You alive????
I am. This blog ain't.
Funny enough I was browsing my blog last night and went "huh."
I don't really have ideas for any of the asks in my inbox.
I have had some there for years and I can't answer them.
I still like Team Fortress I just don't have the passion I once had for it.
This answer is a mess.
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Alright lads. I have a headcanon.
Sniper has trouble recognizing his voice when he comes back from long solo camping trips.
When camping, he can go days/weeks without talking. So when he does return to civilization and he has to speak it takes him a moment to realize that he has a Aussie accent and a deep voice.
When he comes back he doesn't shut up. He needs to tell people about a lizard he saw on his trip, or a plant he found. This usually happens for a day, then it's back to quiet and calm Mundy.
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Asks are open!!
Fuck it guys send me everything!! 
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I'm sorry, I don't remember if you take nsfw asks or not
Fuck yeah I do. Send me all of them. 
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Hey, how are you today?
I’m feeling good. Been working on my YouTube channel and finished TAFE for last year now on holidays. 
Bought Black Ops 3 with all the zombies content. I had no idea that Zombies had such a great story and characters. 
I’ve also been going though this blog and forgot how much I miss writing for these characters. 
Hope y’all are doing well and I can’t wait to get back into this blog!! Take care all. 
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Asks are open!!
Fuck it guys send me everything!! 
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LMAO. I wanna get back into this blog but I can’t do that until I’ve answered the other asks but I low-key wanna open asks so I can get some inspiration. But I know those other asks will never get done. 
Need y’all input. Should I open asks and everyone spam me with asks? Or get those in my inbox done?
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Mercs reaction to their S/O on a whim wanting to dance with them. They set up a little area and the song We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn is playing.
Here is a link to thesong:
 I’m so sorry anon. This took far too longto answer. I hope you see this.
Scout: Scout isn’t much ofa slow dancer. He enjoys rap music and over the top dance moves. However he dances to the slow tune for his S/O. As they dance Scout keeps stepping on his partners toes, this results in his S/O laughing. They spend of the rest of the song singing to it instead and Scout holding his partner close.
Soldier: The team think Solly isn’t romantic and that he has two left feet. Only his S/O knows that isn’t true. He leaps at the chance to dance and be close to his S/O. Taking them by the waist, Soldier leads the dance. Hands moving from hips to his S/O back. At the end of the song Solly makes the promise to always come home. Just for them.
Pyro: Pyro doesn’t slow dance. They just don’t. For the entire song they sway from side to side hugging their S/O.
Heavy: He does it for his S/O. Heavy doesn’t have any experience with slow dancing, so he lets his partner lead. They slowly make their way through the song and Heavy finally asks “Why dance and why this song?” He is given a simply answer; dancing for the intimacy and the song reminds his partner of them. After this event Heavy and his S/O dance at least once a month.
Demoman: Seconds after the suggestion Demo is moving around his workshop to make room. He plays the song loudly and proudly. Laughing and slow dancing with his partner. At times he starts to sing. As the song comes to an end Demo and his S/O are touching foreheads and simply holding each other long after the song is finished.  
Engineer: When asked goes bright red. Clears out some space in the garage and offers his hand. Theydance in silence no words are needed between them. When the song comes to an end Engi simply restarts the song and gives his partner a smile. Once again offers his hand and this time his heart.
Sniper: It takes a good few hours for Sniper’s partner to get him to dance. It’s late in the night when the song starts. It’s only them. Sniper leads their sober dance trying his best to remember any moves from a one-off PE class. It’s towards the end of the song where Sniper starts to get teary eyed. He knows he lives a dangerous life, that he might not come home one day. But this realisation hits him hard. He makes it through the song and tells his S/O how much they love them. While the man would never admit it, he was teary eyed for the rest of the night.
Medic: At first Medic laughs, then he realises that his S/O is serious. Later in the night Medic’s S/O hears music coming from the infirmity. As they enter the space they see all the medical equipment is pushed to the sides and Medic is in his best suit and tie.He apologies and holds out his hand offering to dance the night away. Medic and his better half sing and dance through the song. The man while a little rusty with the dance moves puts in the effort. They kiss right at the end of the song.  
