Friday Chat
Mostly SPN freakout as Imp, Boats and Kuroi all watched a couple SPN episodes at the same time. It was fun. We should do this again. 
frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[3:09 AM] guest-230650 entered the room.
[3:09 AM] guest-230650 changed nickname to lunawatson
[3:09 AM] lunawatson: Hi!
[3:19 AM] lunawatson: sigh
[3:19 AM] lunawatson: can't go on tumblr yet
[3:19 AM] lunawatson: peoplein the room
[3:19 AM] lunawatson: and I don't want some smut to pop up
[3:19 AM] lunawatson: LOL
[3:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: hi!
[3:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: how is you?
[3:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: that sucks
[3:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: unfortunate random smut
*This is your new chat color.*
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: hahah
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: okay, color change
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: damn it
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: omg
*This is your new chat color.*
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: LOL
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: alright
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: new color
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: I'll go back to green
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: don't change@
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: oh
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: ok
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: that was great
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i finally got my story updated
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: chapter three!
[3:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[3:23 AM] lunawatson: omg link!
[3:24 AM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[3:24 AM] obsessedkuroi: one sec
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: here's chapter three
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8187591/3/The_Savior_Child_of_the_Tardis_Son_of_a_Madman
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: i changed the title of the story
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: figured that one had more of a ring to it
[3:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: and made more sense
[3:26 AM] lunawatson: Ooh
[3:26 AM] lunawatson: Dear God
[3:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: ???
[3:26 AM] lunawatson: I thought that said "Son of a Madame"
[3:26 AM] lunawatson: LOL
[3:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[3:27 AM] obsessedkuroi: I might have to adjust that title a bit, huh?
[3:27 AM] obsessedkuroi: Son of a Mad Man
[3:27 AM] obsessedkuroi: Son of a mad man
[3:27 AM] obsessedkuroi: something
[3:28 AM] obsessedkuroi: fixed
[3:28 AM] obsessedkuroi: hopefully
[3:28 AM] obsessedkuroi: less confusing
[3:28 AM] obsessedkuroi: si suppose
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: Oh
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: I just thought
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: this when i read
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: "Harry had been with the Doctor for a number of months now, or at least it seemed like mon
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: onths." AND THEN THE FIRENATION ATTACKED
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: idk why
[3:29 AM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[3:29 AM] lunawatson: saw a post on tumblr and now I keep thinking that
[3:29 AM] obsessedkuroi: I APPROVE OF THE TRAIN OF THOUGHT
[3:29 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[3:31 AM] lunawatson: Ok I decided to read from chapter one again because I realised I never finished it with
[3:31 AM] lunawatson: the prompt being at my neck
[3:31 AM] lunawatson: and I recall thinking
[3:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[3:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: i wasn't even sure who had read it or not here
[3:31 AM] lunawatson: "Very unfortunate, the whole thing." Yes, you can tell she was so torn about writing this.
[3:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[3:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: i liked that line
[3:32 AM] lunawatson: SMALL
[3:32 AM] lunawatson: WHALE
[3:32 AM] lunawatson: oh I love that line, too
[3:32 AM] lunawatson: I like the whole story
[3:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: i enjoyed all of my first three paragraphs in chapter one
[3:32 AM] lunawatson: and I love the writing
[3:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: they hold a special place in my heart
[3:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: Thanks ^_^
[3:35 AM] lunawatson: Minerva is more than just a dangerous person when engry
[3:35 AM] lunawatson: she is a motherfucking bitchstorm
[3:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[3:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW
[3:35 AM] lunawatson: LOL
[3:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: Which is why Dumbledore has good reason to fear her
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[3:36 AM] lunawatson: Yep
[3:36 AM] lunawatson: Wise man
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: i have realized i have issues in chapter three
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: and am going through and correcting them
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: on ffnet
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[3:36 AM] lunawatson: Ok
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: This is what i get for uploading it without reading throuroughly first
[3:36 AM] lunawatson: I'll let you know if i encounter something out of place
[3:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: Kay!
[3:50 AM] obsessedkuroi: fixed. I hope. mostly. At least chapter 3.
[3:51 AM] lunawatson: great!#Also, when will the submissions be posted> Omg
[3:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: From the mod?
[3:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: who knows
[3:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: they haven't yet
[3:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[4:03 AM] lunawatson: Hmm
[4:03 AM] lunawatson: "to show you the wonders of a universe killed with more life than you can begin to"
[4:03 AM] lunawatson: killed or filled
[4:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: .....>.>
[4:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: *facepalm*
[4:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to check*
[4:04 AM] obsessedkuroi: the latter
[4:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: definately the later
[4:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: *facepalms*
[4:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: THANK YOU
[4:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: *headdesks*
[4:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: latter*
[4:05 AM] lunawatson: " I could change, that I could fine that in myself again."
[4:05 AM] lunawatson: find?
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: *feels like a remdial english student for failing to notice these*
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: Yes, yes
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: find
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: Ok I love
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: your writing
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: thank you
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: never mind the minor issues
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: and I love the story
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: I think imiht just go headdesk for the next little while
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: and how you portray the characters
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: too
[4:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: thanks!
[4:06 AM] lunawatson: Haha
[4:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: might*
[4:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[4:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: and here i was hoping I had caught most of them....
[4:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: *headdesks*
[4:08 AM] lunawatson: omg
[4:08 AM] lunawatson: don't fret about it
[4:08 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm a terrible OCD person when it comes to wy writing
[4:08 AM] lunawatson: My mum's friend is an editor
[4:08 AM] obsessedkuroi: and those little mistakes just make me wanna toss my compy into walls
[4:08 AM] obsessedkuroi: or myself into walls
[4:08 AM] lunawatson: and she still misses some mistakes
[4:09 AM] lunawatson: she has special people who do this sort of corrections
[4:09 AM] obsessedkuroi: there will always be the little mistakes, i know
[4:09 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's just a personal vendetta against all of them i think i might just lose
[4:09 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: No worries
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: I am on team Koroi
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: Kuroi*
[4:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: We will fight all the typos
[4:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: YAY! TEAM KUROI
[4:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: FIGHTING TYPOS EVERYWHERE!!
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: *feels liek team ang*
[4:10 AM] lunawatson: like*
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[4:11 AM] lunawatson: ONE JUST ATTACKED!
[4:11 AM] lunawatson: Aang*
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: Already with the lypo fixing!!
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: typo*
[4:11 AM] lunawatson: My friend
[4:11 AM] lunawatson: made me a crown
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: yay crowns!
[4:11 AM] lunawatson: for my "tpying skilla"
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[4:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: I love this friend of yours
[4:12 AM] lunawatson: and it is the "tpyo queeb cruwn"
[4:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: *giggles*
[4:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: best line written in a Supernatural Destiel fanfic EVER
[4:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: "You are the reflection of my own greatest potential," Castiel says softly.
[4:19 AM] obsessedkuroi:  "In you, I see who I would like to be."
[4:19 AM] lunawatson: =O
[4:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: MY LIFE
[4:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: WAS MADE
[4:19 AM] lunawatson: "...be in."
[4:19 AM] lunawatson: no jk
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: ....LOL
[4:20 AM] lunawatson: oooor am I
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: but that line
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: jeez
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: perfection
[4:20 AM] lunawatson: Is so great
[4:20 AM] lunawatson: omg
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: The author who wrote it is on the fanfic rec list
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: i put up
[4:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: she has a ton of really good stories
[4:30 AM] lunawatson: OMG
[4:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: ?
[4:30 AM] lunawatson: I was afraid you would only write about 9
[4:30 AM] lunawatson: but it's 10!
[4:30 AM] lunawatson: TEEEEENINCH!
[4:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: YEs
[4:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: It's mostly all with ten
[4:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: I like Ten
[4:30 AM] lunawatson: Yay
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: I love Ten the best
[4:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: But I do like 9
[4:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: I wanted to use him to ground the story
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: Oh I like them all
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: It seems fit
[4:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: But I wanted to write ten's humanity, and his eerily non-humanity
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: Okay
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: I am so excited by this
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: I need to go pee
[4:31 AM] lunawatson: before I continue reading
[4:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: Ok
[4:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: imma gonna go to bed now
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's four forty in the morning
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i have to clean tomorrow
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: so the chat will be up but on silent
[4:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: so i can keep the log. ^_^
[4:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: night night
[4:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: or morning, there
[4:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: or midday
[4:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm never quite sure
[5:05 AM] lunawatson left the room.
[5:35 AM] guest-231652 entered the room.
[5:35 AM] guest-231652 changed nickname to lunawatson
[5:35 AM] lunawatson: I am constantly at war
[5:35 AM] lunawatson: with DNS
[5:37 AM] lunawatson: Hmm
[5:37 AM] lunawatson: This makes sense, but I had to read it twice
[5:37 AM] lunawatson: "So, you're really, him, the Doctor who showed me my miracle to me all those years ago."
[6:03 AM] guest-231820 entered the room.
[6:04 AM] guest-231820 changed nickname to lunawatson4real
[6:04 AM] lunawatson4real: ok
[6:04 AM] lunawatson4real: internet
[6:04 AM] lunawatson4real: is being extra shit today
[6:20 AM] lunawatson left the room.
[6:34 AM] lunawatson4real: OMG
[6:34 AM] lunawatson4real: I loved that story haha
[9:47 AM] guest-233317 entered the room.
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[9:47 AM] guest-233317 changed nickname to obsessedkuroi
[11:32 AM] guest-234232 entered the room.
[11:32 AM] guest-234232 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[11:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[11:49 AM] lunawatson left the room.
[3:12 PM] guest-236392 entered the room.
[3:12 PM] guest-236392 changed nickname to lunawatson
[3:12 PM] lunawatson left the room.
[3:12 PM] guest-236395 entered the room.
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: Guest?
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: are you there?
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: guest?
[3:36 PM] guest-236803 entered the room.
[3:53 PM] guest-236395 left the room.
[4:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: guest?
[4:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: guest?
[4:32 PM] guest-237457 entered the room.
[4:32 PM] guest-237457 changed nickname to lunawatson
[4:32 PM] lunawatson: sigh
[4:33 PM] lunawatson: I need a new tablet lmao
[4:33 PM] lunawatson: this one keeps crashing windows
[4:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[4:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: how saddening
[4:33 PM] lunawatson: Yeah
[4:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: how is your day going? since it's almost over for you, yeah?
[4:35 PM] guest-236803 left the room.
[4:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: was that you luna?
[6:30 PM] guest-239014 entered the room.
[6:30 PM] guest-239014 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[6:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's up?
[6:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: hey
*This is your new chat color.*
[6:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: how are you
[6:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: did you just change your color :(
[6:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[6:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: you had the same one
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: though tiny chat isn't too sure
[6:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: aw :(
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: yay colors!
[6:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how're you doing?
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was cleaning today
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: yay cleaning...
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[6:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: niiiice
[6:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: seems like you're always cleaning lol
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: and having cucumbers
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: im always cleaning
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: with seven animals...
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: and tomorrow is my mom's bday so...
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: clean house is a requirement
[6:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[6:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: did you know falling skies was still on tv?
[6:35 PM] guest-239077 entered the room.
[6:35 PM] guest-239077 changed nickname to impcoat
[6:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI IMP
[6:35 PM] impcoat: hey guys :DD
[6:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: isn't it like, really late at night there?
[6:36 PM] impcoat: it's half past one in the morning :PP
[6:36 PM] impcoat: so yeah....
[6:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[6:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yikes
[6:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: irritating time zones
[6:36 PM] impcoat: but it's friday
[6:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: always being irritating
[6:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: true enough
[6:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: yay friday!
[6:36 PM] impcoat: when supernatural airs i was always up that late ^^
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[6:37 PM] impcoat: how are all of you?
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's moving to wednesday
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: cleaning
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: or avoiding it
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: sorta
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
[6:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: how are you?
[6:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:38 PM] impcoat: I'm good. still waiting for the final results and submissions to go up on the
[6:38 PM] impcoat: supernaturalparty tumblr
[6:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[6:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: i know!
[6:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: what's up?
[6:38 PM] impcoat: do we know why it's taking so long?
[6:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: *growl*
[6:38 PM] impcoat: haha, no idea ^^
[6:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: i wanna ask her
[6:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah :(
[6:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *sigh*
[6:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm ready for season 8 too
[6:39 PM] impcoat: YES
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: I WANT IT NOW
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: season 8!!!
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: COME TO ME!!!
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: *GRABBY HANDS*
[6:39 PM] impcoat: but right now I'm also very happy with what the fandom comes up with
[6:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: truth
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: true enough
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[6:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I feel like I"m going to be disappointed in a lot of ways
[6:40 PM] impcoat: all the great fanfiction and fanart for purgatory ^^
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's really cool
[6:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's really cool
[6:40 PM] impcoat: well i read the deal with the purgatory for a very small amount of time so that kinda
[6:40 PM] impcoat: sucks
[6:40 PM] impcoat: *they
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: i hope that's just a bad spoiler
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: and it isn't true
[6:40 PM] impcoat: i hope so too
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: cause we all know that they don't always tell the truth
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: BOOOOOO
[6:41 PM] impcoat: there is so much potential in that storyline
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: there is SO MUCH they can do with the purgatory thing
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I completely agree
[6:41 PM] impcoat: like all the angels could be there
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and the demons
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:41 PM] impcoat: okay brb
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: and things they've killed
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: and Eve
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I also, really want to see sam and dean separate for a while
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: i saw this terribly sad heart rending piece with Eve and Cas
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: I know!
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you know?
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: see how they deal with it!
[6:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just an episode even
[6:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I love their dynamic, but it's still nice to see them shine ont heir own
[6:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *their
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: see how they work out on their own, see how they deal with being stuck apart
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: i don't want it to be easy for them to get back to each other
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: i want that stuggle
[6:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and poor sam all by himself
[6:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I feel like it's always like 'they've been separated!" for the season finale
[6:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: You said that and i went IT IS
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: ALL EXCEPT FOR SEASON 4
[6:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *and then episode one is like, "wow that was aweful! glad we're back together"
[6:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[6:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: SO TRUE
[6:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[6:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHY DO YOU DO THIS SUPERNATURAL
[6:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHY???
[6:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i want to be sad about the aweful
[6:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm so masochistic
[6:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: We watch Supernatural knowing how bad it makes us feel yet the thought
[6:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: of leaving it is so horrid that we don't even contemplate it
[6:47 PM] lunawatson left the room.
[6:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: OH
[6:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: LUNA
[6:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ?!
[6:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: BYE BYE
[6:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: LUNA
[6:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: I GOT A NEW REVIEW!!
[6:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: *CHEERS*
[6:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to look*
[6:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sweet
[6:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i hope it's good
[6:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: Short, but sweet!
[6:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: I haven't gotten any bad reviews so that makes me happy!
[6:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[6:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's really awesome
[6:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's only been up for ten days so....
[6:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: there's time
[6:54 PM] impcoat: I'm back
[6:54 PM] impcoat: kuroi, you uploaded a fic?
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI IMP
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: Yep
[6:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woo welcome back imp
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: Doctor who/Harry potter cossover
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: crossover*
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's been my baby for a year
[6:54 PM] impcoat: ohhh, that sounds fun ^^
[6:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: i love it to pieces
[6:55 PM] impcoat: is it a angsty story or funny?
[6:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's an epic adventure
[6:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: so right now, mostly humor with a foundation
[6:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: The Doctor raises Harry is the premise
[6:57 PM] impcoat: nice :)) so how old is harry in your fic? is he a teenager? or younger?
[6:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: Toddler. right after his parents died
[6:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: the Dusrley's were killed in a car crash
[6:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: aw
[6:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's nice symmetry or soemthing
[6:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *something
[6:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: With some plot manuvering i got the Doctor to give it to him
[6:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: give Harry to him
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: something yes
[6:58 PM] impcoat: sounds cool. which doctor is it?
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: Tenth mostly
[6:58 PM] impcoat: 9th, 10th, 11th?
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: the 9th features in the first chapter
[6:58 PM] impcoat: oh, cool :DD
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: and at some point the 11th will show up
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: just, not any time soon
[6:59 PM] impcoat: mhm, yeah, makes sense. :))
[6:59 PM] impcoat: can you give me a link so i can read it at some point?
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: yep
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: one sec
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to get link*
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8187591/1/The_Savior_Child_of_the_Tardis_Son_of_a_Mad_Man
[7:00 PM] impcoat: yay thanks!
[7:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: still LOVE the title Kuroi
[7:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: Thanks!
[7:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'm glad i changed it
[7:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: the previous title was a little...bland
[7:03 PM] impcoat: yes it's a great title :))
[7:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: The previous title: The Doctor Raises Harry
[7:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: I didn't like it migh
[7:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: much*
[7:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: and a reviewer pointed out its blandness
[7:05 PM] impcoat: well, i think the current one is awesome ^^
[7:09 PM] impcoat: have you read 'redemption road'? i have heard that it is pretty good but I haven't yet
[7:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have it on the list
[7:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: of fic recs
[7:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: but i haven't read it yet
[7:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: i've heard a lot about it though
[7:11 PM] impcoat: yes me too, especially after the season 7 finale ^^
[7:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: i need to pester a friend for another really good fic that she gave me
[7:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: that was spn related
[7:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: it sounded really godo i just haven't read it yet
[7:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[7:13 PM] impcoat: mhm
[7:13 PM] impcoat: so much fic, so little time
[7:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: tru dat
[7:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: i know!
[7:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[7:16 PM] impcoat: random thought, we should do a watch some spn episodes together sometimes
[7:16 PM] impcoat: and keysmash over tinychat
[7:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: Totally!
[7:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[7:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we should just hang out in the chat and watch the shows that air when it starts up again
[7:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: *has all eps of spn on compy*
[7:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: although I'll be like... 3 hours late
[7:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[7:17 PM] impcoat: yes, definitely
[7:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo west coast
[7:17 PM] impcoat: well, it would be really early morning where i live by then
[7:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: I can just watch whenver
[7:17 PM] impcoat: lol
[7:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we could jsut watch one now lol
[7:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I have netflix
[7:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[7:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to retreat to room*
[7:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: imp? you interested?
[7:19 PM] impcoat: what epsiode do you wanna watch?
[7:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[7:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[7:19 PM] impcoat: yes :DD
[7:19 PM] impcoat: I am all for it
[7:19 PM] impcoat: well,  a sad one or a a little lighter one?
[7:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: if you guys want to watch one from season 1
[7:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we could pick up where I left off with my gf
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: since she's in the room and will look at me disaprovingly if i spoil stuff
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:20 PM] impcoat: which episode would that be?
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but if you'd rather watch one from later, I can retreat elsewhere
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ummm
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hold please
[7:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: `kay
[7:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: laoding up secondary computer
[7:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we're on something wiked
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *wicked
[7:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: Something Wicked this way comes?
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: shtriga
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: episode 18
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: season 1
[7:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: so...season 2? 1?
[7:21 PM] impcoat: yeah, well i'll watch anything ^^
[7:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: ahah
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :D
[7:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: sounds good
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: queuing it now
[7:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's up on my end
[7:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[7:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: laoding chat window on second comp
[7:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ready when you guys are
[7:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: also, you guys watching commercial-free?
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[7:23 PM] impcoat: okay, im ready
[7:23 PM] impcoat: yes, no commercials
[7:23 PM] guest-239542 entered the room.
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: you have commercials boats?
[7:23 PM] guest-239542 changed nickname to lunawatson
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: LUNA
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: wow
[7:23 PM] impcoat: hey luna :))
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: my internet
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: is being so weird today
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: I thought I was in the chatroom this whole time
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: LOL
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND KEYBOARD SMASH
[7:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no i don't have commercials
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: OVER IT
[7:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg luna
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[7:23 PM] impcoat: yaaaaay
[7:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'M NOT SPAMMING OMG SHUT UP TINY
[7:23 PM] lunawatson: I can't now omg D:
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: JOIN US IF YOU CAN
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[7:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boooooooo
[7:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[7:24 PM] impcoat: :((((
[7:24 PM] lunawatson: I am making lesson plans
[7:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh
[7:24 PM] impcoat: maybe next time :))
[7:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well we will do it again
[7:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm coming on as kuroi on a second computer
[7:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: so...
[7:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[7:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: yeah
[7:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: but i'm keeping htis one open for the log
[7:24 PM] impcoat: okay
[7:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: someone just has to say go and we can all hit play!
[7:25 PM] impcoat: are all of you ready?
[7:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: give me a sec to load the chat
[7:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[7:25 PM] lunawatson: Okay
[7:25 PM] lunawatson: I painted this today
[7:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooh!
[7:25 PM] lunawatson: ¬_¬ but it doesn't look
[7:25 PM] lunawatson: like what I invisioned it to look like
[7:25 PM] lunawatson: http://ft.trillian.im/kunaluh/68s2Aef7k-6FDjBCZNCK.png
[7:25 PM] guest-239575 entered the room.
[7:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooh it's cool
[7:26 PM] impcoat: it looks really cool!
[7:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i like the soft edges
[7:26 PM] guest-239575 changed nickname to kuroi
[7:26 PM] kuroi: on a new compy
[7:26 PM] impcoat: okay, so can we start watching? ^^
[7:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just say go
[7:26 PM] kuroi: i'm good
[7:27 PM] kuroi: go!
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woo
[7:27 PM] impcoat: wohoo
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:27 PM] kuroi: and the opening
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: this is fun
[7:27 PM] kuroi: ...*sigh*
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg, remember when the previously used to have text
[7:27 PM] impcoat: saving people hunting things
[7:27 PM] impcoat: the family business
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: one light?
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: come on guys
[7:27 PM] kuroi: and that was wat it was all about?
[7:27 PM] kuroi: yes
[7:28 PM] kuroi: sigh
[7:28 PM] kuroi: why does it have to be the striga ep/
[7:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[7:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm sorry
[7:28 PM] kuroi: this one is upsetting for different reasons
[7:28 PM] kuroi: all good
[7:28 PM] kuroi: not like any of the others would be better
[7:28 PM] kuroi: really
[7:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i used to say that prayer as a child
[7:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: verbatum
[7:28 PM] impcoat: should we watch another
[7:29 PM] kuroi: i'e heard different ersions of it
[7:29 PM] kuroi: i think we're watching this one cause boat's gf doesnt want spoilers
[7:29 PM] kuroi: and that's all good
[7:29 PM] kuroi: cause i haven't seen it in a while
[7:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[7:29 PM] impcoat: okay ^^
[7:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i could relocate and watch another if it would be less upsetting
[7:29 PM] impcoat: i like it, but it is one of the scarier ones
[7:30 PM] kuroi: all of season one is freaking scary
[7:30 PM] kuroi: no, it's good boats
[7:30 PM] impcoat: not that i mind that
[7:30 PM] kuroi: this is one of the happier eps too
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my gf just went "DEMENTOR DEMENTOR"
[7:30 PM] kuroi: considering that sammy is an adorabe little ting
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:30 PM] kuroi: LOL
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I saw an impala today
[7:30 PM] kuroi: I think i'm a bit ahead of you two
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you're probably about a minute ahead of me
[7:30 PM] impcoat: and they both have so much lighter voices
[7:30 PM] kuroi: holding
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: based on when you sent the "saving people" buis
[7:30 PM] impcoat: in the early seasons
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: they're such BABIES
[7:31 PM] kuroi: so littl1
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: fitchberg
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:31 PM] impcoat: yes
[7:31 PM] kuroi: and so much happens to them!
[7:31 PM] kuroi: ugh
[7:31 PM] kuroi: why???
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i miss bb sam
[7:32 PM] kuroi: e,pty playground is empty
[7:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and sad looking
[7:32 PM] kuroi: empty*
[7:32 PM] impcoat: mhm
[7:32 PM] kuroi: Dean....you really shouldn't look so pretty
[7:32 PM] kuroi: WOOOT
[7:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:33 PM] kuroi: they are not vigilant about cheking identification
[7:33 PM] kuroi: ever
[7:33 PM] impcoat: haha, yes it's a wonder anyone fell for those IDs
[7:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[7:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and he covers the face with his freaking hand
[7:33 PM] kuroi: and the old woman with the cross
[7:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: creeeepy woman
[7:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugggh
[7:34 PM] kuroi: REEPPPYY
[7:34 PM] kuroi: CREEEPPYY*
[7:34 PM] kuroi: jeez dean looks short
[7:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[7:34 PM] kuroi: and SAM is huge!
[7:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S 6'1"
[7:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: He looks tiny
[7:34 PM] kuroi: It's so hard to believe that, seeing him standing next to sam
[7:34 PM] kuroi: he looks so lttle
[7:35 PM] kuroi: and they look so young
[7:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well it's crazy, cause my dad's 6'3" and it doesn't feel like he's that big
[7:35 PM] impcoat: but anyone looks tiny standing beside jared
[7:35 PM] kuroi: and not....scarred
[7:35 PM] kuroi: I know
[7:35 PM] kuroi: and when he gets bigger, bfing up in like, season 4, it's like hes a force of nature
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :( I miss when the show wasn't constatnly about them getting the short end of the stick
[7:36 PM] impcoat: haha, true words
[7:36 PM] kuroi: truer words
[7:36 PM] impcoat: yes
[7:36 PM] kuroi: im not spamming tiny hat
[7:36 PM] kuroi: cha*
[7:36 PM] kuroi: chat*
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:36 PM] kuroi: why do they wear like, three layers of clothing?
[7:37 PM] kuroi: all the time?
[7:37 PM] kuroi: undershit, button up jacket
[7:37 PM] kuroi: always
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i was thinking maybe it's cold
[7:37 PM] kuroi: might be
[7:37 PM] kuroi: aw!
[7:37 PM] kuroi: little dean!
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: flllashback
[7:37 PM] kuroi: and little sam!
[7:37 PM] impcoat: yes they are so cute
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: bbs
[7:37 PM] kuroi: and they break my heart
[7:37 PM] impcoat: and the casting for them is amazing
[7:37 PM] kuroi: every time
[7:38 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[7:38 PM] impcoat: SPN casting is superb
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i love how EVERY hotel room is the same
[7:38 PM] kuroi: why would you leave your nine year old and five year old ALONE for three days?
[7:38 PM] impcoat: haha right
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol that's what my gf just said
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: about casting
[7:38 PM] kuroi: SPN casting is always superb
[7:38 PM] impcoat: haha *high five*
[7:39 PM] kuroi: aw, DEAN
[7:39 PM] kuroi: *hugs dean*
[7:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i just want to cuddle them
[7:39 PM] kuroi: all the time
[7:39 PM] kuroi: all. the. time.
[7:39 PM] impcoat: ohhh, dean avoiding the subject
[7:40 PM] kuroi: *sigh*
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that kid
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what a jerk
[7:40 PM] kuroi: I LOVE THT KID
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:40 PM] impcoat: haha rude
[7:40 PM] kuroi: two queens......
