teahoney-post · 2 years
Concerning the Twitter crash and burn, there's legit people encouraging others not to engage with creators trying to promote things so that Tumblr doesn't become commercialized, and I have to make something very clear:
A small creator who is encouraging people to interact with/share their stuff, trying to make their art/writing/etc known because they want a livable wage when they have NOWHERE ELSE they can turn to anymore and are trying to succeed in an internet that makes it near impossible for them is -never- gonna be the same thing as a celebrity shoving adds into your face to buy their newest clothing brand.
Don't encourage capitalism but do encourage the artists and writers that provide you most of their content for FREE and just want to pay bills like anyone else and already deal with being buried in the algorithm or having their art stolen and reposted.
We don't want adds or for this site to be monetized either, I assure you.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
I still can’t believe this has to be said but Hoodoo Delish and Lucky Mojo are white appropriators with no authentic elders in this tradition, who spread misinformation regarding the practice of Hoodoo. Avoid them at all costs.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
support fat girls with weird curves
support fat girls with no butt
support fat girls with small boobs
dont just support the hour glass/big booty “acceptable” fat girl
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teahoney-post · 2 years
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
and happy pride to those who left us before they could see their love and their identities celebrated, to those who fought for it to be celebrated, and to those for the sake of survival are silenced and only watching from afar. I love you. every pride is for you <3
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teahoney-post · 2 years
father’s day for many is hard. this post is dedicated to those who see the cards come out and feel sick. some fathers leave, some abuse, some neglect, some have passed away. whatever the case may be, it can be trying. i hope you get through the day feeling as good as possible. just another day in the year. remember you are not obligated to love someone who hurts you even if it’s a parent. for those who have good fathers, i hope you have the best day with them.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
happy pride month to baby gays, GSA kids, "cringey" queer people who are loud and proud, neurodivergent queer people, lgbtq people with less known identities, people who wear pins and name tags with pronouns and pride flags, queer kids with dyed hair and trans teens who wear oversized hoodies, people with pride flag lock screens/wallpapers, people who show their pride in subtle ways, closeted kids who join online queer communities, lgbtq people who are in therapy and/or support groups, disabled and mentally ill queer people, black, indigenous, and other lgbtq POC, queer people who don't fit conventional beauty standards, and queer people who don't think they're "queer enough." you are all incredibly valuable to our community, and you help us defy cishetero- and amatonormativity and make the world a more diverse and accepting place. happy pride.🌈🏳️‍🌈
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teahoney-post · 2 years
I want everyone to know that there are queers in the hollers of Appalachia, in the bayous and marshland of the Deep South, in Southwestern deserts, through the Ozark mountains and up to the Rockies. There are queers in the Great Plains, there are queers in rural America, in trailer parks of the Osage foothills. In the places you least expect us to live, we are here, carving out community and fighting for liberation with pride despite it all. Stop forgetting about us. Stop overlooking our experiences and our impact just because we don’t live in a Big Gay City. And for the love of God, stop looking at us with pity.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Since it's pride month and I'm sick of seeing the same discourse every year
This year here's your reminder, and not a polite one cause I don't feel like being polite about it, that pansexuality and bisexuality are BOTH real sexualities that aren't the same thing. Neither one is more inclusive, neither one is inherently discriminatory, neither one is inherently better than the other.
Pansexuality fits some people better. Bisexuality fits other people better.
I'm really tired of bi/pan discourse and I won't fucking have it this year. We can coexist. We should coexist. Neither sexuality is transphobic, neither sexuality is discriminatory to the other. They both can mean attraction to all genders.
There are differences between them that don't matter to a lot of people, but do matter to some, and that's why we have both terms. Just like how a lot of nonbinary gender identities might all seem the same to binary people. Just like how ace and aro folks might seem the same to allo people.
Hell, there are nonbinary people that exclusively use she/her, present femme, and take estrogen-based HRT, but that doesn't make them binary trans women, because they are nonbinary. Even if, to others, there might appear to be no functional difference between the terms.
If you choose to fight bi people or pan people instead of the conservatives making all of our lives living fucking hell during this pride month, then you're a tool and you don't care about the queer community as much as you like to think you do.
If you put any biphobia or panphobia (or really any other form of exclusionary rhetoric) in the notes of this post I'm just gonna block you so save yourself the time.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Tumblr media
✨💜Spread the love 💜 ✨
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Tumblr media
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teahoney-post · 2 years
“are bisexuals allowed to do this” “can bisexuals reclaim/say this” bisexuals are permitted to claim your life if they want to
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Pride is, and always has been, radical. Stonewall happened in a time when people were lambasted, outed, jailed, and persecuted for being queer. The AIDs crisis followed soon after, with no help from the government - "if I die of AIDs - forget burial - leave my body on the steps of the FDA." Gay marriage was finally legalized in 2015 in the United States. Barely seven years ago. A huge part of Pride is how we have continued to live, to love, to fight regardless of what has or will happen to us. We are strongest together. Queer rights are human rights, and we still have a ways to go.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
I'll never understand why Disney is so focused on live-action remakes when they literally own the rights to the Muppets. I would take a Muppet remake of a Disney Animation classic over a live-action remake all day every day.
You can't tell me Muppets Fantasia wouldn't be the greatest crossover event of our lifetimes. Muppets Black Cauldron would SLAP.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Taking effect July 2022, the US Suicide Prevention Hotline will change from 800-273-8255 to the three digit code of 988. Especially with families and communities reeling from back to back tragedies, it is super important to share this information!
Repeat: Starting July 2022, the US Suicide Prevention Hotline will be 988
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teahoney-post · 2 years
PSA - Reclaiming the "Old Ways"
Not everything that's a folk tradition is also folk magic.
And not everything that's folk magic is witchcraft. Plenty of folk magic practitioners would even be offended by the term.
And furthermore, not every folk magic tradition that we MIGHT consider witchcraft by today's standards needs to be "reclaimed" by the modern witchcraft community.
Not everything that looks like witchcraft IS witchcraft, the determining factor being whether the person doing the thing or creating the object intends it to be witchcraft or not. We need to respect those boundaries and we never call anyone a witch (or their practices witchcraft) who does not accept the term for themselves.
Sometimes a simmer pot is just a simmer pot.
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teahoney-post · 2 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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