Spy: The song comes onover the radio. Spy rolls his eyes as his partner reaches for his hands. Spy leads their small dance and simply goes through the motions. It’s until he notices that their S/O is getting teary eyed where he fully understands what this song means to them as lovers. The chance that he might not come home oneday. That a mission could take months away from each other. He finishes the song holding their partner tight and making the vow that he will always be there.
I was listening to this song on repeat and cried several times. Once again, I’m sorry anon. Please take care and hope you like these answers.
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Dude! Thank you.
That is some nice work.
Her eyes kill me.
How about something quite dark?Mercs reaction to Administrator forcing them to assasinate the new CEO of Mann co...who is Olivia Mann. ...Or maybe something less dark,like how the mercs met their mascots.(You know-Soldier's Eagle,Engie's Ein,Demo's parrot)(sorry for typos,bad at english)
But being serious there is mention of a child dying, so if that is not your thing please don’t read.
Keep reading
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How about something quite dark?Mercs reaction to Administrator forcing them to assasinate the new CEO of Mann co...who is Olivia Mann. ...Or maybe something less dark,like how the mercs met their mascots.(You know-Soldier's Eagle,Engie's Ein,Demo's parrot)(sorry for typos,bad at english)
But being serious there is mention of a child dying, so if that is not your thing please don’t read.
It was a simple job. Blow the building up and leave.
That was the thought that plagues Miss Pauling’s mind as she rides herscooter towards ground zero. In the distance all the young woman could see wasash and dust.
 But slowly approaching where Mann Co once stood it’s the sounds that wouldscar her.
 Walking through rubble and bodies all she could hear were the whimpersof survivors, the screams of the dying and yelling of those buried underconcrete.
 It sent a chill down her spine, to think her friends were caught in theexplosion.
 Going deeper into the impact zone all the woman could do was try to yellout, seeing was impossible, her glasses covered in dust.
 But what caught her attention was the movement in the distance. A childlike figure in the distance, slowly rocking back and forth.
 Again and again she yelled out towards the figure.Nothing.
A sigh escapes her lips as she pulls out a small pistol and approachesthe child.
 It’s only a few meters when she realizes it’s Scout.
The young man is sitting in filth, knees pressed tightly to his chest,one arm over his head and sucking his thumb.
But his eyes are something she will never forget, bloodshotand withtears pupils wide.
Miss Pauling can tell he hasn’t moved in ages, the ash that layers hisbody is perfectly level.
 She gets down to his level and starts to interrogate him.
 “Where are the others??”
 “What happened??”
 “Why didn’t you leave??”
Scout just looks through her and with a shaky hand points towards theother members of the team, then goes on to slowly sob.
Miss Pauling moves on leaving Scout in a mess of blood and ash.
Finally she sees the rest of the mercs.
Pyro is laying on the ground looking at the falling ash, at timesputting their hand out to catch it.
Engineer is off to the side of the main group his small area he has madeup for himself is covered in vomit and blood.
For once Miss Pauling sees Soldier silent, the man holding his helmet tohis chest as if he was mourning a death.  
Heavy is speaking softly to Medic trying to convince the man to stop. Tostop performing CPR on the body of a little girl all men now know as OliviaMann.
Heavy is begging, telling Medic, that she is dead, that all her ribs arebroken. Even if they could revive her she would be brain dead.
Spy is overlooking the resuscitation, eyes focused solely on the younggirl helping Medic keep count.
Miss Pauling notes that Demoman and Sniper are nowhere to be seen. 
She breaks the silence.
“What happened??”
None of the men answer her question. All act as if they are stuck intheir own world. This isn’t good enough she needs answers now.
She grabs Soldier from his shoulders giving them a tight squeeze.
“Solider, please what happened here??”
For a split second the man says nothing, his eyes darting from the bodyof the girl to Pauling, in a few worlds explains.
“Followed the plan, discovered innocents inside and failed to disarm thebombs.”