[7:40 PM] kuroi: yeah i bet
[7:40 PM] kuroi: god
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cheeky
[7:40 PM] kuroi: he's like, a miniature dean
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cheeky child
[7:40 PM] impcoat: little sam *huggles*
[7:41 PM] kuroi: how do they remember all the different names?
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's what i was just thinking
[7:41 PM] kuroi: huggles
[7:41 PM] impcoat: hehe ^^
[7:41 PM] kuroi: scbettieos
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: puppy eyes
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: even as a baby
[7:41 PM] kuroi: he's been practicing his whole life
[7:41 PM] kuroi: and dean is helpless
[7:41 PM] kuroi: SAAMMM
[7:42 PM] kuroi: "Do you want the prize?"
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: feeeels
[7:42 PM] kuroi: aw...
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: FEEEELS
[7:42 PM] kuroi: just...
[7:42 PM] kuroi: FEEEEELLLSS
[7:42 PM] impcoat: I KNOW
[7:42 PM] kuroi: how....how even
[7:42 PM] kuroi: psychotically codependent
[7:42 PM] kuroi: from like, birth
[7:42 PM] kuroi: or something
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and sam doesn't even get it
[7:43 PM] kuroi: from when dean carried sam out of that burning house when he was six months old
[7:43 PM] kuroi: and he became Sam's older brother and his father and best friend and UGH
[7:43 PM] kuroi: FEEEELLSS
[7:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's with sam's shirt?
[7:43 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[7:43 PM] kuroi: i was just thinking that
[7:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: glad i'm not the only one who noticed
[7:44 PM] kuroi: where did her get that. the teen girl''s section?
[7:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so tight
[7:44 PM] kuroi: I feel that is what the shirt is thinking
[7:44 PM] impcoat: haha omg
[7:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:44 PM] impcoat: probably
[7:45 PM] kuroi: how do they walk in sync?
[7:45 PM] kuroi: this is not something enough practice makes natural
[7:45 PM] guest-239842 entered the room.
[7:45 PM] kuroi: Dean...
[7:45 PM] guest-239842 changed nickname to lunawatson1
[7:45 PM] kuroi: be careful
[7:45 PM] kuroi: shes gonna
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sweet god
[7:45 PM] kuroi: Yell at you
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the music
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:45 PM] kuroi: i know
[7:46 PM] kuroi: HI LUnA
[7:46 PM] lunawatson1 changed nickname to lunawatson4real
[7:46 PM] kuroi: my peepers open
[7:46 PM] impcoat: haha that woman is awesome
[7:46 PM] kuroi: lol
[7:46 PM] kuroi: i know
[7:46 PM] impcoat: an dean andd sam are just.... what do we do?
[7:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so what do people do? just flip it cause they think she won't notice?
[7:46 PM] kuroi: lo
[7:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how does that happen?
[7:46 PM] impcoat: yeah i guess
[7:46 PM] kuroi: someone is feelng vindictive i bet
[7:46 PM] kuroi: OH
[7:46 PM] kuroi: NO
[7:47 PM] kuroi: NOt AGAIN
[7:47 PM] impcoat: they think its funny or something
[7:47 PM] kuroi: EVIL VIL
[7:47 PM] kuroi: al;ksdjfa'sf
[7:47 PM] impcoat: sam's laugh :))
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i saw an impala today and got excited
[7:47 PM] kuroi: I love it so bad
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so good
[7:47 PM] kuroi: i woul too
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: baby laugh
[7:47 PM] impcoat: oh i can imagine
[7:47 PM] kuroi: SAM
[7:47 PM] kuroi: WHY ARE YOU SO ADORABLE???
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: GIANT BBY
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "lil guy?"
[7:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: daw
[7:48 PM] kuroi: I like how dean thinks that Sam can get anyone to listen to him
[7:48 PM] kuroi: but he's like, so sefless with other humans and he's so good with kids
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Right?
[7:48 PM] impcoat: the boy looks so much like my cousin
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: he's such a daddy
[7:48 PM] impcoat: everytime i watch this episode i have to think it
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HIS NAME IS NOT MICHAEL
[7:48 PM] kuroi: He's been a daddy since he was four
[7:48 PM] kuroi: LOL
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OH MY GOD
[7:48 PM] kuroi: WHAT??
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: aldnaoboaewlsjdoah oeodnaoha;oihena;oivadnfadhiv
[7:49 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[7:49 PM] kuroi: YOU ARE SO NICE
[7:49 PM] kuroi: OMG
[7:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: his jacket
[7:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's so big
[7:49 PM] kuroi: lol
[7:49 PM] kuroi: he grows into it
[7:49 PM] kuroi: sorta
[7:49 PM] kuroi: ish
[7:49 PM] impcoat: dean interacting with kids is just akhhkgfaklgaaaa i hope he becomes a father someday
[7:50 PM] kuroi: ...like that's ever going to happen
[7:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yes.
[7:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i want it
[7:50 PM] kuroi: Dean refuses to settle down
[7:50 PM] kuroi: he tried
[7:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i want it in my life
[7:50 PM] impcoat: i can dream okay?
[7:50 PM] kuroi: with lisa and ben and he ended u leaving
[7:50 PM] impcoat: I need a happy end
[7:50 PM] kuroi: and what he made Cas do
[7:50 PM] kuroi: UGH
[7:50 PM] kuroi: my heart!
[7:50 PM] kuroi: it doesn't work anymore
[7:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: FEELS ATTACK
[7:51 PM] kuroi: Dean.....you don't have  gun
[7:51 PM] kuroi: good for you
[7:51 PM] kuroi: you might have shot him
[7:51 PM] kuroi: in the face
[7:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:51 PM] kuroi: it wouldn't have done anything but he would have
[7:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DOOOUCHE
[7:51 PM] kuroi: I can see the ontempt in his face
[7:51 PM] kuroi: wow
[7:52 PM] kuroi: Dea's internal monologuing is like, amazing
[7:52 PM] impcoat: yes i agree
[7:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yep
[7:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "you're wise in your old age, dean"
[7:52 PM] kuroi: jee
[7:52 PM] kuroi: the lines in this show
[7:52 PM] kuroi: sometimes
[7:53 PM] impcoat: hhaha true
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT'S MY FAULT
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: FEEEEEEEEEEELS
[7:53 PM] kuroi: I've heard Jensen sometimes get scripts that say "Say whatever Dean would say"
[7:53 PM] kuroi: uGh
[7:53 PM] kuroi: I KNoW
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: jensen
[7:53 PM] kuroi: He
[7:53 PM] kuroi: He's the only one who would be responsible about that kind of thing
[7:53 PM] kuroi: jared would screw around and Misha wouldn't eep a straight face
[7:53 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[7:53 PM] kuroi: FEELS
[7:54 PM] kuroi: WHY????
[7:54 PM] impcoat: that flahback is killing me
[7:54 PM] impcoat: every time
[7:54 PM] kuroi: i can't...it's just...
[7:54 PM] kuroi: ugh
[7:54 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[7:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's so sad and cute and heartwrenching
[7:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: all at once
[7:54 PM] kuroi: WHY???
[7:54 PM] impcoat: Its just so ugh DEAN BABY
[7:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: augh
[7:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THE DOOR
[7:54 PM] kuroi: No kid should ever have that responsibilityy at nine years old
[7:54 PM] kuroi: EVER
[7:55 PM] kuroi: BUT DEAN
[7:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i don't even remember where I was at at 9 years old
[7:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: do you think john planned that a little?
[7:55 PM] kuroi: I kno where i was but those memories..
[7:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: he busted through the door so ready
[7:55 PM] kuroi: I don't know...
[7:56 PM] kuroi: i mean, i have this love/hate relationship with john
[7:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: look at how much he loves sam
[7:56 PM] kuroi: NINE
[7:56 PM] kuroi: GOD
[7:56 PM] impcoat: i don't want to believe that
[7:56 PM] impcoat: that john might have planned it
[7:56 PM] kuroi: I don't either
[7:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[7:56 PM] kuroi: i want to beliee that he's not a terrible dad
[7:56 PM] impcoat: because that would just be terrible
[7:56 PM] kuroi: just one that doesn't know what else to do
[7:56 PM] kuroi: with two young boys
[7:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[7:57 PM] impcoat: i think he tried to be a god dad but couldn't
[7:57 PM] kuroi: and i think he relied on Dean too much
[7:57 PM] impcoat: yes difinitely
[7:57 PM] kuroi: he put too muh on Dean and he...god he built him into this self-loathing, self-less being
[7:57 PM] kuroi: who's so good and so giving and so desperate and ugh
[7:57 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[7:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HIS EYES
[7:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OHGODFEELS
[7:58 PM] impcoat: i can't with that teary eyes
[7:58 PM] kuroi: I don't do Dean feels very well
[7:58 PM] impcoat: it's even worse than puppy eyes
[7:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: When they tear up
[7:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[7:58 PM] kuroi: i don't handle them well
[7:58 PM] impcoat: its so heartbroken
[7:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *curls up*
[7:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: do you guys have siblings?
[7:58 PM] kuroi: a younger bro
[7:58 PM] impcoat: there there boats
[7:58 PM] impcoat: i understan your pain
[7:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: does it make it harder to watch this stuff?
[7:58 PM] impcoat: two brothers and a twin sister
[7:58 PM] kuroi: in some ways, but not really
[7:58 PM] lunawatson left the room.
[7:59 PM] kuroi: i mean, because i love him
[7:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my gf has a little sister and really relates to dean a lot
[7:59 PM] kuroi: and i would do anything but i don't have that tight tight bond
[7:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but i grew up alone
[7:59 PM] kuroi: I relate to dean more than sam on some levels but sam better than dean on others
[7:59 PM] kuroi: anything for him...
[7:59 PM] kuroi: yeah, i would
[7:59 PM] kuroi: FEEELLLS
[7:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh the bby
[7:59 PM] kuroi: UGh
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SAM'S FACE
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AUGH
[8:00 PM] impcoat: mhm, i think i relate more to sam actually
[8:00 PM] kuroi: and sam in the background
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Definitely more sam for me
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: grew up as the baby
[8:00 PM] kuroi: I grew up with the watch over my brother responsibility
[8:00 PM] kuroi: very very strict about it
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wow
[8:00 PM] kuroi: but i was never responsible for everything that happened to him
[8:00 PM] kuroi: never
[8:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[8:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: obviously that's kind of dramatic
[8:01 PM] kuroi: i just had to make sure he didn't get into trouble or that he didn't get hurt
[8:01 PM] kuroi: if he did something wrong, i wasn't the one who go in trouble
[8:01 PM] kuroi: the kid
[8:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so sad
[8:01 PM] kuroi: is little dean, just not as tough
[8:01 PM] kuroi: yes
[8:01 PM] kuroi: ugh
[8:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "that's nice of him to think that it might scare the kid"
[8:02 PM] kuroi: and Dean never ever blames ammy
[8:02 PM] kuroi: for anything
[8:02 PM] kuroi: that happened to him as a child
[8:02 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[8:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DEEEEEEEEEN
[8:03 PM] kuroi: why does everything have to be so creepy/
[8:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: why did you yell
[8:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you warned him
[8:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[8:03 PM] kuroi: He didn't want to shoot the kid
[8:04 PM] kuroi: he....he compromised the job by caring about the kid
[8:04 PM] kuroi: Dean
[8:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ehhhhh
[8:04 PM] kuroi: why...how
[8:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HE'S FINISHING THE JOB
[8:04 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[8:04 PM] impcoat: oh god deja vu
[8:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SPLATTER
[8:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: JEEZ
[8:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "little brother"
[8:05 PM] kuroi: "LItTLE BOTHER"
[8:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[8:05 PM] kuroi: Dean, not appy at all
[8:05 PM] kuroi: happy*
[8:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: BE HAPPY
[8:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YOU DID IT
[8:05 PM] kuroi: emptie that clip into the striga
[8:05 PM] kuroi: how do they burn so fast/
[8:06 PM] kuroi: they like, turn into charcoal or something in the blink of an eye
[8:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I KNOW
[8:06 PM] kuroi: no nothing happened mom
[8:07 PM] kuroi: nothing at all
[8:07 PM] kuroi: HE'S A LITTLE DAN
[8:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: GAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[8:07 PM] kuroi: SAM
[8:07 PM] kuroi: NO MORE FELS
[8:07 PM] kuroi: NO MORE FEELS
[8:07 PM] kuroi: PLEASE
[8:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ALL OF THE FEELS
[8:07 PM] impcoat: ah that ending sentence
[8:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DEEN WHY
[8:07 PM] impcoat: gahhhh
[8:07 PM] impcoat: ugh
[8:07 PM] kuroi: DEAN
[8:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
[8:08 PM] impcoat: FEEELINGS
[8:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *goes fetal*
[8:08 PM] kuroi: *curls in orner*
[8:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: feeeeels
[8:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that was fun
[8:08 PM] kuroi: It was!
[8:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and sad
[8:08 PM] impcoat: yes
[8:08 PM] kuroi: definately sad
[8:09 PM] kuroi: but we hd people to share it with
[8:09 PM] impcoat: yes that makes it a little better
[8:09 PM] impcoat: :))
[8:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: definitely
[8:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[8:10 PM] kuroi: always makes it better to ahve people to share it with
[8:10 PM] kuroi: and freak out about
[8:10 PM] impcoat: mhm :DD
[8:11 PM] kuroi: In which i think i might be in love with this reviewer
[8:12 PM] impcoat: he said some nice things, suppose?
[8:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:12 PM] kuroi: lasked questions, wonered about things, poked at things i needed poking and loved it
[8:12 PM] kuroi: left me a two paragraphish review
[8:12 PM] impcoat: oh that's always nice
[8:12 PM] kuroi: like,love this human
[8:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wow
[8:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: guys
[8:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I've been having a lot of Sabriel feels
[8:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lately
[8:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I feel like it's all over my dash
[8:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and I love it
[8:15 PM] kuroi: that's awesome
[8:15 PM] impcoat: a few months back there was a gifset going around
[8:15 PM] impcoat: w
[8:15 PM] kuroi: there are some good sabriel fics on that fi re list  put up
[8:15 PM] impcoat: about their fist date
[8:15 PM] impcoat: and it was so cute
[8:15 PM] kuroi: fic rec*
[8:15 PM] impcoat: *first
[8:15 PM] kuroi: aw
[8:15 PM] kuroi: adorable
[8:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: good
[8:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and i want to see that gifset
[8:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *goes to read them*
[8:15 PM] impcoat: yeah, have you read that glassblower one?
[8:16 PM] kuroi: no?
[8:16 PM] kuroi: that sounds fascinating
[8:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: No
[8:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what
[8:17 PM] impcoat: wait I'll link you but first the gifset:  http://impcoat.tumblr.com/post/21031040436/jenen
[8:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YOU FOUND IT YAY
[8:18 PM] impcoat: http://impcoat.tumblr.com/post/20423068504/high-school-au
[8:18 PM] impcoat: and that one
[8:18 PM] impcoat: its just so awwwww
[8:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OHM YGDO THEY'REABABYAEIS
[8:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: FUCK GRAMMAR AND SPELLING
[8:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I DO WHAT I WANT
[8:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: BABIES
[8:18 PM] impcoat: haha
[8:19 PM] impcoat: but its awesome, right?
[8:19 PM] impcoat: i squealed very loudly when i first saw it
[8:19 PM] kuroi: i've seen the latter but that first one was adorable
[8:19 PM] kuroi: aw111
[8:19 PM] kuroi: !!!
[8:19 PM] impcoat: okay, glassblower fic: http://impcoat.tumblr.com/post/20958645812/nellafantasiaa-a-little-
[8:19 PM] impcoat: it's linked under the picture
[8:19 PM] impcoat: and it's glorious
[8:20 PM] impcoat: just a twoshot but its so great
[8:20 PM] impcoat: i grinned all throughout reading it
[8:20 PM] lunawatson4real: sigh still no post
[8:20 PM] lunawatson4real: on supernaturalparty
[8:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i hope everything's ok
[8:20 PM] impcoat: i hoe so too
[8:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm a tad worried
[8:20 PM] impcoat: *hope lol
[8:21 PM] impcoat: yes because the host has been really reliable so far so it's a little strange
[8:21 PM] impcoat: they're taking so long
[8:22 PM] kuroi: i now she posts regularly on her personal tumblr but that might be a queue
[8:22 PM] kuroi: anyone asked her yet?
[8:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no
[8:22 PM] lunawatson4real: I am afraid
[8:22 PM] lunawatson4real: to ask
[8:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ditto
[8:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i don't want to bug
[8:23 PM] kuroi: i know
[8:23 PM] kuroi: especially since the party is over
[8:23 PM] kuroi: ugh
[8:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and i want to know the scores
[8:24 PM] kuroi: that too
[8:24 PM] impcoat: I really want to see all submissions
[8:24 PM] kuroi: sitting with two different computers open is a strange thing
[8:24 PM] kuroi: I KNOW righT?
[8:24 PM] kuroi: one is a touch screen desktop and the other is my personal lappy
[8:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how do you like touch screen?
[8:25 PM] kuroi: i might never leave my room with this set up
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *the
[8:25 PM] kuroi: i lie it
[8:25 PM] kuroi: especially since i don't have a mouse with this computer
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm dubious
[8:25 PM] kuroi: it isn't as good as i wish it but it works great
[8:25 PM] impcoat: i know what you mean i have this big screen in my room and whenever I connect it to
[8:25 PM] kuroi: there are a few issues
[8:25 PM] kuroi: like bugs landing on the screen
[8:25 PM] impcoat: my laptob i am so stunned
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:25 PM] kuroi: nice
[8:25 PM] impcoat: and never want to leave the computer ever again
[8:26 PM] kuroi: but i can just hhave spn or something plaing in the background
[8:26 PM] kuroi: and i can type on this computer
[8:26 PM] kuroi: an life would be amazing and i might never get up for anything
[8:26 PM] kuroi: ever
[8:26 PM] kuroi: unless it's like a bathroom run or something
[8:26 PM] impcoat: yeah probably ^^
[8:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's how i am with my laptop and tv
[8:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i live on the couch
[8:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: (and the gym, lol)
[8:28 PM] impcoat: haha
[8:29 PM] impcoat: i think i need to get off the computer and sleep
[8:29 PM] impcoat: its half past three
[8:29 PM] impcoat: ^^
[8:30 PM] kuroi: oh
[8:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: k
[8:30 PM] kuroi: bedtime for imp
[8:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: night!
[8:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[8:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: thanks for the fic link
[8:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :D
[8:30 PM] kuroi: night night imp
[8:30 PM] impcoat: goodnight :)) until next time!
[8:30 PM] impcoat: no problem boats!
[8:30 PM] impcoat: bye :))
[8:30 PM] kuroi: NIGHT NIGHT BOATS
[8:30 PM] impcoat left the room.
[8:30 PM] kuroi: IMP*
[8:31 PM] kuroi: SORRY BOATS
[8:31 PM] kuroi: NOT YOU
[8:31 PM] kuroi: *sheepish*
[8:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: 'sok
[8:31 PM] kuroi: i'm looking for my thumb drive
[8:32 PM] kuroi: so i can move my files onto the bigger compy an type and have a show on on my lappy
[8:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: very cool
[8:32 PM] kuroi: might be a minute
[8:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm thinking of starting the next episode
[8:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no prob
[8:32 PM] kuroi: give me a few!!
[8:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[8:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: let me know
[8:34 PM] kuroi: copying files as i type
[8:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: k
[8:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: shall i wait for you to start it or go ahead now?
[8:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:35 PM] kuroi: i is ready
[8:35 PM] kuroi: you can start
[8:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: k
[8:35 PM] kuroi: go!
[8:35 PM] kuroi: creepy painting
[8:35 PM] kuroi: ugh
[8:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: this eppy
[8:35 PM] kuroi: yes
[8:35 PM] kuroi: this eppy
[8:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SO CREEPY
[8:37 PM] kuroi: I KNOW RIGHT?
[8:37 PM] kuroi: WHY?
[8:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I just want to liveblog my gf's reactions
[8:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: deen
[8:38 PM] kuroi: LOL
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: player
[8:38 PM] kuroi: that's great
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AN I
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LOL
[8:38 PM] kuroi: dean, always the player
[8:38 PM] kuroi: DEAn
[8:38 PM] kuroi: *shakes head*
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: in another life, he and barney stinson would be best friends
[8:38 PM] kuroi: and his long suffering Sammy
[8:38 PM] kuroi: lol
[8:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sometimes i play with HIMYM crossovers in my mind
[8:39 PM] kuroi: there would probably be some good ones
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dean - barney, cas - ted, sam - marshall
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "cas, I'm going to teach you how to live"
[8:39 PM] kuroi: you're thinking fusions
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: fusions?
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: there's a name for the things i'm in love with
[8:39 PM] kuroi: Yes
[8:39 PM] kuroi: there are
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YES
[8:39 PM] kuroi: fusionverse
[8:39 PM] kuroi: theres a lot of them out there
[8:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "studying law, makin a responsable choice for my futcha"
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[8:40 PM] kuroi: lol
[8:40 PM] kuroi: all good
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I love it so much
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol deen
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry i spell it with two e's
[8:40 PM] kuroi: and sam
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's how i think it
[8:40 PM] kuroi: have you seen the bloopers for that scene?
[8:40 PM] kuroi: all the things Dean said instead?
[8:40 PM] kuroi: lol
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wait
[8:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what
[8:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THE CARS
[8:41 PM] kuroi: And theres the imala
[8:41 PM] kuroi: impala*
[8:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:41 PM] kuroi: Dean...
[8:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: he's not aware
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: chuckles
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: all i ever think is "you're the chuckles, chuckles"
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OMG HER
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nerd
[8:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i love him
[8:42 PM] kuroi: sorry
[8:42 PM] kuroi: mom came in
[8:42 PM] kuroi: and yelled at me
[8:42 PM] kuroi: cause she's stressed
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[8:43 PM] kuroi: and i put something with foil in the fridge
[8:43 PM] kuroi: and she dumped it on the ground
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[8:43 PM] kuroi: sigh
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh no
[8:43 PM] kuroi: i'm a bit behind
[8:43 PM] kuroi: where are you?
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um
[8:43 PM] kuroi: sam, with the 'cheers"
[8:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: they're leaving the gallery
[8:43 PM] kuroi: i never noticed that
[8:44 PM] kuroi: at the motel?
[8:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DO NOT DISTURB
[8:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[8:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:44 PM] kuroi: kay
[8:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and the funky music
[8:44 PM] kuroi: Got this motel
[8:44 PM] kuroi: Dean looks a bit off put
[8:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:45 PM] kuroi: Dean iwth the setting up and the eertyhing
[8:45 PM] kuroi: she's adorabl
[8:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: def
[8:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and she has WONDERFUL teeth
[8:45 PM] kuroi: Sam doesn't look old enough to drink
[8:45 PM] kuroi: why is he being gien a wine list?
[8:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I LOVE HER
[8:45 PM] kuroi: LOL
[8:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "aw, i like her, which means she'll be gone in like, 10 minutes"
[8:46 PM] kuroi: lol
[8:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:46 PM] kuroi: you're gf knows spn a little too well
[8:47 PM] kuroi: though this time...
[8:47 PM] kuroi: sam's face....
[8:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:47 PM] kuroi: how does his mouth turn like that?
[8:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i don' tknow
[8:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i miss smart sam and dirty dean
[8:48 PM] kuroi: me too
[8:48 PM] kuroi: it's been too long
[8:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: now they're both just kind of sad
[8:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and angry
[8:48 PM] kuroi: i mean, going from watching this season to watching season 6....
[8:48 PM] kuroi: like, no
[8:48 PM] kuroi: no way
[8:48 PM] kuroi: too much ANGS
[8:48 PM] kuroi: and PAIN
[8:48 PM] kuroi: AND FEELS
[8:48 PM] kuroi: climbing fences ftw
[8:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: too miuch
[8:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[8:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so badass
[8:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: parkour style
[8:49 PM] kuroi: an lock picing
[8:49 PM] kuroi: picking*
[8:49 PM] kuroi: the music
[8:49 PM] kuroi: is awesome
[8:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: badass music
[8:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AUGH
[8:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SO CREEPY
[8:50 PM] kuroi: sorry guys
[8:50 PM] kuroi: no can do this time
[8:50 PM] kuroi: isn't that easy
[8:50 PM] kuroi: no one got hurt yet
[8:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what a dick
[8:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:51 PM] kuroi: Dean...
[8:51 PM] kuroi: lol
[8:51 PM] kuroi: the things he does to set his baby brother up
[8:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:51 PM] kuroi: and awkward sam is adorable
[8:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: absolutely
[8:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't even imagine what it would be like to have a gf die
[8:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and then try to date again
[8:52 PM] kuroi: yeah.....
[8:52 PM] kuroi: no. I feel for sam
[8:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: feeeeeeeeelll
[8:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:53 PM] kuroi: not just die, get killed by a demon
[8:53 PM] kuroi: FEEEEL
[8:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: feel
[8:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SWEENY
[8:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *sweeney?
[8:53 PM] kuroi: SWEENEY TODD
[8:53 PM] kuroi: WITH A RAOR
[8:54 PM] kuroi: RAZOR*
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AT LAST
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: MY ARM IS COMPLETE AGAIN
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THAT PICTURE IS SO CREEEEEEPY
[8:54 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[8:54 PM] kuroi: CREEPY
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we're rewinding
[8:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[8:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: gf needs to see what's different betweent he picture and painting
[8:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:55 PM] kuroi: it shows you
[8:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[8:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i know
[8:55 PM] kuroi: in like, five min
[8:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but she likes to figure it out on her own
[8:55 PM] kuroi: ah
[8:55 PM] kuroi: i see
[8:55 PM] kuroi: *has understanding*
[8:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[8:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: back at 19 minutes
[8:56 PM] kuroi: kay
[8:56 PM] kuroi: holding a few
[8:56 PM] kuroi: i was a minute ahead
[8:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just boxed it
[8:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[8:57 PM] kuroi: playing now
[8:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we always leave :(
[8:57 PM] kuroi: :(
[8:57 PM] kuroi: Sam....Dean......*cries*
[8:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: FEELS
[8:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: JESSICA FEELS
[8:58 PM] kuroi: SO MANY FEELS
[8:58 PM] kuroi: JESS FEELS
[8:58 PM] kuroi: LOTS OF FELS
[8:58 PM] kuroi: that phone is SO OLD
[8:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: BLACKBERRY
[8:59 PM] kuroi: SO OLD
[8:59 PM] kuroi: tha poor woman
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the outside of he house matche dhteir wallpaper
[8:59 PM] kuroi: *sigh*
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OH GOD
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OHGOD
[8:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *WINCES*
[9:00 PM] kuroi: IT DID
[9:00 PM] kuroi: IT DOES MATCH thEIR wALLPAPer
[9:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's such a good thing she' came
[9:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: to clear their name
[9:00 PM] kuroi: i know
[9:00 PM] kuroi: right?
