pain. However, a service dog’s most priceless possession is their ability to give their people smiles and love. Do you know what gives them that?” Babette asked.
The puppies shook their heads in wonder.
“These photos they take when you’re dressed up give them smiles, love, and joy. And the best part is if you hurry up you can get the treat fast.”
“But we look silly.” Milly said, “those costumes are a pain to put on and be in.”
“Yah.” Chappie agreed. “Those costumes are annoying.”
“If you too love monsters would just hurry up and get into the correct position they want, it would go by as fast as a dog tail wag. You two need to stop chasing your tail and get the job done. The biggest motivation should be the dog treat and love you’ll get when you do it right!” Babette coached seriously.
The puppies looked at Babette in a more serious manner. They wanted to make dressing up as quick and painless as possible.
“When you see the smile on your person’s face, it will be worth all the goofiness and hassle it takes to get those costumes on.” Babette said.
The puppies looked at each other. They couldn’t wait to see a smile on their puppy raiser’s faces. They hurried off to get the picture done. After all a couple silly costumes aren’t that bad.
#teabri #servicedogqueen #funnydogstories #chilly #dressup
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teabri · 4 years
Growing Potential
This is a great time to figure out who you are as a person. Yes, some of you may already be saying that you know who you are, but trust me when I say there is always more to learn about yourself. There might even be more passions or goals that you can discover and work on. How do you find these goals or passions? It’s simple.
Take five minutes each day, and review your story in your head. You have to take time to review what has happened in your life; your story can tell you a lot about yourself. In this time of self reflection think about previous interests or topics you never fully developed. During these five minutes try to unlock any hidden doors. They can help you fulfill your potential. Once you unlock the doors in your mind, you will feel a whole new energy. This can take you on your journey to fulfill your potential. When you explore new passions, it helps mold you as an individual.
My suggestion to everyone is go along the ride and start working on those goals and passions head on. They can make you into who you are meant to be.
#teabri #inspirational #whoyouare #potential #beyourself
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teabri · 5 years
Babette and the New Chicks
One Day Babette the Service Dog Queen, was enjoying an early spring afternoon when she heard a sound that made her tail wag. She heard a familiar “chirp chirp chirp” or might she say it sound like a “peep peep peep”. The seasons are definitely changing she thought to herself, she knew what that sound meant. She gathered around her people, as they got the baby chicks out of the carrier. This is so much fun Babette thought.
The little chickens were so tiny. As a matter of fact they were so small that they could almost be mistaken for toys. However, Babette knew that these sweet babies weren’t toys.
Before she knew it, the humans had the chicks settled into their new cardboard box home. As her humans stepped away she approached the box to watch the little creatures. She stood there and admired them for a moment.
Milly burst into room with her usual excitement. Babette rolled her eyes and thought about Milly’s usual nicknames. None of which fit the situation. This is going to be an interesting day she thought to herself, #disastrous.
“Okay” Babette said as she left the chicks to meet Milly at the door. She knew she needed to cover some things before Category 5 Hurricane Milly got out of control.
“We have a lot to cover.” Babette started, but before she could go any further, she could see the storm brewing behind Milly’s eyes.
“What’s that sound?” Asked Milly.
“It’s part of your training.” Babette responded. “You need to listen to me very carefully....Milly.....Hello Milly.....is anybody home??? Milly come on answer me.” It was too late, Babette had lost the attention of hurricane Milly.
So much for a little bit of instruction before she met the new members of the family, Babette thought to herself. Milly took off after the sound, running towards the box.
Okay I guess we will be doing this as we go, Babette thought to herself. Wonderful.
Babette hurried to catch up with Milly as she charged towards the sound. Milly stopped next to the box. “What is it?? What is it?? Is it a new game?” Milly asked excitedly.
“Yes it is a new game.” Babette responded sarcastically. “It’s called keep calm, and keep your tail and paws inside the vehicle at all times.” Babette responded.
Milly responded in protest, “They look like a fun game, and look they even move around.”
“Yes they do move around, “ Babette said, “But these are not your bark box toys, they are very fragile. Which means you could hurt them in less than two seconds if your not careful.”
“Then how am I suppose to play with them?” Milly asked.
“You don’t play with them, you just watch them. Like this.” Babette said, sitting down next to the box peering in.”
