teainamarblecup · 1 year
something about him..
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teainamarblecup · 1 year
Fantasy/Fairy Tale AU. The nightmare King Morpheus wins the battle and marries Hob to guarantee peace and unification of the kingdoms. It's hard for Robert to come to terms with this situation... at first
*they are both immortal
I don't think it's a comic book, more like a series of illustrations.
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- Don't worry. I'm not a rapist and I won't touch you unless you want me to
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- Let it happen, I'll come back to you anyway. Kiss me, my lord
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English is not my native language, I have hay fever I am very tired
( ̄ ‘i  ̄;)
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teainamarblecup · 2 years
That’s the kind of stories I love about fandoms and fanfictions 
hi hello merry timezone I am here to be EXCEEDINGLY gay
anyone who still reads my fics (hi I love you), you will definitely have noticed a new name that started popping up in tags and notes last year being blamed for many things
that would be my dearest darlingest @queerfictionwriter, Twist, who I met via the comment sections on my fics back in February 2022, because she had been commenting on several of my fics - especially the f&p series - repeatedly through 2021, which I had not been responding to because I was busy and other things,,, truly the number of comments I had to reply to in 2022 was atrocious
and to be honest with y'all? I fully expected this to be a fairly standard fandom friendship, which is not to downplay how deeply important all of those are to me, but to give an idea of just how absolutely wildly unexpected (positive) Twist has been
she feeds my writing ideas crack cocaine, and has been the reason for (at last counted) at least 175k words I wrote in 2022. no, that number is not a typo, and calling it the "least" is not an exaggeration, because that amount was based off of finished fics and did not include WIPs. in 2022 I finished 175,000 words worth of fic because Twist was either encouraging me in existing concepts or inventing brand new ones that grabbed me by the throat and demanded to be written. she made the fire&powder verse go again, when I had been stuck for over a year. she's also the reason that I didn't abandon that verse in a spiralling fit three separate times last year.
and even aside from that - she's just. she's so incredible, y'all. she's smart and she writes so fucking well (I am so deeply into several of her fics, and they're all in a fandom I've never even touched), and she's fucking hilarious and sweet and the kind of beautifully resilient you should only be able to find in fiction but she is far from fiction even if she feels so much larger than life. (which is funny because she's teeny.) she's also a raging petty bitch sometimes and I rank that on at least the top 10 things I adore about her. she's feral and kind and just so fucking fantastic I don't think I could ever put it into words, not really, because how do you really put words to the feeling of meeting a part of you that was missing?
idk. maybe I'll figure out how but for now you get this rambling nonsense essay about how much I adore this woman and every single thing about her. go read her fics they're magnificent.
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teainamarblecup · 2 years
I’m not putting any names in your mouth, I don’t know what makes you think that. What I do know is that at some point I looked up Patreon for that kind of content and surprisingly enough these people didn’t feel the need to shit on anyone to make themselves feel better. (Though I did briefly think about Beth Revis, if you want to know everything)
Being a teacher doesn’t mean being able to teach, unfortunately. English isn’t my first language and I feel like my writing improved more from a kind beta-reader on internet than it did with any of my English teachers once past the basics.
And yes, people acting like someone’s time isn’t worth anything will always strike a nerve.
So sure, I wouldn’t throw 100 bucks at someone without looking them up, but from my previous research most people on Patreon are less expensive than a month of Netflix and guess what? You’re free to leave any time. It’s not a scam, it’s a product and as all products, it may not be for you.
You guys, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. 
Do not pay for writing advice from anyone who hasn’t got the credentials to be asking you for money. 
If someone tells you that they have publishing credits, and they’re asking for money, you have every right to ask them exactly what they have published, and where you can find it. If someone tells you that they can teach you, you have every right to ask if they’re a teacher. And if someone tells you they can guide you on your journey to becoming a writer, you have every right to know what makes them an expert. 
I don’t care how well-meaning and helpful they come across. So does that guy outside the bottle shop who tells me he’s Jesus, but I’m pretty sure he can’t walk on water. 
To clarify. I am a publisher writer. I am in a group where I try to help my friends who are working to become published writers. I do not ask for money, because I am not a teacher, an expert on the publishing industry, or in any way qualified to ask for money from other writers. There is nothing wrong with spending your money on your development as a writer, but please, please make sure that the person asking you for money is legit. 
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teainamarblecup · 2 years
I’d rather give a few bucks on Patreon to someone who seems nice and helpful and well-meaning than buy the books or join the group of someone who’s petty enough to roast people who, for some of them, also are published writers and are offering their time for as little as 10 bucks a month.
