teathinspo · 6 years
do not put ur life on hold because of how u feel about ur body. don’t postpone trips or cute clothes because u want to wait until u are thin. life is happening right now. u r beautiful right now.
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teathinspo · 6 years
By!!! The!!! Way!!!
Drinking one cup of water burns 12 calories.
Drink 2.5 liters of water to burn 120 calories a day
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teathinspo · 6 years
the nerdy guide to fitness
It’s definitely going to suck at first, but you will accidentally have fun, I promise. Okay folks, this whole sedentary lifestyle thing isn’t working anymore. It’s definitely going to suck at first, but you will accidentally have fun, I promise. Get moving! 
Exercise is anything that elevates your heart rate or takes your body outside of its normal comfort zone- you don’t have to go to a gym to do either one
Don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat junk! Bad food decisions don’t cancel out. 
Yoga/stretching is the easiest way to get your blood flowing with minimal effort
Running or biking is a close second 
Consistency is way more important than cramming in 3 miles in one day
if you’re doing cardio, follow up with a cool down stretch or light jog. Take care of yourself!!
Exercise after your school/workday is over (instead of taking a nap). You’ll have more energy to tackle homework, and you’ll get a better night’s sleep. 
Make a playlist filled with super bright and obnoxious songs. Works every time.
If you use the Pomodoro method to study, try to fit yoga/stretching into the breaks. 
If “regular” exersize isn’t your thing:
Take 5-10 minutes to dance enthusiastically in your room, that’s so much better than nothing. 
Get creative with your friends. Instead of meeting for coffee, go on a hike, frisbee in the park, etc. 
Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator do add up. 
If you drive, park a little farther away.
Keep track of your steps. My phone’s health app has a pedometer but they’re really cheap on amazon- please don’t splurge on a Fitbit. 
xoxo, Niya
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teathinspo · 6 years
I remember one time when I was in an eating disorder treatment center and struggling to finish a particularly hard meal, a therapist kneeled down next to me and said, “You don’t need to prove to me that you’re in pain.” I could feel some emotion starting to come up and I tried to push it away. She said, “Tell me about the pain, Lindsay. Use you words, not your body.” That’s still one of the most powerful things I’ve been told when in my eating disorder. There have been times, even subconsciously, that I’ve used ED behaviors as a way of showing people how much pain I’m in, telling them that I am not okay inside.  There are still days when I’m tempted to take out my emotions on my body, to make my internal pain visible. But sometimes I think about this therapist and it makes me pause, even for a second, and remember that I don’t have to destroy myself to prove my pain to anyone. It is valid and real whether I look “sick enough” or not.
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teathinspo · 6 years
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teathinspo · 6 years
Just tryin’ to lose enough weight to look like a Tim Burton character.
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teathinspo · 6 years
friendly reminder that if you lost all of the weight you needed to lose to hit your gw or your 2nd gw or even your ugw from your sw in a month or less you would probably have a ton of loose skin, would hate your body more, and would feel twice as uncomfortable in any clothing. so consider your plateaus or your single pounds every week or so a blessing because your body is moving at the pace it needs to for you to look flawless when you get there 
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teathinspo · 6 years
cravings masterpost
over the years, i have been taught what certain cravings mean and how i can replace them in a healthy way. so i figured, why not share it with you guys? 
if you crave chocolate…
your body needs magnesium. a quick fix for this is raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave sweets…
your body might need some of the following: 
-chromium - have some broccoli, grapes, cheese, or chicken. 
-carbon - chow down on some fresh fruit. 
-phosphorus - chicken, eggs, legumes, or grains can help. 
-tryptophan - similar to magnesium, have some raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave bread or toast… 
your body needs nitrogen. have some high protein foods such as fish, meat, nuts, or beans. 
if you crave fatty foods… 
your body needs calcium. broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help. 
if you crave alcohol… 
your body might need some of the following:
-protein - think seafood, dairy, or nuts. 
-avenin - chow down on some granola or oatmeal. 
-calcium - broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help.  
