By the way I'm collecting instances of western (usually rightwing) Christians using the Armenians Genocide as "evidence" that: A) no one cares about the plight of christians (the world over), or B) evidence that Christians, including themselves in the west, are persecudeted for their christianity, or C) that Islam is what leads to christian persecution in the middle east. Yes including memes. I have a lot. I want more. Memes.... On the other side, I'm collecting historical revisionism done by liberals et. Al. in forms such as: A) the idea of the armenians genocide is pushed by islamophia B) "How is this different from trump and his followers calling for a reconquest of Constantinople" (an actual quote I read with my own, soon to be bleeding, eyes) C) The Armenian agenda is in line with Russian propaganda in their effort to take over america (E.G. Rachel Maddow) D) Anything in line with erdogans actual recent statements, such as those of him accusing the EU as being a cruisader state under the vaticans thumb. Don't worry I'm perfectly capable of collecting all of this myself, but I always find new shit on Tumblr of all places so...
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It's official, I'm giving a talk, on April 19, at 6:30pm EST, Titled: "Abuse of the Armenian Genocide: The role of religion in its history, and the bigger role of religion in the many forms of its historical revision, from 1915 to today" And whoooooo fuckity I'm nervous, I know a shit ton on the subject I know exactly what I'm going to focus on and I know exactly where to find the sources I need to back my arguments up. Except I'm shy and insecure and while I've given presentations in front of small crowds of docturates and rebuttled their asses into the water pointing out their bullshit or even just tiny holes in their arguments cause that's my god given GIFT, and I've presented my own work to similar audiences and was able to answer all their what-they-thought were clever rebuttals or even potential counter examples to my argument, only to find me perfectly familiar with what they thought they were introducing to the subject, a d so was perfectly capable of responding to this injection of "new" info onto the scene, but Ahhhhh its been so long since I've had to be a macho accademic defending my OWN work! asking cutting horrifying questions at others people's talks is so old cake its Adam and eves wedding cake its easy when its not youu SO Nervous
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The white male style of debate is to antagonize you until you snap. Then they win by default, because they make up their own rules in which being upset automatically invalidates your argument. The key is also to argue about things that they have no stake and experience in, so they dont snap first. Of course in the event that they do snap first, its of course passion, not anger…
White people are like little kids who make up new rules and obnoxious powers to keep themselves from losing….
At the end of it all, they are happy that you are so civil and can debate things rationally and clearly without getting upset. Everyone shakes hands and thanks everyone for being able to discuss “conflicting” viewpoints. Because after all everyone needs to hear the opposing side to truly be sophisticated. Even if you’ve heard that side all your life and it completely devalues you as a human being.
What i hear is that the mark of civilization to white people is being dehumanized and taking it like a champ. 
They also have little to no concept of power dynamics in these ‘sophisticated" discussions.
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i completely agree with you, i'm sorry if it seemed that my anger was towards you, not at all i enjoy reading your thoughts very much! my anger is directed towards those people who constantly try to force groups that do not really fit there into the white/poc dichotomy. people from the west seem to do this constantly, and with such arrogance that it still shocks me a bit despite the fact that i've seen it so much. they think their word is law and will cruelly mock anybody who disagrees.
Oh no I’m sorry if I came across as defensive or angry at you or anything! I agreed as well, but when I was replying I was writing at something like 3am, and my thoughts were very unorganized, and I think I just ranted on the same things you have a problem with as well. 
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St. Sargis armenian cathedral in Tehran Photo by @miromid
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fun game - take a shot every time someone who isn’t armenian downplays the continued oppression of armenians by calling them white
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quick way to get feverish if you need to convince your mom to let you stay home from school:
attempt analysis of armenian genocide in terms of white vs poc
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all these goddamn losers going ''kim k only looks that ~ethnic~ bc she fake tans and uses dark makeup etc etc'' are just grasping at straws. even when you look at pictures of her AS A CHILD, she would not "pass" as white for white americans. these people are delusional. and even before she was really famous, when she was just known for being on paris hilton's show sometimes i remember seeing disgusting comments referring to her as "paris hilton's fat persian friend" so spare me.
