teasungg · 5 years
skz as element benders
note: oh my lord this took longer than I expected. this was inspired by the avatar universe because it used to be my favorite tv show. this is the best au don't @ me
bang chan - air bender
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chan spent most of his years at the northern air temple primarily for his studies.
as a kid, chan taught himself combat techniques that some of his elders didn't even know.
when he got older, he would teach the kids at the air temples basic moves such as air balls, funnels, punch/kick, breath of wind, and other basic bending techniques.
chan was also practicing master-level techniques so that he can be more skilled and continue helping the younger generation.
once he got to a proficient skill set, he chose to leave home and travel the world as a way to meet new people, make friends, and become a better bender.
wherever he goes, he still likes teaching other benders new tricks and moves he learned.
although it’s not common, chan is also gifted in using hand fans as a weapon for combat.
when he's doing one on one matches, he always has his fan near him just in case.
as an air bender, he has a strong connection with his spiritual side and allows him to do spiritual projection.
woojin - water bender
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woojin grew up in the northern water tribe and learned many things from his teachers.
he participated in classes to learn new bending and combat techniques almost every day.
for years, woojin was always the prime example of what a water bender should be.
he was strong, resourceful, intuitive, and best boy.
woojin was basically trained for the water tribe’s army, but he chose to help his family and citizens instead.
since he stayed in the northern water tribe, woojin discovered he could heal others through water bending.
when people got hurt or soldiers came back from battle, he was in the infirmary to help heal all types of wounds.
since he was originally trained for the army, woojin would occasionally patrol the main gates just in case any issues come up.
everyone in the northern water tribe was thankful to have him because they wouldn't know what to do without him.
minho - fire bender
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minho has practiced fire bending from a very young age and has learned from the best teachers in the fire nation because of his parents.
his family had very high expectations for minho to fight in the fire nation’s army like the rest of his family, but he chose not to.
right before he was supposed to enlist, minho ran away from home and made his way to the city.
a couple of months after living in Republic City, he discovered his true calling: pro-bending.
his stage name was lee know and part of one of the best teams in the league.
when first competing, he would get hurt a lot since he was still learning how the game actually works.
he has changed teams many times until he created his own team of benders.
fortunately, his new team had a great group dynamic and they started to win matches.
minho and his team eventually earn the world champion title for pro-bending.
changbin - earth bender
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changbin was the child of an earth bender and a fire bender so there was a 50/50 chance.
it wasn't until grade school he discovered he was an earth bender.
after many practices and lessons, changbin proved himself to be a great earth bender.
he was exceptional in his bending technique and his academics.
after a few years, his parents discovered why it took changbin so long because he can control more than just the earth.
by the time he was 16, changbin was able to bend earth, lava, and metal.
he took an interest in metal bending and wanted to continue learning new moves with his new skills.
after a couple of years, changbin decided to move to Republic City with his family and tried to join the police department.
joining the police academy was a difficult and tiring time in his life, but he was able to get a position and becoming one of the youngest members of the metal bending division.
hyunjin - water bender
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hyunjin was born and raised in the northern water tribe with his family. 
when it came to bending and his academics, hyunjin was tremendously gifted.
when he was older, hyunjin moved to Republic City for his studies and attended the university there.
he did enjoy working on his bending and academics in the city, but university life practically consumed him. 
one weekend he decided to go watch a pro-bending match at the arena and he instantly fell in love with the sport.
he familiarized himself with all the moves and rules relating to pro-bending and watched many matches at the arena.
at the arena, they had a recruitment session where people can prove themselves through practice matches.
hyunjin, even though he never got real training in the sport, was one of the top players that day and was later recruited to a professional team.
instead of going back home, he chose to stay in the city to finish the rest of his studies and continue his (soon to be very successful) pro-bending career.
jisung - fire bender
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jisung was one of the few fire benders in his family.
because of his destructive actions, his parents sent him to some of the local fire bending masters so he could learn not to do catch everything on fire.
after years of lessons, he became one of the best students in the fire nation.
he likes to teach himself new tricks and techniques like fire streams, whips, daggers, and the dancing dragon thanks to his friend minho.
he taught himself jet propulsion which is a master level skill to develop even though he discovered it on accident.
