"I feel the need... the need for speed!"
Team Running Strong runs for the cause, not the competition. But if you have a specific finish time in mind and you're hoping to increase your running or walking speed, the following training schedules from running coach Christine Hinton can shave minutes off your mile in just one month!
*Use either schedule 4 times a week for maximum results. Begin with a 5 minute warm-up and end with a 5 minute cool-down each time.
Week 1: 30 seconds at fast pace, 2 minutes at moderate pace. Repeat 8 times.
Week 2: 1 minute at fast pace, 2 minutes at moderate pace. Repeat 7 times.
Week 3: 5 minutes at fast pace, 5 minutes at moderate pace. Repeat 2 times.
Week 4: 10 minutes at easy pace, 10 minutes at very fast pace, 10 minutes at easy pace. 
Week 1: 2 minutes of brisk walking, then 2 minutes at normal pace. Repeat 5 times.
Week 2: 3 minutes of brisk walking, then 2 minutes at normal pace. Repeat 4 times.
Week 3: 1 minute of very brisk walking, then 1 minute at normal pace. Repeat 10 times.
Week 4: 2 minutes of brisk walking, then 1 minutes at normal pace. Repeat 7 times.   
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Who caught the Top Gun reference? What other movie quotes motivate you?  Like Dory's "Just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo or "Until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life" from Rocky? 
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"Look at Mills! Look at Mills!"
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Runners, take your marks!
Welcome to Team Running Strong’s official blog!
With the upcoming expansions of Team Running Strong, this blog will be a useful vehicle to share your story, find your motivation and keep in touch with your fellow teammates throughout the country. Here you will find Team Running Strong news, motivational messages, training and fundraising tips, testimonials from team alumni, and much more.
This is YOUR blog, team, so share your ideas. If there is something you’d like to see on the blog, let us know by emailing [email protected]
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