And there it was. The reason the mercs where torn up, why they didn’tleave. As much as they put on the persona of harden mercenary,they would never let innocents die for a cause.
As much as Miss Pauling wanted mourn the loss. She had a job to do, getthese men out of here before being arrested for domestic terrorism.
“We have to leave now”
For thefirst time Miss Pauling felt panic rise in her chest.
It was Engineer who spoke up looking Miss Pauling dead in the eyes.
“We not going without Demo and Sniper”
“We don’t have time to discuss this; we can find their bodies later.”
Engineer looked away his face filled with disgust. Kicking the dirt torelease the built up angry.
“Would you do that to me??”
It was Scout, the man had dragged himself back to the others, toregroup. He had expected Miss Pauling to help search for Demo and Sniper.Instead she was going to leave them for dead.
He repeated himself. “Would you do that to me??”
Miss Pauling didn’t even think, she would leave him, or any members ofthe team behind to save the others. Doesn’t mean she won’t feel bad after. Itall comes down to the needs of the many.
Scout was about to open his mouth again when he was cut off by Medicscreeching.
Heavy had dragged the man away from Olivia, deciding enough was enough.
Standing his ground Heavy took the abuse of the Doctor the yellingpunching and scratching.
Finally placing the Medic in a bear hug, as all the doctor could do wassob.
Finally Soldier moved again approached the young girl, placed her armsover her chest. Kneeling the man whispered to her.
All Miss Pauling could make out was an “I’m sorry” and maybe a prayer??
The touching words that Miss Pauling was trying to make out where fadedout by yelling in the distance. That was quickly approaching the group.
She pointed the pistol towards the voice, out of the ash steppedDemoman. Broken bottle of scrumpy in his hands, covered in ash and gunpowder.Demoman pushed pass Miss Pauling and made his way to Olivia. Slowly getting tohis knees he cried over her body.
The words “I’m sorry” and “my fault” where repeated.
It was his bombs that killed the young girl, his talent that got herkilled.
Spy approached the mumbling man.
“Demoman listen to me closely, have you seen Sniper??”
It was the mention of Sniper that Demoman froze on the spot.
“I’ve never seen him so angry”
“So he’s alive??”
“He said he’ll find us, after he finishes looking”
Miss Pauling steps in.
“What is he looking for Demo??”
“Papers” Demoman’s eyes go wide, “evidence”.
Miss Pauling’s voice cracks
“We have to leave now”
 Her wish goes ignored.
Spy looks at Miss Pauling, eyes burning into her skull.
 “Why did this building have to come down??”
 “I - I can’t tell you”
“Then tell me”
 Sniper appears from almost nowhere, holding burnt files. He continueshis speech, while handing out paperwork to his team.
 “This building came down to make the CEO’s death look like an accident.”
 “CEO??” Heavy speaks up.
 Sniper says nothing instead gestures to the little girl.
 Scout whispers softly to himself.
 “She was the CEO??”
 Spy fills in the blanks for the others.
 “Saxton Hale lost his company to Gray Mann, placing Olivia Mann incharge. The only way he would have gotten the business back is if he beat herin a boxing match… or by death”
All eyes are on Pauling, demanding answers, reasons for all themeaningless death.
“It was necessary” she explains.   
The men step in closer, surrounding her.
“With Grey Mann in charge they would have cut our partnership with TFIndustries, lots of money would have been lost. It’s what the Administratorwanted.”
The calm personality of the Engineer was gone, his voice on edge.
“We justtook out a tower, full of innocents. For money??”
Miss Pauling was trying to stay calm, keep things under control.
“Gray Co didn’t give us much of a choice; we repeatedly asked to come toan agreement.”
Heavy interjected.
“They said no, we respond by blowing up building. What happened to us?”
“Nothing happened to us” Miss Pauling snaps back “We are mercenaries”
That was the finally statement that pushed Sniper’s controlled angryover the edge.
“You turnedus into FUCKING KILLERS!”
 For allthe killing the mercs had done is their life, killing children was alwayssomething they always avoided. They were hired guns, not serial killers, notmad men.