because of his skill set, jisung was allowed to travel to different parts of the fire nation to learn from the best of the best.
he enjoys being able to see the world and doing what he is best at.
jisung also travels to Republic City so he could teach fire bending to younger kids and watched his best friend compete in pro-bending matches.
felix - earth bender
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felix grew up with his family in one of the residential areas of Republic City.
his family ran a popular restaurant where he would work as a waiter during the weekdays.
on the weekends, he would usually be found at the pro-bending arena.
felix basically grew up listening to matches on the radio or going to the games with his parents.
since he and his family lived in the residential area of the city, it was hard for him to practice earth bending.
instead of traveling to the far ends of the city, he would sneak into the pro-bending arena in the offseason so he can teach himself.
during one of his secret practice sessions, one of the staff members caught him and recommended him to join one of the recruitment events the arena was holding.
luckily he was picked up by a professional team.
his childhood dream came true once he was able to compete with other teams he watched growing up.
seungmin - water bender
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seungmin was originally born in Republic City but then moved to the northern water tribe with his family.
they decided to leave the city because they believed that it would be better for seungmin to learn water bending from some of the top water bending masters in the world.
lessons in the water tribe vs lessons in the city were very different, but he still tried his best.
it took some time, but he was able to pick up moves fairly quickly like the breath of ice, ice spear, water bullet/jet, and more.
during one of his lessons against another student, he was trapped in a piece of ice but was able to control water anyways.
he was one of the few water benders who was able to water bend without moving any limbs.
while living in the northern water tribe, he met woojin who was a great mentor for many things.
when seungmin wasn't training, he would have woojin show him how to use water bending to heal others.
jeongin - air bender
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jeongin was originally from the southern air temple.
he was a natural pro when it came to air bending.
he picked up all kinds of combat moves and tricks fairly quickly compared to his classmates.
for several years, jeongin traveled to the northern air temple so he could share his new skills and learn from other air nomads.
one of jeongin’s favorite things was gliding with his self-made glider.
many people within the temple asked why still uses a glider when he could simply use a wingsuit.
he just enjoyed going back to the temple’s traditional roots and he loved the glider he designed for himself since it was one-of-a-kind. 
he would even help his friends make custom gliders so they can all fly in the sky together.
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teasungg · 5 years
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felix as your brother
man i would love to have him as a sibling that would be such chaotic energy
note: idk if you guys like fake texts and fake social media aus but they’re actually really fun to make. i might make more one shots and possibly a series in the future but we’ll see lol
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teasungg · 5 years
skz as Hogwarts students
note: this might be a series that I will write later, but now here's a basic profile of Hogwarts!skz. if you'd like a Hogwarts scenario with a specific member please request it !!
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bang chan - Hufflepuff ; half-blood
when first being sorted, the sorting hat took the longest with him.
he could have easily been sorted into any house, but his loyalty and value in hard work got him into Hufflepuff.
chan is such a friendly person so he gets along with all of the houses regardless of blood status.
he is also a really good student who excels in all classes and does well on his O.W.L.s.
some of his favorite courses are potions, Herbology, and defense against the dark arts.
when he was able to try out, he joined the quidditch team where he switched between being a beater and keeper depending on how the team is doing.
eventually he was promoted to team captain and is being considered for several professional teams.
he is loyal to his team, but when Hufflepuff isn't playing he will cheer his friends who are in different houses.
woojin - Gryffindor ; muggle-born
he was sorted right away into Gryffindor and people were a bit surprised because they thought he would be in Hufflepuff. 
woojin isn't much of a quidditch player, but he still goes to the games to support his house and his friends who play.
he’s basically like a cheerleader and people love it.
some of the courses he excels at includes Herbology and study of ancient runes.
he knows a lot about ancient runes but it isn't a class that many people take.
however, people always get excited when they find out woojin knows how to read ancient runes.
not many people know that he is actually muggle-born since he believes that, regardless of blood status, all wizards and witches deserve to be equals and he isn't afraid of speaking up about this.
that's the Gryffindor in him.
minho - Slytherin ; pureblood
when it came to minho, it didn't take long for the sorting hat to put him into Slytherin.