[9:00 PM] kuroi: no
[9:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: otherwise she would have been like "they wanted the painting and now it's gone and she's d
[9:00 PM] kuroi: no don't touch her
[9:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ead"
[9:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh the turtleneck opened up like a mouth
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooooooh
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHY DO I THINK THINGS LIKE THAT
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHY
[9:01 PM] kuroi: LOL
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHY DOES MY BRAIN GO THERE
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT'S AN AWEFUL PLACE
[9:01 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[9:01 PM] kuroi: RIGHT?
[9:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she's so pretty
[9:01 PM] kuroi: yes
[9:01 PM] kuroi: yes she is
[9:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:02 PM] kuroi: with the long braided hair
[9:02 PM] kuroi: i love her
[9:02 PM] kuroi: for having a spine
[9:02 PM] kuroi: and stuff
[9:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: absolutely
[9:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i miss when this show had strong women
[9:03 PM] kuroi: i knoe
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: now we just have meg and the occasional cameo
[9:03 PM] kuroi: ugh
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: marry that gir
[9:03 PM] kuroi: and meg lost something
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I WANT HIM TO
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: UGH
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SHE COULD COME ON THEIR ADVENTURES
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AND BE BFFS WITH CAS
[9:03 PM] kuroi: Can we bring back Feliecia Day
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the four of them
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YES
[9:03 PM] kuroi: YES
[9:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she can come too
[9:03 PM] kuroi: YES
[9:03 PM] kuroi: I LOVED hER CHARACTER
[9:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the whole time my gf was like
[9:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she's you
[9:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she's you
[9:04 PM] kuroi: lol
[9:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and then she was like "i'm into girls" and we were both just like AHHH
[9:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I want to write an AU where it's the 5 of them and fem!gabe
[9:05 PM] kuroi: she's seen season 7 without having seen all of season 1?
[9:05 PM] kuroi: WOOT
[9:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[9:05 PM] kuroi: nice
[9:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she wasn't originally going to cath up
[9:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and then she liked it
[9:05 PM] kuroi: that's spn for you
[9:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:06 PM] kuroi: lying and subterfuge
[9:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[9:06 PM] kuroi: yes
[9:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:06 PM] kuroi: sam
[9:06 PM] kuroi: why
[9:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHYYYYY
[9:06 PM] kuroi: why are you so cute when you smile?
[9:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I LOVE THEM
[9:06 PM] kuroi: I KNOw
[9:06 PM] kuroi: RARGH
[9:07 PM] kuroi: sam does that
[9:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sTOP
[9:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SOTP
[9:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SHE CAN HANDLE HERSELF
[9:07 PM] kuroi: SAM
[9:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: JERKFACE
[9:07 PM] kuroi: NO
[9:07 PM] kuroi: SHUT UP SAM
[9:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: TAKE HER WITH YOU
[9:07 PM] kuroi: DEAN HaASN'T DI....oh, wit
[9:07 PM] kuroi: wait*
[9:08 PM] kuroi: YOUR DAD IS STILL AL....oh, wait
[9:08 PM] kuroi: WINCHESTER CRSE
[9:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LOL
[9:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DICK OF DEATH
[9:08 PM] kuroi: .....my brain goes to bad places
[9:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:08 PM] kuroi: YS
[9:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: deen
[9:08 PM] kuroi: YS OU ARE
[9:09 PM] kuroi: dean
[9:09 PM] kuroi: dean you are adorbs
[9:09 PM] kuroi: and why are their holes always really square?
[9:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[9:09 PM] kuroi: always
[9:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i still think you're a catch
[9:09 PM] kuroi: me too
[9:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: maybe more of one
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: since youknow your shit
[9:10 PM] kuroi: and you won't panic when things go south
[9:10 PM] kuroi: and you can fi the toilet when it backs up
[9:10 PM] kuroi: and take out the ampire in the shed
[9:10 PM] kuroi: vampire*
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yep
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dean
[9:10 PM] kuroi: Dean....dean...
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *applause•
[9:10 PM] kuroi: god
[9:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I love you dean
[9:11 PM] kuroi: i love them
[9:11 PM] kuroi: and their silent conversations
[9:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OHGOD
[9:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LAUGHTER
[9:11 PM] kuroi: UGH
[9:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I HATELAUGHTER
[9:11 PM] kuroi: CREEEPY
[9:11 PM] kuroi: CREEPY LAUGHTER
[9:11 PM] kuroi: NO
[9:11 PM] kuroi: UGH
[9:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "he's the good guy? they kileld the good guy?!"
[9:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:11 PM] kuroi: lol
[9:11 PM] kuroi: she obviously hasn't seen enough of spn
[9:12 PM] kuroi: they always kill the good guy
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:12 PM] kuroi: they just rbing them back too
[9:12 PM] kuroi: a lot
[9:12 PM] kuroi: the fireplace you morons
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oghod
[9:12 PM] kuroi: the fireplace
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's always the fireplace
[9:12 PM] kuroi: with the iron stakes
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'd be so boned
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "oh no is it going to kill her? nooooo"
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i have no iron or silver
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's wrong with ehr face
[9:13 PM] kuroi: i thin i'm enjoying your gf's freactions more than the show
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: me too
[9:13 PM] kuroi: from where she died?
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THANK YOU
[9:13 PM] kuroi: *shiver
[9:13 PM] kuroi: *shiver shiver*
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: aslkdjg;aiowne;lakhsnb;oasilkheng;oailksjnfo;lhweno;ivlkhnawloeilkhgn;vaolikshjgnv;oailkjs
[9:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: a;slidbkhn;aoweilkshgnv;lksd.a,j;oenfvolinae';a lkhac;olkhn;aosigkhna;dsilkghnas
[9:13 PM] kuroi: smart nerd girl!
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yep
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: when did it stop having to be physical remains?
[9:14 PM] kuroi: it has always been that way
[9:14 PM] kuroi: i think
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: damn
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so bobby hung on b/c of what? saliva?
[9:14 PM] kuroi: anything of their physical body
[9:14 PM] kuroi: i think so
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[9:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: fair enough
[9:14 PM] kuroi: dean with the gun
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: come on you idiot
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:15 PM] kuroi: i like how he realies it too
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:15 PM] kuroi: he gets to the masoleum fast
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THE ONE TIME
[9:15 PM] kuroi: really fast
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THE ONE TIME HE CAN'T FUCKING LIGHT IT
[9:15 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[9:15 PM] kuroi: EXACTLY
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SWING YOUR RAZOR WIDE
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:15 PM] kuroi: LOL
[9:16 PM] kuroi: safe
[9:16 PM] kuroi: YES
[9:16 PM] kuroi: not bad
[9:16 PM] kuroi: lol
[9:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how'd she die if she's the one who killed them?
[9:17 PM] kuroi: i love sarah
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: did the father kill her?
[9:17 PM] kuroi: maybe Isaih got her?
[9:17 PM] kuroi: before she got him
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: awwww
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: they're leaving
[9:17 PM] kuroi: and he killed himself?
[9:17 PM] kuroi: lol dean
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: jealous
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well they tried him
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's why he was buried and not creamated with his family
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i think
[9:18 PM] kuroi: maybe
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: COME ON
[9:18 PM] kuroi: who knows
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: TAKE HER WITH YOU
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: TAKE HER
[9:18 PM] kuroi: there are always issues with the hstory
[9:18 PM] kuroi: I KNOW
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AND YOU WON'T BE AROUND TO PROTECT HER
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: REMEMBER JESS
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: REMEMBER?
[9:18 PM] kuroi: UGH
[9:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: part of me wanted her to be a demon
[9:19 PM] kuroi: lol
[9:19 PM] kuroi: YAY
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: NOSE SMUSH
[9:19 PM] kuroi: AT Least A nose smush kiss
[9:19 PM] kuroi: lol
[9:19 PM] kuroi: and Dean
[9:19 PM] kuroi: so proud
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I CAN SEEEEEEEE THE WINCEST
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I CAN SEE IT
[9:19 PM] kuroi: i KNOW RIGHT?
[9:19 PM] kuroi: That's my boy
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and the way he bites his lip
[9:19 PM] kuroi: YOUGH TAUGHT HIM
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: EVER SO SLIGHTLY
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: as they kiss
[9:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: unf
[9:19 PM] kuroi: UGH
[9:19 PM] kuroi: YES
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: god
[9:20 PM] kuroi: *fangrl power*
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cas just get on this show already
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:20 PM] kuroi: I know
[9:20 PM] kuroi: another two whole seasons
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I wish so hard they would make that canon
[9:20 PM] kuroi: until he shows up
[9:20 PM] kuroi: what?
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: destiel
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:20 PM] kuroi: wincest? destiel? wincestiel?
[9:20 PM] kuroi: me too
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well wincest is a little much to ask for
[9:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: (imo)
[9:20 PM] kuroi: well, half the time is a canon thing
[9:21 PM] kuroi: "Where were you when i needed to hear it" "I was right here"
[9:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but i'm tired of playing with freaking references and crap
[9:21 PM] kuroi: that line is freakin straight from a romance novel
[9:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just kiss already
[9:21 PM] kuroi: and it was said by cas nd dean
[9:21 PM] kuroi: I KNow rIGHT?
[9:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i wonder if jensen and misha would even be ok with that
[9:21 PM] kuroi: I watched through season 5 with a good friend and she spent half the time cas and dean
[9:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you know?
[9:21 PM] kuroi: were on the screen yelling at them to kiss
[9:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:21 PM] kuroi: I dunno...
[9:21 PM] kuroi: Misha might
[9:22 PM] kuroi: then again, he's misha
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:22 PM] kuroi: Jensen....
[9:22 PM] kuroi: Jensen's rather shy about somethings
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i know he thinks it's funny to talk about and tease us with
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but idk how either of them would do irl
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[9:22 PM] kuroi: true enough
[9:22 PM] kuroi: ugh
[9:22 PM] kuroi: jee
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just get stand ins and do it from a distance for god's sake
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[9:22 PM] kuroi: i just wish sometimes so hard we got one kiss
[9:22 PM] kuroi: just one
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i want it so bad
[9:23 PM] kuroi: PLEASE
[9:23 PM] kuroi: They win practically all the online couple pairings votes
[9:23 PM] kuroi: and they aren't even "canon"
[9:23 PM] kuroi: that should say something!
[9:23 PM] lunawatson4real left the room.
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i know
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: a;ldkhabpoaidljna;welhvnsa c;xkvhnajshfoabsd;vha
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *cries*
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DESTIEL FEELS
[9:24 PM] kuroi: i have so may of them
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I just want to get to season 4 so my gf can feel them with me
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: like
[9:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she knows and understands because she's seen a few
[9:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but she doesn't FEEL yet
[9:25 PM] kuroi: but the feels and the tension and the way they rip your heart to tiny pieces...
[9:25 PM] kuroi: ugh
[9:25 PM] kuroi: there was this one line
[9:25 PM] kuroi: let me find it
[9:25 PM] kuroi: that was said in a fanfiction by cas and made the fanfic for me
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lkahsnd;ogivlhaw;eosildkhbn ;oalikejhsngd;oviflakjesdn;govilkahwen;sdogixlkjvanwpoei;slkdg
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: fjda;osidlkhgna;weoilskgdjnv;lakw.,hsjneg;ovilkhven;zgesoiklhan;dosilkthnfao;ivlkhesdgnn;o
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: a;osdighlna;woielskhgn;oilAWKHNSED
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LINNNNE
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm in a crazy manic mood
[9:27 PM] kuroi: "you are the reflection of my own greatest potential," Castiel says softly. "In you, I see
[9:27 PM] kuroi: who I would like to be."
[9:27 PM] kuroi: my heart
[9:27 PM] kuroi: it....it....hurts and soars and ugh
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[9:28 PM] kuroi: the fic is so beautiful though
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what fic
[9:28 PM] kuroi: so so breathtakingly gorgeous
[9:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://tiptoesmut.livejournal.com/52425.html
[9:28 PM] kuroi: it was on the other compy
[9:28 PM] kuroi: o so so beautiful
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: feels
[9:29 PM] kuroi: i loved so much of her stuff that i just linked you all to her main story page
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so many fics
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: thanks
[9:29 PM] kuroi: no, in the fic rec
[9:29 PM] kuroi: this is the link to that particular story
[9:29 PM] kuroi: her names tiptoesmut
[9:29 PM] kuroi: which...sorta describes it all, actually
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooh
[9:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[9:36 PM] kuroi: .....all alone
0 notes
Thursday Chat
Figure as long as we keep getting on, I'll keep posting the chat here. I keep the window open all day so I have whoever chatted between 10:30 this morning my time to 2:30 this morning my time. Enjoy
[10:29 AM] guest-220576 entered the room.
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[10:30 AM] guest-220576 changed nickname to obsessedkuroi
[10:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: MORNING HUMANS
*This is your new chat color.*
[10:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: morning
*This is your new chat color.*
[10:36 AM] lunability: MORNING CAT
*This is your new chat color.*
[10:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: MORNING
[10:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: I HAS COLOR
[10:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: IT IS GREEN
[10:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: very good
[10:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: green and purple apparently
[10:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: tinychat likes to screw up my name sometimes
[10:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: and australia is a fascinating continent
[10:38 AM] lunability: http://satan-changed-my-presets.tumblr.com/post/25022462066/the-promise-parts-1-3-complete
[10:38 AM] lunability: This
[10:38 AM] lunability: is so stunning
[10:39 AM] obsessedkuroi: oooh
[10:39 AM] obsessedkuroi: looks good
[10:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: is it your goal to tear my heart into tiny piecas luna?
[10:45 AM] lunability: Sorry, but yes.
[10:45 AM] lunability: I could use yours to replace the ones I am missing :(
[10:45 AM] lunability: Mine is too broken
[10:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: i think mines a little too shredded to hand over
[10:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: too much damn supernatural
[10:46 AM] lunability: I know :(
[10:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: this story
[10:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: i know right?
[10:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[11:00 AM] lunability: it's got me still in tears
[11:00 AM] lunability: lmao
[11:00 AM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[11:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: what have you done to me?
[11:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: why give me this story?
[11:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: soooo good
[11:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and now I must away
[11:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[11:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: bye bye for now boats!
[11:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ttfn
[12:04 PM] lunability: bye boat!
[12:04 PM] lunability: oh I am late
[12:04 PM] lunability: lol
[12:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: just a bit late there luna
[12:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[12:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[12:39 PM] guest-221647 entered the room.
[12:39 PM] guest-221647 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[12:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm back
[12:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi boats!
[1:07 PM] lunability: WB
[1:07 PM] lunability: sorry I am painting a bowl of fruit
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: neat!
[1:07 PM] lunability: and I was watching the game between Croatia and Italy
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: that sounds cool
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: soccer/football?
[1:07 PM] lunability: yeah
[1:07 PM] lunability: Friend made rang me and told me
[1:08 PM] lunability: to comment for her
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: i never know the terminology to use in europe
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: ?
[1:08 PM] lunability: so I was like "our player, their player---" "THE NAMES!" "croatian player one---" "you are
[1:08 PM] lunability: hopeless"
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:08 PM] lunability: I am not a football fan
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3
[1:08 PM] lunability: LL
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: THE NAMES!!
[1:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: *giggles*
[1:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: i played when i was younger for a number of years
[1:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: do you know when the mod is gonna post the works?
[1:11 PM] lunability: "today"
[1:11 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: Sure
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: alright
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: we'll go with that
[1:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[1:12 PM] lunability: We have the
[1:12 PM] lunability: stupidest politicans
[1:12 PM] lunability: I swear to god
[1:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: what's up?
[1:12 PM] lunability: *sigh*
[1:12 PM] lunability: "I was in hungry day after yesterday!"
[1:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ...
[1:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: ....
[1:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ew
[1:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: who said that?
[1:13 PM] lunability: OMG
[1:13 PM] lunability: Our prime minister
[1:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:13 PM] lunability: no more no less
[1:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: That's is terrible
[1:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: there is a reason translators exist
[1:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: for those exact reasons
[1:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooh! going to have coffee!!!
[1:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm sorry
[1:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I keep popping on and off and not really participating in the conversation
[1:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[1:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[1:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm writing
[1:14 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u41G1nayO4
[1:14 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:15 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZBoCnEYdQM
[1:15 PM] lunability: OH MY GOD KILL ME
[1:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: there are times to practice your foreign language skills. A large poilitical gathering is
[1:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: not that place
[1:16 PM] lunability: Nope
[1:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: *facepam*
[1:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: *facepalm**
[1:17 PM] lunability: Eeh Biih Eeh Seeh Biih... Europska Banka za obnovu I razvoj!
[1:17 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: ??
[1:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: what does that mean?
[1:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: Europe bank...?
[1:18 PM] lunability: Uropean bank for reconstruction and dvelopment
[1:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: Ahah
[1:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: I think i would be too confused by the fumbling english to pay much attention
[1:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[1:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: Political meetings, not for language practicing
[1:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: with your new friends, one or two other people, when it isn't crucial for people to
[1:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: completely understand what you are saying, then is time for your new language skills
[1:20 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:20 PM] lunability: At the comments
[1:21 PM] lunability: "It's embarrassing when speaking English is a requirement for working at the local gas
[1:21 PM] lunability: station, but apparently not required for the position of the prime minister"
[1:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:22 PM] lunability: Also
[1:22 PM] lunability: the text
[1:22 PM] lunability: wasn't even in "English"
[1:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: i noticed
[1:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: ....>.<
[1:23 PM] lunability: it was basically english words
[1:23 PM] lunability: written in croatian
[1:23 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:23 PM] lunability: so "action" 2as actually "akšon"
[1:23 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: wow....
[1:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: *is amused*
[1:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: i just figured someone couldn't spell right or something...
[1:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[1:32 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:32 PM] lunability: we are always left behind
[1:32 PM] lunability: also wincest sounds
[1:32 PM] lunability: 2 was so good
[1:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT'S UP????
[1:32 PM] lunability: can't wait for destiel sounds
[1:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: *rushes off*
[1:32 PM] lunability: YES
[1:32 PM] lunability: LMAO
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: ......*.*
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: I would like to marry this person
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: if only she didn't have a fiance
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: who approves of the sound making
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: Shivers
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: full body shivers
[1:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: OMG
[1:38 PM] lunability: wow
[1:38 PM] lunability: he does?
[1:38 PM] lunability: I want a man like that
[1:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: She mentioned it once when he found it or something
[1:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: he has no issues or anything about it or whatever
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: i want someone like that
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: All the good ones are taken or gay
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[1:39 PM] lunability: true
[1:39 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:39 PM] lunability: Also when I hear a guy is gay
[1:39 PM] lunability: it sort of turns me on
[1:39 PM] lunability: I am weird a little
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: nah
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: it happens to the best of us, especially when all we do is spend time reading
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: slash fanfiction, looking at slash art and imagining guys having sex with each other
[1:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: only logical thing to happen when our time is taken up in that realm
[1:42 PM] lunability: LOL
[1:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: i mean, we enjoy manips of canonically straight men making out and having sex
[1:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: and sounds of two men having sex
[1:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: and things where men have sex
[1:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: with each other
[1:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: I feel like it's more acceptable to talk to completely random people on tumblr as compared
[1:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: to facebook....
[1:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: on facebook it's just weird
[1:57 PM] lunability: i tried on facebook
[1:57 PM] lunability: and people irl gave me weird looks
[1:57 PM] lunability: at school
[1:57 PM] lunability: now i act normal
[1:57 PM] lunability: at school
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have people talk to me on facebook and i can't remember who they are or where i met
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: them....
[1:58 PM] lunability: but on the inside I am a raging fangirl dragon
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: I am just strange. my friends accept this and indulge me but i don't have anyone
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: to fangirl with irl
[1:59 PM] lunability: Same
[2:00 PM] lunability: It's so frustrating
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: i often do it anyway
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: that is more frustrating
[2:00 PM] lunability: hahah
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: cause i get so excited and so bouncy and i just want to share and THERE IS NO ONE TO
[2:00 PM] lunability: I do it only with close friends
[2:00 PM] lunability: I knooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow that pain
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: I try to get my mom all excited
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: when i get really desperate
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: she just gives me weird looks
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: like, yesterday with the tree and everything when i was so excited and babbling out loud
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: and wanting to show off how awesome you people were and the things we did
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: i just go a strange look and an indulgent glance at the screen
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: and that was it
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: ERGH
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: MRARGH
[2:03 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUqP1xzRZkw
[2:03 PM] lunability: TRENCHCOATS
[2:03 PM] lunability: LOL
[2:03 PM] lunability: i thougtht of Castiel right away
[2:03 PM] lunability: and
[2:03 PM] lunability: 10
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: loading
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: loading
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: slowly
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: loading
[2:04 PM] lunability: it as uploaded moments ago
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: nice
[3:12 PM] guest-223192 entered the room.
[3:12 PM] guest-223192 changed nickname to luna4real
[3:13 PM] luna4real: stupid interneet
[3:29 PM] lunability left the room.
[3:51 PM] luna4real: Okay
[3:51 PM] luna4real: I will go to bed
[3:51 PM] luna4real: early tonight
[3:51 PM] luna4real: because I slept like 2 hours per day
[3:51 PM] luna4real: since the spnparty started
[3:58 PM] guest-223681 entered the room.
[3:58 PM] guest-223681 changed nickname to impcoat
[3:58 PM] impcoat: hi luna and kuroi! :DDD
[3:58 PM] luna4real: Hii
[3:59 PM] luna4real: Omg
[3:59 PM] luna4real: I wanted to go to bed
[3:59 PM] luna4real: D:
[3:59 PM] luna4real: Haha
[3:59 PM] luna4real: I just want /one/ night of proper sleep
[3:59 PM] impcoat: haha i understand
[4:00 PM] impcoat: i should catch up on sleep as well
[4:00 PM] impcoat: ^^
[4:01 PM] luna4real: i wnt to see the other results
[4:01 PM] luna4real: ooomg
[4:01 PM] impcoat: yes me too!
[4:01 PM] impcoat: and I want to see the other teams' submissions!
[4:01 PM] luna4real: oh
[4:01 PM] luna4real: that is what I meant
[4:01 PM] impcoat: I am so excited and alhfkaavhjvsfa why didn't they post it yet??
[4:01 PM] luna4real: haha
[4:02 PM] impcoat: lol
[4:02 PM] impcoat: ^^
[4:04 PM] luna4real: I'll leave this open
[4:04 PM] luna4real: and go to bed
[4:04 PM] luna4real: ♥ talk to you tomorrow loves
[4:05 PM] impcoat: okay
[4:05 PM] impcoat: goodnight luna! <3
[4:13 PM] guest-223861 entered the room.
[4:13 PM] guest-223861 changed nickname to luna4real1
[4:30 PM] luna4real left the room.
[4:48 PM] impcoat left the room.
[5:03 PM] guest-224302 entered the room.
[5:03 PM] guest-224302 changed nickname to luna4real
[5:52 PM] guest-224755 entered the room.
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[5:52 PM] guest-224755 changed nickname to obsessedkuroi
[5:53 PM] luna4real left the room.
[6:09 PM] guest-224965 entered the room.
[6:09 PM] guest-224965 left the room.
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: sigh
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: the only one here
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: sugh
[8:22 PM] guest-226342 entered the room.
[8:25 PM] guest-226342 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[8:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Hey Kuroi
[8:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI BOATS
[8:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was teaching my mom mahjong rules
[8:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: how is you boats?
[8:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI BOATS
[9:15 PM] guest-226975 entered the room.
[9:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[9:15 PM] guest-226975 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats1
[9:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: hey boats
[9:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: how is you?
[9:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: besides having name changing fun
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats1 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woops
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I was doing crunches
[9:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm having a crazy awesome day
[9:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: NICE
[9:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY CRUNCHES
[9:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: Always a good thing to be doing
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: did intesne father's day shopping, bought myself a fancy schmancy American Gods & Anansi
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Boys for $20 with my long lost giftcard from forever ago
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: It's silver-gilded
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: BEAUTIFUL
[9:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY *Cheesrs for long lost gift card*
[9:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: That's totally awesome
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: I need people to be more responsive to emails about houses
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: and housmates
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: and leases
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: ergh
[9:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and I walked/ran for 30 minutes and tried out my Zombies, Run! app
[9:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh, that's always frustrating
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOT
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: That sounds cool
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: Yes, i know
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: i need two people for next semester and ugh
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: at least one is fairly responsive
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: the other is not at all unless i prod him
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i emailed a couple girls who sounded interesting
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: interested*
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: but no reply emais
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: How does the Zombies Run app work?
[9:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[9:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's so cool
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you pick a playlist
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and it alternates between exposition and your songs
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and it's set up like a story/game thing
[9:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: what iphone does it run on?
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so while you run you get communications from your "home base" with exposition
[9:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i have a 4s, but it probably works on any running os5
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm not sure about the rest
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and as you run you pick up items that you can distribute around your base to level up and
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: unlock new running missions
[9:29 PM] obsessedkuroi: this sounds fun
[9:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and if you have gps on and aren't on a treadmill, you can run from zombie hoards
[9:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: they play the sounds of them in your headphones and you have to run faster to escape
[9:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i got it when it was on super discount earlier this month
[9:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: doesn't work on my phone
[9:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[9:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo
[9:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[9:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have to wait till i get my mom's iphone 4s
[9:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: in august
[9:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[9:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo
[9:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry to hear that
[9:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how're you?
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: not doing
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: bad
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: Will probably sit and try and write 5000 words today
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: this afternoon
[9:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: and update my fanfic or something
[9:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: hopefully
[9:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: waiting for spn party to upload all our submissions and points
[9:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i really want to get a poster of our tree
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: NICE!
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i want to know how we did
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: SO MUCH
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm totally in if you find somewhere to get it
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: (I almost wrote botally, lol)
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: I put up a couple links on the blog
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ridiculous
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: for costom poster making sites
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: custom*
[9:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sweeeet!
[9:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'll check out the sites once I get back to my apt
[9:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I should actually head out now, otherwise I'll be eating dinner at like, 9 pm
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: Kay
[9:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: anyway, I"ll be back later :)
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: later dear!
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: enjoy noms!
[10:45 PM] guest-228112 entered the room.
[10:45 PM] guest-228112 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats1
[10:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats1 left the room.
[11:01 PM] guest-228295 entered the room.
[11:01 PM] guest-228295 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboatsforreal
[11:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: really clone me?
[11:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[11:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HUZZAH!
[11:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOOT
[11:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT IS GONE!!
