teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
Odd stared at him for a moment and did his best to ignore the smell of dirty, we dog that slapped him in the face. He wondered if the mutts would taste as bad as they smelled but quickly decided against testing that theory out. It wasn’t worth the risk. “I didn’t drop it,” he said. He wasn’t planning on dropping his real name because he felt like something wasn’t right. “Desmond. Des if you’re-,” he paused mid innuendo and shook his head. “Des. Just call me Des.”
He wasn’t sure why he had fallen back in that name, his real name, the name he had before he became a vampire. It had once fit him well but now it felt like a too-small tee shirt; strangulating him. He shook it off, literally, curls bouncing as he started pacing again. “Oh, ho!” He exclaimed, pulling to a stop. “Somebody grew a backbone I see! Bravo boyo!” He slow clapped and dropped his hands at his side, trying hard not to roll his eyes. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” He said, waving it off.
He looked up, studying the boy. He wanted to ask him if he didn’t feel it, something smothering and… scary. He seemed too at ease standing there in front of him, so he dropped it, shaking his head again. “I’m fine,” he said. “Did you find those feathers you’ve been looking for?” He didn’t exactly mean to give himself away but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it regardless. He was great at laying low.
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Odd had initially set out because he could feel the loneliness inside him hollowing him out. He tried not to be maudlin. It didn’t suit him but something about this feeling was horrifically new; almost alive like some creeping horror that lived in the shadows where you couldn’t figure out friend from foe. He didn’t think it was a friendly presence.
He rounded the corner as he headed to his favorite hunting ground: the park, but pulled up short. It was weirdly quiet in the city that night. So quiet in fact that he could hear the electric hum of the street lamp on the corner. It felt like the beginning of a horror movie and he might have been scared if he wasn’t fully aware that he had long since become the thing that skulked in the shadows.
He was just about to go on his way when he heard the faint sound of footsteps walking towards him. Since the sodding mayor had sent hunters out after the supernatural inhabitants of the city he had done his best to lay low. He was out for nobody. His interests tended to be self serving at best and he didn’t want to be an arrogant hunter’s story to tell his buddies at the bar.
Now though, he felt the pulls of hunger, the need to hunt. He didn’t understand it. He didn’t want to. He just wanted to feed and he didn’t care if it was human or not. He crouched, bracing for attack when he saw a familiar figure coming towards him. Annoyance replaced any other feeling as he stood up and moved to where he could see him. “What are you doing here, dog?” He snapped, pacing uneasily against the edge of the curb. “Shouldn’t you be running home to daddy?”
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Douglas was starting to feel better, at ease with his place, his priorities. It’d been a tough decision to decide to put boundaries between him and Vitani. He liked her so much, but quickly he’d realized that when push came to shove, he had to focus on Charles’ goal. The bird came first. He’d been chasing it for too long for his best tracking werewolf to get sidetracked by a girl. As much as Douglas tried to justify it away, he had a job to do first, and he couldn’t let Charles down. He was trained to track and hunt. Not to crush over pretty girls.
He was in the middle of scouting the route that he’d found whiffs of something similar to the bird shapeshifter he was tracking. It had to look human - it was too big in its’ natural form to not be noticeable - but he’d yet deduce with his eyes who in the area it could be. Each scouting trip brought him a little closer, narrowing in on a specific neighborhood now where he’d found at least two feathers. Now all he had to do was be patient -
- but it was hard to be patient when the smell of rotting flesh slapped him in the face. Doug visibly flinched, smelling the vampire before he saw that he was in front of him. “Oh, it’s you. I don’t remember if you told me your name, what was it again?” Doug started, remembering the peevish vampire that had followed him for a short difference, asking him questions that at the time had felt unimportant. Being called a dog didn’t phase him; he’d heard it before. But the strange man’s pacing and tense body language made Doug brace himself instinctually. “I’m on my way back from a personal thing. It’s not really any of his business,” he said, his tone flat as he was trying to learn how to draw a line in how much information he gave people he didn’t know he could fully trust. “Charles is my guardian. He’s not my dad,” he said, frowning a little, “You look on edge. Are you okay?”
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
Odd had initially set out because he could feel the loneliness inside him hollowing him out. He tried not to be maudlin. It didn’t suit him but something about this feeling was horrifically new; almost alive like some creeping horror that lived in the shadows where you couldn’t figure out friend from foe. He didn’t think it was a friendly presence.
