tealspoors · 3 months
Astarion X F! Tav. Mindless Fluff with even less plot than usual 🤣 , and a tiny bit of soft borderline smut. Another self-indulgent work.
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Relationship scenario: Cuddle Chemical Addiction. You just sleep better with your love by your side, and wake up immediately when they're gone.
edit..the pink panel got me in trouble, yeah, so I blurred it out...seriously. You can find uncensored version from earlier reblogs or on patreon, It's public so no need to join or anything. I think I am going to post more smut on patreon from now on =)
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tealspoors · 3 months
I’ve now developed this fear that I will never be good enough for the friends in my life. I’ll never be worth more than peoples selfish self interests. I analyze all my interactions that day going over in my head what I could’ve said/did wrong. Because the people in my life avoid conflict, and I will never know that resentment is building. I am guilty of being avoidant as well, and maybe that’s why I attract these kinds of relationships. (Like calls to like)
I just want people to be straight forward with me. Don’t worry about how what you’re going to say makes me feel for a short moment.
I know I have no control over peoples inactions to tell me things, and that I should have radical acceptance towards that. I’m not ready to take on more heartbreak. I see the patterns and my anxiety goes wild.
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tealspoors · 3 months
I think I had an epiphany … I always thought it was odd that you were so surprised, shocked even when my first reaction to your betrayal was not to break up with you. I still wanted to try, but set boundaries. You however were one thing you at first were unwilling to “compromise” was to stop being friends with her because she was your “best friend”. Was the plan just to hope I was to break up with so you could just be with her?
I’m sobbing as I write this. It’s like something I don’t want to realize. Because the more things I put together, the more I… realize that kind of love that I thought a person could have for me, was wrong. Fabricated.
My brain holding on that version. The illusion. Why. Why why why why.
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tealspoors · 5 months
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Baby needs healing (💀)
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tealspoors · 5 months
Bard casts vicious mockery: “Hag-shouldered scum-vestige!”
Graphic designer casts vicious mockery:
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[Another 100% fake cover to go along with the first one. Note, no burn intended on Withers here! He’s currently the most sought-after party planner in Faerun.]
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tealspoors · 5 months
“Someone show this to my ex that I spent years madly in love with, who barely tolerated my presence until I was about to move on. (jk don't, I still miss her)”
You don’t cheat on people you’re madly in love with someone who is supposed to be their best friend. You weren’t about to move on, you already did. We were still involved while you were fucking other people who were supposed to be my friends. And lying to me about it. Ass hole.
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tealspoors · 6 months
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tried out a bit simpler, different kind of coloring method last week to utilize my lineart more and be a bit quicker with colors(cause otherwise I work on a full render piece for weeks :'D) what do you think? ♥
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tealspoors · 6 months
"you'll never be able to hate yourself into a version that you love"
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tealspoors · 6 months
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Grief is not linear. Holding on to you but not realizing how much you were hurting me. I pulled away and the bleeding won’t stop.
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tealspoors · 6 months
Had a dream about you.. you had started your own business with someone selling mattresses. But you were smuggling in drugs in them. You told me to watch out of this one girl I just met irl, and I was like oh well she just so happens to be living on my grandpas side and you were like oh great. You got up to leave and asked me if I wanted a kiss and I said only on the forehead, and you give me a look of yeah where else would I dummy?
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tealspoors · 6 months
My first time back in Virginia since… everything. I would call you everyday. Look forward to having my connection back to home, to normalcy. I decided to take the necklace with. It did make me feel better. I’ll probably hang it up once I’m back home.. who knows.
You got some weird satisfaction out of knowing how much I wore the hoodie and sweats you gave me, I don’t ever want to run into you wearing the necklace, or have it in photos.
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tealspoors · 6 months
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Who would've thought, more filth for my queen @aevallare, specifically from this fic which you will ofc read *gun emoji* ~
Censored because yeah. Full is here as always.
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tealspoors · 7 months
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Sharess' caress
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tealspoors · 7 months
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I haven’t worn this since. I’m pretty particular when it comes to jewelry and this is the only piece I’d wear consistently. It was so unique, just like what I thought our connection was. Whenever I wore it reminded me of what we had. I felt comfort knowing it was there.
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lol this popped up in my feed after I made this post. It made me feel like this too. Specifically hitomi
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3 days later and I see this post
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tealspoors · 7 months
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How could I not draw them
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tealspoors · 7 months
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Happy holidays 🎄
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tealspoors · 7 months
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