[11:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: BOATS CLONE IS GONE
[11:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: BOATS
[11:02 PM] frequentlynotonboatsforreal changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHAZZAAP?
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: WRITING
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: I IS WRITING
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AH
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well then
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: don't let me interrupt :p
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND SCORES
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: CAUSE SHE HASN"T YET
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: scoooores
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: RAGH
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we were lied to
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was looking up queen elizabeth's childhood
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: and her education
[11:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: it is rather interesting
[11:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: unless by "tomorrow" she meant the day after today because it was after midnight
[11:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: really? how so?
[11:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: she was fluent in six languages before she was eleven
[11:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[11:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: and the most well educated lady of her time
[11:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DANG
[11:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: Latin, Greek, Spanish, french, Welsh, English
[11:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: by the time she was ELEVEN
[11:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: HOLY SHIT
[11:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: jeeeeeez
[11:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: and practically everything else
[11:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: good lord
[11:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's amazing
[11:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't even believe it
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: histoy, theology, religion, philosophy, logic, rhetoric, mathematics
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: grammar, music, literature
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: geology
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: sorry, geometry*
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: just....
[11:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: wow
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: no wonder she was so celebrated
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: then again, i am writing her into the Doctor Who crossover and i sorta
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: want to know as much as i can about her
[11:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: mannnn
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: at least until she took the throne at age 25
[11:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's really cool
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: 25!
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: and she reigned until she was 69!
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: my lord
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: just, whatever
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: you amazing human being
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: *.*
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: **.**
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: be awesome and interesting and never marry so you can hold onto
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: the power of the throne all by yourself
[11:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: and do such a good job of it you're celebrated hundreds of years later
[11:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: and you have an age named after yourself
[11:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: amazing woman
[11:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: Admiration, nothing but that for her right now
[11:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: And I get to play with her, stick her into the Doctor Who world and have her
[11:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: meet Harry and the Doctor and everything
[11:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: and be awesome and interesting and stuff
[11:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's really exciting
[11:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm looking forward to this
[11:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'm having fun
[11:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: i hope to finish, edit, and post it in an hour or two
[11:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sweet
[11:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can pound out the number of words i need by then
[11:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I"ll swing by ff.net and check it out :)
[11:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i finally changed the damn title of my story
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: it doesn't sound so boring now either
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: I figured out something for it at least
[11:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh! what is it now?
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: The Saviour, Child of the Tardis, Son of a madman
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: or something to that effect
[11:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooh
[11:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i like it
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: i got a momment on how uninteresting the name was
[11:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: i had agreed readily cause i just put something in the title
[11:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ah
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i didn't like it either
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: glad to hear you fixed it! :D
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: so i finally came up with something
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: that was more interesting!@
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm going to make a target run while I still can, lol so I'll be back later, if you're
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: still on
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooh
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: i will!
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: absolutely more interesting
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I"m excited to check it out
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[12:45 AM] guest-229495 entered the room.
[12:45 AM] guest-229495 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[12:45 AM] frequentlynotonboats: What up?
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: hey
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: sorry
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: i missed the beep
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: ....writing
[12:51 AM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: almost done!
[12:51 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:51 AM] frequentlynotonboats: WOO
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: with this chapter at least
[12:51 AM] frequentlynotonboats: haha I just read the done part
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: got almost 2000 words written!
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and then I wondered how you added "almost"
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: maybe another 1000
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i should be good
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: then a quick edit and i post!
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wooooooooo
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: *party down*
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: SO EXCITED
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: gonna be an okay length chapter
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: close to 7000 words if not a bit more
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: so, between the length of chapter 1 and chapter 2
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: and a whole lot of elizabeth the firs
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: first*
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause i think i love the lady
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: jeeeez
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's awesome
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm sort of basing Harry's ability to speak on my own history
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: where most children at 2 have a vocabulary of a few hundred words, by the time
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: i was a year and a half, i never stopped talking or learning new words
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: or talking to anyone who would listen
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: so i have a moderately articulate small child
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: one who asks a lot of questions
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: of everyone and everything and doesn't really get that you aren't supposed
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: to call the queen by her first name but said queen doesn't really care
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause Harry's adorable and he's smart and reminds her of herself
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: awww
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: <3
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm having fun
[1:02 AM] obsessedkuroi: should be up soon
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: sweet
[1:02 AM] obsessedkuroi: hopefully
[1:02 AM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to type*
[2:08 AM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[2:09 AM] guest-230218 entered the room.
[2:09 AM] guest-230218 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[2:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what the heck
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: HEY GUESS WHAT??
[2:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: YOU FINISHED?
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: GUESS WHAT???
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: YES!!!
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: I DID!!
[2:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: WHOOO
[2:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: *saves*
[2:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[2:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to post on ffnet*
[2:11 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yaay
[2:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: UPDATED!!!
[2:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: YAY!!!
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wooooo
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i was going to check it tonight
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but i'm exhauste
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: TOMORROW
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's midnight there
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: bedtime
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: right>
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: ?
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: night
[2:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :D
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: night night!
[2:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: talk to you later boats!
0 notes
I know a lot of us are really excited about the Family Tree! I wasn't to get a poster to hang on my wall for it. There are a couple sites I've been looking at to get custom posters for cheap where you can upload your own art to get it. I'll link the two I found that are the better ones below for group opinions. First   Second
1 note · View note
Wednesday Chat
Or,well most of it! We finished the party, we celebrated the awesomeness of out family tree and everything was shiny!
Tumblr media
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[4:26 PM] guest-210250 changed nickname to obsessedkuroi
[4:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: I HAVE A LAPPY
[4:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: FOR A LITTLE WHILE AT LEASR
[4:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: And i'm a weird color....
[4:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hi
[4:28 PM] impcoat: heeey kuroi
[4:28 PM] impcoat: :))
[4:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[4:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: How are you all!
[4:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[4:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: enjoying some salad :)
[4:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY SALAD
[4:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm home until my mom needs to be picked up
[4:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[4:29 PM] obsessedkuroi: how's everyone doing on their free prompt?
[4:30 PM] impcoat: yay, I'll be doing the team project as the free prompt probably
[4:30 PM] impcoat: as a team prompt
[4:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: okey doke
[4:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: AWESOME
[4:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: How's it coming Imp?
*This is your new chat color.*
[4:30 PM] impcoat: no idea if I'll be doing something else
[4:30 PM] impcoat: what about you?
[4:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: I have a fanfic in the works
[4:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i might mess around on photoshop
[4:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: cause it's fun!
[4:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i'll link what i have of fanfic recs to the tumblr page
[4:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sweet
[4:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: you all are not ready for the mass number of fanfics coming at you
[4:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: and it's only the spn links on there right now
[4:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YAY
[4:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: give me a few to get the last remaining ones onto the list
[4:41 PM] impcoat: okay, made a supernatural logo branch
[4:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woo
[4:41 PM] impcoat: now there are only two that no one has take yet remaining
[4:41 PM] impcoat: hmmm.... what to do with them...?
[4:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: ......hmmm
[4:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: any good family lines from the show?
[4:44 PM] impcoat: idk, what should I do with them?
[4:44 PM] lunability left the room.
[4:44 PM] impcoat: i mean, what would you suggest I do with them
[4:44 PM] impcoat: ?
[4:44 PM] impcoat: ^^
[4:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: er....
[4:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: you could dedicate them to the characters on the show we love but aren't main characters?
[4:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: make one a demon branch
[4:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: make the other an angel branch?
[4:47 PM] impcoat: ohh, that sounds cool
[4:48 PM] impcoat: but how?
[4:51 PM] impcoat: what colours would you suggest for angels?
[4:51 PM] impcoat: for demons I'm thinking red and black, probably
[4:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: angels....white, blue, soft blue, gold, silver,
[4:59 PM] impcoat: mhm... :))
[4:59 PM] impcoat: okay, I'll try some things out in photoshopt
[4:59 PM] impcoat: will be back in a bit
[5:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[5:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: Alright, the fic recs are up!
[5:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: Enjoy, tell me which ones you love
[5:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: i;ll be back in a little bit!
[5:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wo
[5:17 PM] guest-210892 entered the room.
[5:18 PM] guest-210892 changed nickname to lunability
[5:18 PM] lunability: this tablet
[5:18 PM] lunability: is horrible
[5:19 PM] lunability: for sai
[5:22 PM] lunability left the room.
[5:22 PM] guest-210934 entered the room.
[5:22 PM] guest-210934 changed nickname to lunability
[5:26 PM] lunability: ok stime to finish this branch
[5:26 PM] impcoat: what do all of you think of when you think of demons/angels
[5:27 PM] impcoat: i have the angel banishing sigil for angels and the anti possesion symbol for demons
[5:27 PM] lunability: Hmm
[5:27 PM] lunability: when someone says Demon I think of crowley
[5:27 PM] lunability: and angel I thin of Castiel
[5:28 PM] lunability: and then I have to switch back to "muggle" thinking and realise they either mean an
[5:28 PM] lunability: addiction
[5:28 PM] lunability: or a hot guy/girl
[5:28 PM] impcoat: kuroi and I were discussing wha to do with the remaining branches and she came up
[5:28 PM] impcoat: with the idea that we do one angel and one demon branch
[5:29 PM] impcoat: so I need some stuff to put on each one of them
[5:29 PM] lunability: OOh
[5:30 PM] lunability: OKay well
[5:30 PM] lunability: When I think demon or angel in that context
[5:30 PM] lunability: I would associate angels with their grace (the light) and demons with their... fart (that
[5:30 PM] lunability: weird smoke/gas form they are in)
[5:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[5:33 PM] impcoat: mhm thats an idea :))
[5:34 PM] lunability: I am so incredibly eloquent today
[5:34 PM] lunability: "demon fart"
[5:35 PM] lunability: Oh I was doing a personality test with my friend (in English)
[5:35 PM] lunability: and I said "imagine a dersert"
[5:35 PM] lunability: and she heard "dessert"
[5:35 PM] lunability: God, the thing she imagined
[5:35 PM] impcoat: haha omg
[5:36 PM] lunability: Bottom line: there was a dead, electroquted horse with it's head stuck in a giant cube
[5:36 PM] lunability: shaped cake
[5:37 PM] lunability: electrocuted*
[5:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: o.o
[5:37 PM] lunability: Oh, I started sounding like that website that spelled "block" as "bloque"
[5:37 PM] lunability: "Your computer is bloqued by a virus! Click here to unbloque it"
[5:38 PM] lunability: That was so funny I spat the water I was drinking at the moment
[5:38 PM] lunability: all over the livingroom
[5:40 PM] lunability: should I be cool
[5:40 PM] lunability: and make a horrible painting of a wing
[5:40 PM] lunability: that won't even look like a wing
[5:40 PM] lunability: or should I just photoshop the hell out of a seagull wing
[5:40 PM] impcoat: oh i zhink i know that test
[5:41 PM] impcoat: were you have to place different stuff on a picture and it somehow says what kind
[5:41 PM] impcoat: of person you are
[5:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: UGH I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD LAYERS
[5:41 PM] impcoat: with water, a cube, a ladder etc
[5:41 PM] impcoat: *where
[5:43 PM] lunability: Yes!
[5:43 PM] lunability: But it was a desert, a storm, a ladder, flowers, a horse
[5:43 PM] lunability: and a cube
[5:44 PM] lunability: boats
[5:44 PM] lunability: that was my problem, too
[5:44 PM] lunability: Hahah
[5:44 PM] lunability: You get used to it
[5:44 PM] lunability: Okay
[5:44 PM] lunability: Pain tool Sai si open
[5:44 PM] lunability: and
[5:44 PM] lunability: Hmm
[5:44 PM] lunability: does the branch have to be
[5:44 PM] lunability: green>
[5:44 PM] lunability: or can I make it brown?
[5:44 PM] lunability: or will you?
[5:45 PM] lunability: I can only do the wing part
[5:45 PM] impcoat: it doesn't matter what color you make it
[5:45 PM] lunability: i will just do the wings
[5:45 PM] impcoat: yes okay
[5:45 PM] lunability: and you can work your magic
[5:45 PM] impcoat: thats absolutely fine :DD
[5:45 PM] lunability: because
[5:45 PM] impcoat: has anyone heard from wolf today?
[5:45 PM] lunability: I want the branch to match the other branches
[5:46 PM] impcoat: because her branch is missing too
[5:46 PM] lunability: no! :(
[5:46 PM] lunability: oh
[5:46 PM] lunability: she drew her branch!
[5:46 PM] impcoat: oh no, sorry, I got that :DD
[5:46 PM] impcoat: haha, but one branch IS missing
[5:46 PM] impcoat: ...
[5:46 PM] lunability: http://team-castielangelofthelord.tumblr.com/post/25029792918/
[5:46 PM] lunability: Maybe dick?
[5:46 PM] impcoat: oh I know, dick's
[5:46 PM] impcoat: yes
[5:47 PM] impcoat: have any one you heard from her?
[5:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nope
[5:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[5:48 PM] guest-211267 entered the room.
[5:48 PM] guest-211267 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[5:49 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'm on season four. ldksjflksdjf
[5:49 PM] impcoat: jdahdjkfgfssks
[5:49 PM] impcoat: yay!!!!
[5:49 PM] impcoat: have you watched lazarus rising?
[5:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: The first. . .maybe five minutes
[5:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: So no
[5:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: not yet
[5:50 PM] lunability: OMfg
[5:50 PM] lunability: I am waiting for exam week to be over
[5:50 PM] lunability: so I can start watching with my friend
[5:50 PM] lunability: she is season 1
[5:50 PM] lunability: hahaha
[5:50 PM] lunability: Oh
[5:50 PM] lunability: Lazarus landing
[5:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Ick. exams.
[5:50 PM] lunability: the first few minutes
[5:50 PM] lunability: is the sexy dean walk
[5:51 PM] lunability: Oh my God
[5:51 PM] lunability: *drools*
[5:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I don't think I'll watch a spn with my dad again
[5:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: EVERY TIME something bad happened to Dean
[5:52 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: he did one of those in-your-face laughs
[5:53 PM] lunability: If my parent did that
[5:53 PM] lunability: They wouldn't have a face for me to laugh into
[5:53 PM] impcoat: oh that's bad
[5:53 PM] impcoat: :P
[5:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I yelled at him to shut up
[5:54 PM] lunability: I think my character in SPN would be a pissed of witch or a demon
[5:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Luna the demon witch!
[5:54 PM] lunability: Hahah
[5:55 PM] lunability: I had a weird thought
[5:55 PM] lunability: the other day
[5:55 PM] lunability: what would happen if a demon and an angel had a child?
[5:55 PM] lunability: Can Angels even reproduce
[5:55 PM] lunability: like sexually
[5:55 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: O_______________________O
[5:55 PM] impcoat: i don't think angels can
[5:55 PM] impcoat: but their vessels do
[5:56 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: If they could though oh my god.
[5:56 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: What would happen?
[5:56 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Thats crazy
[5:56 PM] impcoat: hmmm, maybe crowley is one of them
[5:56 PM] impcoat: a demon/angel hybrid
[5:56 PM] impcoat: whatever
[5:56 PM] lunability: Why would you think that?
[5:56 PM] lunability: We know he was human befor ehe became a demon
[5:57 PM] impcoat: well, he isn't a demon as was hinted
[5:57 PM] impcoat: so what else could he be?
[5:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ummmmmmmmmm
[5:57 PM] lunability: Wait
[5:57 PM] lunability: when was hat hinted?
[5:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's crazy
[5:57 PM] impcoat: the fandom agrees he's secretly an angel but
[5:57 PM] lunability: Why do devil-traps work on him, then, but angel sigils don't?
[5:57 PM] impcoat: this would make even more sense
[5:58 PM] impcoat: no idea, but mark sheppard hinted that he wasnt a demon on several occasions
[5:58 PM] lunability: of course he would. He is British, that's what they do
[5:58 PM] lunability: LOL
[5:59 PM] impcoat: and there were some other things
[5:59 PM] impcoat: like that we never saw his eyes flash
[5:59 PM] impcoat: stuff like that
[5:59 PM] impcoat: it all seems a little suspicious
[5:59 PM] impcoat: lol luna
[5:59 PM] impcoat: all brits are liars
[5:59 PM] impcoat: ^^
[6:00 PM] lunability: No, they are just bitterly sarcastic
[6:00 PM] lunability: they probably don't know when they're being sarcastic themselves anymore
[6:00 PM] impcoat: haha, probably
[6:01 PM] impcoat: but it's the general headcanon of the fandom that crowley is not a demon
[6:01 PM] impcoat: but maybe he is and we're all just hinking too much about it
[6:01 PM] impcoat: ^^
[6:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: does that headcanon come in part from good omens?
[6:03 PM] lunability: I would like him to be a demon, actually
[6:04 PM] lunability: Oh
[6:04 PM] lunability: and another thing...
[6:05 PM] impcoat: haha, no idea
[6:05 PM] impcoat: but i think the spn fandom came up with that all by itself
[6:05 PM] lunability: so, an angel would be able to tell if he is talking to another angel
[6:05 PM] impcoat: even though crowley from good omens is pretty badass, too
[6:05 PM] lunability: or a demon
[6:05 PM] lunability: Hahaha
[6:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[6:10 PM] impcoat: yeah, i just saw dick wrote to me and told me she'll get the branch to me after class ^^
[6:10 PM] impcoat: woho
[6:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: almost done with mine!!!
[6:12 PM] impcoat: yaaay
[6:13 PM] impcoat: are you gonna upload it to tumblr?
[6:15 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Oh! Imp you got mine right?
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm just finishing up with the coloring
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I hope it turns out ok
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:16 PM] impcoat: ^^
[6:16 PM] impcoat: yes, already edited it in wolf! ;DD
[6:16 PM] impcoat: Its really cute
[6:16 PM] impcoat: I added your username to it
[6:17 PM] impcoat: hope that's alright... :DD
[6:17 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Yay!
[6:17 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Totally fine! :D
[6:17 PM] lunability: oh my god
[6:17 PM] lunability: my painting skills
[6:17 PM] lunability: are in negative
[6:17 PM] lunability: i wish they were non-existant
[6:19 PM] impcoat: haha, it surely is not that bad
[6:20 PM] lunability: This looks like murder
[6:20 PM] lunability: LOL
[6:20 PM] lunability: Okay
[6:20 PM] lunability: I wil
[6:20 PM] lunability: 
[6:20 PM] lunability: just stop comparing it
[6:20 PM] lunability: to euclase's work
[6:21 PM] lunability: because she is like perfection level
[6:23 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: This is so random but I must announce that I have one pair of matching socks.
[6:23 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I really want to know what happened to all the others O_O
[6:23 PM] impcoat: haha, everyone looks like a bad artis compared to her :PP
[6:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:23 PM] impcoat: ^^ well, at least you got one...
[6:24 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahahah! Well I never wear matching socks. It makes me feel weird <---freaaaaaaakk
[6:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: i don't have any matching socks
[6:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: at all
[6:25 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: hahahaha
[6:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: i steal everyone elses socks and unmatch them
[6:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: and am called the sock monster
[6:25 PM] lunability: okay I think I don't have the required patience to be a painter
[6:26 PM] lunability: I want everything to be *poof* done.
[6:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[6:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: RIGHT?
[6:26 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'm in a love hate relationship with painting
[6:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i feel you luna
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: SYTYCD comes on in half an hour!!!
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[6:26 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: OH KUROI!
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok, i need to do something for the prompt
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES WOLF
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: WES?
[6:26 PM] impcoat left the room.
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes?
[6:27 PM] lunability: I think we are doing the tree thing
[6:27 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: The fics you have, if there are spoilers is it listed on your summeray things?
[6:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[6:27 PM] lunability: for our promp
[6:27 PM] lunability: with our branches
[6:27 PM] guest-211684 entered the room.
[6:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[6:27 PM] guest-211684 changed nickname to impcoat
[6:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: IMP
[6:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: YOU'RE BACK
[6:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[6:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hi
[6:27 PM] impcoat: whoops closed the internet window on accident
[6:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: i've done that
[6:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: makes you cross your eyes in anger at yourself
[6:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Okay good! Because I really want to read one and I wanted to make sure there were no
[6:28 PM] impcoat: BUT NOW I AM BACK!
[6:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: spoilers!
[6:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: IF THERE ARE SPOILERS I PUT THEM ON
[6:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: I WILL GO MAKE DOUBLY SURE
[6:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Imp do we have the same colour?
[6:29 PM] impcoat: yes i think so...
[6:29 PM] impcoat: I'll change mine
[6:29 PM] impcoat: yay new color
[6:29 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: For A Hole In The World. . . I'm just drawn to things that make me have breakdowns for
[6:29 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: some reason
[6:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's spoilers
[6:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: for season 5
[6:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: it says?
[6:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to check*
[6:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: I might just say READ IT THE FUCK ANYWAY
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: BUT THEN AGAIN
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: WATCH UNTIL 5.04 BEFORE YOU READ IT
[6:32 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Ahhhhhhhh
[6:32 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: How many episodes does season 4 have?
[6:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: 22
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: *dies*
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: kjshdfkjhdskfjh
[6:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: There's a lot that you shouldn't read until you've seen The End
[6:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: which is 5.04
[6:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: think of it as motivation
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I will
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I definantly will.
[6:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: i fixed the spoiler warning
[6:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i checked out the others
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Okay!
[6:33 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: So all that have spoilers now have warnings?
[6:33 PM] lunability: okay this is starting to look less abominable
[6:33 PM] lunability: lmao
[6:34 PM] impcoat: you go luna!
[6:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: GO LUNA!
[6:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: YOU DO AWESOME!
[6:37 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH1bMXcZs40&feature=endscreen&NR=1
[6:37 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Dose this song remind anyone else of spn?
[6:37 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Its Maybe by Julia stone
[6:37 PM] impcoat: *listens*
[6:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: listening
[6:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: phew
[6:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: coloring is freaking hard
[6:38 PM] impcoat: you tell me
[6:38 PM] impcoat: its exhaustinf
[6:38 PM] impcoat: *exhausting
[6:38 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I think it might be the mix of reasons that I've watched almost all of season three in one
[6:38 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: night
[6:38 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: and that picture reminds me of Bela
[6:39 PM] lunability: http://i47.tinypic.com/34rht3k.jpg
[6:39 PM] impcoat: wohooo :DD
[6:39 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: That. Is. awesome.
[6:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: NEAT!
[6:39 PM] lunability: http://i47.tinypic.com/2pydc7l.jpg
[6:39 PM] lunability: Meh
[6:39 PM] lunability: I don't know
[6:39 PM] lunability: lol
[6:39 PM] impcoat: do you want to add your username somewhere or should i?
[6:40 PM] lunability: Oh
[6:40 PM] lunability: If you have an idea
[6:40 PM] lunability: you can
[6:40 PM] lunability: if not
[6:40 PM] lunability: I can figure something out
[6:40 PM] lunability: want the png?
[6:40 PM] impcoat: because i did it for the other branches except for kuroi because she already did it
[6:40 PM] impcoat: herself
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: NAMES
[6:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: I can't wait to see how this turns out!
[6:41 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'm exited for it!
[6:41 PM] impcoat: I'll try to work work with the one you posted and if it doesn't work I might ask you to up
[6:41 PM] impcoat: load the png
[6:41 PM] impcoat: iif thats okay
[6:41 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Imp when do you think you'll have it done?
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: Do you need the links for the chibis i used?
[6:42 PM] impcoat: when i get all branches maybe half an hour...?
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: for the submission
[6:43 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Okay, so tonight then
[6:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY
[6:44 PM] lunability: http://i50.tinypic.com/2vjqsys.png
[6:44 PM] lunability: the png
[6:44 PM] impcoat: yay! kuroi, I don't think so or do you want them for the credits?
[6:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: they weren't my chibis so...
[6:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'll put the links up on tumblr if you think they should go in the sub
[6:48 PM] lunability: omg
[6:48 PM] lunability: I can't wait to see this
[6:48 PM] lunability: *excited*
[6:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: *jumps up and down excitedly*
[6:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: The fact that this was originally just an idea chizuno, wolf and I batteda round that
[6:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: first night, the fact that it is comeing into existance..
[6:49 PM] impcoat: okay, I'll credit in the author's note anyway. :DD
[6:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: *SO EXCITED*
[6:49 PM] impcoat: yay, it start to look halfway finished!
[6:49 PM] impcoat: so thats good! ;DD
[6:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I didn't actually think this would happen.
[6:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'm glad it worked :D
[6:53 PM] lunability: I so missed the first prompt
[6:53 PM] lunability: I was confusd as to what was even happening
[6:53 PM] lunability: LOL
[6:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[6:53 PM] lunability: I am sometimes slow like that
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: I clicked into tinychat and chizuno and wolf were already here
[6:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: and it went from there
[6:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: HAHAHA
[6:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I was trying to remember what we first talked about
[6:58 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: and it was me saying how I had no idea who Cas was.
[6:58 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: At least thats the first thing I remember. . its all been a blur
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: I don't have the first part of that chat....i have the part I joined though
[6:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: and then you vanished
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: and chizuno and I dissolved itno hysterics
[6:59 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Because you thought my teacher had kidnapped me correct?
[6:59 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: And was beating me with my arm
[6:59 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: xD
[6:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: No, we thought you had been grounded and you ran out with your compy and the
[7:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: police were chasing you so we dispatched the squirrels
[7:00 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahahahaha
[7:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: when you cant fastforwad through the bad dancing
[7:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[7:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: the really bad dancing
[7:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: like, really really bad
[7:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: that feeling
[7:15 PM] impcoat: ... edited your branch it luna :))
[7:15 PM] impcoat: *in
[7:15 PM] impcoat: boats, how is your branchh coming along?
[7:16 PM] lunability: yay! <3
[7:16 PM] lunability: Thanks
[7:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY MORE BRANCHES
[7:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY
[7:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[7:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: just about done
[7:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: should i fill the branch in with black?
[7:20 PM] impcoat: you can
[7:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[7:20 PM] impcoat: if not i'll do it
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i kind of winged the top
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: didn't copy/paste or anything
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so hopefully it'll fit ok
[7:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :\
[7:21 PM] impcoat: yes, it will, I'll make it fit
[7:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woo
[7:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: uploading it
[7:29 PM] lunability: yay
[7:29 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!!
[7:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my skin turned out such a weird color
[7:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but oh well
[7:29 PM] lunability: me too
[7:29 PM] lunability: oh, you can fix the skin in PS
[7:29 PM] impcoat: yaaaay
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5l01cfmfU1rxmazso1_500.jpg
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I don't ahve PS i have an editing app for my ipa
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *ipad
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh well
[7:30 PM] impcoat: its you with a boat! ;DDD
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:30 PM] impcoat: so cool!
[7:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: PRETTY!
[7:30 PM] obsessedkuroi: SO COOL!