one of his favorite classes is care for magical creatures.
he always had a love for animals whether it be caring for them or learning about them.
he likes caring for all the different creatures he meets and writing about them, but mainly keeps it to himself.
minho is actually known for being Slytherin’s best chaser.
he came from a family that also played quidditch and they were proud of him when he was chosen as a chaser like his parents.
he dedicates so much time to the sport that later he became the team captain of the Slytherin quidditch team.
most of his free time is used practicing by himself or with his younger teammates.
he is also considering pursuing quidditch professionally.
changbin - Slytherin ; pureblood
it was conflicting for the sorting hat to place changbin in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but he ended up being a part of Slytherin.
he is a very intellectual student, but he also has a lot of ambition and knows how to be resourceful.
his favorite classes include defense against the dark arts and charms.
he does have this dark aura that makes him look intimidating, but actually he is a friendly guy.
the seo family is a family that's widely recognized within the Slytherin household, but he acts very different compared to his parents and relatives since changbin is very kind and open to everyone.
he eventually tried out and got into Slytherins quidditch team as their beater and he is very good.
sometimes when numbers are low he will play as a substitute chaser.
although he is playful, he gets very competitive which means he visits the infirmary the most.
hyunjin - Slytherin ; pureblood
the sorting hat spared no time when placing hyunjin in Slytherin.
within his family, his parents and relatives were all Slytherins and pureblood.
he is probably one of the most popular students at Hogwarts and no matter what house, people fall in love with hyunjin very easily.
hyunjin is surprisingly good at potions and even offers to help his fellow classmates.
Slytherin’s seeker.
hyunjin used to have a rivalry with Gryffindor’s seeker because they would always compete with each other, but their fights continued off the field and they ended up in detention.
after actually talking things through and coming to an agreement, they slowly became friends.
he also became friends with changbin since they both play for the same team and see each other at the infirmary quite often.
jisung - Gryffindor ; half-blood
another conflicting student when it came to sorting into a house.
people believed he would be sorted into Hufflepuff right away, but he actually was put into Gryffindor. 
some of his favorite courses include astronomy and transfiguration.
when it comes to astronomy, he likes to study the stars and writes about his observations a lot.
he used to get into trouble since he would use transfiguration at inappropriate times but at least the students found him funny.
in his first year when he watched some of the quidditch games, he knew he wanted to be a part of the team and after tryouts he made it.
became Gryffindor’s seeker.
he had this rivalry with Slytherin’s seeker because they were always playing against each other, but also jisung resented Slytherins and purebloods at first.
they eventually made up and became friends and now they even practice together before quidditch games.
he acts all playful and goofy, but is very serious when it comes to the sport.
felix - Hufflepuff ; muggle-born
everyone made their assumptions about felix, but they didn't expect him to be sorted right away into Hufflepuff. 
the reason he was sorted into Hufflepuff was because of his loyalty and patience which are the house’s core values.
he had a rough start at Hogwarts since he was known as a “mudblood,” but that changed once his housemate chan stepped in and put those purebloods in their place.
felix enjoyed taking classes such as astronomy with jisung and charms with seungmin, but in his first year he really liked flying.
ended up trying out for the quidditch team and got in as a second year.
one of the best chasers they've had in years!!
once a member of the team got really sick so felix stepped up as seeker and he enjoyed it.
he still plays as the team’s chaser, but he also plays as the substitute seeker occasionally.
thanks to him, Hufflepuff’s number of victories increased and he hopes to become captain one day.
seungmin - Ravenclaw ; pureblood
people thought that seungmin would be a part of Ravenclaw and they were right.
he comes from a long line of pureblood Ravenclaws so his family is well known at Hogwarts.
he enjoys taking many classes such as charms, potions, care for magical creatures, and Herbology.
since he is quite intelligent in all subjects, he offers to help tutor other students with their course work or studying for O.W.L. exams.
he also does all of his tutoring for free and teachers are grateful for him.
he doesn't play quidditch, but loves the sport with all of his being.
although his parents and friends encouraged him to play, he actually enjoys being one of the two official announcers for all Hogwarts quidditch games.
he likes giving play-by-plays, keeping score, giving commentary, and also being able to support all of the quidditch teams.