The rageof the team was fuming; Pauling could feel the atmosphere tighten as theSnipers words echoed around them.
 “This isn’t my fault…”
The words barely more than a whisperslipped from her mouth. A phrase said more for her sake then the teams.
But the Medic had heard it.
With a screech the man had started toyell
“That’s not good enough. You fucked us.Fucked everybody. No… Everything… all this… it’s YOUR fault!”
If it wasn’t for Heavy holding theGerman back Pauling was sure that she would have been dead.
“What happened herewas out of my control.” She was arguing back, deep down she knew she doesn’tneed to justify any of this to the mercs.
“Was it?”
Spy asked.His voice calm.
“None of this would’vehappened if you’d told her no.”
That was the tippingpoint for the woman. All the anger, tension, hatred that was being thrown inher directional finally came out.
“You have no idea whatit’s like to work for her! She simply doesn’t take no as an answer, do youthink I wanted this!?”
A softquestion breaks the silence.
“Was itworth it?” Scout looks at Pauling in the eyes, he doesn’t move, just stares ashe wait for his answer.
ShamefullyPauling looks at the ground, then to the body of the young girl. She whimpersher answer out.
A sarcasticlaugh comes from Sniper.
“Collateral damage can be justified, if the gainoutweighs the cost. Isn’t that right Miss Pauling?”
A sighescapes her lips.
The silenceis her answer.
It can bejustified.
“I quit”
Heavy hadheard enough, Sniper was right. They had limits and morals they followed. Thisbroke every single one of them. Slowly Heavy walked away from the scene.Followed by Medic who simply waved a dismissive hand.
One by oneeach member of Team Fortress walked away.
Leavingonly Miss Pauling and Spy.
“It had tobe done Spy, you understand that??”
A pause.
“No matterwhat happens next, don’t be too hard on yourself.”
With hisfinally words, Spy left.  Leaving MissPauling alone.
This is the worst thing I have ever written. I just wanted it out of my WIP folder.
If you got through this mess of a story you are da real MVP.
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I’m not dead... Kinda..
Heads up all I’m not dead.
Just a really bad person when it comes to updating this blog.
Seriously tho, a number of things happened. But in a nutshell started Uni (not really I am doing TAFE), started to try to better myself as a human.
But for a while wasn’t really invested in Team Fortress 2.
That’s not to say that I stopped liking it. I love TF2.
I just needed a break from it and with trying to get my life together things get left behind.
I also fell into Star Wars hell.
But on the plus side I think I might post a story tomorrow. It’s been in my WIP folder for a while now and I just want to get it out.
As always you are da real MVP.
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Right guys I’m writing a story for an ask sent in.
It’s still in the works but I feel like giving you guys a taste.
It was a simple job. Blow the building up and leave.
That was the thought that plages Miss Pauling's mind as she rode her scooter towards ground zero. In the distance all the young woman could see was ash and dust. But slowly approaching where Mann Co once stood it’s the sounds that would scar her.
Walking through rubble and bodies all she could hear were the whimpers of survivors, the screams of the dying and yelling of those buried under concrete.
It sent a chill down her spine, to think her friends were caught in the explosion.
Going deeper into the impact zone all the woman could do was try to yell out, seeing was impossible, her glasses covered in dust.
But what caught her attention was movement in the distance. A child like figure rocking back and forth.
Again and again she yelled out towards the figure.
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Okay so we had the mercs deal with Pyro vision, so what about them dealing with Demos Headcanoned 4th wall vision?
For those who need context here are a few links to previous posts.
Scout: Joins Tinder and matches with every hot chick. Besides that, goes and hunts down the writer who made Spy his father. To get a better understanding of why Spy left his Ma and family. I can also see him bribing the writers at Valve to hook him up with Miss. Pauling. Also Scout is proud of his voice actor Nathan Vetterlein, thanking him for giving Scout a amazing voice.
Pyro: Is more detached from reality than usual. Loves all the toys the kids have now a days. Falls in love with scented candles and all types of cool lighters. Buys so many art supplies and a drawing tablet. Looks at fan art helps upcoming artist with their work. Laughs when they find out they share the same voice actor as Spy at times putting on a french accent. Which is scary good.
