tealblueperil · 2 years
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The Lights of Avalon
The Legend of King Arthur is Jackson Overland’s favourite fairytale to tell the children in his village—and he wishes it had stayed just that. But Jack’s world is changed forever when he is deemed worthy of the Legendary Sword Excalibur, should he choose to accept it. Darkness threatens the land, and its people will need a hero. And although Excalibur’s powers are great, so too is the cost of wielding it—so much so that Jack would rather become a traveling bard who spends his days running as far away as possible. Little does he know, on the road to avoiding his destiny, Jack will only meet it—or rather, him.
WOOOO hi everyone, long time no see! I’m super stoked to say that I’ve been writing a Hijack Arthuriana AU and the first two chapters are up now! This is the prologue comic!
Special thanks to @jjackfrost for beta-ing and @twiafom for clowning! This wouldn't have been possible without you guys cheering me on the whole way!
The link’s in the title or you can click over here!
I hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I am writing it! More to come!
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tealblueperil · 3 years
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jersey devil comes out gay?
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tealblueperil · 4 years
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tealblueperil · 4 years
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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tealblueperil · 4 years
this has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood probate lawyer
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tealblueperil · 4 years
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Susanna and the Elders, Restored (Left)
Susanna and the Elders, Restored with X-ray (Right)
Kathleen Gilje, 1998
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tealblueperil · 4 years
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tealblueperil · 4 years
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tealblueperil · 4 years
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Reblog if you agree.
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tealblueperil · 5 years
Adhd really is like… bedroom is slightly messy it would be nice to tidy it some
bedroom is very messy I really should tidy up
bedroom is chaotic I NEED to tidy but my brain says no. Why. Whyyy.
I guess I’ll just have to watch where I step in here for the rest of my life. The mess is everywhere. I’m one with the mess.
A sudden Need to Clean™ makes you get the room looking like some fancy homes magazine cover, and you think “I’ll never ever let it get that bad again, and then…
bedroom is slightly messy (uh oh)
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tealblueperil · 5 years
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tealblueperil · 5 years
Reblog if you still love him
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tealblueperil · 5 years
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tealblueperil · 5 years
For anyone who wants a free pose-able human reference for drawing
The other day I came across this awesome program by accident (I don’t even remember what I was actually searching for, but on the several times I’ve looked for a program like this I’ve had no luck). It’s cool enough that I wanted to share it.
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It’s called DesignDoll (website here) and it’s a program that lets you shape and pose a human figure pretty much however you want.
There’s a trial version with no expiration date that can be downloaded for free, as well as the “pro license” version priced at $79. I’ve only had the free version for two days so far, so I’m not an expert and I haven’t figured out all of the features yet, but I’ve got the basics down. The website’s tutorials are actually pretty helpful for the basics, as well. 
Here’s the page for download, which has a list of the features available in both versions.
There are three features the free version doesn’t have:
Can’t save OBJ files for export
Can’t download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users; note that the site is in Japanese, though)
It can’t load saved files
The third one means that if you make a pose, save it, and close the program, you can’t load that pose/modified model later. You have to start with the default model. I found that out when I tried to load a file from the day before (this is why reading is important…). Whether saving your modifications (and downloading models and poses) is worth $80 is up to you. 
But, the default model is pretty nice and honestly if all you’re looking for is a basic pose reference it should work fairly well as it is. Here’s what it looks like:
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There’s a pose tag that lets you drag each joint into place and rotate body parts. The torso and waist can be twisted separately, and it seems like everything pretty much follows the range of movement it would have on an actual human.
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Even the entire shoulder area is actually movable along with the joint! See, like how the scapular area of the back raises with the arm:
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The morphing tag is one of the coolest features, in my opinion. It lets you pick and choose from a library of pre-set forms for the head, chest, arms, legs, etc. It has some more realistic body shapes in addition to more anime-like ones. Don’t like the options there? Mix a few to get what you want! Each option has a slider that lets you blend as much or as little as you want into the design. 
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So you, too, can create beautiful things like kawaii Muscle-chan!!
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The scale tag lets you mess with the proportions and connection points of different joints. This feature combined with the morphing feature not only allows more body shape variations, but it also means that you can do things like make a more digitigrade model if you want. (The feet only have an ankle joint, but for regular human poses that’s all that you really need, so whatever.)
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Or you can make a weird chubby alien-like thing with giant hands and balloon tiddies if that’s more your thing.
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The ability to pose hands to the extent it allows is far more than I could have hoped for from a free program. Seriously, you can change the position of each finger joint individually, as well as how spread out the fingers are from each other. Each crease on the diagram below is a point of movement, and the circles are for spread between fingers. 
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And to make it a bit more convenient, there’s a library of pre-set hand poses you can pick from as well, and then change the pose from that if you like. 
In both versions, you can also import OBJ files from other places for the model to hold, like if you wanted to have them hold a sword or something.
Basically, this program is awesome and free and you should totally check it out if you want a good program for creating pose references.
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tealblueperil · 5 years
Best tumblr scandals
The girl grave robbing and selling human bones online
The white american girl who pretended to be an interracial lesbian couple living with hiv in india, just so she could write hamilton hiv fic
The girl everyone thought was the native lesbian writer of my immortal, who wrote it to find her brother, but it turns out she was white and lied about her backstory and probably didn’t even write the fic
Russian Chaos Agents
Add more if u want, lord knows theres plenty
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tealblueperil · 5 years
okay, i don’t hate kids. i think they’re sort of funny. i like that you can talk to them like an adult and they’ll make sounds like they understand. i taught one kid “phosphorescence” and he looked at me and said, “they could just call it glowing if it means something that glows.” the kid undid the entire science community in one sentence.
but i hate kids.
or really, i hate how they’ve always been expected from me.
when i was five i was given “babies.” i hated the hardness of dolls, disposed of them for dramatic stories between stuffed animals. i knew how to wrap, feed, and care for a baby before i could spell my last name. when i was nine i was already “watching the kids”. i was only four years older than my cousins were. i wanted to go out and play. instead i was expected to have responsibility. by the time i was thirteen all of my friends had told me about how many children they were going to have in their twenties. 
my hips were “child-bearing” hips. my brother was a scientist, or a fireman, or a steamroller. i was going to make a good housewife, or mom, or nanny, or mom, or mom, or mom.
and when my body hurt, i was told it wasn’t really my body, not really, it belonged to my future children. i couldn’t cut or snip or tie anything; i was trapped by the potential energy that hung above me. a boulder, threatening. i couldn’t get tattoos, because what would i tell my children? i couldn’t kiss a girl, because what would i tell the children? i couldn’t be risky or wild or anything but a lady, because what about the children?
and when i said “i don’t want children” - not biologically, at least, not when cancer and depression and a whole other host of terrible things lives inside me - do you know what they said? “it’ll change, wait and see” “it’s not bad” “you’ll get used to it” “when you meet the right man” “you don’t want to be lonely”.
i don’t hate kids. i’m great with them. 
but then i’m told again that my life will be forfeit to them - something in me snaps angry. “wait until you have kids” “you should travel before you have children” “you’ll be more happy.” 
i hate kids! i’ve snarled. i don’t mean it at all. but god. please, leave me alone. i don’t want to be a biological mom. 
it’s like we’re born with a uterus and told “this is your whole life. your singular purpose. your job.” 
i want to be my own purpose. not here for the sake of passing genes on.
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tealblueperil · 5 years
“i am a monument to all your sins” is such a fucking raw line for a villain it’s amazing that it came from halo, a modernish video game, and not some classical text or mythos
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