It depends. Are you precise enough to move your melted metal down to the singular atom?
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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Well, it is possible. We call them nanomachines. Basically, it’s a large swarm of extremely small autonomous robots. However, when I say extremely small, I mean like, No current technology would be able to produce them. You would need extremely precise motions, and nothing I have ever created, nor I know of, would have that level of precision.
However, in theory, they would be able to have the same effect of your melting. Given materials, they would be able to reproduce, form complex and mutable structures, ect.
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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I’m still controlling it, of course, but right now i can remotely control every servo. It’s more of an initial proof of concept right now though, as I want it to eventually give it the ability to be more like your melted metal trick.
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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Alright. Let me show you what I’ve made.
The Technomancer focuses for a second, before the hand detaches from the rest of the arm. It falls to the floor, and then proceeds to get on two fingers and perform a jig.
Oh. So you decide to work first try. Even after i hyped up how horrifying you were going to be after you broke.
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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*grabs a pen and quickly amends it to read “i waive my right to sue the technomancer for any reason ever in regards to the prototype arm”*
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
20 notes · View notes
*the technomancer hands you a piece of paper. It reads: “i waive my right to sue The Technomancer for any reason ever.”*
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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It's more of a "fuck around and find out, not my fault" kind of waiver, because if this one DOES mess up, i'm fairly certain a lot of people are gonna see.
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
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ahhhhh. well, you happen to have come at the right time. You'll never guess what ver. 1076 is prototyping.
...If you want to see though, I will actually need you to sign this newly created waiver, because I have not tested this yet, and I'm almost 99% sure it's going to break. Also, I nearly destroyed my entire shoppe on ver. 1074.
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
20 notes · View notes
A suit of armor opens your door, places a wooden door in the frame, then proceeds to Kool-aid man straight through the wooden door
Technomancer! I have a question! Is it possible to mimic the sentient properties of my armor with technology?
( @odd-animated-armor )
Ok first of all, why do you carry an extra door around to make an entrance. I have a perfectly good door right there.
Second, Yes! I have been thinking about making a robot for a while, but haven't gotten around to doing it because I've been working on this!
*She shows off her new prosthetic hand. She seems proud of it*
I think this is the one. It's version 1076!
20 notes · View notes
That's fine! Ring me when you're down for more lunch!
[Terry walks into your shop, missing their entire right arm]
Heeeyyyyy bestie hows it going?
please tell me you didn't lose your entire arm.
66 notes · View notes
I thought you said you needed to be quick. I’ll be fine without another for now, but you get to tell me all about this adventure over lunch once you’re all done.
[Terry walks into your shop, missing their entire right arm]
Heeeyyyyy bestie hows it going?
please tell me you didn't lose your entire arm.
66 notes · View notes
Ahhh. Well, this was a good sandwich thank you!
You look down and see the sandwich has been eaten completely.
Let me know if I can help you out with this robot thing. Could be right up my alley.
[Terry walks into your shop, missing their entire right arm]
Heeeyyyyy bestie hows it going?
please tell me you didn't lose your entire arm.
66 notes · View notes
reblog to manifest gender euphoria for the person you reblogged this from
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Terry you have uhh… a thing on your hand, but thank you for the sandwich!
[Terry walks into your shop, missing their entire right arm]
Heeeyyyyy bestie hows it going?
please tell me you didn't lose your entire arm.
66 notes · View notes
Alright. Going now.
*the technomancer leaves.*
phasing in and out of reality
he- -a poo- -atgi- ill you?
.... Huh?-
227 notes · View notes
reasons to breathe and keep going:
your friends WILL miss you
your pets won't understand why you left if you don't
you can't listen to your favorite song if you don't
you can't have your favorite food anymore if you don't
you'll never pet another dog if you don't
youll never hear a cat purr again if you don't
statistically humanity is getting kinder, what you hear is the loud minority because it's easier to list the bad stuff
you'll never get to see your favorite musician live if you don't
you'll never get to watch your favorite movie if you don't
you'll never get to play your favorite game if you don't
it's okay to struggle and I can't promise it will get better but you can do hard things. because you've done everything you thought you couldn't before. take a rest and keep going because your best isn't stagnant but you're best is enough
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Blushes slightly as i realize you heard me, and as soon as I’m out of the table, i quickly drop your hand.
Alright. I should be going. You have a friend to attend to, and I’m not anywhere near equipped to deal with this. Plus, i need to fix my teleporter, and I need to finish the new version, and… yeah.
phasing in and out of reality
he- -a poo- -atgi- ill you?
.... Huh?-
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