[7:30 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[7:30 PM] impcoat: *off to edit into picture*
[7:30 PM] lunability: omg
[7:30 PM] lunability: love that
[7:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[7:31 PM] lunability: what? You drew that on an ipad?
[7:31 PM] lunability: *dies*
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nah, freehanded three separate pieces
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: then took pics with my phone, and uploaded
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: traced the lines
[7:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOW SO COOL!!
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: layered and scaled the pieces
[7:31 PM] lunability: ooh
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and color
[7:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *colored
[7:32 PM] lunability: well
[7:32 PM] lunability: it looks
[7:32 PM] lunability: fucking fantastic
[7:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: thanks
[7:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: this is rather fascinating
[7:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: this guy's dance is that of the life cycle of the male praying mantis
[7:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[7:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooooh
[7:32 PM] lunability: oh
[7:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: ind it isn't terrible
[7:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's rather mesmerizing
[7:33 PM] lunability: I haven't even watched Eureka/PLL because of the prompts
[7:33 PM] lunability: Omg
[7:33 PM] lunability: I am so dedicated to SPN
[7:33 PM] lunability: Fuck all the other shows~
[7:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[7:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: Well, except sytycd is on
[7:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i love sytycd
[7:34 PM] lunability: I will watch those two tomorrow
[7:34 PM] lunability: well
[7:34 PM] lunability: later today
[7:34 PM] lunability: it's 2 am
[7:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:34 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo :(
[7:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: jeez luna
[7:34 PM] lunability: oh
[7:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: you and imp
[7:34 PM] lunability: it is a thursday
[7:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: constantly victimized by timezones
[7:34 PM] lunability: LOL YES
[7:34 PM] lunability: I have to get up tomorrow
[7:34 PM] lunability: I forgot, though
[7:34 PM] lunability: Meeeh ~
[7:35 PM] lunability: I take my time zone and ~ THROW IT TO THE GROUND. Nananana
[7:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: STOMP ON IT!
[7:35 PM] lunability: I don't know why that song popped into my head now
[7:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:35 PM] lunability: *listens*
[7:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'M AN ADUUUUUUULLLLLT
[7:35 PM] lunability: MY DAD IS NOT A PHONE!
[7:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: *we shout to the disbelieving world*
[7:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you know what the best part of that song is?
[7:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: i don't know this song....
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[7:36 PM] lunability: him getting butt-tased
[7:36 PM] lunability: by ryan reynolds?
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lonely island/snl
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GROUND
[7:36 PM] lunability: LMO YES
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: at least imo
[7:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: let me get you a link kuroi
[7:37 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boooo
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[7:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: same one guys
[7:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: same one
[7:37 PM] lunability: haha
[7:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:37 PM] lunability: "I ain't gonna be part of this system!~"
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hahahahaha
[7:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm watching it again
[7:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I THREW THE REST OF THE CAKE TOO
[7:39 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:39 PM] lunability: AT THE KID
[7:39 PM] lunability: BEING JUST BREEZED
[7:39 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:39 PM] lunability: "tazing on my butthole over and over! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:40 PM] lunability: I  love how RR has that maniac grin
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and now it's jack sparrow time
[7:40 PM] lunability: on his face
[7:40 PM] lunability: Omg yes
[7:40 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6CfKcMhjY
[7:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's just hilarious because it'd be such a great rap song lol
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: this video is like a warning about the many stages of intense fandom
[7:41 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: first you find something you love
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you talk about it
[7:42 PM] lunability: "Yeah that was kind weird, but we're back in da club ~"
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you write your own stuff
[7:42 PM] impcoat: now only dick needs to send their branch and then i can upload the pic
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you cosplay
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and then you DO IT WITH EVERYTHING ELSE
[7:42 PM] impcoat: and wohoo, lonely island is great!
[7:42 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:42 PM] lunability: Omg that's true
[7:42 PM] lunability: at first I was
[7:42 PM] lunability: a silent Supernatural fan
[7:42 PM] lunability: now I am like an evangelist
[7:42 PM] lunability: I am making everyone watch Supernatural
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: THAT'S AN AMAZING ANALOGY
[7:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:43 PM] lunability: And I swing my bitch-cape if someone doesn't like it
[7:43 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:43 PM] lunability: That was an euphemism for being a flat out rude cow, fyi
[7:43 PM] lunability: Nobody messes with supernatural ♥
[7:44 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_W_xLWtNa0
[7:44 PM] lunability: I know a chick called Ronnie
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YEEEESSS
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YESSSSSSS
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YESSSS
[7:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: NO ONE IN THE BANK CAN HEAR YOU
[7:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[7:46 PM] lunability: "We're gonna have sex, tudaloo~"
[7:47 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o
[7:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: little blonde chick can kurmp!!
[7:48 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:49 PM] lunability: "THE BESt 30 SECONDS OF MY LIFE"
[7:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lolol
[7:49 PM] lunability: Oh I know a few good ones
[7:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: DOESN'T MATTER HAVE SEX
[7:49 PM] lunability: STILLMCOUNTS!
[7:49 PM] lunability: damn you typo
[7:49 PM] lunability: raining all over my parade
[7:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:50 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-6kThkmiQc
[7:50 PM] lunability: I spent christmas and new year's
[7:50 PM] lunability: listenign to this
[7:50 PM] lunability: on the 2010/2011
[7:50 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:50 PM] lunability: limbo
[7:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what is this?
[7:51 PM] lunability: The funniest song ever
[7:52 PM] lunability: omg
[7:52 PM] lunability: I want to sing along
[7:52 PM] lunability: but I can't
[7:52 PM] lunability: because I don't want to spoil the good parts for you
[7:52 PM] lunability: LOL
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[7:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that happened to my friend
[7:54 PM] lunability: I know way too many weird parts of youtube
[7:55 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIyeNRbbKBw
[7:55 PM] lunability: I love how all their
[7:55 PM] lunability: soungs start so serious
[7:55 PM] lunability: and are the polar opposite
[7:55 PM] lunability: of it LOL
[7:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[7:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: AHHAHAHAHAHAHA
[7:56 PM] lunability: AAAAAL BROOOOOOOOOWN
[7:56 PM] lunability: LMFAO
[7:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: i don't know what to say to that song...
[7:59 PM] lunability: I bet you are scared of my taste in music now
[7:59 PM] lunability: LMAO
[7:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: maybe a tad
[8:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: more in how you find it that the music itself
[8:00 PM] lunability: Also this ooone
[8:00 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlEc5Qi-8Uc
[8:00 PM] lunability: it is not so weird
[8:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: what search terms do you use?
[8:00 PM] lunability: hmm
[8:00 PM] lunability: I saw taryn Southern
[8:00 PM] lunability: in a web-movie once
[8:00 PM] lunability: and looked her up
[8:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: okay
[8:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can see that happening
[8:01 PM] lunability: ok that steve song
[8:01 PM] lunability: gets really funny
[8:01 PM] lunability: like halfway through
[8:01 PM] lunability: more like 2/3
[8:02 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onyTRrZJkxE this si how it started
[8:02 PM] lunability: LOL
[8:07 PM] lunability: no idea why i watched Zombiez
[8:08 PM] lunability: Oh no nvm I remembered
[8:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[8:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[8:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: only two more hours left in the challenge!!!
[8:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: is anyone else really into zodiac signs?
[8:15 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI-pJ7bdyko
[8:16 PM] lunability: I wish he auctioned himself for one night to raise money for The Random Act
[8:16 PM] lunability: *dirty fantasies*
[8:16 PM] lunability: Sigh, my brain is doing the things it shouldn't right now
[8:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that would take some serious dough
[8:18 PM] lunability: I would sell my soul
[8:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WE DON'T JOKE ABOUT THAT
[8:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but seriously? cause I might know a guy ;)
[8:21 PM] lunability: Hahaha
[8:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't wait to see the tree
[8:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm like really excited
[8:24 PM] lunability: me too
[8:24 PM] lunability: omg
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: why isn't season 7 on netflix yet?
[8:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[8:37 PM] impcoat: brb gonna restart my coomputer because it is really slow...
[8:37 PM] lunability: ok
[8:37 PM] impcoat left the room.
[8:41 PM] lunability: Why are there no great TV show services or w/e
[8:41 PM] lunability: in Croatia
[8:41 PM] lunability: *sigh*
[8:51 PM] guest-213169 entered the room.
[8:51 PM] guest-213169 changed nickname to impcoat
[8:52 PM] impcoat: hi again
[8:53 PM] lunability: wb!
[8:53 PM] impcoat: :))
[8:53 PM] impcoat: okay i have a question
[8:54 PM] impcoat: if dick can't hand in the branch before the prompt deadline tonight
[8:54 PM] impcoat: should we hand it in as a work in progress anyway
[8:54 PM] impcoat: or just wait and post the finished tree
[8:54 PM] lunability: Hmm
[8:54 PM] impcoat: tomorrow on our blog without it counting as prompt at all
[8:54 PM] lunability: No idea
[8:54 PM] impcoat: ?
[8:55 PM] lunability: We don't need to do it for the points
[8:55 PM] lunability: So
[8:55 PM] lunability: we can wait, if it's up to me
[8:55 PM] impcoat: mhm, okay. ^^
[8:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: anyone get in contact with dick?
[8:56 PM] impcoat: its also that i have to get to be in one hour because i really need sleep and have work
[8:56 PM] impcoat: tomorrow
[8:56 PM] impcoat: she wrote me a message four hours ago saying that she was uploading it as soon as
[8:56 PM] impcoat: got home from school
[8:57 PM] impcoat: no idea when that is though
[8:57 PM] lunability: Hmm
[8:57 PM] lunability: Where is she from? I forgot
[9:06 PM] impcoat: i don't know, has she told us?
[9:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[9:21 PM] impcoat: if she doesn't come online in the next fifteen minutes, i think i wont be able to finish..
[9:21 PM] lunability: then just
[9:21 PM] lunability: submit it
[9:21 PM] impcoat: should i upload the unfinished tree to our blog anyway so you can look at it
[9:21 PM] impcoat: ?
[9:21 PM] lunability: or post it to the blog
[9:22 PM] lunability: i don't know
[9:22 PM] lunability: yuh
[9:22 PM] lunability: upload it <3
[9:22 PM] impcoat: okay ^^
[9:23 PM] impcoat: have you done anything else for today prompt wise?
[9:23 PM] impcoat: because i haven't ^^
[9:24 PM] lunability: Nor hav eI
[9:24 PM] lunability: I was drawing random stuff
[9:24 PM] lunability: with the tablet
[9:24 PM] impcoat: haha
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: He lives in georgia
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: sorry
[9:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: catching up on the convo
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[9:25 PM] lunability: http://i46.tinypic.com/2ykywc6.png
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: I have something!
[9:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to post*
[9:25 PM] impcoat: woooo a carrot! :PP
[9:25 PM] impcoat: cool kuroi!
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: posting...posting
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: waiting
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: posting
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: had to finish making
[9:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[9:26 PM] impcoat: ^^
[9:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: posted
[9:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: i played in photoshop for a while
[9:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: yay fun!
[9:27 PM] impcoat: ohh i love the background picture ^^
[9:28 PM] lunability: That is the only way
[9:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: I pulled it off of deviant art. the title the photographer gave it gave me the idea
[9:28 PM] lunability: to make something in photoshop
[9:28 PM] lunability: to play around with it ~
[9:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: I had fun!
[9:28 PM] obsessedkuroi: *needs to learn how to cut out photos properly*
[9:29 PM] lunability: OH
[9:29 PM] lunability: There are two /right/ ways
[9:29 PM] lunability: And one is a bit complicated
[9:29 PM] lunability: It's using a vector mask, and it's uaually good to use that one for cutting our crisp
[9:30 PM] lunability: objects (so definitely not people, since their edges are not crisp)
[9:30 PM] lunability: the second option is using a greyscale mask
[9:30 PM] lunability: which is simpler, to be honest
[9:30 PM] lunability: and faster
[9:30 PM] lunability: most of the time
[9:31 PM] lunability: and produces better results because it lets you do it freely, at odd angles, etc
[9:31 PM] lunability: the vector mask is all mathematical, so it's very strict
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: okay
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: greyscale mask
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: must learn that one
[9:31 PM] guest-213595 entered the room.
[9:31 PM] guest-213595 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: BOATS
[9:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[9:31 PM] lunability: Boats! Hii
[9:31 PM] impcoat: hey boats!
[9:32 PM] lunability: Which version of photoshop do you use, Kuroi?
[9:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hello
[9:32 PM] obsessedkuroi: cs5
[9:33 PM] impcoat: thats the one i have ^^
[9:33 PM] lunability: K
[9:33 PM] lunability: Hmm
[9:33 PM] lunability: Okay pick an image
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: I was using the quick selection tool
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: one sec
[9:33 PM] lunability: Oh, ouch
[9:33 PM] impcoat: new colour because boats and i had the sam
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: there that's better.
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dammit
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:33 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[9:33 PM] lunability: that must have been difficult
[9:33 PM] impcoat: *same
[9:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: great minds
[9:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: i figured it out
[9:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: and just blurred the edges when i needed to
[9:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: alright
[9:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: image
[9:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: getting that
[9:34 PM] lunability: Link me to it once you picked it
[9:34 PM] lunability: so I know what you're working with :D
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: ....like, give you the photo?
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: one sec
[9:35 PM] lunability: mhm
[9:35 PM] obsessedkuroi: as i figure out how to do this
[9:36 PM] lunability: The higher quality/the larger the resolution
[9:36 PM] lunability: the easier it is to work with
[9:36 PM] lunability: And you can have more mistakes if you plan on scaling it down
[9:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/images/thumb/b/b8/Colin_Ford.jpg/300px-Colin_Ford.jpg
[9:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: i sorta just...grab images off the internet
[9:36 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: who's the third kid?
[9:37 PM] lunability: ok, this is a great image
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: ??
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dean?
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the blonde at the top?
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my bad
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[9:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I just couldn't tell
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: i sorta blurred the images
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: on purpose
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: so it would be harder to tell
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: i suppose
[9:37 PM] lunability: Okay now import the kid into photoshop as a new layer
[9:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: is there
[9:38 PM] lunability: ok set the background layer
[9:38 PM] lunability: to a dark-ish red
[9:38 PM] lunability: like crimson
[9:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: one sec
[9:38 PM] lunability: or a drak blue or dark green
[9:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: let me figure this out
[9:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[9:39 PM] lunability: Select the backgroudnd layer, select paint bucket tool
[9:39 PM] lunability: and then select the colour
[9:39 PM] lunability: :D
[9:40 PM] lunability: Imp, we have like 20 minutes left to submit. Will you submit it?
[9:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo, I don't think I'm going to be able to submit anything today. :(
[9:41 PM] impcoat: i don't know what do you guys say?
[9:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so much for the bonus prompts. Oh well I have ideas
[9:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk, I say go for it
[9:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: why not?
[9:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: why not?
[9:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: if we fix it later when dick submits his, then it'll be later
[9:42 PM] impcoat: okay :DD
[9:42 PM] lunability: I sort of included the bonus prompt in the anna graphic, but It was not really planned
[9:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: but i think it would be neat to have it in
[9:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: woo
[9:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: I did to, in the tree submit
[9:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i submitted a bonus prompt earlier this week
[9:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: background layer a VERY bright red
[9:42 PM] lunability: Okay
[9:42 PM] lunability: that works
[9:43 PM] lunability: ok now click on the sam layer
[9:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:43 PM] lunability: and then on top (in the menu) go to Layer -> Layer Mask
[9:43 PM] lunability: And select Reveal All (if it asks for it)
[9:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: that gives me a new page beside the sam pic
[9:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: linked to him
[9:44 PM] lunability: now there is a white mask
[9:44 PM] lunability: Yeah!
[9:44 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:44 PM] lunability: next to sam
[9:44 PM] lunability: okay click on the mask (not on the picture of sam, it is a different thing)
[9:44 PM] lunability: You will notice how your
[9:45 PM] lunability: colours changed to a black and a white
[9:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: mine is white and white
[9:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: do i need to five that?
[9:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: fix*
[9:45 PM] lunability: Just set one to black, then
[9:45 PM] obsessedkuroi: is set
[9:46 PM] lunability: okay now (make sure the mask is selected)
[9:46 PM] lunability: star drawing around sam
[9:46 PM] lunability: and you will stuff disappear
[9:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: ooooo
[9:46 PM] lunability: and become red
[9:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:46 PM] lunability: this basically "hides" the picels
[9:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: drawing with the pencil or the paintbrush or?
[9:46 PM] lunability: without damaging them
[9:46 PM] lunability: Paintbrush
[9:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[9:46 PM] lunability: would be better
[9:46 PM] lunability: since it is crisp, but antialliased
[9:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: can i draw on sam too?
[9:47 PM] lunability: yeah
[9:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: or would that erase him?
[9:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to try*
[9:47 PM] lunability: if you mess up
[9:47 PM] lunability: switch to
[9:47 PM] lunability: white colour
[9:47 PM] lunability: to make the pixels visible again
[9:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: interesting
[9:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to try again*
[9:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: so you just do this until he's one solid piece?
[9:49 PM] lunability: yeah
[9:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: interesting
[9:49 PM] lunability: For exaple
[9:50 PM] lunability: that is how I colour black and white painitngs
[9:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: ahah
[9:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: understanding
[9:50 PM] lunability: I readjust the whole colour in global and then just reveal the parts
[9:50 PM] lunability: that interest me
[9:50 PM] lunability: I can send you the PSD
[9:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: ooooh
[9:50 PM] lunability: so you can play with them
[9:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: *grabby hands*
[9:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: that would be awesome!
[9:50 PM] lunability: I saved all the prompt PSDs
[9:50 PM] lunability: Woo!
[9:50 PM] lunability: I will upload them tomorrow, because my Croatian internet would be uploading them forever
[9:52 PM] impcoat: submitted
[9:52 PM] impcoat: :DDDD
[9:52 PM] impcoat: gonna upload it to our blog now
[9:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WOOOOOO
[9:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'M SO EXCITED
[9:52 PM] lunability: OMG
[9:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *REFRESHES LIKE MAD*
[9:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOOOOOO
[9:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: best team ever
[9:54 PM] lunability: Also
[9:54 PM] lunability: if the edge is soft
[9:54 PM] lunability: you can decrease the brush hardness
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: neat!
[9:54 PM] lunability: or use a soft brush
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: *will be having fun in photoshop for a while*
[9:55 PM] impcoat: its uploading
[9:55 PM] lunability: that is good when working with semi-transparent hair
[9:55 PM] impcoat: !!!!
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAYAYAYAY
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: !!!!!
[9:55 PM] lunability: WOOHOO
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: SO AWESOME
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: *refreshes*
[9:56 PM] impcoat: YES
[9:56 PM] impcoat: it uploaded!
[9:56 PM] impcoat: wohoo!
[9:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[9:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOOOT
[9:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT LOOKS SO COOOL
[9:56 PM] guest-213904 entered the room.
[9:56 PM] guest-213904 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[9:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ahahaha
[9:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i refreshed the wrong window
[9:57 PM] impcoat: :PP
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHoops
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOW IM!!!
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: IMP*
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: AWESOME!!
[9:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT TURNED OUT SO COOL
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: JOB PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER!!
[9:57 PM] impcoat: ty but you did some quality work, too!!
[9:58 PM] impcoat: but I am just happy we actually went through with this idea :))
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: NOW I WANT IT AS A POSTER
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: FOR MY WALL
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW RIGHT??
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: Did you submit it as well?
[9:58 PM] impcoat: if you right click and select 'open picture in a new window' it will show up in a much
[9:58 PM] impcoat: higher quality
[9:58 PM] impcoat: yes, i also submitted it ^^
[9:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: eee hee hee
[10:00 PM] lunability: OH MY GOD THAT
[10:00 PM] lunability: IS SO STUNNING I LOVE THAT
[10:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't stop looking at it
[10:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW RIGHT>>
[10:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: ???
[10:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: SO COOL
[10:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: *WANTS AS POSTER*
[10:01 PM] impcoat: :DD you are all so awesome! :DD
[10:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I LOVE WHAT YOU DID WITH MY USERNAME IMP
[10:01 PM] impcoat: and this week was great! :))
[10:01 PM] lunability: omg the feather
[10:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: for realz
[10:01 PM] lunability: is so fetch
[10:01 PM] lunability: i love that
[10:01 PM] impcoat: yay glad you like it ^^
[10:01 PM] lunability: Omg
[10:01 PM] lunability: I feel like crying
[10:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT'S JUST SO COOL
[10:01 PM] lunability: this is so stunning
[10:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: It's all of us! on a tree!
[10:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: *smishes everyone*
[10:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:02 PM] impcoat: YES :)) *smishes back*
[10:02 PM] impcoat: ^^
[10:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: are you guys going to still come on here or the everybody chat?
[10:02 PM] lunability: I will be coming here
[10:02 PM] lunability: and idk. I might visit the everybody chat
[10:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'm gonna keep this open and go see the veryone chat
[10:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: just to see
[10:03 PM] impcoat: uh, no idea. but most probably here, might visit the everybody chat as well
[10:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: if we're the only ones who show up
[10:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: did that get posted yet? or is it going up tomorrow?
[10:04 PM] lunability: probably tomorrow
[10:04 PM] lunability: well the sun is up and /i/ am still up
[10:04 PM] lunability: and I am not the sun
[10:04 PM] lunability: so I should got o bed
[10:04 PM] lunability: go to*
[10:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: probabl
[10:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: if it's that lat
[10:04 PM] lunability: omg I love you all so much
[10:04 PM] impcoat: haha, me too luna
[10:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: late*my keyboard is hating the last letters of words
[10:04 PM] lunability: *LOVES HARD*
[10:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg luna
[10:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOVES EVERYONE
[10:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: thank you guys for staying up with us
[10:05 PM] impcoat: *HUG* all of you
[10:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: <3
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES
[10:05 PM] impcoat: sure anytime
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm the only one in the group chat
[10:05 PM] lunability: night! *♥*
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: the large group chat
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: night!
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: sleep tight!
[10:05 PM] impcoat: NIGHT LUNA <3 <3
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: Be safe!
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3<3<#
[10:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3*
[10:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's the large group chatroom?
[10:06 PM] impcoat: no idea :PP
[10:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: tinychat.com/moranzipan
[10:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: though no one else is there but me
[10:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: .....>.>
[10:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: not anymore
[10:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: i dunno
[10:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: *shrug*
[10:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:10 PM] impcoat left the room.
[10:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: hello
[10:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: how is life boats?
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hello
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's alright
[10:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: less confusing here?
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nah just less confusing to have one
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: rather than 2
[10:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: true enough
[10:10 PM] frequentlynotonboats: watching more spn with the gf
[10:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: drinking some wine, it's nice
[10:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: sometimes i have four of you on here, three facebook chat windows and a skype messege
[10:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: at the same time
[10:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how're you?
[10:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: YA SPN
[10:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: imma gonna write fanfiction
[10:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: cause i've bene ignoring it cause we had arting things to do
[10:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: and now i have time to make it!!!
[10:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[10:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: FANFICTION
[10:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: then again, i should probably write a ton tonight to i can post it tomorrow
[10:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: what ep of spn are oyu watching?
[10:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[10:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[10:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um... 1. 16 i think
[10:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: way back at the beginning
[10:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: i watch those and want to cry cause they're so happy!
[10:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'm just like, guys, enjoy it cause your future SUCKS
[10:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: And then cry
[10:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: aww
[10:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's the second meg episode
[10:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[10:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: i know that one
[10:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and all i can think is "this bitch has been on the show longer than anyone except the bros
[10:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "
[10:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: Maybe not the same actress, but the same character
[10:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dean just said "Well that didn't work out like I planned"
[10:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: summary of the show in one line
[10:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: Oh so truee
[10:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: nothing ever works out like it's planned
[10:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: i think that's the only constant thing you can find in spn
[10:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: the fact that NOTHIGN EVER GOES AS PLANNED
[10:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: even when they try to go against the plan
[10:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that doesn't go as planned
[10:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: nothing ever goes as planned
[10:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: ever
[10:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: spn is one long "oh, well, that didn't go as planned" fest
[10:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: i keep thinking about how i didn't watch this show until almost two years ago and now
[10:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can't image ever not having watched it
[10:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: how did i survive?
[10:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: I mean, really?
[10:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: Misha and Jensen and Jared and Sam and Dean and Castiel and ugh
[10:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right?
[10:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: i keep trying to picture highschool when i didn't watch it
[10:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: and all that comes is spn stuff that never happened
[10:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's like it went in my brain and rewired my memories
[10:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lololol
[10:37 PM] guest-214468 entered the room.
[10:37 PM] guest-214468 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[10:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI WOLF
[10:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: DID YOU SEE THE TREE???
[10:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW!!
[10:40 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I KNOW I DO AS WELL!
[10:40 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: IMP MADE MY DRAWING LOOK HALF DECENT
[10:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: I MUST FIND A PLACE!
[10:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: I T LOOKS AWESOME!
[10:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: RARGH!!!
[10:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE ONLY NEED SEVEN!!
[10:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: RARGH!!!
[10:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i look away for one second
[10:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: come back ti o this madness
[10:46 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: OH MY GOD I JUST NOW SAW THE CUSTOM POSTERS!
[10:46 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahahahha. That's always what happenes boats!
[10:46 PM] obsessedkuroi: You leave and we al go insane!
[10:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[10:48 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: You're our aura of calm
[10:48 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: OHNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:49 PM] guest-214606 entered the room.
[10:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: BOATS
[10:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR INTERNET??
[10:49 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: BOATS?
[10:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: boats? Are you there?
[10:50 PM] guest-214606 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[10:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[10:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: BOATS!
[10:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it keeps fucking up
[10:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and freezing
[10:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: OH
[10:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: SADNESS
[10:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my bad
[10:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's happening with you guys? I'm watching Hell House :D
[10:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I was just saying how you're our aura of calm
[10:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: me?
[10:51 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Yes!
[10:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm the calm
[10:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: then you go and disappear on us!
[10:52 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: And when you leave we go crazy!
[10:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: perfect
[10:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hahahahahaha
[10:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: I am finding somewhere on the internet that makes custom posters
[10:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: and getting our tree as a poster and hanging it on my wall
[10:52 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I just set the tree as my desktop background
[10:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: whenever dick finallily submits
[10:53 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Then I'm going to watch some spn season four
[10:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: i keep looking at it and just going OOOOHHHH
[10:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY
[10:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: imma watch something too
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: i think boats is watching spn too
[10:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: My friend and I are talking about how we're going to send Wincest to each other
[10:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: while at camp
[10:55 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: That would make me so hapy ahahahha
[10:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: that is awesome!