The important thing is to find what works for you. And that might be someone on Patreon who rightfully thinks their time is worth something/
You guys, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. 
Do not pay for writing advice from anyone who hasn’t got the credentials to be asking you for money. 
If someone tells you that they have publishing credits, and they’re asking for money, you have every right to ask them exactly what they have published, and where you can find it. If someone tells you that they can teach you, you have every right to ask if they’re a teacher. And if someone tells you they can guide you on your journey to becoming a writer, you have every right to know what makes them an expert. 
I don’t care how well-meaning and helpful they come across. So does that guy outside the bottle shop who tells me he’s Jesus, but I’m pretty sure he can’t walk on water. 
To clarify. I am a publisher writer. I am in a group where I try to help my friends who are working to become published writers. I do not ask for money, because I am not a teacher, an expert on the publishing industry, or in any way qualified to ask for money from other writers. There is nothing wrong with spending your money on your development as a writer, but please, please make sure that the person asking you for money is legit. 
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
If you give a Bard a Witcher…
@round–robin thank you for the idea, dear!
“What are we supposed to do?”
“How do I know? You’ve been in the guard for longer than me.”
“But we agree that we can’t let two witchers stay here, right? One is bad enough.”
“Oh yeah? And how do you plan to handle this? They’re witchers and we’ll be eviscerated long before they get out.”
The two guards stayed near the door of the inn, hushing between them as quietly as they could. They knew that those mutants could hear unnaturally well and they’d rather keep their conversation private. The guard had been alerted by a rather panicked patron and now they had to make a decision. Dealing with one witcher was hard enough, but two of them was worse as it was as likely they’d fight each other as they’d team up momentarily to wreak havoc on the town. They were fucked either way.
“Oh, don’t worry, those are Master Jaskier’s witchers.” The innkeeper’s daughter laughed as she waltzed between patrons in front of them. “They’ll behave or they’ll hear from him.”
“Jaskier? Isn’t he supposed to travel with the white wolf?”
“He does! Those are, uhm… I think it’s Eskel and Lambert? He has so many, it’s getting hard to remember who’s who.”
The two men, following the waitress, shot each other confused looks.
“He has more witchers than the wolves?”
“Oh, of course! You know what they say. Give a bard a witcher… and he’ll want another one to go with it. And another one, and another one. One day he’ll have them all and maybe then Master Jaskier will be satisfied.” She laughed again, getting back to her father who gave her two ales and gestured towards the witchers.
“Here, those are on the house, please excuse the guards. They still get a bit nervous when there’s more than one witcher.”
The guards both frowned when the innkeeper’s daughter flashed the mutants a bright smile she usually kept for the best patrons, perhaps they had used magic on her, then froze in place when two pairs of amber eyes looked at them.
And while one witcher glared at them, the other… waved his hand. They both awkwardly waved back, a second too late, before hurrying out of the inn to make their reports. They would need to tell Lord Quarrion to let go of his vindications against the libidinous bard if the saying was true. There was no way they’d let him draw in witchers from everywhere to rescue Jaskier.
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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No more friendly reminders. 
Hostile reminder. 
Authors can see what your dumb ass writes in the bookmarks. 
Imagine consuming free written content and then leaving a note like this.  
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
 Here is my first fanfic in ages! Some geraskier, post-mountain, with a sweet ending. I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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catholic pez
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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Adventures of Jaskier who thinks a wolf he finds is a cursed Geralt, inspired by this post
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
"You can't spend your life obsessing over fictional characters."
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
September 30th
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October 1st
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November 1st
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December 1st
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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Follow me on Twitter for more vampire nonsense
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
I think another problem with the mindset of kudos/comments on AO3 is part of the “stalking” culture on instagram. If you like a picture that is months old on instagram, its “insta-stalking” because you had to scroll through that person’s profile in order to find those months-old pictures. That is NOT how AO3 works. It’s not cringe or embarrassing to find a fic that was posted in 2012 and like it. It is there to read. 
Same for works on AO3. Sure, maybe some of us have some old works that aren’t up to our current standards of writing. But I, personally, am never going to look at a kudos email and think “ew omg I can’t believe someone found this fic from 2016 why are they liking it”. In fact, I am entirely going to go “nice! people are still reading some of my older works too, I’m glad they enjoyed it”. It’s an archive, it is meant to be a collection of transformative works, old and new, and you are meant to find them. 
In fact, if you find a work that is from five years ago and you really liked it? I bet the author would love a comment even then.
Stories are written to be read. 
Show some appreciation.
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teainamarblecup · 4 years
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