He rounded the corner as he headed to his favorite hunting ground: the park, but pulled up short. It was weirdly quiet in the city that night. So quiet in fact that he could hear the electric hum of the street lamp on the corner. It felt like the beginning of a horror movie and he might have been scared if he wasn’t fully aware that he had long since become the thing that skulked in the shadows.
He was just about to go on his way when he heard the faint sound of footsteps walking towards him. Since the sodding mayor had sent hunters out after the supernatural inhabitants of the city he had done his best to lay low. He was out for nobody. His interests tended to be self serving at best and he didn’t want to be an arrogant hunter’s story to tell his buddies at the bar.
Now though, he felt the pulls of hunger, the need to hunt. He didn’t understand it. He didn’t want to. He just wanted to feed and he didn’t care if it was human or not. He crouched, bracing for attack when he saw a familiar figure coming towards him. Annoyance replaced any other feeling as he stood up and moved to where he could see him. “What are you doing here, dog?” He snapped, pacing uneasily against the edge of the curb. “Shouldn’t you be running home to daddy?”
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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KLAUS HARGREEVES The Umbrella Academy 3.10
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
He kept to the shadows of the bushes, smiling at her straight forwardness. “Oh no, love,” he said, waving off her words with a smile. “I’m a night owl. The more interesting critters come along after moon rise, don’tcha know? He stayed back and studied her face, his eyes focused on her keenly. He wasn’t hungry. He’s eaten enough to keep him hungry and he certainly didn’t want to act on more base desires. He was just trying to memorize her. She was striking, dangerously so, and he could imagine her striking like a snake if the perfect moment arose for her to do so. He had to respect that, truly. “Im just out here trying to keep my friends safe. Considering the… current conditions.”
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Open starter || the park || midnight
Odd had been horrified by what he had heard on tv. He had witnessed horrors in his life and knew that tagging supernaturals would only be beginning. It couldn’t end well. It wouldn’t—and the thought made him Ill. He hoped that all the creatures like him could see the dangers in being put in the system and watched wherever they went… but he couldn’t be sure they would.
He had gone out that night and had found that he was more than a little pleased that he did when he discovered that there were bad people out and about. It would be dangerous for him but if it kept others from being hurt…. Well, it would be worth it…..
He easily kept into the trees, hidden by the shadows and the leaves. He only hesitated for only a moment before calling out, “Hello, deary. Out awfully late aren’t you?”
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༝༝༝ ☾ ༝༝༝
Maleficent felt a strange sense of chaos surrounding the city. It was destined to turn to dust sooner or later but this was something different. She didn’t like it, the feeling of eyes growing when she’d rather be taking them out herself. This wasn’t to plan and she needed a place to think. The nighttime was when her brain worked the best, usually her most elaborate schemes were crafted once the sun slept. A finger laid on her would mean the loss of a hand but so much of this felt wrong, even to her. 
The sound of a voice brought more of a disappointment than interest. She wanted to be alone. With an eyebrow arched she turned to face the owner of the words. “Hello, pet,” she cooed back with a poison in her tone. “Are you one to talk? Out here so late, especially under the current conditions.” Mal kept her wits about her, sure to be on her toes if he dared misstep. 
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
Open starter || the park || midnight
Odd had been horrified by what he had heard on tv. He had witnessed horrors in his life and knew that tagging supernaturals would only be beginning. It couldn’t end well. It wouldn’t—and the thought made him Ill. He hoped that all the creatures like him could see the dangers in being put in the system and watched wherever they went… but he couldn’t be sure they would.
He had gone out that night and had found that he was more than a little pleased that he did when he discovered that there were bad people out and about. It would be dangerous for him but if it kept others from being hurt…. Well, it would be worth it…..
He easily kept into the trees, hidden by the shadows and the leaves. He only hesitated for only a moment before calling out, “Hello, deary. Out awfully late aren’t you?”
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
“Because I simply don’t want to,” was his decidedly firm answer. “My face truly doesn’t compliment the costume so if I took the mask off it would ruin my entire look and I did work hard to get it just so.” He was rambling now, knowing full well that most people would give up and wander off elsewhere and he wondered with an odd little gesture if she would be one of them. He supposed only time would tell. “What were you on about again, Cheryl?”
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He laughed behind her plague doctor mask. He didn’t get any monster energy vibes from her. If that was the true case then she could never truly know what horrors he had to bare witness to and participate in and how they had shaped him. She didn’t need to know either. “Me?” He grinned and adjusted the mask, acting as if he were going to take it off. “Mmmhm. Well, see….” He scooter closer and gently honked her head. “Imm horrifically ugly. This wee mask here?? It isn’t a costume. I wear it every day to keep the terror of my true form hidden.”