I'm sorry I don't know hkwbold this message is, I've become a monster in terms of being in contact with humanity....The smallest details in one's physical appearance can single you out in certain environments. Generally, sweeping declarations of which features belong to which ethnicities or which race, or whichever 19th century race theory category is in fashion this week, are not at all universal, and there is variation between all humans, even the most closely related ones. There is such variety in my own Armenian family, I sometimes fall into the propaganda myself and wonder which of us "looks (more) Armenian." There's a reason armenians are exhausted and sick to death about talking about what category race scientists made up that we belong to. There's no good one answer. "Ethnic" is not an objective evaluation of physical features, and the use of the word "ethnic" to mean "exotic" is orientalist, and should not be celebrated. To me, and I think, or hope is the same for many Armenians, is that common ancestral land, a shared and unique set of cultures, and unity even in the Diaspora is what really matters to Armenians in terms of how they see Armenian identity. Generally, it has nothing to do with the white/poc line (unless they've fallen for the propaganda, or were bullied into falling into its line of though -- something I know has happened to some very wonderful and extremely intelligent armenians who were bullied about their race). I'd love to evade the question of "ARE ARMENIANS WHITE OR NOT" till the end of time, but the problem with evading the question of "are armenians white" is that someone else will always stick their unwanted ass/opinion in, and decide our identity for us all, because for some god aweful sick invasive reason, they care. When nonarmenians declare "Armenians aren't middle eastern", I want to scream "MY ANCESTORS ARE FROM IRAN, GO TO HELL." Not because I'm dogmatic about ALL armenians being middle eastern, but because asscheeks over here just declared that NO armenians are middle eastern, and I'm over here sitting thinking then who the fuck am I a unicorn? Forget that my individual family has contributed to the culture and developmental, political, and technological progess of Iran to such an extent, it would be anachronistic to claim they didn't truly belong in Iran, with their Persian neighbors. But it doesn't bother me much at all when similar overly wide sweeping declarations about the "race" of armenians are made by armenians themselves. They're (most likely) not trying to figure us out and shove us into a simplified dichotomy so they can figure out our privilidge points. They, at least in my experience, are doing so because they are trying to figure out how they think they fit in the world. I, despite my attachment to the middle east, have mostly moved on from trying to find my place in the world through race and identity politics. Being Armenian by blood is only the most basic requirement for being "Armenian," but our culture(s) and language(s) and arts and history and communities and all the intangible, non-bodily-parts-related aspects of Armenian identity, I think, make up the biggest part of being Armenian. And those same aspects, most likely, are the most important parts of being from any ethnicity, race, group, etc. Sorry, this went off a little irrelevant to your message. People will police and decide anyone's god damn idenitity till they make everyone and themselves sick, and I know I'm sick. What's making me sick tonight, in relation to your message, is that you can decide and evaluate a person's ethnic background based on the person's character. I know almost nothing about Kim k, I hear she's a fucking racist, I don't have any idea. It wouldn't matter if she killed a man, she still has a right to her, although somewhat diluted through lack of exposure to Armenian culture, Armenian identity. I know a lot of you all will shit on my face for saying this, but we can't throw out people we don't like from our ethnicity, like it's some night club. Hell, my aunt Siran was racist till the day she died, but I learned a lot about Iran and Armenia from her. I ignored her comments on black people. I tried to argue with her once even, but have you ever argued with an elderly Armenian immigrant before cause I rest my caseAt this 1:42 am hour, I end this mess of a "reply" and hope not to wake up horrified. Please show mercy.
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I’m going to present at my university (the one I graduated from) a presentation on the role of religion and nationalism in the Armenian Genocide, from 1915 to now. I want to to explain the Young Turk’s racist ethnic nationalist motives, and how the Young Turks were in conflict with islamists who wanted to increase the power of the Ottoman Caliphate, while the Young Turks were modern nationalists of the same philosophy as the French revolution, German Unification, and the increasing number of ethnic nations during the 19th and early 20th century, countries who, like Turkey under the Young Turks, advocated the dissolution of religious political power, and the establishment of a secular state unified by ethnicity. All that, of course, explained in more than one run on sentence.
