teatraders · 7 days
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Buy Black Tea Leaves Online
Buy Black Tea Leaves Online from us Nepali Tea Traders if you want your tea to be strong! Since it is completely oxidized during the production process, it retains a strength and rich dark color in appearance. People prefer it as a morning tea because of the high caffeine content. You can make it with or without milk and add spices as per your preference. This versatility has made it more popular. So enjoy our different types of black tea leaves available online. 
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teatraders · 1 month
Buying Loose Leaf Nepalese Tea and Tea Bags Online: Understanding the Difference
If you have recently started drinking tea, you must have tried using a tea bag like many first-time drinkers. This is because tea bags are a faster and easier way to make tea and are found almost everywhere. However, as you develop the habit, you will gradually move to tea leaves because of their enhanced taste. Let us elaborate on the difference between these two types of teas in the market, highlighting the popularity of leaf teas, such as the Loose-leaf Nepalese tea available for sale online and in physical stores.  
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The difference 
Quality of the teas and leaf size 
Teabags contain dust particles and are inferior quality teas that are the least expensive and readily available commercially. However, loose-leaf tea is prepared from whole leaves and has superior quality and flavor. You will understand these two differences when you sip a cup of leaf tea and a tea bag. We, Nepali Tea Traders collect our loose-leaf teas from the untouched tea gardens in Nepal and retain their purity in flavor. They are also affordable for regular use. 
The intensity of the flavor 
In terms of flavor, nothing can beat loose-leaf tea. This is especially true of breakfast teas, which are loose-leaf teas and possess a depth in color and flavor. Compared to this, tea bags are light and cannot produce strong flavor. This does not mean that you should not consume tea from tea bags. But if you are a tea lover, you will enjoy loose-leaf tea the most. 
Brewing environment 
Usually, teabags are tightly packaged, so they cannot release their flavor. On the other hand, loose-leaf teas go through several stages of preparation, and they take enough time to release their taste. Also, loose-leaf teas are prepared from quality tea leaves, their brewing time is longer than tea bags. 
Preparation time 
The advantage of tea bags is that they take little to no time to prepare. With just some hot water, you can dip the tea bag, and your tea is ready. But it takes time to prepare a proper cup of loose-leaf tea, as you will need to boil the water, then the leaves, and then add the milk if required. However, using a tea infuser makes it easier to prepare loose-leaf tea. 
In terms of varieties, loose-leaf tea is the winner. Though there are several varieties of tea bags available in the market, there are an endless number of loose-leaf teas available. At Nepali Tea Traders, we offer numerous varieties of loose-leaf tea, trying to include as many varieties as possible. Contrary to this, you will not find different varieties in tea bags. 
Health Benefits 
Loose-leaf tea has more health benefits, such as boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and clearing sore throats. Tea bags also contain some of these properties, but they cannot provide proper benefits since they are not strong. 
The common perception is that loose-leaf teas are costlier than tea bags. But when you buy them at a grocery store, they are affordable enough for daily use. 
To conclude 
If you are clueless about how to start drinking loose-leaf tea, you can contact us today. We can guide you on how to begin the process. If you are already a tea enthusiast and have tried different varieties, you will never lose faith in leaf teas. Buy Loose-leaf Nepalese tea online from our store, as we are one of the most authentic Nepal tea suppliers. 
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