“Is this my training exercise? Watching toys I can’t even play with?Boring.” Milly responded.
“Milly for the love of dogs, they are not toys, they are animals. They are not meant to be played with.” Babette responded quickly.
“Well I’ve never seen an animal shaped like a toy before.” Milly said.
“They are many different types of animals Milly. They come in all different shapes and sizes.” Babette said softly, watching over the chicks hop around in their box. “But no matter what size they come in, we can all be friends.”
Milly joined Babette at the box, watching her new chick friends hop around. As she watched them, she new they were going to be great friends and a wonder addition to the family.
#teabri #babettetheservicedogqueen #chick #chicks #familyaddition #spring
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teabri · 5 years
Blog: Fighting Fear What’s is fear? Fear is a thing that engulfs you, and can sometimes feel like a monster on your back or chasing you down, like a villain in a story. You are here to learn from that monster. The monsters are able to teach you something. These challenging events or even thinking about the past may be all it takes to trigger that monster to come back again. Fear can be triggered by anything. However, if you listen to the sound of the heart inside of the monster and remember you have control of your fear. I have experiences that I have lived myself. Whatever is going on, you have the power to control how you react and how you feel. Fear doesn’t have to feel like a monster. Fear can be your greatest and most power fuel of all time. No matter how crazy or scary events may get, just remember that you can turn you fear into the wind that’s blowing you on the greatest path. You decide what you will do with that thing called fear. Whether you chose fear to be a Disney villain chasing you or monster from a horror movie, fear is a part of your story. My suggestion is that you turn around and fight that fear head on. Trust me when I say that fear can be your greatest empowerment when used correctly. Don’t ever let fear hold you back. If you can dream it you can do it!
#teabri #inspirational #fear #overcoming
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teabri · 5 years
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Our Mission
One day, Babette the Service Dog Queen was playing with her toys and she heard a noise. Oh it must be the two love birds I hear? Babette thought to herself.
“Oh yikes, #chilly how about #PainInTheDogTail” Babette muttered to herself. As the two dogs, Milly and Chappie came into the room Babette looked over them. She thought to herself that Chappie was rather slow and easy going like Eeyore. He would rather be sleeping, he could sleep the day away. Milly, on the other paw, Babette drew a blank, how could she describe The Dog Wonder that was Milly, there are truly no words. All she could come up with is “Oh Millllly.’” She is her own kind of special.
“Milly and Chappie, sit and stop touching paws for one second! We have work to do.” Babette said. The dogs stopped and looked to Babette.
“Alright, Alright. Who is struggling with what?” Babette asked. “Milly you might as well give me your list now” Babette sighed.
“What? Who? Me?” Milly exclaimed. “I don’t have a list at all.” she said. “For some reason, my humans have a love obsession with the spray bottle.” Milly said calmly.
Chappie laughed and kissed her. “Oh Milly you are my favorite dog.” while Babette just let out a big sigh. “I can see this is pointless with the two of you.”
“Let’s move on to your commands. What we are going over today is the up command.”It’s Aunt Leanne’s favorite, just ask Spencer.
Milly interjected before Babette could finish, “Why are the humans obsessed with ‘up’, I’ve done like a thousand of those in the last few weeks.”
“If you have done a thousand of those, then you should know the steps” Babette said.
“The two front paws are up on a surface and the two bottom paws don’t leave the ground under any circumstances.” Milly said.
“Very good.” Babette said, seemingly shocked that Milly knew.
“Yeah at this point I could do a perfect up in my sleep.” Milly stated back.
At this point Chappie butted in, “Why is it always perfection with our people? It’s always this command and that command and it has to be perfect.”
“It’s easy for you to say.” Said Milly.
“All you do is sleep. I have this pressure. I feel like I have five-for-five tattooed on my forehead.”
Babette rolls her eyes and thinks to herself, “My perfect service puppy to service dog track record is about to go down the tube with Milly.”
“Will you lovebirds please calm down a second, you will each go on your own crazy journey to find your purpose. And whether it’s a service dog or a COC, you’re going to have some stumbles, but you will each find a person to love in the end.
“You both need to study hard for Service Dog School, if you don’t, you’ll flunk out right at the beginning.” “Milly, I’m looking at you.”
