teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Preparing for our last outing to Sunnaas!
We have been preparing to meet with our friends at Sunnaas for the final time. Tomorrow we will be asking them to try out the final version of our prototype while we gather very scientific data about how they use it. In between freaking out about upcoming exams and wondering why we didn’t start reading our textbooks 2 months ago, we have been finalising the design of the prototype: trying out various colors, orientations, and layouts to improve the readability and usability. As always, we will be showing up armed with surveys and will be hunting for feedback from anything that moves. We are looking forward til our bittersweet meeting tomorrow. Although we have enjoyed working with the fine people at Sunnaas, we will be glad to wrap things up so we can start worrying about exams.
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Busy days
Sorry for not updating lately! We’ve been busy writing our report on the project that is due in two weeks. We’re also having our last meeting with Sunnaas hospital this Friday to test the last prototype and conduct an evaluation. This week is a busy week, but we’ll try to keep you updated. 
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Our midterm presentation! 
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Midterm presentation
We’re presenting our midterm presentation tomorrow. The presentation contains information about the project, the methodology we’ve used, the methods we’ve used, the difficulties we’ve experienced and about the road ahead. We will post a link to the presentation tomorrow after we’re done. Wish us luck!
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Visiting Sunnaas hospital
We’re at Sunnaas hospital and we have just had two usability tests, and throughout the day we’re going carry out more tests. This visit is held to determine if we are on the right track, and to get some comments on what we have to focus on and what we have done right. We are very pleased with the feedback so far, and realise that we have to work on some of the functions and implement some new functions too. Big thanks to the participants! 
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Friday meeting
The prototyping stage is well on its way, and last Friday the group met to show each other the progress they have made on their own. We’re focussing on two different types of solutions, a mobile app and a website. Each solution will differ in design in an attempt to elicit which aspects contribute to the an effective and user-friendly experience. We are ready to test functionality, and we hope to visit Sunnaas hospital soon to collect feedback from various users. Each of us will continue to work on the prototypes alone and then we will meet to share the results. We will be posting pictures of the first round of prototypes soon, so stay tuned!
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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Frida and Silje working hard.
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Today we had a workshop at Mari’s place where we discussed the process and created the first prototypes. We decided to go for a web-based solution because it can be used on both computers and mobile devices, which is necessary due to the varying use cases present. To begin prototyping, we sketched designs on paper and then continued developing them towards more high-fidelity prototypes by implementing the designs in html. Taking inspiration from other solutions, we created a moodboard to help guide our design choices in forming the prototypes.
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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Ongoing workshop!
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
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Silje, Frida & Josh analyzing data from the interviews. 
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Data collection
About a week ago we visited Sunnaas hospital to gather data from the users of our future system. We conducted interviews with three users with varying use cases. The first person interviewed works in the clinic at the hospital and only works on a project part-time, the second works with projects full-time, and the third works in the innovation department. The different use-cases presented by the participants allowed us to gather data from differing perspectives, but optimally we would have preferred to interview more users to obtain a more complete understanding of the current system. Unfortunately, there were no other users available for interviews, but we are confident enough in our understanding of the current use of the system to forge ahead. We would like to thank the interview participants for taking the time to speak with us.
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teamsunnaas-blog · 7 years
Sunnaas - Man-hour registration
We’re a group of four bachelor students at UiO (Mari Fredriksen, Silje Nielsen Kvillum, Frida Aung and Josh Schecker) who will be working in cooperation with Sunnaas Hospital to develop a better system for reporting man-hours. The goal of this project is to enable the therapists, nurses, and other practitioners at the hospital to spend more time caring for patients and innovating creative health solutions by streamlining the reporting process.  On this tumblr, we will be documenting our progress throughout the semester - our struggles, our victories, and the ups and downs of the design process.  Hopefully, by the end of the semester we will be able to proudly show off an innovative and creative solution that lightens the administrative burden on the health care providers at Sunnaas Hospital.
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