jeongin - Gryffindor ; pureblood
most of his family was sorted into either Slytherin or Hufflepuff, so it was a surprise that jeongin was now the newest member of Gryffindor.
he greets all of the students and tries to become friends with everyone.
when first years arrive at Hogwarts, he is usually the first one to greet them and make sure that they feel welcomed.
regardless of house or blood status, everyone loves jeongin and would do anything to protect him.
he loves taking charms and is actually quite gifted in divination.
divination is a hard subject for all students because it is often incorrect and false, but for him almost all of his readings have been accurate which is rare.
he is also good at potions and likes making up his own potions which is advised against. 
along with seungmin, he is the official announcer for Hogwarts’ quidditch games.
he mainly gives his own commentary about the game and shares positive messages towards all of the quidditch players.
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teasungg · 5 years
teasungg - masterlist
stray kids
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skz as art school students
skz as Hogwarts students 
skz as element benders
bang chan
night life | prince au
in which a prince sneaks out every night as a way to experience a normal life for once.
felix as your brother | sns
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teasungg · 5 years
skz as art school students
note: this is pretty much a high school au. since I just graduated and I had the random thought of “stray kids at my weird ass art school” so if you’d like full stories about art school!skz request it in my inbox thank u ily
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bang chan
everyone knows chan as the art school king.
he is such a versatile artist so he wanted to try out all of the art forms the school offers.
he’s tried many classes in different departments and of course he excelled in all of them. 
the teachers love him because he’s so good at what he does and he always has a positive attitude when it comes to the different art forms.
he played guitar and piano for band, sang in vocal, studied modern dance, acted in theatre, and so much more.
this guy was good at everything and everyone either looked up to him or was jealous of him.
out of all the art forms he could have focused in, he chose recording arts.
he liked how he could incorporate his love for writing and music so that he can produce his own songs.
he self produces all of his own songs, writes his own lyrics, sometimes sings/raps himself, and even collaborates with underclassmen changbin and jisung.
overall just an extremely talented artist and can succeed in any art form he chooses.
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dear lord woojin is a king within the vocal program.
right when he started the art school he joined the vocal program without any prior experience and everyone was blown away.
he was gifted with an amazing singing voice that had to be shared with the whole world.
his solos are so good that the audience always comes to the next shows just to hear him sing.
although woojin is an amazing vocalist, he is very humble and very kind towards his other classmates
people expect him to be front and center all the time, but he actually wants the other students to get their time in the spotlight.
since he is known for his singing abilities, the recording arts students always try to get him to be a part of their songs or recording pieces.
one time he was a part of the school’s musical even though he didn’t have any background in acting, but almost every show was sold old because of him.
he’s even collaborated with band to perform live jazz songs which people also love.
he just loves to sing and be an artist and wants to continue performing on stage.
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minho dedicates so much of his time and energy into the dance department.
he’s been in the dance department for the longest and has participated in almost every show at school. 
most of his free time was in the dance studio but occasionally he would be hanging out with his friends.
his actual personality vs his stage presence is so different it even makes the teachers confused. 
outside of school he also studies dance at different studios which means even more shows that he has to participate in.
he has performed in hundreds of “nutcracker’s” and he’s getting pretty tired of it.
not only is he a great dancer, but he is also a great choreographer.
he has choreographed performances for himself, his class, and the students who are taking the beginner classes.
everyone loves seeing him in the dance studio as he comes up with new choreography and also its kinda hot not gonna lie.
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when first coming to the art school he wasn’t sure what he wanted to focus in so he tried everything.
eventually he chose recording arts since he was able to incorporate some of his interests and allowed him more creative freedom.
he enjoys producing his own music, making beats for others, writing lyrics, and more.
he would get help from the other art form teachers when it came to writing or music composition because he just wants to get better.
aside from chan, changbin is the student who is in the recording studio the longest.
before, during, and after school he is in the recording studio coming up with new songs and beats.
he also has experience as a dj so he's the one the school pays to play at all of the school dances.
one year the school had someone else dj a school dance and almost the entire student body wanted changbin back because he actually has good taste in music.
changbin knows what people want to listen to, but he also isn't afraid of experimenting with new sounds.
