tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
best free wordpress theme
Best free wordpress theme for bloggingHey Guy, if your blog is a website and you are not getting a good wordpress theme, then you will learn about the best theme of reading this article.
Many people make websites but they do not get wordpress themes. You have some money for a good wordpress theme. But when you are a beginner, use free wordpress themes.If you are not applying support and your content is unique So understand that your theme is not friendly enough.If you want your website to look beautiful, then you have to put a good theme in your website.
Visitors are very involved in seeing your website's diagnosis. So you have to be careful that your theme should be awesome.
So that your page speed is very low and they are mobile friendly.
There are thousands of themes on wordpress but it is very hard to find good.
Which you can not easily find Too many people have confusion. Google Adsense does not allow the use of free themes.But this is not the case if you are using free themes, you will definitely be allowed to apply if your content is unique.Well there are so many themes in WordPress Which is very great. But I will tell you about 1 theme. There is a very beautiful view in view.
The name of the theme is VW Event Planner
Or you can get the two versions in the free and premium theme.If you use the free theme then you can do just in the blogging website.If you use premium, then you have a great theme for business websites, blogging websites, membership websites. You can also see its demo.
The feature of this theme tells youheme options using customizer .
One Click Demo Importer
Global Color Option
Responsive Design
Favicon, Logo, Title and Tagline Customization
Advanced Color Options and Color Pallets
100+ Font Family Options
Simple Menu Option
SEO Friendly
Pagination option
Compatible With Various Plugins Like Contact Form 7
Enable-Disable Options on All Sections
Well Sanitized as per WordPress Standards
Responsive Layout for All Devices
Footer Customization Options
Fully Integrated with the Latest Font Awesome
Background Image Option
Custom Page Templates
Allow To Set Site Title, Tagline, Logo
Sticky Post & Threads
Section Reordering
Customizable Home Page
Footer Widgets & Editor Style
Social Media Feature
Slider with unlimited number of slides
Special Gallery Images Section
Counter Section
About Section
Why Select Us section
Clients section with custom post type
Team section
Newsletter Section
FAQ section
Special Video Section
Blog post section
Contact page template
Shortcodes for the Custom Posttype
Contact Us Widget
Social Icons Widget
You must use this theme once. Or the theme has a lot of users. Its rating is also very good.If you like the article, you must share it with your social media. You can ON the notification. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel too. Also follow my Facebook page and Instagram as well.
thank you for Reading
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
What is a Domain and hosting | Definition and Meaning
Too many people do not know what is the difference between domain and hosting. So in this article we have explained the difference between domain and hosting.
Many people have the domain and hosting of misunderstanding and what happens.Knowing this is very important.
If you create any website then you will definitely need domain and hosting. You can not create a website without domain and hosting.
Both domains and hosting are different. There is a lot of difference in this.
If you want to make a website three thing must important 1.domain2.hosting3.wordpress
What is  Domain ?(cheap price click here . Just the domain is a name. If you speak in another language or have an address, your website's Which lets your visitor easily access your website. Each domain has its own IP address. The IP address is always in the numbers. Like or have a PIN address 324.432.543. There will be a question in your mind that when the domain is in number. So we
Why is search by name (domain) I think you are easy to understand. If you buy SIM, then you get a number of SIM just like 768******1. It is impossible to remember what everyone took. So we save the name in contact with the name of its number in mobile . Similarly, remembering everyone's address is impossible. You may have understood what a domain is.
The domain offers a lot of companies.example bigrock,hostgator.goaddy.etc.Or you can buy domain and hosting from all the companies. You can get different prices in all the websites of Domain and Hosting. So you can buy domain and hosting in the same website you like. Sometimes the company also offers you an offer. As the price of domains and hosting is low. The domain will be found in 99 rupees and hosting will give you 1200 for 1 year. So what is hosting or hosting?
what  is hosting? ( cheap hosting click here now )
Hosting is a storage online server device. Such as computers and mobile offline server devices. Just like mobile and computer have RAM and storage and processor. As well as in hosting
RAM, storage, processor. In which all your data is stored in your hosting and your website looks well. Such as your post, page, image, or all hosting is stored in it.
You can keep all the data in hosting. Just as you keep the data in your electronic device, you can keep the data in the server. Hosting depends on your website. If your hosting is good then your website will open very fast. Which means the visitor will like your website. If your hosting is not good then your visitor will get annoyed from your website. That's why today everyone needs early information. So keep in mind that what you are buying is hosting. If you ask to do the same thing then you can sour share hosting. Or you will find very cheap prices. tech4knowledge.com
The entire website should be submitted to the hosting
there are three type of hosting
1.share hosting<buy globehost>
2.vps hosting
3.dedicated hosting
i suggest you are beginner choose of share hosting.
Many people in India do  have a Rupee card due to which people can not buy domain and hosting. All companies support Visa card.
You will tell the name of a company so you can buy a domain from Rupees Card. The name of this company is GlobeHost.com, which allows you to buy hosting at very cheap prices. So you definitely do this once.
What is wordpress ?
Established in March 2003. This is an online software written by PHP language. If you want to create a website without coding in WordPress you can create it. According to me Wordpress is better than another. Wordpress is free and it is not necessary to buy it. There was a lot of work in WordPress to make maintenance for your website. Install WordPress in your server (hosting).
Its user is more than 60 million in the minimum. One_third website is the most popular by WordPress. You can create a complete website from WordPress.
If you want to blogging then there is no good platform from WordPress. There is such a great feature in WordPress that you can easily blogging. Famous bloggers also use it. So you can know how to build WordPress website so much increased platforms
.WordPress is free of charge. You can take advantage of it as much as you want. If you are thinking of making a website then you should hurry. The sooner you learn, the faster you can learn to make a website.
What is plugin ?
The plugin is a software that is written in PHP and other languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, Java, etc. WordPress (log in, register, etc.) includes various types of plugins. The plugin is over 50000 in WordPress. If you want to make any type of website like e-commerce, blogging, store, drop shopping, MLM etc. So many plugins will help you build a website. Simply understand that hosting is your mobile and the PlayStore in the mobile is WordPress and the application inside PlayStore is a plugin. Now you must have understood.
You can create all the websites with the help of the plugin . you just have to know the plugin's feature. What is the feature of which plugin? Or you have to know everything. You will take 3 months to learn Surrey. So you started learning from now.
You may have understood what is domino and hosting. And what is the difference between domain and hosting. If you have any questions then you can ask in the comment.
If you need information related to WordPress and Technology, then you can visit my website.
Are you have any question please comment now. if you like an article please suscribe my youtube channel and follow in facebook page and instagram suscribe of website by email.
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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tech4knowledge-blog · 6 years
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