-potassium - bitter greens or seaweed usually do the trick. 
if you crave ice cream/shaved ice… 
your body needs iron. some suggestions are fish, greens, seaweed, or black cherries. 
if you crave burned or grilled food… 
your body needs carbon. chow down on some fresh fruits. 
if you crave soda and carbonated drinks… 
your body needs calcium.  broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help.
if you crave salty foods…
your body needs chloride. goat milk (yes i know that’s a little odd) and fish help. 
if you crave acid foods (burgers)… 
your body needs magnesium. just like chocolate, have some raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave cool drinks (milkshakes or malts)… 
your body needs manganese. some suggestions are walnuts, pecans, almonds, pineapple, or blueberries. 
if you’re PMS-ing… 
your body needs zinc. red meat, seafood, leafy greens, and root vegetables are helpful. 
if you’re overeating… 
your body might need some of the following: 
-silicon - nuts and seeds are a quick fix. 
-tryptophan - eat some cheese, raisins, sweet potatoes, or spinach.
-tyrosine - vitamin c supplements should do the trick. 
if you crave tobacco…
your body might need some of the following: 
-silicon - nuts and seeds help, but stay away from refined starches. 
-tyrosine - vitamin c supplements or red, orange, or green fruits and veggies can help. 
disclaimer: i am not a health professional in any way, this is just advice i have been given over the years. 
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teathinspo · 6 years
Reblog if you fit 2 or more of these…
🍵Starting weight is 200 or over
🍵Current Weight is 150 or over
🍵5'7 or taller
🍵Age 13 - 17
I need more people like me on my dash!
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teathinspo · 6 years
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Butt & gut 30 day exercise challenge: Day 1: completed
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teathinspo · 6 years
How to start losing weight
Hi this is the post I wish I’d read when I started my fitness/weight loss journey. I’m not a dietitian nor am I a doctor only a biology student drowning in notes fml so I can’t guarantee any of this to be fact, just what I’ve learnt so far. Feel free to add any corrections/more info!
Counting calories
Counting calories is not inherently evil. Awareness of what’s in your food really helps
Personally I find that not doing it leads me to unsereat but some people also overeat.
If you are gonna count calories, calculate your BMR and set your daily intake to -100 to -400 of that (MyFitnessPal will do it automatically once you enter your stats and how much you want to lose per week)
Once you’ve decided on an intake, don’t go under that. If one day you’re not hungry, you should still eat it because otherwise it may lead to overeating the next day.
Eating healthy does not guarantee weight loss. If you’re not in a caloric deficit you won’t lose weight.
Vegan/vegetarian - being vegetarian does not equal weight loss either if you’re not in a caloric deficit (from personal experience). I can’t speak for veganism though.
Slow and steady wins the race. Aka, don’t set your goals to more than 2 pounds per week.
Once you’re at your goal weight, the number of calories that was a ‘deficit’ will become your maintenance, which means you’ll have to eat like that if you want to stay at that weight so don’t lower it too much
If you are counting calories, buy a food scale. They’re like $20 and estimating the quantities you’re eating will lead you to undereat most of the time. You don’t need to weight all your food but it helps you get an idea of what a portion looks like.
If you’re hungry you’re doing it wrong. If you’re cold, you’re doing it wrong. You’re undereating, up your calorie intake. You don’t need to feel hungry to lose weight.
Working out is better than eating less. In a study, it was reported that people who worked out ended up eating less than people who were simply put in a caloric deficit. A theory as to why is that the brain may be too focused on sending blood to the muscles to produce ghrelin (hunger hormone).
The calorie number you see on the gym machines is not accurate (can be like 300 calories off). It’s better to take the time and distance (if applicable) it gives you and input it into Google Fit or some website where you can specify your height and weight.
Cardio burns more calories but weight lifting will increase your metabolism. You need both
No, weight lifting will not make you bulk up. It’s really difficult to gain muscle if you’re in a caloric deficit (and you’re going to love the way your shoulders look!)
Also if you don’t weight train you’ll get more stretch marks (this one’s from personal experience). You don’t want to be all flabby once you’ve lost the weight.
Macros? What’s that?
Macros stands for macronutrients - fat, carbs and protein. Most people tend to set a percentage goal for each of them every day. So what percentages should you choose?
High carb vs high fat - studies show that people on high carb tend to burn less fat and people on high fat tend to burn more fat but store more carbs in the form of fat. So, one is not really better than the other.
Carbs take more energy to metabolize than fats do so you’ll technically store less of the energy you get from them
Carbs will not make you fat - glucides naturally attract water to them. Aka they make you ‘retain water’ which is why if you reduce them you’ll see the number on the scale drop. Water weight is not bad. You want to get rid of the weight corresponding to the fat
High protein - high protein is just not good for your liver. According to the WHO, the recommended intake is 0.8 grams per each kilogram of body weight.