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a part of the dance program with minho.
he is incredibly talented as a dancer and everyone knows him.
people just like to watch him perform because not only is he good looking but his stage presence is captivating.
hyunjin has participated in many dance shows throughout the year and enjoys every one of them.
like other upper level dancers, he also takes classes outside of school so that he gets the practice he needs.
which is why he is usually busy.
he helps out the visual artists and photo students as a model because look at him he is literally ethereal but also  he likes to help his fellow classmates.
he also enjoys being a part of vocal, but unfortunately he couldn’t fit it in his schedule.
he continues to do singing and likes to write his own lyrics that he shares with his recording arts friends.
an amazing choreographer who makes dance pieces for his solos and teaches some of his choreographies to the lower level classes.
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originally jisung started out in the literary arts program.
jisung wasn’t much of a multi-chapter or long story writer, but likes writing short stories and song lyrics.
sometimes in his writing class, he would perform the songs he self composed and people loved it!!
people usually asked why he wasn’t focusing in music and he says that he just wants to improve on his song writing abilities.
that was when his friend, changbin, suggested recording arts.
once he joined recording arts, he dedicated so much of his time in it.
during school hours, he is found in the recording arts studio with changbin and chan where they would all come up with new beats and making songs together.
he really enjoyed producing music and is one of the youngest students within the recording arts department.
he also hands out physical copies of the albums he has made and will casually promote his soundcloud to other students.
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felix is a part of the dance department, but also got convinced to join vocal and recording arts.
his friends begged him to be a part of vocal because he was the only person that could hit all of the low notes so he joined for just a year.
then he was dragged into recording arts.
he wasn’t an official student of the class, but he was seen in the studio a lot with his group of friends who called themselves 3racha.
he was a vocalist and rapper for some of their songs and he was GOOD.
no matter what he is a dedicated and very talented dancer.
he practices a lot in the school’s dance studio in the mornings and local studios in the afternoons.
he likes performing with minho and hyunjin because they also make their own choreography and just likes dancing with his friends.
occasionally he sneaks in meme dances in the actual choreography and it pisses off the teacher.
although watching him perform his solos during dance shows is actually breathtaking.
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many people thought he would be a part of the vocal program, but he is actually in the photo department.
he doesn’t talk much about his photography, but everyone loves his art!
when there’s gallery shows, his photos are some of the main pieces that are showed.
seungmin always carries his camera around just in case he sees something that catches his eye.
he carries it to all of his classes, to school, to work, and while hanging out with his friends.
his laptop is almost out of storage because of all the photo files he has.
he always begs his friends to be models for his photoshoots or help with lighting or props or other things.
no one can really say no it him so everyone agrees to help him out.
other students even PAY him to take their photos whether it be for senior photos, prom, weddings, etc.
he’s won a lot of photography contests and had his art featured in photography/art magazines.
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jeongin is a dedicated music student.
he is mainly a vocal kid, but also plays piano for some of the band classes.
other students love his style of singing and also the fact that he has the ability in singing trot.
he has this bright personality that makes the class light up and always tries to keep an uplifting environment.
he’s in the upper level vocal class, but he’s also the youngest.
since he is the youngest, he gets lots of help from the older students whether he asks for it or not.
pretty much either you love jeongin or you haven't met him yet.
he hasn’t done much self composing but would like to work on it later in his school career.
one year the school added music theory as a course option he decided to join it.
he actually liked learning about music theory and later some of his friends joined the class with him.
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teasungg · 5 years
night life - han jisung
han jisung - skz | prince au
in which a prince sneaks out every night as a way to experience a normal life for once
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prince han is one of the most humble, talented princes in the land but people don’t realize it.
he’s the kind of prince who is not allowed to leave the castle at any point.
for years he has been preparing for when he takes over the kingdom, attending royal duties, reading in the library, etc.
since he can’t leave he enjoys reading and playing music in his room but it wasn’t enough.
what he really wanted was to see the outside world.
there were times where he wished he wasn’t born into a royal family and lived a normal life but it’s not something he can change.
that was until he started sneaking out of the palace at night.
the first couple times he left he enjoyed how simple and calm the rest of the kingdom was.