[10:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooh
[10:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that is cool
[10:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: that sounds awesome
[10:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: and fun
[10:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: She said I should be afriad of what she'll send me though
[10:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: O_O
[10:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'll be sure to open it when no ones around.
[10:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: cant be any worse than anything on that list i put up
[10:58 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahahaha
[10:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: promise you on that
[10:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:59 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Theres no way I can get to season five tonight. . aaaaaaaaaaaahhgggggg
[10:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: booo
[10:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how close are you?
[11:00 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: all of season 4 seperats us. . .
[11:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: and so many feels
[11:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: so so many fee
[11:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SO MANY FEELS
[11:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so. many.
[11:02 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I have a feeling there will be a lot of feels
[11:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: be back
[11:13 PM] guest-214951 entered the room.
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[11:13 PM] guest-214951 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats1
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats1 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hiiii
[11:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: again
[11:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi!
[11:13 PM] obsessedkuroi: your internet does not like you
[11:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i actually closed my computer to go make a phone call
[11:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[11:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: why?
[11:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cause i didn't want my keyboard to get stepped all over by my animals
[11:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and i don't have a table/desk
[11:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: good reason
[11:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I need a table/desk
[11:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: that might be a good thing
[11:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: to get
[11:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: MY CAT JUST STOLE MY DOG'S CRATE
[11:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT'S SO CUTE
[11:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: my cats dragged a brid inside.
[11:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: it is not cute
[11:34 PM] obsessedkuroi: the bird is sitting in my brothers room in a cage
[11:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh no :(
[11:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: still alive
[11:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: they brought it in at five this morning
[11:37 PM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[11:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: well that's good, i guess
[11:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh
[11:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: not good
[11:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: yeah
[11:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: they were loud and noisy and the poor bird is probably alright but we don't know
[11:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[11:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: ah well. cats. can't live with them can't live without them
[11:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[11:50 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[12:17 AM] frequentlynotonboats: so, kuroi, how do you feel about sabriel?
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I haven't chedked to see if there was any on your rec list
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I probably should have
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: its there!
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: i adore it!
[12:23 AM: obsessedkuroi: i should probably find that sam/dean/cas/gabe story
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Collaboration between obsessedkuroi frequentlynotonboats lunawatson i-am-a-teenage-werewolf mrdickable impcoat
I am SO happy how this came out! You all did such an amazing job! 
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Under the Dreaming Tree. I found photoshop...i think i might be addicted. 
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My piece of the tree!!!
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Wing for the tree!
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Links for the chibis I used.
You are awesome Imp!
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9 notes · View notes
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lunawatson reblogged your post: Hey guys, so it would be awesome if we could...
Shit shit shit. I don’t know what to
If you have any problems or questions you can always send me an ask :)
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Okay. . So. Heres my branch. I don't have/ wouldn't know how to use it if I did/ any computer programs to edit computer-y type stuff so I drew it and I've never really drawn animals and wowie I hope I did this right. Even if I didn't, Imp you're awesome for making the tree! Also my scanner isn't pluged up right now because I'm moving everything. . so this was taken with my camera and the lighting is weird
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Hey guys, so it would be awesome if we could submit the group project for today's prompt (seeing as we can do whatever we want with it really...)
so, if you could get your branches uploaded as soon as possible so I can edit them together?
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My late submission for Prompt 6 / Bonus Prompt
Team Castiel: Prompt 6 + Crossover (with Harry Potter)
The original painting of Anna is by euclase. [x]
I had the burning Hogwarts I had on my PC from earlier, and I can't remember where I got it or who the author is.
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Tuesday's Tinychat
So, a lot of this was late at night with me and Boats trading fics, stories and takes on the imminent demises of cockroaches. But there was awesome conversation earlier between a bunch of us!  Luna had a malfunctioning keyboard, talk about sytycd, abdc, color/winterguard and more! Read and enjoy!
[4:47 AM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[5:17 AM] lunability: Hi
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: hi
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: i swear as soon as one gets of, another follows in their wake
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[5:17 AM] lunability: Hahaha
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: off*
[5:17 AM] lunability: Oh Team Dean got a few points! :D
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: boats left about half an hour ago
[5:17 AM] lunability: I knwo I read the log
[5:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: Nice
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: 25 hours of convo
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: wtf are we doing with out lives?
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: Not that i care mind you
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: this is fun
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i wouldn't rather be doing anything else half the time
[5:18 AM] lunability: We're like 18 points head of Team Sam!
[5:18 AM] lunability: Woohoo
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: though looking at the clock tells me it's 5:18 in the morning
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: WOOHOOO
[5:18 AM] lunability: Omg go to bed!
[5:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: MORE SUBMISSIONS TODAY
[5:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: WE GET AN EXTRA HOUR TO SUBMIT TOO
[5:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: OR ONE
[5:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: OR AN HOURLATE
[5:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: OR WHATEVER
[5:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: *brian not functioning*
[5:20 AM] lunability: hahah
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'll be up in like five hours or so
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause i have to clean
[5:20 AM] lunability: Okay
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: and get to work on the prompts
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: and clean
[5:20 AM] lunability: Go get some sleep
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: before my mom throws a holy fit
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: but yeah
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: finish wincestiel fanfic (almost done)
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: go to sleep
[5:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: my missions for the next tenminutes
[5:21 AM] lunability: =O
[5:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'll have my fanfic rec list with a bunch of fics up tomorrow...er later today
[5:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: they'll be on there
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: alrright. night night for me
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: poke at imp
[5:22 AM] lunability: <3
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: she's in your timezone
[5:22 AM] lunability: ily!
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: she should be up
[5:22 AM] lunability: Oh
[5:22 AM] lunability: Ok!
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: <3 you too!
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: I'll be on mut the chat on my end will be silent
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: so i won't be woken up
[5:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: so i can keep a record
[5:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: YAY
[5:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: Night night
[12:44 PM] guest-194626 entered the room.
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[12:44 PM] guest-194626 changed nickname to obsessedkuroi
[12:54 PM] guest-194707 entered the room.
[12:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi guest!
[12:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi!
[12:54 PM] guest-194707 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[12:55 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hello!
[12:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI WOLF
[12:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: HOW ARE YOU?
[1:03 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: SLEEPY!
[1:03 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: HOW ARE YOU?
[1:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: JUST WOKE UP
[1:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: NEED SUSTANACE
[1:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: NEED TO CLEAN
[1:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: NEED TO WRITE
[1:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: DUNNO WHAT TO DO FIRST
[1:04 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: AHH!
[1:04 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: DO THEM ALL
[1:05 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: ALL AT ONE TIME
[1:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: I WISH
[1:05 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: THAT'D BE AWESOME!
[1:05 PM] guest-194809 entered the room.
[1:05 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: GUEST!
[1:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: GUEST
[1:05 PM] guest-194809 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[1:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[1:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: BOATS
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
[1:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT'S ME
[1:05 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: BOATS!
[1:05 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: HI
[1:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what's up?
[1:06 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: CAPS LOCK
[1:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE ARE YELLING
[1:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOUDLY
[1:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OKAY
[1:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'M IN
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE NEED TO DO IMP'S TREE BR
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: BRANCHES*
[1:07 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: D:
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh crap
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE SHOULD DO THAT NOW
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i just sat down to finish mine
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yes
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND SCAN IT IN
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND SEND IT
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I MEAN
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: OR PUT IT UP ON THE PAGE
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I JUST SAT DOWN TO FINISH MINE
[1:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I WISH I HAD A SCANNER
[1:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LOL
[1:07 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I HAVE TO LEAVE!
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: OH NO SCANNER??
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: OK
[1:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'LL TALK TO YOU LOVELY PEOPLE LATER!
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: COME BACK SOON WOLF
[1:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[1:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND I'LL GET THAT FANFIC RECS UP SOON
[1:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OK
[1:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: LOL
[1:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: HOPEFULLY
[1:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[1:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND THE TREE BRANCH
[1:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: NEED TO DO THAT
[1:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: SO MUCH TO DO SO LITTLE TIME
[1:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: I know!
[1:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[1:37 PM] guest-195073 entered the room.
[1:37 PM] guest-195073 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi boats
[1:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WTAF internet
[1:39 PM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[1:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: sad internet
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: all good
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was cooking eggs
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I should eat something
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but I probably won't
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: my tummy is unhappy
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cause of the late night?
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: so food
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: no
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: mother nature
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: she decided to punch me yesterday
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[1:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo
[1:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[1:56 PM] guest-195259 entered the room.
[1:57 PM] guest-195259 changed nickname to lunability
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI LUNA
[1:57 PM] lunability: HI
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: HOW IS YOU?
[1:57 PM] lunability: I am not on mz PC
[1:57 PM] lunability: My
[1:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ?
[1:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh
[1:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:57 PM] lunability: Fixing a friends
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: where are you?
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: ahah
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: understandin
[1:57 PM] lunability: but I felt widthdrawal symptoms
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: so you just decided to come join tinychat
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: i approve
[1:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[1:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[1:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg it's freezing
[1:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i have to turn the air off
[1:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: brb
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's summer....
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: why is it so cold there then?
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: can i have your cold?
[1:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's 90+ here
[1:59 PM] lunability: Itćs actuallz quite comfortable here
[1:59 PM] lunability: and sorrz for mz weird tzping, she has a english kezvoard lazout
[1:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: ....i like your typing
[1:59 PM] lunability: and I canćt be bothered to switch in mz head
[1:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can read it
[1:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: you're good
[1:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's amusing though
[1:59 PM] lunability: haha
[1:59 PM] lunability: There
[1:59 PM] lunability: Í turned on the US layout
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[2:00 PM] lunability: but I use a UK one
[2:00 PM] lunability: at home
[2:00 PM] lunability: 'where's the fucking apostrophe
[2:00 PM] lunability: lmao
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: *is amused*
[2:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: have you located the elusive apstrophe yet?
[2:01 PM] lunability: ;'\][1`2``1234567890=-0\/./"\|]['\\
[2:01 PM] lunability: I think I have'
[2:01 PM] lunability: but it's behaving weird.
[2:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: .....?
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: just trying out the keys are we?
[2:02 PM] lunability: ''''
[2:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: found it!
[2:03 PM] lunability: I can only type it in a pair with another one?!
[2:03 PM] lunability: WHAT.
[2:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[2:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: no apostrophes for you
[2:03 PM] lunability: can't
[2:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: the yeboard says
[2:03 PM] lunability: oh weird, blad
[2:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: keyboard*
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: i need to clean before my mother throws a fit when she gets home
[2:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[2:05 PM] lunability: And I need to reboot again *sigh*
[2:05 PM] lunability: Today has not been fun at all
[2:05 PM] lunability: Well, brb <3 xox
[2:05 PM] lunability left the room.
[2:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wooooah
[2:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: what?
[2:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk i come back and it's all SYMBOL CRAZY
[2:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: luna was having difficulties with her friend's kyeboard
[2:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i read closer
[2:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[2:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and it's not really cold here, I just have a wall cooler, so it's either FREEZING and
[2:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: right in front of it or BOILING and far away/not on
[2:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[2:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i miss central air
[2:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boooo
[2:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WOOOHOO
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: STARBUCKS RUN!
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: COFFEETIME
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: be back!
[2:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: then TO WORK ON THIS DARN DRAWING OF ME
[2:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: then on to cleaning for me
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I always blank when I'm trying to do myself
[2:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: then drawing
[2:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: goood luck! :) have fun
[2:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: you too!
[2:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3
[2:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[2:51 PM] guest-195952 entered the room.
[2:51 PM] guest-195952 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[2:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: back
[2:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OMG
[2:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHAT?
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm watching SPN again
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: 6.12
[2:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Like a Virgin
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: that's the one with?
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: the dogs?
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: no
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: not that one
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dragons!
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: AHAH
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: THAT ONE
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "Unlike the loch ness monster, Dragons aren't real"
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "Well do you think you could make a few calls?"
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm working my way back through season 6. i'm done with the french mistake
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "To who?! HOGWARTS?"
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh bobby
[2:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: <3
[2:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: love bobby
[3:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: this show
[3:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i love it
[3:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: Imma gonna send you a vid of this one human who was on spn
[3:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: not spn
[3:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: sorry
[3:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: so you think you can dace
[3:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: who was FREAKING AWESOME
[3:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[3:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:01 PM] guest-196138 entered the room.
[3:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I get those confused a lot
[3:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: GUEST
[3:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofqmk5Fn518
[3:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :p
[3:01 PM] guest-196138 changed nickname to impcoat
[3:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: GUEST
[3:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI IMP
[3:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: IMP
[3:01 PM] obsessedkuroi: HI
[3:02 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hi imp
[3:02 PM] impcoat: HEY KUROI
[3:02 PM] impcoat: HEY BOATS
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: one of you needs to change color
[3:02 PM] impcoat: how are you?
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: doing okay
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: need to clean
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: don't want to clean
[3:02 PM] impcoat: i have no idea how to change my colour
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: watching sytycd
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: type in / color
[3:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: without the space
[3:03 PM] impcoat: type in /color
[3:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: withouth the type in part
[3:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: just the slash and color
[3:03 PM] impcoat: oh okay
[3:03 PM] impcoat: yay
[3:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: new color!
[3:04 PM] impcoat: it's not very different from yours now though
[3:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: you can change it infinately though it cycles through about eight or nine colors
*This is your new chat color.*
*This is your new chat color.*
[3:04 PM] impcoat: okay that's better
*This is your new chat color.*
*This is your new chat color.*
*This is your new chat color.*
[3:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have a new one too!
[3:04 PM] impcoat: wohoo
[3:04 PM] impcoat: what were you discussing before i joined?
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: i sent boats to a sytycd vid
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: of this really really good dancer from the audition tour
[3:05 PM] impcoat: cool! :))
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofqmk5Fn518
[3:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[3:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OMG
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: here
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: link
[3:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW RIGHT
[3:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: HIS MUSCLE CONTROL IS AMAZING
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT IS SO FREAKING GOOD
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: UGH
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: SKILL
[3:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: CHILLS
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: this is why i love watching so you think you can dance
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: his feet his fingers
[3:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[3:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i prefer the auditions
[3:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: to the competition pieces
[3:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: i like all of so you think you can dance cause it's one of the only good competition shows
[3:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: left on tv anymore
[3:07 PM] impcoat: he has som great moves
[3:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes indeed
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: i look forward to what he does in vegas
[3:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: "don't take this the wrong way, but I want to kick you in your FACE right now"
[3:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: and how the judges there react to him
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: yep!
[3:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hats off? your hat is still on!
[3:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW
[3:08 PM] impcoat: haha yes they are really confused and amazed
[3:08 PM] impcoat: especially the one man on the right
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: nigal lythogie?
[3:08 PM] obsessedkuroi: lythgo*
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: or lil c?
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: the guy with the hat?
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I really loved ABDC toward the beginning
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but it's kind of different
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: ABCD??
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: america's best dance crew
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: ABDC*
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: Ahah
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: yea
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: group dance competition
[3:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was thinking about watching that
[3:09 PM] impcoat: not the guy with the hat
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the earlier seasons have some good stuff
[3:09 PM] impcoat: the other one
[3:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: not like that though
[3:10 PM] impcoat: i have no idea who he is
[3:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: he's the executive producer
[3:10 PM] impcoat: ABDC was amazing
[3:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: nigal lythgoe and he was a dancer
[3:10 PM] impcoat: I love the early seasons
[3:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: I heard that
[3:10 PM] impcoat: oh cool
[3:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: all the judges and guest judges were dancers or are dancers
[3:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: which is really neat
[3:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: especially on a dance show
[3:11 PM] impcoat: they never showed SYTYCD here
[3:11 PM] impcoat: only ABDC
[3:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: sytycd is a show worth finding online
[3:12 PM] impcoat: yes, i think they might be very good at judging if you're good at dancing
[3:12 PM] impcoat: mhm, I might look into it ^^
[3:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: let me send you one of my favorite abdc
[3:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: kay
[3:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's on watchseries.eu
[3:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tti0UuLgQHk&feature=related
[3:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: skip into about :50
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: That's Hawk!
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: I know him!
[3:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I have a lot of friends who like SYTYCD
[3:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what?
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: he was on season 3/4
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: of sytycd!
[3:14 PM] impcoat: brb
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: Hak
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: Hok
[3:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: goooooogling
[3:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: hwoever you spell his name
[3:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oh
[3:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[3:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: he's good
[3:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: he was good on so you think you can dance
[3:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Quest is in the party rock anthem music video
[3:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: in some things
[3:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: ballroom was not his area
[3:16 PM] impcoat: had to get the telephone
[3:16 PM] impcoat: but I'm back now
[3:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[3:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: er, let me find that dance from sytycd he did
[3:17 PM] obsessedkuroi: AND THAT WA FREAKIN AWESOME
[3:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZJpA9e7cCY
[3:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Iloved these girls too
[3:18 PM] frequentlynotonboats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXniEjqtjAM
[3:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: it was a piece by wade robson
[3:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooh
[3:21 PM] impcoat: whoa  that's really nice
[3:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WOOOOOW
[3:21 PM] impcoat: I also love what they did with the stage!
[3:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: IT'S SO DIFFERENT
[3:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I LIKE IT
[3:22 PM] impcoat: love the costumes in both videos :)
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: THat was neat!
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: those girls can dance their asses off!
[3:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: OMG
[3:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I just love how sharp they are
[3:23 PM] impcoat: mhm, they were really in synch
[3:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: girl groups tend to be a little less clean
[3:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: which is sad
[3:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but man sytycd
[3:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I have friends who are dancers and sometimes I just don't understand
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: how they do it
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's crazy
[3:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: i know
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i used to tap dance, and I did colorguard, so I can control equipment
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but not my body
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: not like that
[3:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's really amazing the things sytycd pulls out of these dancers
[3:24 PM] impcoat: i danced for ten years (now i don't do it anymore sadly) but never on that level
[3:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what kind of dance?
[3:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: all of it? lol
[3:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: they got angry at me in jazz and ballet when i was a kid cause all i wanted to do was
[3:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: spinand not pay attention
[3:25 PM] impcoat: i did jazz dance for six years and later modern dance for three days
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wow
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: jazz
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my mom was a ballerina for a long time
[3:25 PM] impcoat: and a little dance theater (if it's called that in English)
[3:25 PM] impcoat: it was basically telling a story with dancing only
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: she started pointe at 11 years old
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ooooh
[3:25 PM] impcoat: that was really cool
[3:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: brb
[3:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: cleaning couhc
[3:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I had friends who did stuff like that
[3:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: for reasons
[3:25 PM] impcoat: okay
[3:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it always confused me a little
[3:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but I still enjoyed
[3:26 PM] impcoat: oh cool, did she do it professionally
[3:26 PM] impcoat: your mum?
[3:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um
[3:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i don't think so
[3:26 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i know she travelled when she was younger
[3:26 PM] impcoat: ohhh, okay ^^
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but i think she stopped after dropping out of musical theather in college
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *dancing
[3:27 PM] impcoat: have you ever done something like ballet?
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um, i tried as a kid
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: but I preferred tap
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: tapped for about 5 years or so
[3:27 PM] impcoat: I only did ballet when I was really young (like 4, 5, 6 years ols)
[3:27 PM] impcoat: it was fun though
[3:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: then missed some class and couldn't make it up
[3:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: got frustrated and just quit
[3:28 PM] impcoat: oh cool, tap dance looks like it would be so much und
[3:28 PM] impcoat: *fun
[3:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I've always been bad at sticking with things I"m not good at
[3:28 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I LOVED tap
[3:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: not as much as guard but it was awesome
[3:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lots of fun
[3:29 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what made you stop with jazz?
[3:30 PM] impcoat: what's guard?
[3:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[3:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: colorguard
[3:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: let me find a video
[3:30 PM] impcoat: hmm, I just didn't like where our teacher was going with it, and I also took up modern
[3:30 PM] impcoat: dance and it would have been a little much
[3:30 PM] frequentlynotonboats: true enough
[3:31 PM] impcoat: oh and because I'm Austrian I did some standard dancing
[3:31 PM] impcoat: which nearly everyone does
[3:32 PM] impcoat: like waltz, rumba, cha cha cha, foxtrott, alll those dances
[3:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wow
[3:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my friend took up ballroom when she moved to florida
[3:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't dance with partners
[3:32 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i get too nervous
[3:32 PM] impcoat: Austria has this very big dance culture
[3:32 PM] impcoat: haha,  i did too at first
[3:33 PM] impcoat: but the guy I danced with was very sweet and it ended up being fun
[3:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool
[3:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: my hands get all sweaty
[3:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's gross
[3:33 PM] impcoat: but it wouldn't be something I would really enjoy doing all the time
[3:34 PM] impcoat: haha, I know what you mean
[3:34 PM] impcoat: I just can't talk normally when I'm nervous
[3:34 PM] impcoat: i get all stutter-y
[3:34 PM] impcoat: :))
[3:35 PM] impcoat: sooo... you wanted to tell me what colourguard is?
[3:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NRHjYBWmhc&feature=related
[3:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: here's one of my favorite guards
[3:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm nowhere on that level
[3:36 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *near
[3:38 PM] impcoat: wow that looks good *___*
[3:38 PM] impcoat: :))
[3:39 PM] impcoat: how long have you been doing guard?
[3:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: um I did it for 8 years
[3:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: highschool and college
[3:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: helped my friend coach
[3:39 PM] frequentlynotonboats: wolf does it too
[3:40 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i don't do it anymore (too old and don't have a team, lol)
[3:40 PM] impcoat: cool, I have never heard of it before
[3:41 PM] impcoat: but it looks really awesome
[3:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[3:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we're usually associated with marching band
[3:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: because during the fall we perform in marching shows and in the winter we compete lone
[3:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *alone
[3:41 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i prefer winterguard
[3:42 PM] impcoat: mhm, it DOES look a little like marching bands
[3:43 PM] impcoat: but it looks much more military -ish
[3:43 PM] impcoat: I think
[3:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah it originated from the military
[3:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: the colorguard present arms and the flag
[3:44 PM] frequentlynotonboats: which is why we use flags, rifles and sabres
[3:46 PM] impcoat: mhm, it's probably that. ^^ and you're still doing it?
[3:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nah
[3:46 PM] frequentlynotonboats: stopped last year when i graduated
[3:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: helped choreograph for my friend's team that she coaches
[3:48 PM] impcoat: well, you must be pretty good to coach ^^
[3:48 PM] obsessedkuroi:  my brother used broken hangers...to push a piece of hanger that was stuck insode
[3:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: the vacuum
[3:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: out of the vacuum
[3:49 PM] obsessedkuroi: so i could use it
[3:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha I'm alright. Used to be much better
[3:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what
[3:49 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:49 PM] impcoat: hmm, whatever works i guess ^^
[3:50 PM] impcoat: thats the problem with every sport, you only stop doing it briefly and
[3:51 PM] impcoat: boom, you are back to scratch one
[3:51 PM] impcoat: it's really frustrating sometimes. ^^
[3:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i agre
[3:51 PM] impcoat: but it also gives you something to work for
[3:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *agree
[3:55 PM] impcoat: mmm... btw, have you worked on the branches for the family tree already?
[3:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: working on mine now!
[3:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :D
[3:55 PM] impcoat: are we even still doing that project?
[3:55 PM] impcoat: YES!
[3:55 PM] impcoat: good
[3:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[3:55 PM] impcoat: I did mine yesterday :DD
[3:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: nice!
[3:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: what'd you do? I'm worried mine's going to be weird
[3:56 PM] impcoat: might add something to it though, not sure yet
[3:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: (brb, getting scissors to cut open my new thing of pencils!!!)
[3:56 PM] impcoat: well, I just put a pretty texture over it bassically
[3:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: i'm gonna do mine in a min
[3:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have to get things picked up
[3:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: or face the wrath of the mother dragon known as mom
[3:57 PM] impcoat: but i might draw some chibi dean and sam and let them sit on the branch or something
[3:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: we'll have som empty branches
[3:57 PM] impcoat: haha kuroi ^^
[3:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: unless itzmenzi and thorstartofpop submit something
[3:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: randomly
[3:57 PM] impcoat: yes i know
[3:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: or we do their branches with the anonymous pic
[3:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: and their username
[3:58 PM] impcoat: but I'll think of something. :DD
[3:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[3:58 PM] impcoat: omg xD
[3:58 PM] impcoat: that's an idea :PP
[3:59 PM] impcoat: brb getting my pencil and sketchbook
[3:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha, we could always just use their icons
[4:01 PM] impcoat: yes probably
[4:01 PM] impcoat: do you guys think we should do something thatha to do with our usernames
[4:01 PM] impcoat: ?
[4:02 PM] impcoat: because then I should actually be drawing something with Cas and Dean
[4:02 PM] impcoat: because impala+trechcoat=impcoat
[4:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: whatever i think
[4:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: it should be a representativer of what you think it should be
[4:03 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's your family tree
[4:04 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oohhhh
[4:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: breanch*
[4:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: branch*
[4:04 PM] impcoat: mhm, yeah i guess. maybe I'l just draw team free will :DD
[4:05 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hee hee
[4:05 PM] obsessedkuroi: that'd be cool
[4:06 PM] impcoat: we'll see
[4:06 PM] impcoat: what are you gonna do kuroi?
[4:06 PM] obsessedkuroi: imma gonna do something with my name, Kuroi, and japanese characters or something
[4:06 PM] impcoat: any ideas yet?
[4:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: mostly words
[4:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can't draw well so...
[4:08 PM] impcoat: sounds cool :)) can't wait to see it ^^
[4:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: does the branch have to be shaped like the one you drew out?
[4:09 PM] obsessedkuroi: so i know the shape i need
[4:10 PM] impcoat: it would be awesomeif it did, but as long as it looks halfway like the on you chose it's
[4:10 PM] impcoat: fine
[4:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: cool
[4:10 PM] impcoat: just remember I have to edit them in
[4:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: how big or can you resize?
[4:10 PM] impcoat: so the more similar the better
[4:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[4:10 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[4:10 PM] impcoat: i can resize
[4:11 PM] impcoat: so any size you want
[4:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cooool
[4:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[4:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm so excited
[4:11 PM] impcoat: it's pretty big though
[4:11 PM] impcoat: my canvas for the branch is 1000x2000 px so...
[4:11 PM] impcoat: yay me too!
[4:11 PM] obsessedkuroi: ME THREE
[4:11 PM] impcoat: really excited fot this!
[4:11 PM] impcoat: *for
[4:12 PM] impcoat: okay gonna be off for while to draw, be back it a bit
[4:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[4:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: me too
[4:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: later
[4:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh i hate drawing
[4:38 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:49 PM] guest-197335 entered the room.
[4:49 PM] guest-197335 changed nickname to lunabilitz
[4:50 PM] lunabilitz: oh the z.
[4:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hey
[4:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi z!