Protein will make you feel fuller for longer and it’s also the macro that takes the most energy to metabolize. That’s why most diets are high protein
I personally think high carb is the way to go because it’s just easier to do and carbs take more energy to metabolize than fats but keto vs hclf vs ‘balanced’ diet? Your choice
Micronutrients are all your minerals, vitamins, individual aminoacids…
Why do they matter - honestly, too complex to explain but mainly
It’ll help you curve cravings. You can look at something unhealthy that you’re craving, look at the micronutrients and find something healthy with similar micros. That usually does the trick. Notice that you’re craving chocolate? Yeah maybe your iron is too low. Spinach is also high in iron and low in calories
When you lower your calorie intake, you may not get all your nutrients. That’s why it’s important to keep track of them so that you know if you should eat more of something.
I recommend getting Cronometer (yes, it’s a paid app but it’s a one time purchase and it’s totally worth it) to track your micros.
Input the generic foods instead of the brand name ones because they have all of the nutrients calculated while brand name ones don’t
Some tips on appetite
Now look I do not encourage that you suppress your appetite. If you’re hungry, eat. But like, some days you’re just strangely hungry so
Sleeping less than eight hours will increase your appetite So. Much. I’m not joking here okay. Sleep
Cinnamon, coffee, ginger and tomatoes are all appetite suppressants. I find that tomatoes work best plus they have lots of potassium.
Fiber will keep you fuller for longer. Go for whole-wheat options
Having most of your protein at breakfast will help you be way less hungry throughout the day
It takes 20-30 minutes for your brain to realize your stomach is full so eat slowly or wait like 20 minutes and if you’re still hungry, then eat.
Hit a plateau?
This probably means your metabolism has slowed down. Apparently the best thing to do is to increase your calorie intake, specially your carb intake, for like a week to boost your metabolism. (Source: one of JulesGetsFit videos with her personal trainer).
That’s all I have for now. I may do a part two if I remember anything else.
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teathinspo · 6 years
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teathinspo · 6 years
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teathinspo · 6 years
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teathinspo · 6 years
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teathinspo · 6 years
Ana Recipes Masterpost
🥀 0 calories food
🥀 70 calories pizza by @fancycollarbones
🥀 Ana cakes by @vincentvangoghsprincess
🥀 Antioxidant boosting smoothie
🥀 Cinnamon buns by @ana-kitchen
🥀 Detox waters by @thincitizen
🥀 Metabolism movers
🥀 Random recipes under 150 calories
🥀 Recipe masterlist by @ana-kitchen
🥀 Smoothies & ice creams
🥀 Soups
🥀 Under 100 calories fruits
🥀 Under 100 calories veggies
🥀 Under 50 calories snacks
🖤 Not exactly a recipe but diy natural diet pills by @moonstar-low-cal-recipes
🖤 Check out @moonstar-low-cal-recipes ‘s blog for more low calories recipes
will add update later if i find more, feel free to add your own 🖤
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teathinspo · 6 years
Epsom. Salt. Baths.
My dudes, I accidentally discovered the greatest thing ever. After a particularly rough workout I was insanely sore like the weak ass bitch I am so I consulted Google for ways to help ease my muscle soreness. I was instructed to run a warm bath, put two cups of Epsom salt in and soak for about 20 minutes.
I have this weird habit of weighing myself before and after showers/baths because I’ve lost what little sanity I used to have. Anyways, did my thing and weighed myself before soaking for a bit then I got out and weighed myself after drying off.
I almost hit the floor I was so shook. I weighed myself live five more times and the number was still the same so I went back to Google because holy hell what magic witches brew did I just marinate myself in and how often can I do it
Turns out that Epsom salt is crazy good at sucking out water weight. You know that soft squishy weight that sits just underneath your skin? That. Apparently the magnesium in the salts helps draw it out.
Obviously you’re losing water weight and not actual fat but weight is weight amiright. You can still lose a good inch or two off your tummy/thighs quickly. So basically it’s the perfect quick fix for you if you have to be anywhere and are feeling extra self conscious. I soak about every other day now and honestly I am loving it. Oh and it makes your skin super soft too so
Hope it works for you guys as well as it did for me. Just remember to stay hydrated please. Go pamper yourself with a warm salty bath because because you deserve it ✌🏻️✨
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