techjunk-blog-blog · 13 years
The bubbles are rising..
3 days in NY City is all it takes to know there are bubbles brewing, serious tech bubbles. Given that wild accusation, I now need to dedicate this to hacking out the serial offenders and letting you voice your opinion.
After much consideration, it appears that 3/5 VC funded web businesses don't actually have substantiated revenues, 1/5 have long term goals and the last one may actually be able to turn on the money switch on day 1. Those odds aren't so favourable.. seriously.
So to get started, have a think about what happened 10 years ago. Lots of amazing ideas, rapid innovation (when the internet was a big black box on your desk and it took 5 minutes to load a page, animated gifs etc... shudder). It appears we're at exactly the same spot again.. is it time for them to start bursting?
Check out this interesting stats review of investment overtime on Slideshare.. a little be of history re-repeating...? http://slidesha.re/lLhNyo
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techjunk-blog-blog · 13 years
Startup textbook. I think not
For: The Team
First published: 20/05/11
Reprinted: let's just get the first one out shall we?
Startups, what a hoot. Everything is exciting as they say in the books. High brow parties promoting your successes (or serious hope that the numbers you said you were going to make stack up!), meeting the rockstars of the industry (and secretly just wanting to know how they hell they made it look so easy) and everyone buying into your vision.. I've trying here!
Mmm.. not entirely convinced about the way the books sell it.
Whilst I would say that this experience so far has certainly been eye opening, I can assertively say that there is no defined path or set of answers to get your baby running... so the books liked.
Take yesterday for example - an 8 hour day of finalising legal agreements and sorting the final number crunching. However, no less than 4 hours later, I found the ultimate pain-in-the-ass.. a circular reference.. Seriously.. who the hell at Microsoft didn't create a tool to highlight that your numbers we're looking slightly too big, and that a 590% IRR is perhaps somewhat ambitious.
At the same stage, we're desparately trying to get our Mega Marketing Plan sorted. Know a digital marketing rockstar.. enter here.
Fancy a quick read of a golden pitch.. try Slideshare and Mint - 100% refreshing (serve with lime, vodka and soda). http://slidesha.re/4QIBga
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