techie4ever · 6 years
you know what would have been nice… indra going “lincoln would be proud of you” before octavia steppes out into the line of fire. they mentioned lexa two million times but no lincoln mention… okay.
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techie4ever · 6 years
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Omon gon oson. Omon gon oson.
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techie4ever · 6 years
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techie4ever · 6 years
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4.13 x 5.13
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techie4ever · 6 years
hey someone ask me what my least favorite piece of home decor in my room is
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techie4ever · 6 years
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im dying
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techie4ever · 6 years
I honestly really don’t mind all the L.xa mentions, I know that a lot of people are upset about it and feels like she is being brought up too much, but I honestly don’t mind it. I DO MIND though, that we haven’t gotten one single Lincoln mention AT ALL in this season. Like seriously? No one mentions Lincoln to try and reason with Octavia, it just doesn’t make sense to me and is unbelievable that no one has brought him up. I just feel like there is a clear bias going on here and I don’t like it, especially since I was wayyyy more attached to Lincoln than I was L.xa.
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techie4ever · 6 years
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What do you care if I die? Isn’t that what you want? Yes.
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techie4ever · 6 years
To spin off of this I just want to remind everyone how angry Octavia was at Clarke for a long time. I’m a big O fan she’s my girl. But it’s interesting to see her making decisions she hated Clarke for.
honestly when you look at it this season, they’ve been really pulling the parallels between clarke and octavia in their leadership: both asking for better solutions multiple times, forced to make hard decisions to save their people, and like madi said, both bearing heavy loads on their shoulders so their people won’t have too
the only difference is clarke had the weight of leadership on her shoulder for less than a year canonically, where as octavia has had this weight on her for over six. we’ve seen how it broke clarke in that time period, how she had to get away after s2. she told madi this episode she was tired because of it. she got to have the opportunity to leave at s2, has gotten to have a nice six year break in relative peace.
octavia hasn’t. she literally COULDNT get away. she was stuck in the bunker as leader. unlike clarke, she couldn’t go away for a few months and leave because there were other leaders to be in charge. octavia didnt get to rest. she’s had no one to carry that weight with her (like clarke had bellamy with the lever, octavia had no one. she could have had indra, but as stated in the other episode, indra stood and watched as octavia did the shooting)
instead she’s held it on her own. it just makes sense that she turned out this way. it’s says something about the way clarke would have turned out if she had been stuck in leadership for as long, or if she didn’t have bellamy beside her.
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techie4ever · 6 years
I honestly don’t know why I’m making this post but I just saw these parallels and against my better judgment, I’m gonna share them here.
So the way Octavia has her guards put Bellamy on his knees
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Is very similar to how pike put Lincoln on his knees
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And the way they both look up not afraid of death but thinking of the choices they’ve made.
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I can’t help but notice Octavia’s face. When Lincoln dies we see Octavia lose herself, she shuts off her emotions..sort of like a switch. And tbh even if we’ve seen little flickers I don’t think she’s been truly open since that moment.
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BUT…we see her start to break down and let herself feel when the door shuts and she locks eyes with Bellamy. Maybe seeing Bellamy on his knees the same way Lincoln was is what switches her emotions back on. She’s alone. She’s ruling in a way Lincoln would never approve of. When she won the conclave she chose to save everyone because of Lincoln and his mentality. Now she’s so far off from the woman he loved. Maybe she is finally reaching her breaking point. Octavia is alone in a way she’s truly never been before…and she did it to herself. She became what she never wanted to be. What Bellamy couldn’t protect her from.
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techie4ever · 6 years
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She’s heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race.
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techie4ever · 6 years
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The day you asked me to be your second was the best day of my life. Did I ever tell you that?
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techie4ever · 6 years
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4.06 // 5.10
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techie4ever · 6 years
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techie4ever · 6 years
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techie4ever · 6 years
I agree. Because I think the past commanders understand exactly what it’s like to shoulder so much burden for the sake of your people. They understand her pain and why she is making her choices. Also. Jus Drein Jus Daun. The grounders have always lived by that motto and they have always understood how you do unspeakable things to survive and keep the peace. They understand. Lexi understands. And then forgive Octavia one thousand times over. And Madi does too.
Do you guys think the commanders are on Octavia’s side? Since the Arena when Gaia asked them to guide her hand to kill Oc and ended up not hitting her, I can not stop thinking about it. And when Madi defended her actions by talking about Mount Weather to Clarke, saying that Octavia’s actions were no different from what Clarke had already done to save his people. Madi idolized Oc, but as soon as she received the flame, she saw Octavia as a “villain” but later understood her actions. And from the promotional photos, the two are now on the same team. So what do you guys think?
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techie4ever · 6 years
Reblog if you’re actually enjoying season 5
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