[4:51 PM] lunabilitz: till not on mz PC
[4:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: there's a z now!
[4:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: i can see that
[4:51 PM] lunabilitz: ¬_¬
[4:51 PM] lunabilitz: I am fixing her second one now
[4:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: you are a very nice friend
[4:52 PM] lunabilitz: Well, at least she doesnćt live far awaz
[4:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah you are
[4:52 PM] lunabilitz: so i wonćt have to walk much
[4:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[4:52 PM] lunabilitz: and fuck zou kezboard
[4:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[4:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: i am enjoying this
[4:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[4:52 PM] lunabilitz: LOL
[4:53 PM] lunabilitz: I still have to finish todazćs prompt when I get home
[4:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: yeah
[4:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: i have to clean then do that
[4:53 PM] lunabilitz: also z is y and y is z and ć is the apostrophe
[4:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: i see that
[4:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: off to clean
[4:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: D:
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: ♥
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: Well I onlz need to download-install ms offic
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: e
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: and then i can go home
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: whee!
[4:54 PM] lunabilitz: and I am not spamming, shut up tinzchat
[4:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: tinzchat
[4:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: <3
[4:56 PM] lunabilitz: lunabilitz looks like luna'blitz
[4:56 PM] lunabilitz: seems like some fanctz german war tehnique
[4:57 PM] impcoat: i'm back!!!
[4:57 PM] impcoat: and i finished my branch wohoo
[4:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooh
[4:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i wnt to see!
[4:58 PM] lunabilitz: omg me too
[4:58 PM] lunabilitz: but I donćt have tumblr here
[4:58 PM] lunabilitz: and if there is perv shit please warn me
[4:58 PM] lunabilitz: humans are present
[4:58 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[4:59 PM] guest-197428 entered the room.
[4:59 PM] guest-197428 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[5:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: hey wolf!
[5:00 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hello boats!
[5:02 PM] impcoat: hey wolf :DD
[5:02 PM] impcoat: i'm not sure do you want me to upload my branch to tumblr?
[5:03 PM] impcoat: or somwhere else so luna can see too?
[5:03 PM] lunabilitz: somewhere else please ;3
[5:03 PM] lunabilitz: >3
[5:03 PM] lunabilitz: <3
[5:04 PM] impcoat: but where?
[5:04 PM] lunabilitz: tinzpic
[5:04 PM] lunabilitz: tinypic
[5:04 PM] impcoat: sendspace might work
[5:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: both! maybe posting iwll help spur others on!
[5:06 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :)
[5:07 PM] impcoat: http://tinypic.com/r/28uodpg/6
[5:07 PM] impcoat: here you go :DD
[5:07 PM] impcoat: not sure if I want to change the colour of the branch
[5:08 PM] lunabilitz: omg
[5:08 PM] lunabilitz: I love that
[5:08 PM] impcoat: thanks
[5:08 PM] lunabilitz: *I canćt produce anzthing like that for mz branch*
[5:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
[5:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I still haven't done my branch D:
[5:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: alskjdlkasjdlkjaslfj
[5:08 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's so cute!
[5:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: mines not v. supernatural
[5:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: is that ok?
[5:09 PM] lunabilitz: I am not even sure what exactlz it is that we have to put on our branches *out of sznc*
[5:12 PM] impcoat: everything you do with your branch is fine
[5:13 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: wait so imp. . .
[5:13 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: do we draw our branch then draw what we want on it?
[5:13 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Or just draw what we want on our branch?
[5:13 PM] lunabilitz: *considers making it a dildo*
[5:13 PM] lunabilitz: kidding! or am I?
[5:14 PM] lunabilitz: No, I am kidding
[5:14 PM] impcoat: well you can do both, both is fine. If you only draw what's ON the branch
[5:14 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahahaha
[5:14 PM] impcoat: you will have to tell me where to
[5:14 PM] impcoat: place it exactly
[5:14 PM] impcoat: luna.... ^^
[5:14 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Okay.
[5:14 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: So send the picture to you over. . what?
[5:14 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Or put it on the blog. . ?
[5:15 PM] lunabilitz: omkg zes! downloaded now I onlz have to install it
[5:15 PM] impcoat: just put it on the blog
[5:16 PM] impcoat: or upload it somewhere and send me the link so i cand download it
[5:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Alright. . I'm sorry Im so late.
[5:16 PM] lunabilitz: I am late too, we suck
[5:16 PM] lunabilitz: but at least we suck together
[5:16 PM] impcoat: no, it's allright, no one has handed their branches in yet and I just finished a few
[5:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: As long as we dont suck speratly.
[5:16 PM] impcoat: minutes ago
[5:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: This just sounds weird now.
[5:16 PM] impcoat: so no worries
[5:17 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Phew. . alright!
[5:17 PM] impcoat: as long as we'll get it done eventually ^^
[5:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[5:17 PM] lunabilitz: Are all the branches taken
[5:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't draw to save my life
[5:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh
[5:17 PM] impcoat: ...no, that a problem
[5:17 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i keep trying and failing
[5:17 PM] impcoat: but we'll figure somwthing out
[5:18 PM] impcoat: you just have to keep trying ^^
[5:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: will have it up
[5:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: have to wait till i clean....
[5:19 PM] lunabilitz: I just tried using mz graphic tablet todaz again
[5:19 PM] lunabilitz: and the pressure is a bit funked up
[5:20 PM] lunabilitz: in photoshop
[5:20 PM] lunabilitz: does anzone have that problem_
[5:20 PM] lunabilitz: I tried downloading some program called Sai
[5:20 PM] lunabilitz: and it worked so perfectlz in that
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: I am a bit disappointe din Photoshop now D:
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: Mz babz never dissappointed me before
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: no
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: it did actuallz
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: lots
[5:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: im gonna look up photoshop tutorials when i get done cleaning
[5:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: anyone have any reccomendations?
[5:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: since i have NEVER used photoshop successfully
[5:21 PM] lunabilitz: Hmm. No, but ff zou have anzz questions or need help zou can ask me
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: Kay
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: I'll be on in about half an hor to an hour
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: have to wash floor
[5:22 PM] impcoat: haven't got any recs but if you have questions, I can help as well ^^
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAY
[5:22 PM] lunabilitz: I am basicallz brilliant with photoshop, if i feel creative or if mz layz imagination come
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: PEOPLE HELPING
[5:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: YAYAYAYAY
[5:22 PM] lunabilitz: s back from itćs long sleep
[5:22 PM] impcoat: ^^
[5:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3 <3 <3 YOU ALL!!!
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: The onlz thing I donćt know is how to get mz stupid tablet to work in it
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: I might actuallz trz
[5:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: reinstalling photoshop
[5:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: someone said
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: that helped
[5:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: :(
[5:23 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Imp did the ask I sent you about the tree colour not get to you?
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: but, gah Ž
[5:23 PM] lunabilitz: so much effort
[5:24 PM] lunabilitz: I CAN GO HOME SOON!
[5:24 PM] lunabilitz: ZES!
[5:24 PM] lunabilitz: ZEEEEEEEES!
[5:24 PM] lunabilitz: zes sound like I am summoning some creepz ass demon
[5:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: LOL
[5:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[5:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: IMP!!!
[5:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: your branch is adorable!!!
[5:25 PM] impcoat: I think it did wolf
[5:25 PM] impcoat: thanks kuroi
[5:25 PM] lunabilitz: "What are zou doing_" "Oh, conversing with some IT experts from Microsoft. I am having tro
[5:25 PM] lunabilitz: uble installing office."
[5:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: are you gonna put your name on it?
[5:25 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: What colour was I again. . ?Hahaha! I forgot and it dosn't say
[5:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: IMPCOAT somewhere?
[5:25 PM] lunabilitz: "Oh, okaz dear. Would zou like some coke_"
[5:25 PM] lunabilitz: friendČ pissing herself
[5:26 PM] impcoat: oh no it seems it didn't
[5:26 PM] impcoat: just looked at  my inbox there's nothing there ^^
[5:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: lols for your friend luna
[5:26 PM] impcoat: http://team-castielangelofthelord.tumblr.com/post/24745561209/okay-i-added-the-branches-ea
[5:26 PM] impcoat left the room.
[5:27 PM] guest-197746 entered the room.
[5:27 PM] guest-197746 changed nickname to impcoat
[5:27 PM] impcoat: whoops tinychat crashed for me ^^
[5:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[5:27 PM] lunabilitz: itćs not tinzchat now itćs tinychat
[5:27 PM] lunabilitz: i mean the other waz around
[5:27 PM] impcoat: okay, so... wolf, the link is for the post on what branches are still available
[5:28 PM] impcoat: so just look at it and just tell me with which branch I can sign you up ^^
[5:28 PM] impcoat: haha luna
[5:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Okay! I'll just post on the blog when I'm done then!
[5:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Is there a specific time by tonight you'd like to have it?
[5:29 PM] impcoat: well I'll be going to bed in three or four hours
[5:29 PM] impcoat: you can send it to me before that
[5:29 PM] impcoat: or I'll look at it once I wake up
[5:29 PM] lunabilitz: ZES I CAN GOHOME!"
[5:29 PM] lunabilitz: WOOHOO
[5:29 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I should have it done by then. . And I'll take the brown branch!
[5:30 PM] impcoat: we have still got all of tomorrow for the party to end
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: Ok
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: Time to get going
[5:30 PM] impcoat: great! :DD
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: ;3
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: M3
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: >3
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz: <3
[5:30 PM] impcoat: <3 <3 <3
[5:30 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Awww. . there will be some branches without stuff.
[5:30 PM] impcoat: all of you
[5:30 PM] lunabilitz left the room.
[5:30 PM] impcoat: yeah, I know
[5:30 PM] impcoat: but we could still do something for them
[5:31 PM] impcoat: just not sure yet what...
[5:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: True, true.
[5:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[5:31 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[5:33 PM] impcoat: no sad faces ^^
[5:33 PM] impcoat: we will work something out
[5:34 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: :D
[5:34 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Happy face then!
[5:34 PM] impcoat: yay
[5:35 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[5:36 PM] impcoat: okay, i can't update the branch post somehow
[5:37 PM] impcoat: it keeps opening a site that says there is supicious behaviour on the account and I
[5:37 PM] impcoat: should reset my password
[5:37 PM] impcoat: this is really worrying
[5:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ...
[5:37 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's confusing
[5:37 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Oh no!
[5:39 PM] impcoat: yeah, i have no idea what's going on
[5:39 PM] impcoat: but I'll just reset my password and hope that's all i have to do
[5:44 PM] impcoat: ... okay...
[5:45 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i hope it works out
[5:45 PM] impcoat: yes, hope so too
[5:45 PM] impcoat: I am just really confused why i would even get that notification
[5:45 PM] impcoat: ^^
[5:46 PM] impcoat: but if resetting my password is all that it takes...
[5:47 PM] impcoat: there is a movie playing on tv right now called 'shaun of the dead'
[5:47 PM] impcoat: have any of you seen it?
[5:47 PM] impcoat: my brother says its hilarious
[5:47 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
[5:47 PM] impcoat: ...random topic change sorry
[5:47 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Oh god its so stupid
[5:48 PM] impcoat: yeah, that's also what he said
[5:48 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hilariously stupid
[5:48 PM] impcoat: but funny
[5:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: heard of it
[5:48 PM] impcoat: the main character is played by simon pegg, isn't he?
[5:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: never seen it all the way through
[5:48 PM] impcoat: it's a zombie apocalypse
[5:48 PM] impcoat: quite fitting in these days
[5:49 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Paroday of dawn of the dead.
[5:49 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Although you guys probally already knew that
[5:50 PM] impcoat: oh I just checked tumblr and apparently a lot of people got that warning...
[5:50 PM] impcoat: weird
[5:52 PM] impcoat: the one about password resets... anyway, wolf, yes I knew that
[5:52 PM] impcoat: but I havent seen dawn of the dead
[5:53 PM] impcoat: so I might not get some jokes they make
[6:09 PM] impcoat: oh god that movie xD
[6:09 PM] impcoat: I am already laughing so hard
[6:12 PM] impcoat: guys did all of you leave?
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: no
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was cleaning the floor
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: sorry
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[6:14 PM] impcoat: welcome back :))
[6:14 PM] obsessedkuroi: my mother is weird
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: she told me to put garlic powder in the water to keep the bugs away
[6:15 PM] impcoat: I was gone for a minute because of tumblr virsu issues and when i cam back no one was
[6:15 PM] impcoat: answering
[6:15 PM] impcoat: :((
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: now the house smells like overpowering garlic
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: INTERESTING
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: i like garlic
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: but that much
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: is not fun to smell
[6:15 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm going to go have the latest lunch ever
[6:15 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[6:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: then I'll come back, crank out a fic or something for today's prompt, and then
[6:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats: finish my tree drawing
[6:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: same here
[6:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: as soon as the floor dries i'm sweeping and vacuuming again
[6:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: because i refuse to leave the little garlic powder pieces on the floor
[6:16 PM] obsessedkuroi: bugs or no bugs
[6:17 PM] impcoat: haha alright
[6:18 PM] impcoat: I'll just watch the movie and draw a little until everyone gets back :DD
[6:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: but now i got to wait until it dries
[6:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: imma gonna test out my photoshop tutorial look up skills
[6:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: and see if they work or not
[6:18 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sighs*
[6:18 PM] impcoat: the bar in this movie is called Winchester
[6:18 PM] impcoat: lol
[6:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOT
[6:19 PM] impcoat: good luck kuroi ^^
[6:19 PM] impcoat: YES I KNOW
[6:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: i will probably pester you photoshop geniuses with questions
[6:19 PM] impcoat: you do that
[6:19 PM] impcoat: :DD
[6:19 PM] obsessedkuroi: <3
[6:20 PM] impcoat: <3 <3
[6:21 PM] guest-198376 entered the room.
[6:21 PM] impcoat: Hey guest
[6:21 PM] impcoat: who are you?
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHO ARE YOU
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE NEED A NAME
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: PLEASE
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: WE LIKE NAMES
[6:22 PM] obsessedkuroi: NAME?
[6:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: i think i'm shedding about two layers of skin
[6:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: cause of the floor cleaning
[6:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: *sigh*
[6:23 PM] guest-198376 changed nickname to lunability
[6:23 PM] obsessedkuroi: LUNA
[6:23 PM] lunability: HI!
[6:24 PM] impcoat: i feel for you kuroi
[6:24 PM] impcoat: HI LUNA
[6:25 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: now to try out photoshop
[6:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to puruse tutorials*
[6:27 PM] impcoat: good luck
[6:28 PM] guest-198439 entered the room.
[6:28 PM] guest-198439 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[6:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I have a feeling the by the end of this week I'll have a weird green colour for hair.
[6:28 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I hope I'm wrong.
[6:29 PM] impcoat: why do you think that?
[6:30 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Well I lightened my hair to a yellow ish colour and died it light blue
[6:30 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: and it already has a green-ish-y tint to it.
[6:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: It reminds me of a mermaid. . .which I guess is good. hahha
[6:31 PM] lunability: sorry
[6:31 PM] lunability: I was practicing with this pen
[6:31 PM] lunability: hahah
[6:31 PM] impcoat: ah i see :)) what colour did you use?
[6:31 PM] impcoat: would you mind green hair?
[6:32 PM] impcoat: it looks pretty good on some people
[6:33 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[6:38 PM] impcoat: it's so weird I'm watching this movie and theres a zombie apocalypse and the main
[6:38 PM] impcoat: character wants to get to a  bar called 'Winchester' i am not kidding
[6:38 PM] impcoat: so he always goes
[6:38 PM] impcoat: 'We need to get to Winchester
[6:38 PM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[6:39 PM] impcoat: it's as if they need help in fighting zombies from Sam and Dean
[6:39 PM] impcoat: ^^
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: I FEEL SUCCESSFULL!!
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: WOOT
[6:41 PM] obsessedkuroi: *does happy dance*
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: I know it's a simple thing, but it makes me happy
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: little steps
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
[6:42 PM] impcoat: wohoo you go kuroi!!!
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: now to figure out the rest of it
[6:42 PM] obsessedkuroi: *goes to hunt down pictures*
[6:47 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[6:48 PM] impcoat: hey guys what hogwarts houses would cas and dean be in...?
[6:48 PM] impcoat: sam would be ravenclaw, right?
[6:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: I would put Cas in Hufflepuff because he's so loyal
[6:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: Dean....Hfflepuff or Gryffindor
[6:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: for obvious reasons
[6:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: Yes, sam in ravenclaw
[6:54 PM] impcoat: yes, for me Dean is definitely in Gryffindor
[6:55 PM] impcoat: Sam's in Ravenclaw
[6:55 PM] impcoat: but Cas... can't decide if he is a hufflepuff or gryffindor
[6:55 PM] impcoat: most likely a hufflepuff though
[6:56 PM] impcoat: oh btw, what houses would you put yourself in?
[6:56 PM] impcoat: what house
[6:56 PM] impcoat: not houses
[6:56 PM] impcoat: ^^
[6:57 PM] lunability: I got sorted into RV
[6:57 PM] lunability: But I always wanted to be HU
[6:57 PM] lunability: D:
[6:59 PM] impcoat: on pottermore?
[7:00 PM] impcoat: I got sorted into hufflepuff, which I always thought I would be sorted into. but I also
[7:00 PM] impcoat: think I could be in ravenclaw too
[7:01 PM] impcoat: but luna, pottermore isn't law
[7:01 PM] impcoat: if you feel more like a hufflepuff then you probably are
[7:16 PM] lunability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=&v=5sruQJ12PsI
[7:16 PM] lunability: LMAO
[7:33 PM] impcoat: ...okay... xD
[7:48 PM] lunability: Shit
[7:49 PM] lunability: Power is going off in 5 mins
[7:49 PM] lunability: I am not done with the sub
[7:49 PM] lunability: ¬_¬
[7:49 PM] lunability: yet
[7:49 PM] lunability: *dies*
[7:50 PM] lunability: well turning stuff off so it get's saved
[7:50 PM] lunability: brb
[7:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: kay
[7:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: er.
[7:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: i was sorted into gryffindor and slytherin so....
[7:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: on pottermore
[7:50 PM] obsessedkuroi: i did it twice
[7:50 PM] lunability: I got into RV and RV and RV
[7:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[7:51 PM] lunability: D:
[7:51 PM] lunability: ok
[7:51 PM] lunability: all is turned off
[7:51 PM] lunability: they will text again
[7:52 PM] lunability: a minute before they shut it off
[7:55 PM] lunability: okay I am turning off the PC
[7:55 PM] lunability: xo <3
[7:55 PM] lunability: GOODBYE CIVILISATION!
[7:55 PM] lunability left the room.
[8:19 PM] guest-199729 entered the room.
[8:19 PM] guest-199729 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[8:19 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Hello again
[8:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi
[8:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: most of us are working on projects i believe
[8:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: so much to do....
[8:20 PM] obsessedkuroi: ugh
[8:20 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[8:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: we have an extra hour for today's submission right?
[8:31 PM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[9:40 PM] obsessedkuroi: in which i feel accomplished in photoshopping things
[9:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: and now i should get to work on my submission for today...before i don't have any
[9:43 PM] obsessedkuroi: time left...
[9:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *sigh* yeah
[9:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I keep trying to start and stopping
[9:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: but i did get the photoshop to cooperate with me
[9:47 PM] frequentlynotonboats: that's awesome!
[9:47 PM] obsessedkuroi: i feel very succesful about that
[9:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[9:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: Now off to do some story writing
[9:48 PM] obsessedkuroi: before my fingers rebel and fall off
[9:48 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[9:50 PM] guest-200788 entered the room.
[9:50 PM] guest-200788 changed nickname to iamateenagewerewolf
[9:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: hi wolf!
[9:53 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hello Kuroi!
[9:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: I CONQURED THE BASICS OF PHOTOSHOP!!!
[9:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: *feels awesome*
[9:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: You should feel TOTALLY AWESOME!
[9:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I don't know the first hing about it hahaha
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: I didn't either
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: about....an hour and a half ago
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: closer to two hours
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: I found things on the internet
[9:54 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Still. two hours. .
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i played a lot
[9:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: and MADE MY TREE BRANCH!
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: Possibly
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: i made one at least
[9:55 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Ohhhhhhh!!
[9:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's on the tumblr page
[9:56 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: OHMYGOD AWWW!
[9:56 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I love it
[9:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: thanks!
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: i found the chibis
[9:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Sams face.
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: I couldn't resist
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: deviant art is awesome
[9:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[9:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I just watched. . what was it, something blood. Episode 51, I know that and-
[9:57 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: so many wincest feels
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: nice
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: AWESOME
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT'S TERRIBLE FOR YOUR YEART
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: I HAVE TO DO MY SUBMISSION!
[9:58 PM] obsessedkuroi: HOLD PLEASE
[9:58 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: GO GO GO!
[10:00 PM] impcoat left the room.
[10:07 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I've never had wincest feels... I feel like something must be wrong with me
[10:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: That episode was just loaded down with Wincest feels for me.
[10:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Nothings wrong with you boats!
[10:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: You just need some help
[10:08 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: <3
[10:09 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Kidding hahaha
[10:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:09 PM] frequentlynotonboats: It's ok
[10:10 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I have Destiel feels and I'm only halfway through season 3.
[10:11 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: So I think somethings wrong with me as well
[10:11 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: Cas is what made me want to watch the show
[10:12 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so I knew I'd get there
[10:12 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahaha.
[10:12 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: A lot of it is thanks to you guys, so, I blame everyone on Team Cas.
[10:13 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: A good type of blame though
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: good
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: only good blame here
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I've always explained the whole not having wincest feelings thing as I'm an only child
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so I have no real premise for what a "normal" sibling relationship is like
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: you know?
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so I always just kind of go "I guess that's what it's like to love your sibling"
[10:13 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: as opposed to like
[10:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: omg! they're in love
[10:14 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[10:15 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I'm an only child as well
[10:15 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Boats you and I are so alike.
[10:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: When I first heard about Wincest I didn't ever in a 19083247983127 years think I would
[10:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: ship them.
[10:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: HA!
[10:16 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: I must be pretty old then.
[10:16 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[10:26 PM] guest-201382 entered the room.
[10:27 PM] guest-201382 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[10:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: REALLY COMPUTER?
[10:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: UGH
[10:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I meant to say "lol wolf! We are! how cool!"
[10:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and instead it froze
[10:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: boo
[10:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Hahaha!!!
[10:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Not your computer frezzing though
[10:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: Thats really suckinsh
[10:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: *suckish
[10:31 PM] iamateenagewerewolf: haahah
[10:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm really slacking
[10:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry guys
[10:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm not going to be able to submit anything for today
[10:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'll do a few extra bonuses to make up for it
[10:42 PM] frequentlynotonboats: <3
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: I SUBMITTED I SUBMITTED!!
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: *happy dance*
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: I DID A PHOTO THING!
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: *feels very artistic*
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: SEE SEE!!
[10:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ok!
[10:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: PHOTOSHOP FOR THE WIN!!
[10:54 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'll go check it out! ;)
[10:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: also, I changed my color for you
[10:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: ?
[10:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: Ok
[10:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: i see!
[10:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: Now
[10:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: oooooh!
[10:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i like
[10:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: all my skills in photoshop as learned in the past two and a half hours
[10:56 PM] obsessedkuroi: are displayed in that attempt
[10:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[10:56 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's awesome
[10:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: it makes me feel as though i've accomplished something significant today
[10:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: iven if it was only figuring out how to screw around on photoshop
[10:58 PM] iamateenagewerewolf left the room.
[10:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: oh
[10:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: wolf left
[10:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's just you an me boats!
[10:59 PM] obsessedkuroi: for now
[10:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: ywp
[10:59 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *yep
[11:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I"m working on my branch
[11:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: I think Luna's alseep and Imp's out too
[11:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: cause I suck
[11:00 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: COOL
[11:00 PM] obsessedkuroi: I used mine as my experiment in photoshop
[11:01 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it turned out cool
[11:02 PM] obsessedkuroi: I wanna see everyone el
[11:03 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:04 PM] obsessedkuroi: e
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: else*
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: tinychat didn't want to work
[11:07 PM] obsessedkuroi: and i couldn't restart cause then i would lose all the chat today
[11:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: FREE FOR ALL!!
[11:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: THAT IS OUR PROMPT
[11:12 PM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: realllllly
[11:21 PM] frequentlynotonboats: YAY
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: YES!!
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: IT IS A SUBMISSION OPTION!
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: FREE FOR ALL FANWORK!!
[11:21 PM] obsessedkuroi: *cheers*
[11:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: OH MY GOD THE SCORES
[11:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: WHHHHHHAAAAAAAT?
[11:22 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:23 PM] frequentlynotonboats: 8 things for today?!
[11:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: I KNOW RIGHT???
[11:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: WHO SUBMITTED??
[11:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[11:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i only see 3 on there
[11:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: our group
[11:24 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: I did, imp did twice...
[11:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: did luna?
[11:24 PM] obsessedkuroi: before she went to bed?
[11:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: Dick?
[11:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: he might have....
[11:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[11:25 PM] obsessedkuroi: wolf did, didn't she?
[11:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[11:25 PM] frequentlynotonboats: probably
[11:26 PM] obsessedkuroi: MUST FIND OUT
[11:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'll be back in a few
[11:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: there is a combined chat room somewher eout there
[11:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: ok
[11:27 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[11:27 PM obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[11:27 PM] frequentlynotonboats: okey doke
[11:50 PM] guest-202456 entered the room.
[11:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats left the room.
[11:50 PM] guest-202456 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats1
[11:50 PM] frequentlynotonboats1 changed nickname to frequentlynotonboats
[11:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: why did it give me a 1?
[11:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: dumb
[11:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: ...i dunno
[11:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: it's weird like that?
[11:51 PM] frequentlynotonboats: man I'm not ever going to be happy with my tree piece
[11:51 PM] obsessedkuroi: what's up with it?:
[11:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I keep trying to digitize it and the lines turn out REALLY sloppy
[11:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: :\
[11:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: sadness
[11:52 PM] obsessedkuroi: :(
[11:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: *sigh*
[11:52 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and I can't get my face right
[11:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: is there anyway to fix it or is it the way the program runs the pic?
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm always weird when it comes to drawing
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm worse when it's me
[11:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: I can't draw
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: it's super sketchy on paper
[11:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: I have discovered this fact
[11:53 PM] obsessedkuroi: aha
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: so I try to clean up the lineart
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: by adding a layer and tracing
[11:53 PM] frequentlynotonboats: and without all of the scribbly lines it just looks lame
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: i like the scribbly lines sometimes
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: they add character
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: ergh
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: imma gonna start on my fanfic rec
[11:54 PM] obsessedkuroi: list of ultimate awesome moving tinychat to a new window
[11:55 PM] frequentlynotonboats: righto
[11:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: can still talk of course
[11:55 PM] obsessedkuroi: just might not be right away
[11:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: no problem
[11:57 PM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm going to take a break from this and work on drawing a gender bent team free will
[11:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: OOOH
[11:57 PM] obsessedkuroi: THAT SOUNDS COOL
[12:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: we'll see lol
[12:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: have you ever seen bumblebee's stuff?