Soldier: To be honest is kinda disgusted at his own country. America went to war and for what?? Solly doesn’t see the point, at least in WW2 there was a reason. But now?? Sees the people’s freedoms being taken away, healthcare, net neutrality, The Patriot Act, etc. For the first time sees something wrong in the USA, for Solly it seems the people in positions of power are out for themselves. Tries to start a revolution. Loves Rick May as his voice actor, thanks the actor for giving him a proper American voice.
Heavy: YES! Being able to carry millions of book on such a tiny device blows Heavy’s mind. Does nothing but read modern literature and watch movies/TV. Loves Harry Potter both films and book (but the books a little more). Falls in love with NetFlix, binge watches so many TV shows. But it’s the internet that just amazes Heavy, he is able to call his family using Facebook/Skype. He can hear and see them, brings Heavy to tears, being able to see his family from across the globe. Now understands Demoman when he said they had the same voice. Heavy is surprised how well Gary Schwartz can do both a Russian and Scottish accent.    
Engineer: He should be feeling happy, he should be amazed by the modern world. Instead his heart breaks. He discovers that people have to pay heaps of money to gain an higher education. How if he went to school now he would only able to do 1 Ph.D, so much debt. Engi always believed in higher education, that people should have the opportunity to learn if they want it. Feels scared, this is the world people have to live in?? Loves his voice actor Grant Goodeve, still can’t believe that his voice actor is still acting to this day.
Sniper: Out of all the mercs Sniper struggles the most. Was never a man that looked far into the future, he likes to live in the present. Is surprised that Australia is different. That people are more accepting of others, that children don’t throw stones towards those who are different. Breaks his heart to see so many coal power plants. That land and animals are being killed, when their is clean energy available. Struggles with his voice actor John Patrick Lowrie, the man is married to Ellen McLain who voices the Administrator. It puts the Sniper on edge, everytime he hears the Administrator thinks that in another world they are married.
Medic: Has a field day, being able to learn about advancements in medicine and transplant procedures. But at the same time hates being able to see through the 4th wall, he realizes that his perception of him from a fandom point of view is different from what he original expected. He is a man of medicine, who time and time again has saved his team from doom on the battlefield. Why is he seen as weak?? Low-key loves his voice actor Robin Atkin Downes, to think that his voice has been heard by billions of people.
Spy: WHAT THE FUCK! Finds out the TF2 community ships (he had to look up what shipping was). Is pissed beyond belief, they ship him with Sniper. Goes on forums and tries to convince people why he and Sniper wouldn’t work. This backfires and people love the ship even more. Besides this likes the technology of the modern day. Little computers that fit in your pocket!! Access to information at anytime, anywhere! Being able to carry music on you and listening to it!! Spy is taken back that he shares the same voice as Pyro that Dennis Bateman voices both mercs. Maybe that’s why Pyro always put Spy on edge??
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Sorry guys posted a lot of stuff to this blog by accident. I’ll be deleting them.
Once again sorry.
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Right. I went from 862 followers to 859. Which is great I was expecting to lose more.
But a quick question. Is it normal to have many empty blogs follow you?? Cause I checked out a few and some have like only 6 likes and nothing else. 
Cause I feel dirty having these many followers when many could be bots. Do I block them?? Leave them alone?? How do you guys feel??
Right guys I’m about to delete the Porn Blogs following me. 
My luck I’ll only really have 300 followers…..
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Right guys I’m about to delete the Porn Blogs following me. 
My luck I’ll only really have 300 followers.....
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Tf2 headcanon: Imagine if…
The medigun had withdrawal effects on the mercs? Think about it. They are constantly bathing in something that makes them feel better mentally and physically. As an added bonus, Medic canonly inhales the Kritzkrieg fumes and seems to get a slight high from them. So when the mercs are suddenly not able to get the medigun fumes, could they possibly go through some form of withdrawal?
I find this a cool theory.
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