since he has never been outside the castle people didn’t recognize who he was which he really liked.
no one would address him as “your highness” or “majesty” or “prince.”
after a few times, sneaking out at night became a regular thing.
he would leave the palace dressed in commoners clothing and fix his hair so people wouldn’t notice him.
that really didn’t work out because he was an attractive guy and kind of drew attention, but at least they didn’t think he was anything more than some handsome stranger passing through town.
as a commoner, he went by his birth name jisung and helped cleaned up around local pubs and shops since it gave him something new to do.
jisung was able to meet many people including a guy named felix who worked as a server at his father’s restaurant.
the two of them became close friends once jisung started playing live music for free at the restaurant.
felix never understood why he does work for free all the time, but he didn’t question it.
no one would question who he was and nobody suspected that he was a member for the royal family.
you, his royal advisor, weren’t aware of this alternate life of his.
your duties consisted of watching over the prince and made sure he was prepared for when he takes the throne.
the royal family chose you as the royal advisor since you usually work in the royal library and having you as his advisor would allow him to be around at least one person near his age.
you’ve worked countless of hours with prince han and everyday you noticed how bored or unhappy he was.
everytime you asked what was wrong or if he needed anything he would just smile and say he was okay.
“i’m perfectly fine. there’s no need to worry.” the prince reassured.
“it’s my job to worry.”
later he started missing some of his lessons, seemed distracted, and would be tired all day long.
you feared prince han wasn’t properly taking care of himself so you decided to check up on him.
“your highness, it's been a few days since you've attended any of your lessons. is everything alright?”
you couldn’t hear anything so you knocked on his door.
however the door opened as soon as you touched it.
you were a bit confused to why the door wasn’t shut all the way until you walked in to see a rope dangling from the window and the prince nowhere to be seen.
the first thing you should have done was alerted the guards that prince han was missing from his chambers.
instead you decided to search for him yourself.
not the best idea but aye it be like that sometimes.
you climbed down the same rope that was dangling off the balcony and followed a set of footprints that led to the merchants village.
you had no idea where to start so you looked into all the shops and pubs around and couldn't find him anywhere.
the last place you checked was a small restaurant that was mainly empty.
there was a guitarist in the corner who was singing songs you never heard before but damn the voice was pretty as hell.
however, it took you a few minutes that the musician was actually the prince.
you were stunned by his musical abilities and that he looked nothing like how usually did in the fancy clothes and jewelry.
although you didn’t mind seeing this new look on him.
you took a seat at a table and watched him perform.
his voice was soothing and accompanied well with the guitar that you couldn’t help but smile.
in the months you’ve worked for him you never seen him this happy.
the server, felix put a drink on your table and you thanked him.
“you know jisung?” he asked.
“yeah, he has been helping out around here for the past few months.”
you looked back at the prince and laughed to yourself.
at the end of his song, jisung waved at his friend felix who coincidentally was standing next to you.
jisung swore he felt his heart stop for a second.
at that moment he felt extremely nervous that you discovered that he sneaks out of the palace at night but also a little happy that you were able to watch him perform.
he set the guitar on the side and walked over to you with his head looking down as if he was trying to avoid eye contact.
you watched him as he took a seat and the two of you were silent.
“welp i’ll go clean tables and i’ll let you guys talk for a bit.” said felix slowly walking away from them.
you thanked him and jisung stayed silent like a child was caught breaking a vase.
jisung was the first one to break the silence. “i’m sorry for not telling you. i didn’t know how to explain it.”
“why didn’t you?” you asked.
from there he went on explaining how suffocated he feels while being in the castle. he hated how he was never able to leave or live his own life. sneaking out every night allows him to be the person he wants to be. not prince han, but jisung.
“are you going to tell on me?” he asked as he still avoided eye contact with you.
“if you play me a song then i won’t tell everyone that you sneak out every night.”
jisung smiled widely as he stood up to give you a hug.
“you don’t know how much this means to me. thank you.” jisung said as he kissed your cheek and went back on the stage to perform one last song for the night.
your cheeks slowly turned red as he sang you a slow, cute love song.
a song that he actually wrote while thinking about you, but the prince couldn’t confess to you yet
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