[12:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: no
[12:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: who's bumblebee
[12:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[12:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: omg
[12:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: like dumbledore?
[12:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm OBSESSED with her genderbent
[12:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: *arched eyebrow*
[12:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: let me link you
[12:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: she does fanart
[12:02 AM] obsessedkuroi: OKay!
[12:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i can't find my favorite!!!
[12:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: hold please
[12:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: can no
[12:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: do*
[12:04 AM] frequentlynotonboats: here it is!
[12:04 AM] frequentlynotonboats: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsx08n5K1P1qmt6n1o1_1280.jpg
[12:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and this one!
[12:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: That is all kinds of adorable
[12:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0mt95gveu1qmt6n1o1_1280.jpg
[12:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: she has lots of great non bent stuff too
[12:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: http://lettiebobettie.tumblr.com/archive
[12:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: I now want to read that story
[12:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: story?
[12:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: with the 4 of them?
[12:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:07 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i don't know that there is one...
[12:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: witht he girls and the hat with the arm
[12:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: the*
[12:07 AM] frequentlynotonboats: oooooh
[12:07 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[12:07 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:07 AM] frequentlynotonboats: idk if there is one
[12:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: i shall have to look at this much much closer at some point
[12:07 AM] obsessedkuroi: *puts on to do list
[12:08 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's a print too so there's a bigger version too i think
[12:08 AM] obsessedkuroi: WOW!!
[12:08 AM] obsessedkuroi: SO AWESOME!
[12:09 AM] frequentlynotonboats: she's the one who does asksupermagickids
[12:09 AM] frequentlynotonboats: which I think i mentioned before
[12:09 AM] obsessedkuroi: I have that link! it's in another window!
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm like, way too into ask blogs right now
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: if I could draw I'd make one
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but I suck
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i keep trying though
[12:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: You could always give it a go though
[12:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: put one up, start it
[12:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: practice makes you better
[12:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's the ONE thing I keep trying to get better at, despite not being good
[12:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: and why not draw things you love?
[12:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: everything else I suck and I quit
[12:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: best way to get better
[12:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: That sounds not fun at all
[12:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: my dad pointed it out to me on my birthday
[12:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: at dinner
[12:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: he was like "we couldn't ever get you to stick with anything if you weren't instantly good
[12:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: at it, you're lucky you're good at so many things"
[12:14 AM] obsessedkuroi: always the parent pointing it out
[12:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:14 AM] obsessedkuroi: Nice
[12:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: knows me better than I know myself
[12:14 AM] obsessedkuroi: straighforward parenting
[12:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well i'm old enough to handle it
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: I was always the kid who would try everything then stop cause i was bored or i wasn't
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: paying attention
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: like dance. I just wanted to spin in circles, not look where i was going
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: hahahha
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: the teachers weren't too impressed
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: fair enough
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: can't blame you though
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: I made up for not doing everything by getting all my friends to do whatever i did though
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: Climbing trees and reading
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: instigator
[12:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I've always been a total follower
[12:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: were my main forms of entertainment and making up games
[12:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: my friends and I would pretend to be characters from movies and video games
[12:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: I've always been in the leading position, usually unintentionally
[12:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: I think i always played teacher or house or doctor or something, then went all weird
[12:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool
[12:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: like, if i was playing school, i wanted to actually learn something
[12:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I've been a fan in the making since I was little
[12:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: so i would pull out the excyclopedia and teach something from it
[12:17 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's AWESOME
[12:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: encyclopedia*
[12:17 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: Or if we played Doctor, it had to be as correct as a six/seven year old could make it
[12:17 AM] obsessedkuroi: and house turned into more of a floor plan construction game than anything else
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: i was big on making absurdedly elaborate houses with trap doors and twisty passages
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[12:18 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wowwww
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: usually out of pine needles
[12:18 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's awesome
[12:18 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I had two best friends, and we'd always be Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith from FFVII
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: or tall stalks of grass or whatever was handy
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: Nice!
[12:18 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's really cool
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: I was a really big Harry Potter geek
[12:18 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol who wasn't?
[12:18 AM] obsessedkuroi: still am, but SPN overshadows it horribly
[12:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: I mena, i had the hp beadsheets, the blanket, the umbrella, a few wands, every book
[12:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: the audio books,
[12:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: every arts and crafts project i made was harry potter
[12:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: and no one wanted to play the game with me cause i always won
[12:19 AM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[12:20 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wow!
[12:20 AM] frequentlynotonboats: the card game?
[12:20 AM] frequentlynotonboats: or the trivia game?
[12:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: any game
[12:20 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:20 AM] obsessedkuroi: the trivia, the board game, the guessing game
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: my friend and i would write self-insert fanfictions about each other
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: whatever it was, i had read the book at least 20 times so..
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wait! I assume you're on pottermore?
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: i think i was just starting to get into fanfiction when i was eleven
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: I started it a week or so back
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: have you been sorted?
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: took me a while to get to though
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: Yep
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: Twice
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what house?
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what?
[12:21 AM] frequentlynotonboats: two usernames?
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause i wanted to see if i would get the same thing
[12:21 AM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: two emails, two usernames
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what house?
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: Ended up the first time in Gryffindor, the second time in Slytherin
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lolol
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm in Ravenclaw
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: don't care to try again cause I like it
[12:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: i want to try again to get all the houses
[12:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: thought I ALWAYS thought Slytherin
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i want to see the intros for all of them
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i have enough email addresses, i could do it
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i think when I was 11 I would have been slytherin
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: if i wanted to
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: you know they're online right/
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ?
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: but it's fun to do the questions
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: archived or something on wikipedia i think
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: true
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i like the questions
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: and the wands
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: they made me really nervous
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: WANDS
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i like doing that too
[12:23 AM] frequentlynotonboats: WAND LORE
[12:23 AM] obsessedkuroi: i got two different wands each time
[12:24 AM] frequentlynotonboats: really? like really different or similar different?
[12:24 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:24 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wait
[12:24 AM] frequentlynotonboats: 4 wands total?
[12:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: no
[12:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: only two
[12:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've only gone through it twice
[12:25 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[12:25 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:25 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i thought you meant two each
[12:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: nope
[12:25 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i was like TEACH ME
[12:25 AM] obsessedkuroi: i wish though
[12:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: i bet there is a hack that lets you
[12:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: if you're patient enough to figure it out
[12:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: i am not
[12:26 AM] obsessedkuroi: nor would i even know where to start
[12:26 AM] frequentlynotonboats: me neither
[12:28 AM] obsessedkuroi: 13 links on the fanfic rec down....i don't even want to count to go
[12:29 AM] frequentlynotonboats: jeez
[12:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: SO much easier to organize and post on google doc
[12:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: why didn't i think of this sooner?
[12:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: I can number them, list them by subgroup, hyperlink easier
[12:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i can link you all to it just as easily!
[12:30 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:30 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yay
[12:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i can let you all add to them if you find anything
[12:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: and since we get to keep the blog, that is a very possibly possibility!
[12:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: that came out wrong...
[12:31 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well this seems promising!
[12:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: found a cis!girl!dean/cis!girl!cas/sam fic
[12:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i just love genderswap so much
[12:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: WOOT
[12:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: I've been wondering what CIS stands for
[12:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: i know what cis is, i think
[12:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: um it just means cisgender
[12:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: *googles*
[12:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ie gender matches physical sex
[12:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: which is actually an important distinction in gender bent stuff
[12:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: you know, the difference between, holy shit I'm a girl, and I've been a girl forever
[12:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: AHAH
[12:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: I understand the importance of it now
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: I've only recently run across it and i think i've had the wrong mental impression of
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: what it was
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: cis?
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: And i am glad to have been corrected!
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i mean, it's used in real life too
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like I'm cis
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: I hate being wrong out of ignorance
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but I have friends who aren trans
[12:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: I know, it's just not something i've heard before
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: oh yeah
[12:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's nice
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i think it's nice to have equal opportunity identifiers
[12:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: so, for someone who doesn't identify as the opposite gender to their physical sex, cis is
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that way you don't ever have to put anything in a negative context
[12:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: appropriate then
[12:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: i see
[12:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: That makes a lot of sense
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: you know, like I'm cis as opposed to I'm not trans
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: idk
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i really should have studied sociology
[12:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: or psychology
[12:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: i think i have probably been unaware of it because i don't personally ascribe to labels
[12:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: I only use them if someone uses them for themselves
[12:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: I don't not use them
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i took a year long course on sex and gender that was a multi-faceted approach
[12:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: NEAT
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[12:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: THAT SOUNDS COOL
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: we had a sociologist, a psychologist, and two biologists
[12:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: *really wishes she could have taken such a thing*
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: teaching our course
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and because it was a year long you got multiple GE credits
[12:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it was the best
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: I approve of this
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I mean, I had some great English classes too
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: i really wish i could have taken something like that
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've had some awesome classes
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's just, that sounds like an amazing class
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it was
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: a lot of people didn't like it though
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: why?
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: because it was so complicated
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[12:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: that's humanity for you
[12:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: multiple teachers means more subject matter
[12:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and going from a bio lecture on monday to a sociology lecture on wednesday could be
[12:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: stressful for people who need consistency
[12:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I loved the change ups
[12:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but i have a short attention span lol
[12:39 AM] obsessedkuroi: i would have probably enjoyed them too
[12:39 AM] obsessedkuroi: learning so much all the time
[12:39 AM] obsessedkuroi: in everything
[12:40 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what kind of classes are your fave? like subject matter wise
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: I once had a personality psychology course
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: it was pretty neat
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: i took notes, but then wrote them backwards because it made me focus more
[12:40 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ?
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: then realize while i could write fluently backwards, reading quickly backwards was
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: another thing
[12:40 AM] frequentlynotonboats: backwards?
[12:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: writing your letters right to left, with the direction changed
[12:40 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like spelling or words or how do you do that?
[12:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wooooah
[12:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: dang
[12:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: literally flipping the letters the opposite direction
[12:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: and wirting that way
[12:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: what kind of stuff did you study in a personality psych course?
[12:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: though i occasionally forget the way a letter is supposed to face and write it out l
[12:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: like twenty times before i ask a friend which is right
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: different personality types, how people change based on situation, environment,
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: personal views
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: what shapes a personality
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: how people grow into one, if they devlop it at a young age or if they gain it as they
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: get older
[12:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ooooooooooooooooooh
[12:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that does sound interesting
[12:42 AM] obsessedkuroi: how people react differently in a social situation as compared to a private one
[12:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: man
[12:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's so cool
[12:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: it was a ton of infor for a semester class
[12:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: i enjoyed it
[12:43 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I've always had identity issues about the fact that I'm completely different around
[12:43 AM] frequentlynotonboats: different people
[12:43 AM] frequentlynotonboats: glad to know it's common
[12:43 AM] frequentlynotonboats: or at least common enough to study
[12:43 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's more common for that to happen
[12:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: than for my situation, which is i am the same with everone
[12:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: practically
[12:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: unless i have good reason, i basically act the same around everyone
[12:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i've thought about this, and looked at it, and no, still the same
[12:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: *shrug*
[12:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool
[12:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i hate that i don't have a very consistent identity
[12:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've discovered a problem with this though, in that my friends, when they meet other
[12:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: makes it hard to have a lot of self confidence
[12:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: people i know, can talk to them about me and have the same impressions
[12:45 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ?
[12:45 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like how
[12:45 AM] frequentlynotonboats: *what
[12:45 AM] obsessedkuroi: and my highschool teeachers remember me and ask my brother about me
[12:45 AM] obsessedkuroi: or did
[12:45 AM] obsessedkuroi: when he had them in school
[12:45 AM] obsessedkuroi: I have introduced people to each other and, if they don't knwo eac other, they usually
[12:45 AM] obsessedkuroi: talk about me, and my weirdness and strangeness
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: and random behaviors and stuff
[12:46 AM] frequentlynotonboats: hahaha
[12:46 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool though, you're like the common denominator
[12:46 AM] frequentlynotonboats: give them something to unite over
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: and every single time a new person meets me in a group of my friends, they look at me
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: strange and my friends just say "Oh, that's Courtney. You get used to her"
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: All of them
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: even if they've never met
[12:46 AM] obsessedkuroi: each other
[12:47 AM] obsessedkuroi: my highschool friends say the same and my university friends say the same
[12:47 AM] obsessedkuroi: and they've never met
[12:47 AM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[12:47 AM] obsessedkuroi: what does that say about me?
[12:47 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:47 AM] frequentlynotonboats: says people get used to you
[12:47 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :p
[12:47 AM] frequentlynotonboats: hahahaha
[12:47 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm a person you have to get used to....
[12:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: i don't know if that's a comfort for my oddness or something else
[12:48 AM] frequentlynotonboats: OR you're a person you CAN get used to
[12:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: Then again, if people meet me all hyped up, i'm usualyl spinning, babbling, running around
[12:48 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's ok, because all of my friends think of me as a little crazy, and then I meet new
[12:48 AM] frequentlynotonboats: people and I clam up
[12:48 AM] obsessedkuroi: messing with things, getting into personal space without permission
[12:48 AM] frequentlynotonboats: everyone befriends me with a false sense of who I am
[12:49 AM] obsessedkuroi: and my friends have to act as the mediators between me and the social world
[12:49 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and they tend to drop me once they figure out how weird i am
[12:49 AM] obsessedkuroi: that's unfortunate
[12:49 AM] frequentlynotonboats: meh
[12:49 AM] obsessedkuroi: i tend to throw my crazy at peoples faces and then not have to worry
[12:49 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I think it's cool that you're so uninhibited
[12:49 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like I said
[12:49 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause if they don't like it i never see them again
[12:49 AM] obsessedkuroi: i only got that way near the end of highschool and severely into college
[12:49 AM] frequentlynotonboats: definitely wouldn't have participated in the tinychat goodness if you all hadn't been so
[12:50 AM] frequentlynotonboats: inviting
[12:50 AM] obsessedkuroi: I was really big on meeting people
[12:50 AM] obsessedkuroi: and making friends that i just shoved my way into it and said COME ONTO TINYCHAT AND
[12:50 AM] obsessedkuroi: TALK TO ME PLEEEEAAAASSSEEEE
[12:50 AM] obsessedkuroi: I PROMISE I"M NOT TOO INSANE
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've probably gone and perjured myself though
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: with that statement
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: 0.0
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: I miss chizuno though
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: she went off to the music academy thing for a few days
[12:51 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lolol
[12:51 AM] obsessedkuroi: i dunno when she's gonna be back
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I've been wondering who we've been missing
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: chizuno, itzkenzi, and the thor person
[12:52 AM] obsessedkuroi: who'se name is too long and i've never talked to them and they've never come on here so
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I knew there were 9 and 2 hadn't been on, but I could only think of 6 of us
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: thorstartsofpop
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's funny
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: tarts of pop
[12:52 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[12:53 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like son of coul
[12:53 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's how I remember
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: ahah
[12:53 AM] obsessedkuroi: i finally get that username now
[12:53 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i didn't get imps until it was explained earlier
[12:54 AM] obsessedkuroi: yeah
[12:54 AM] obsessedkuroi: she explained it today and i finally got it
[12:54 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ohgod
[12:54 AM] obsessedkuroi: mine's just an old nickname from highschool
[12:54 AM] frequentlynotonboats: remember that fic I told you about?
[12:54 AM] obsessedkuroi: with obsessed in front of it
[12:54 AM] frequentlynotonboats: really? that's cool though
[12:54 AM] obsessedkuroi: er.....no?
[12:54 AM] frequentlynotonboats: how'd you get it?
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: which one?
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: the cis!fem!dean/cis!fem!cas/sam one
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: A friend in creative writing class gave a few of us nicknames. I got kuroi-chan cause
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: i was always wearing black and Kuroi=dark/black
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: ah yes, that one
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ahhh
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: what about it?
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's nc-17 and just got ruined for me with the use of a certain word
[12:55 AM] obsessedkuroi: ...which word?
[12:55 AM] frequentlynotonboats: the dangers of porn-reading
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ugh cunt
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i just don't like it
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: ahah
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's one of those words for me
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: i do understand the dislike of that word
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: in britain though it isn't that big of an insult
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it just sounds so harsh and unpleasant
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: it does, doesn't it
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's not even the insult
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's just like
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: the word itself?
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: the sound of it
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: the least descriptive word ever
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it just throws me off
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: i can understand
[12:56 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like bad punctuation
[12:56 AM] obsessedkuroi: it is an ungly sounding word
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: if the fic is still good, i skip over it and read on
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it just halts everything in a terrible place to stop
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i plan to
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: and just knock it down a few points in my head
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but it was bothering me
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and i wanted to see if i made any sense
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm such an english nerd
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: it makes sense
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: i'm a creative writing major
[12:57 AM] obsessedkuroi: we like pretty words
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: JEALOUS
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: JEALOUS
[12:57 AM] frequentlynotonboats: UGH
[12:58 AM] obsessedkuroi: if you're making an ugly sentence and an ugly story, that word is appropriate
[12:58 AM] obsessedkuroi: if you aren't, there isn't a good use for it
[12:58 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I could have concentrated in it, but I had to get accepted to two more courses and I
[12:58 AM] frequentlynotonboats: got lazy and didn't apply
[12:58 AM] frequentlynotonboats: plus we only had short story or poem
[12:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: and I'm not great at either of those in particular
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: i can do short story if forced
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: not my preference but i can
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: and i sorta want to do poem
[12:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm more into lengthy stuff. because I love scifi/fantasy which requires a lot of explanat
[12:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ion
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: i have to do another workshop in the spring
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: yes
[12:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ah
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: i know right?
[12:59 AM] frequentlynotonboats: my issue with poetry is i prefer uber-structure
[12:59 AM] obsessedkuroi: I like free verse
[1:00 AM] obsessedkuroi: but i also really like reneissance poetry
[1:00 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like my favorite is The Raven and I accidentally turned a 2 pgph assignment into a 5 page
[1:00 AM] frequentlynotonboats: essay
[1:00 AM] frequentlynotonboats: into it
[1:00 AM] frequentlynotonboats: so I hold myself to a crazy high standard and really get in my way
[1:00 AM] obsessedkuroi: i got a wonderfl appropriate intro to it in a wonderful class taught by a teacher who was
[1:00 AM] obsessedkuroi: so awesome and she taught this like she was a five year old telling us about her favorite
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: candy story
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: those are the best teachers!
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: it was the most fun i've ever had in a class
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: it was the only class i never ever missed
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: for any reason
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I had a teacher who did a seminar thing on the history of sodom in lit
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: i just always wanted to be there
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: he was writing a book
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: SO good
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: cool
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: GOOD BOOK?
[1:01 AM] obsessedkuroi: THAT HE WROTE?
[1:01 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well like a book on what we were studying
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: idk if he's published it yet
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but based on the course I would assume so
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: he really knew his stuff
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it was AWESOME
[1:02 AM] obsessedkuroi: That's always really awesome
[1:02 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's been a while since I've really geeked-out over school
[1:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: i still have another year left in university
[1:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: nice
[1:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: can i ask where you're going?
[1:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: then i want to go into the airforce and go to the dli in california
[1:03 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wow!
[1:03 AM] obsessedkuroi: Florida State University
[1:04 AM] obsessedkuroi: And take language classes there
[1:04 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's awesome
[1:04 AM] frequentlynotonboats: monterey eh?
[1:04 AM] obsessedkuroi: i think so
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: googled it
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol nice
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: i just know it's in cali and i want to go there
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's cool
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: sorry
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: why?
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: i got distracted by this fic i was reccing
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi: i spaced out
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: no prob
[1:05 AM] obsessedkuroi:  for a moment
[1:05 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm still reading the other one
[1:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's a dean and cas are porn stars but with plot
[1:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: and really good writing
[1:06 AM] obsessedkuroi: fic
[1:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: woo
[1:06 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: how long is it?
[1:10 AM] frequentlynotonboats: also, if you're curious here's the one i was reading
[1:10 AM] obsessedkuroi: two chapters, but not shrot chapters
[1:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: short*
[1:11 AM] frequentlynotonboats: http://cruelcruelcruel.tumblr.com/post/24641914538/threesome-cis-girl-dean-cis-girl-cas-sa
[1:11 AM] obsessedkuroi: WOuld love it!
[1:11 AM] frequentlynotonboats: other than the word and the fairly impropmtu jump to sex it's pretty good
[1:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: here's the one i am still currently distracted by
[1:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: http://triedunture.livejournal.com/620122.html
[1:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: and of her stuff is really good
[1:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: i ave a few on the rec list
[1:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: reeeeeading
[1:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:12 AM] frequentlynotonboats: also, do you like buffy?
[1:12 AM] obsessedkuroi: i need to see more
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've only seen a season and a half
[1:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: do you know about dawn?
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: >.<
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: i know who she is vaugely
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: from fanfic
[1:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ok
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: i've run across
[1:13 AM] obsessedkuroi: so it's probably not accurate
[1:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: http://cruelcruelcruel.tumblr.com/post/24791662940/supernatural-6x13-the-french-mistake-vs
[1:13 AM] frequentlynotonboats: this isn't spoiler-y but it's funny
[1:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: should be fine for you to look at
[1:14 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:14 AM] obsessedkuroi: cause i totally need more fanfics right now...*eyerolls but goes to read anyway*
[1:14 AM] obsessedkuroi: *cause it's fanfic*
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: oh it's not a fanfic
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: it's just a gifset
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: the second thing isn't
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: lol
[1:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: that...that's great
[1:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: in so many ways
[1:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: *must watch buffy*
[1:15 AM] frequentlynotonboats: wow, you weren't kidding about the porn-star business
[1:15 AM] obsessedkuroi: nope
[1:16 AM] obsessedkuroi: but it's still so good
[1:16 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[1:22 AM] frequentlynotonboats: this fic is fun
[1:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: i know right?
[1:22 AM] obsessedkuroi: so well done
[1:29 AM] obsessedkuroi: cockroach breeding season plus two feet of rain = GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW
[1:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: *CHASES AFTE THEM WITH CUP*
[1:30 AM] frequentlynotonboats: OH GOOD GOD
[1:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: my trusty cup is sitting beside me on the couch with a piece of paper to keep them in
[1:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: inside the cup to toss them outsid
[1:30 AM] obsessedkuroi: i would really like to drown them though
[1:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: with hydrochloric acid
[1:31 AM] obsessedkuroi: it would make my nerves feel better
[1:31 AM] frequentlynotonboats: O.O
[1:31 AM] frequentlynotonboats: dang
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i have serious issues with killing things
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: want to
[1:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: one CRAWLED INTO MY BET WITH ME
[1:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: DEB*
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but can't physially bring myself to it
[1:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: BED*
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: HAHAHA
[1:32 AM] obsessedkuroi: NONE
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i love spelling errors
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I don't either
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's not 100% true
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: but they do give me the willies
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ewww
[1:32 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm sorry to hear that'
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: I don't kill them though
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: i put them back outside
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: but i want to drawon them in acid
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: just do settle my nerves
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's a mental image thing
[1:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: whatever helps
[1:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: seriously
[1:33 AM] frequentlynotonboats: no judgement
[1:33 AM] obsessedkuroi: i have only killed, deliberately, one animal because my cats brought it into the house
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: and it was paralyzed and slowly dying on the floor
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: one animal?
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: O.O
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: bird? mouse?
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: something a little bigger than a mouse
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ah
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: rat?
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: not
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: i can't remember
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: ah
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: it makes me feel terrible thinking about it
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well that must have been hard
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: sorry
[1:34 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I won't ask anymore
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: it's just a thing
[1:34 AM] obsessedkuroi: i think about destorying these small bugs
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: but still...
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: >.>
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: i couldn't bring it to the vets either cause it was nine at night
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: and the ground outside was flooded
[1:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: :(
[1:35 AM] frequentlynotonboats: well props to you for doing the right thing by it
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: usually whenever the cats bring something in that's still alive, my bri and i walk the
[1:35 AM] obsessedkuroi: half mile to the vets to give it to them
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's awesome
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: three times now we've broght them little rabbits
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I'm so glad I have indoor cats
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: bro*
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: I have five
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: that's a lot
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: only one is a decent indoor cat
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: haha
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: one tries to be
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: the other three brng in animals and bugs
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: one of mine doesn't have teeth, so he wouldn't be very effective outside
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: true at that
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: all of ours have their claws so...
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I used to live across the street from a giant vacant lot with an abandoned house that 9
[1:36 AM] frequentlynotonboats: strays lived in
[1:36 AM] obsessedkuroi: wow
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: lots of cats
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i'd go chill with them sometimes
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: nice cats?
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: yeah
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: awesome
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: named them?
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: some were shy but others were friendly
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: only one
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: there was this badass giant black one
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: he hung out in the tree
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: nice
[1:37 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I called him bagheera
[1:37 AM] obsessedkuroi: I APPROVE!!
[1:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: i named all mine weird names
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: three of them aren't in english
[1:38 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i think you listed them once, but remind me?
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: one is in egyptian
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: yeah, a while back
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: earl yesterday morning i believe
[1:38 AM] obsessedkuroi: early*
[1:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: you know, a while ago
[1:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:39 AM] frequentlynotonboats: like yesterday
[1:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: that is a while ago in internet tearms
[1:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: that's forever ago on the internet
[1:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: HEY GUESS WHAT HEY GUESS WHAT
[1:40 AM] obsessedkuroi: ONLY ONE MORE LINK IN MY AU FOLDER
[1:40 AM] frequentlynotonboats: SWEET
[1:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: i'm still not done with part one of the fic you sent me
[1:41 AM] frequentlynotonboats: lol
[1:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: 23 links
[1:41 AM] obsessedkuroi: so far
[1:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: OH MY GOD SASSY GABE
[1:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I LOVE IT
[1:42 AM] frequentlynotonboats: jeez
[1:43 AM] obsessedkuroi: ^_^
[1:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: I've gotta go
[1:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: talk to you later
[1:44 AM] frequentlynotonboats: so much to do tomorrow!
[1:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: KAY
[1:44 AM] obsessedkuroi: LATER
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My submission for the day. Also, my skills with photoshop in all their glory. Not much, but hey, I'm proud I figured it out!
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Tumblr media
In which i figured out layers, adding photos and putting text onto a picture. And cutting them out. I do have the links to all the chibis i cut out if needed for the submission, but this is just a first attempt. I might do something different later tonight. SInce we already have a dean sam cas on the tree. *shrug*
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