And part two of my presentation will be on how it’s popular to defend islamophobia by using the Armenian Genocide as an example of Islamic persecution of Christians. I will explain that the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocides were not victims of an Islamic holy war against Christians. I will explain that the upsurge in ethnic cleansings, pogroms, and genocides against the Ottoman Empire’s christian minorities didn’t just randomly start at the beginning of the 20th century, after Muslims lived together with (and yes also dominated and subjugated) christians in the same same territory, for centuries, before adopting a kill and purge policy against Christians, when literally all evidence points to Turkey feeling the impending fall of the Ottoman Empire, and so in following the natural course of empire decay and national survival that everyone in the west already had, or was in the process of doing at the same time, destroyed all threats of division in the state (so the elimination of ethnicities that wanted independence) and the artificial creation of an ethnically homogenous territory capable of nationalist independence .
I will show how incredibly horrible and hateful and harmful for the Armenian cause, the use of Armenian genocide and its denial to further their hateful and dangerous islamophobic agenda. I will explain that its disrespectful to the memories of the Armenians who were murdered for their ETHNICITY, for their descendants, who for most of the year fight alone for recognition, recognition not just that their people and ancestors were murdered in an attempt to eliminate their… our kind from existence, but fight for recognition that we had an existence, and had a history, and had cities and traditions and day to day life in lands where all evidence of our people has been deliberately and systematically destroyed, either wiped clean from existence, or claimed as “Turkish” in origin.
Our existence, decimated in terms of lives, culture, landmarks, graves, churches, towns, cities, history, home, memory, family, dignity, and justice. This is the experience non-armenians profit from when they plaster photos of dead armenians on social media with the caption “religion of peace,” like that photo of real, dead people, is a proper backdrop for your hateful, historically twisted zinger meme, for the enjoyment of all your disgusting white western Christians who pretend with all your imagination that you’re persecuted for being christian, that your experience is just like the Armenians.
It. Is. Not. And while I continue to fight for genocide recognition, I will also fight against people who want to steal and bastardize our people’s history, adopt it as their own, cheapen the suffering of the actually persecuted to puff up the drama of your nonexistent state of anti-christian discrimination in the West. These people are more like the Turkish goverment than like the Armenians – revising history, using and stealing from Armenians for your own gain, pretending to care about Armenians to the general public, but knowing inside you do t give a shit about those maybe-not-even-white heretics who claim they’re christian… but have lived so long among the Turks, they’re probably no good anymore (if you think I’m making this up, I’ve read many a missionary’s travelogue talking about Armenians in this way, or worse).
So yeah I’ll try to fit that all into a 45 minute talk while providing sources and evidence and making it understandable to a bunch of college undergrads
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it is so strange to me when people tell me they never had an ancient egyptian phase…like, what did you even do during your childhood? 
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it is so strange to me when people tell me they never had an ancient egyptian phase…like, what did you even do during your childhood? 
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Armenian women in Iran during Qajar era, 1873
(photo Hoeltzer)
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Greeks and Armenians in Anatolia and Thrace, 1914 vs. Today [4494x2114] [OC]
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Oscar Isaac on the controversy of the Armenian Genocide.
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Ok ok I see what that person was responding to now, and I take it all back, what the fuuuckkkkm
@sunflower mama, Kim k does look "medi" but she makes herself look more so through makeup, self tanning, etc. look up one of those graphics that displays the spectrum of the white race, they show the average ethnic sub group of every part of it and it includes everything from Nordics to Armenians and Iranians and even Syrians but not Turks because they aren't white, they are Semites. Race isn't skin colour, it's much deeper than that.
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Me and my sister are asked "where are you from????!?!-& " regularly enough before the word Armenian is barfed out by either parties. And as a middle schooler after 9/11, my whole school experience is a glaring counter example I can't ignore, cause my identity has always been a fun topic for debate
Like I said, if the Kardashians were better role models there would not even be a discussion about Armenians being white (and now Iranians and Syrians) also fuck you anon about the Armenian genocide comment. That's fucking vile.
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