“Geez,” Babette groaned. “I need to go find my dog treats and get rid of this furry headache.”
The two puppies stare at each other, they couldn’t wait to begin tackling their mission head on. They would do it together, paw-in-paw.
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teabri · 5 years
The Book Within
Everybody needs to remember that each and everyone of us has our own book. And no I’m not thinking about the books we read, I’m referring to the book as in our lives, and the story we live. We all need to remember that we’re not in control of our story. Our job as people is to find the joy in every chapter. Figure out our mission, just like the climax in a book, we all have a mission. It’s not too late to fulfill our mission and yes “How do you know?” You may ask. What your mission is. You will know in your heart. And remember it’s never too late or too early to start your mission. And we may not know what our journey is, but if you unlock the doors deep inside yourself you will know, when and how to start that next chapter. And remember, nothing is ever too crazy. Be yourself is the number one rule.
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teabri · 5 years
Finding the Pot of Gold
Everyone knows the story of the leprechauns finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Well we’re all leprechauns because even the darkest of storm can produce the brightest rainbow which will produce the richest pot of gold. Let the storm guide you to that rainbow of joy which will lead you to your greatest riches.
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teabri · 5 years
How to Find Your Magic
Finding the magic can happen when you look deep inside yourself and realize who you truly are. You can let that guide your story. When you do this you will realize what your story is and what you were meant to do. When you let your heart guide you and it feels like a gust of wind is blowing you towards something, and the direction will amaze you. It will feel like magic and no matter how depressed you are don’t take it out on others or yourself. Finding the magic is easy all it takes is one moment of you accepting yourself as you are. Even if what you think you like is strange, throw your whole heart into it and it will make your heart stronger. It will make you realize who you truly are. Only when you honestly accept yourself for who you are, and listen to your heart, you will soar to your greatest potential. Once you have completed all of the above fasten your seatbelts for a wild and crazy journey that will help you get through anything.
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teabri · 5 years
My Journey
My Journey
‘’ My fire Within ‘’
I’ve been really struggling on what to write for this blog. This inspirational message is from my heart and my own story. After some consideration, I decided to give you my back story on how I arrive to write these messages for my blogs.
This is my personal journey. I’m going to start from the very beginning so please bare with me. I feel that it’s necessary that I start there because I was not supposed to live for three minutes after birth. Fast forward to fourth grade, I became gravely ill and I continued to think something was wrong. My journey will lead my family and I to a hospital room in Mobile at Children’s Hospital.
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I continued to have this nagging feeling that something was wrong with my body. I guess some would say this “nagging feeling”was really my intuition telling me something big was going on in my body. I had no clue when we were driving to Mobile that my path would start there. After several weeks the Doctors finally came back with a diagnosis that was not the underlying cause but yet another message for another blog in the near future.
The reason why we ended up in Mobile was because the only hospital in Pensacola that would see me was Sacred Heart and they didn’t have the specialist that I needed, go figure! This is how we ended up with a specialist at Children’s Hospital in Mobile.
After the Doctors gave me the diagnosis I was at a loss emotionally, and thought to myself why me? I looked back to the very beginning, where I was not supposed to live three minutes, and knew there was a reason I was going through all of this. At this point I decided to turn to God but was a little bit confused as how to pray! I told God; “ Ok, I don’t how to pray so please be patient with me. This was the beginning of what led to the messages you are now reading in my blogs.
Hop on the crazy train with me please, and let’s zoom to eighth grade where the story becomes even crazier than it all ready is.
My body had become very worn out at this point,where I couldn’t do anything. I always had this disability but was always able to do more things. I once again got that familiar feeling that something huge was wrong. It got so bad that one day I was concerned for my family’s sake because I felt that I wasn’t going to be able to come back from this one, BUT I was determined I was not going to let my body beat me-and I was in a full out battle not to let my body win! One day My intuition was so unbelievably strong that I was truly concerned for my family. I even tried to prepare them for the absolute worst case scenario which was death. This didn’t work out to well for me but after the battle came to a head I was the victor!
As of this day I continue to fight this lovable, crazy circus that I call my body, and am determined to never give up. I will come out on top with my fire burning-spark brighter than it has ever been. I’m determined to have fun no matter which direction my battle is going.
I will come out on top smiling, and never to let my body win!