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Terra couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the audacity of this man. She could hide from everything if she had to: her former friends, her old boss, her family, the truth, herself. Anything and everything scared the blonde, but nobody needed to know that - she knew how to hide and brave through things. Her insecurities were her business, her problems were her business, and she strived to work alone one day. Terra cocked an eyebrow towards him, anticipating if he was going to actually do it. “Why won’t you take it off? I’m sure that you’re not that hauntingly scary. Nobody can be that bad.” 
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
It wasn’t that Odd couldn’t tell there was something different about the pretty blonde. It was just that he didn’t care. She didn’t seem the type to set out to cause trouble so whatever her business, it didn’t pertain to him, especially because he kept secrets of his own and had since the twenties when he’d been transformed. Didn’t make him no never mind. He took a drag of whatever had been left behind and let out a happy little hoot before jumping to his feet. “See I thought about that and all the answers I could give someone if they asked me that and I’m going to be honest with you. I just don’t want anyone else to have them. So they won’t if I have anything to say about it.”
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Odd had clocked the blonde as something not human although he couldn’t quite put his finger on what that was. She seemed harmless if not a bit of an alcoholic and the vampire could certainly vibe with that as long as she kept it civil. He downed a drink and winced at the burning feeling in his throat before speaking. “While I can see your point of view I think any place offering drinks is quite worth my while. I am Irish after all.” He laughed and then shrugged. “I was actually on my way to steal some knives from the pumpkin patch if you’d like to shadow me there.”
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The more secrets that Temperance had kept, the better her life would be in Los Santos. Nobody knew the kind of creature that Temperance was, and frankly, she was going to keep it that way. Fairies were precious to the world around them, she was terrified of her secrets getting out. The blonde finished one of the drinks that she was holding and set it to the side. “I mean, that’s a fair point, and the only reason that I’m here.” She rose an eyebrow towards him, a little flabbergasted of his plans. “Look at that, an actual fun and devious plan. I would be very much down to accompany you to collect knives. What are the knives for?” 
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
He was absolutely delighted that he was rubbing the younger vampire the wrong way and it probably showed. He tapped the breast pocket where he had stowed the twenty and waved him off with the other hand. “Sooo kind of you to offer poppet, but the twenty will do me. Thank you for asking. Quite nice of you, honestly. Not many folks would do that.” He didn’t need the cash. He had his own ways of making pocket cash but this was bringing him too much joy. Plus, who could say no to free money? “Ehh. I don’t make it a habit of stealing from other stealers. Just wanted you to know you weren’t alone.” His words held no malice but there was something in his eyes that quietly threatened him. Cause trouble and the cops wouldn’t be the worst part of his problem. “Anyway. Have a stellar evening Millicent.” He turned to go, biting back a smirk as he did so.
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Odd felt his lip quirk at the other vampire’s reactions to his little trick. “Chirp chirp baby doll.” He flipped the worn leather through his fingers as he cocked his head. “Honor? Never heard of her.” He said casually. “Especially among thieves. I’m more of an ‘every man for himself’ type of guy.” He opened the wallet and pulled a twenty out and pocketed it before holding it out to him. “Come now lad. Didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers none. Stand down. I’d rather be friends than fight now. Birds of a feather gotta stick together an alla that.”
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Alright, maybe Flynn could not fault the other vampire for not being exactly honorable, considering that was hardly a term to be applied to him either. And he too usually did subscribe to “every man for himself.” “Well, your being for yourself is conflicting with my being for myself,” he shot back, peeved that something he had stolen fair and square had been stolen from him. Flynn frowned as the other vampire took out a twenty then gave him back the wallet. “Oh thanks for only taking a twenty. Sure you don’t want one of the credit cards too?” Irritated as he was, he did not want to fight either, but being friends was a bit of a stretch. “Yeah, not sure I’m quite ready to be buddy-buddy with someone who’s got equally sticky fingers. Can’t imagine I’d ever be able to keep anything I got my hands on.”
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch, oh, the bitch is back
Stone-cold sober, as a matter of fact
I can bitch, I can bitch 'cause I'm better than you
It's the way that I move, the things that I do, oh
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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klaus + tucking his hair
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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teatimewithanoddman · 2 years
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