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teabri · 5 years
Babette The Service Dog Queen and The Puppies Happy Halloween
The day before Halloween, the service dog puppies came over to Ashley and Babette’s house to discuss the big photo shoot.
Babette was coaching Ashley on what to do for the photo shoot. Suddenly, a storm of puppies came in through the door.
Oh, not again, Babette thought to herself. “Alright, alright, everyone sit please!”
“We’ve got a lot to cover before the shoot.”
“Here she goes again!” Karen told Argos.
“Do we have to listen to her?” They both said at the same time.
Babette said; “Okay everyone do you all know the plan for the upcoming photo shoot?”
All the puppies started talking over each other. “We don’t know the plan. We just know how silly we are going to look in these costumes. Where did these costumes come from? Did Karen’s mom bring these. I’m not wearing that. Who decided we needed to do this anyways?”
Babette sighed and shook her head. All the puppies took the hint before the Queen herself exploded all over them. They knew better than to push Babette.
Argos mumbled how heavy the football helmet was. At least he got to represent the University with his costume. He was very excited about that because it showed off how handsome he was.
Lucky you, Karen said. My costume is silly. Ashley said, “I don’t know what you two are complaining about but I am a super hero. I am very excited about it! Because we all know I’m SUPER.”
Karen barked “Do these pants make my butt look big and what’s up with the crazy orange wig?”
Babette told the puppies their assignments and reminded them to be back early the next day dressed and ready.
The day had arrived and in came all the puppies like a tornado. Argos and Karen were still arguing about how long it took to get dressed. In sashayed Ashley laughing and playing. “Why do you look so happy,” Karen asked. “ I just am. I feel like I can fly. This cape is marvelous!” “Blah, blah, blah” Karen replied.
Babette came in wearing an annoyingly simple costume. “Why do you get to only wear that on your head?” Karen asked. “My person already knows what I like. Doesn’t this crown look fabulous? Besides, there is no telling what your person will want you all to wear in the future. This is just practice for them.”
Another argument erupted. “Hey, why do you have to be so happy?” Argos asked Ashley. “Because I love to dress up. Remember my fairy wings last year? Besides you could have been Darth Vader to Spencer’s Storm Trooper. At least you can breath in that helmet.” When is Chappie getting here. I heard he dressed up as a pirate.” “Is that why Milly looks like a treasure chest?” Argos said, “Oh, that’s what she is. I thought she was a jewelry box.” “You better not tell her that.”
Hey Indigo, “You shouldn’t be eating all those pink feathers. I am pretty sure you are supposed to wear them. The beak goes on your nose not your tail. What kind of Flamingo are you?” Asked Argos.
Babette was quick to step in and redirect the puppies. She asked them “ Don’t you want to know what all of this is about?” The puppies looked at each other and became silent.
“Smiles, laughter, fun and above all love. And don’t forget the Trick-or-Treat. Because we all know how much we love the Treats.”
Happy Halloween!
“Now places everyone”
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teabri · 5 years
A lot of people ask why me? I want to write this blog today to explain my own view on this. You may have read in my blogs about finding your power, or your spark, which are the same things. These words are what make you who you are. It’s your strength on the inside. In some cases depending on what you’re going through, that spark can seem like it’s going out. Like for instance in my case. My pain got so severe the other day that I was wondering, how am I going to handle this? You reflect on that moment. Maybe you had a panic attack and the stuff in your life was just getting to be to much that you questioned if you could even take it. I want everyone to realize you are the only person in the world that can handle it and still come out with your spark burning brighter. It’s ok to have these moments because if you allow yourself to let the moment go full circle, then you can tell yourself “Come on let’s do this, let’s get moving.” You will realize as you hit the reset switch that your spark has become brighter than it ever has before.
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teabri · 5 years
Moving a Mountain
Sometimes it can seem like there’s a mountain in your path that isn’t movable. I want anybody and everyone to know you can move that mountain. By using everything in your toolbox. Trust me, everyone who is going through something has a toolbox. It’s called experience. Use those tools to fuel your fire and make that mountain move. I understand it can be intimidating. But if you use all the things you’ve learned on your journey, and keep repeating your favorite stories or quotes in your head, I promise it will be life changing . Never forget to reach for the stars and be ready to rock it! Your future will be amazing!
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