technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
A N G S T   M E M E  —  Jack
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs |  been drunk  |  cheated |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face  | been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital | had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  | bled severely |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  | lost someone  | loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved appreciated/valued you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident |  had sex  |  had sex with a stranger |  passed out from pain  | cried yourself to sleep  | spent a whole day in bed |  hurt yourself  |  taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  | used |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  | been forced to smile | felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
“Very disappointed that no one has offered to be my partner in crime so we can become the ultimate power couple, get married, and then take over the world. In that order.”
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
        Do you need help with words? ♥   Word-Hippo: A powerful word tool website for all your needs. (Includes Synonyms, Antonyms, Definitions, Rhymes, Translations, etc.!) ♥   OneLook Reverse Dictionary: If you forgot a word, this is the site to use! Simply describe what you’re looking for to get a quick reverse-search on the word that slipped your mind!
       Do you need help with faceclaims? ♥   Angeldustmt Faceclaim Directory: Let’s you search for all sorts of faceclaims with options for personalized searching! ♥   Hollow-Art: Let’s you search for very specific faceclaims, and for each results offers a basic set of 100 x 100 icons for icon making and editing!
      Do you need help with text coding? ♥ CTRL + SHFT + MINUS let’s you write in small text! ♥ SMALL TEXT + CTRL + COMMA makes you write in double small text! Example: Like this! ♥ CTRL + Z makes you go back to whatever you just did! (accidentally deleted text? It’ll be back!) ♥ ALT + 3 (ON NUMBER KEYPAD) makes you write small, black hearts! ♥♥♥
     Do you need help with text aesthetic? ♥ Coolsymbol: Gives you several fancy and nice symbols for your texts! ♥ Coolsymbol - Fancy Text: Gives you several fancy and nice variations of texts!
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
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“Such a shame.”
“I love you.”
“Go to bed.”
“I missed you.”
“Don’t say that.”
“You’ll be back.”
“Oh my god.”
“Oh, shut up!”
“No I won’t!”
“Beg for mercy.”
“Don’t touch that!”
“Let’s go home.”
“I hate you.”
“You did what?”
“Just a taste.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Are you alright?”
“You’re my everything.”
“Are you finished?”
“Hold your fire!”
“You’re a coward.”
“No better time.”
“It’s a beauty.”
“Don’t drink that!”
“You’re so stupid!”
“Are you crazy?”
“Put it down!”
“Use your imagination!”
“I can’t go.”
“I’ll kill you!”
“Give it up!”
“Watch your step.”
“Let me die.”
“Want a sip?”
“Want a bite?”
“I smell something.”
“Are you happy?”
“Look at that!”
“Hold the door!”
“God damn it.”
“Say no more.”
“I’m not mad!”
“Is that smoke?”
“That’s not fair!”
“I’m not crying.”
“You did what?!”
“I did it!”
“Just take it.”
“Come on in.”
“That’s not good.”
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Though they're tired, the moment Re'Jèan is given food they struggle a bit to sit up, and tear into the food. Only answering once the food is more than halfway gone
"It's good. Thank you kindly, I'd say I'll need more but I gotta see if I can keep this down....much as I hate saying that." They take a slower, cleaner bite of the fish and look at who they've accepted nto be their saviour and possible captor
"I never caught your name. You can call me RayJay."
Thet definitely weren't giving out their real name to an unknown being. No matter how kind he seemed....who knew how names worked around here. They likely already owe him a lot for saving them.
"As for how I how I got here...a case that was supposed to be a little thing turned out much bigger than I was ready for. Then I got captured cause the person I was with didn't understand 'don't shoot and run' ....got set out to sea to die and...here I am. Very far from home and honestly scared out of my mind. "
   Seeing the other eat so hastily makes the prince worry. Did they eat frequently, or did they have to scavenge. He hated to see others without, even when he did tread on land just to enjoy the things humans did. He noted that he saw those that begged, and always gave since he had the ability to do so at all times.
   “I’m glad you like it. My name is Sayo. It’s nice to meet you, RayJay. I think I said this earlier, but down here is where I rule-- well, my parents and I, but they’re away right now and for good reason. They don’t like humans as much as I do, and are very strict, but I’ll be able to help you and send you back home.”
   After introducing himself, he listens to RayJay’s story carefully. The more details they gave, the more he would be able to help them get back home, especially before his parents returned. It was fascinating to see that a human wasn’t scared of him, or thought of him as some sort of monster, but he could not allow them to stay for long.
   “So someone hurt you, and threw you into the sea hoping you would die? That’s... terrible, to say the least. I get why you’re scared. Down in the ocean, talking to me of all creatures. So, where do you live? If it isn’t too far, I can take you home, otherwise, we’d have to think of some sort of way to get you back safely.”
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
lazy roleplayer symbol meme
Send in a symbol and I’ll:
@ : reply to one of your open starters
?? : write you a starter
+ : go through the memes you’ve reblogged and send one in
!!! : write a headcanon about our muses
% : write a drabble about our muses
$$$ : go through your wishlist tag and write a starter based on one of the posts
♬ : write a starter based on your blog music
… : write a headcanon based on one of the aus in your verse page
^^ : go through your muse’s aesthetic tag and write a starter based on one of the posts
# : write a headcanon based on one of your side muses / npcs
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Dark Fairy Tale Prompts
Requested by anonymous! Here are some popular tropes from fairy tales that can have a dark or malicious spin. As always, the Muse A/Muse B placement is up to the muns!
😇- Muse A meets Muse B, an otherworldly being, who is trying to win their trust. 💀- Muse A finds a tome full of spells and uses one to bring back a deceased loved one, Muse B, from the dead. 🌲- Muse A is lost in an eerie forest, but stumbles upon the enigmatic Muse B, who promises to show them the way out. 🏠- Muse A sneaks into a seemingly abandoned house/castle/etc seeking shelter for the night, not realizing it is already occupied.  🦌- Muse A is following after a beautiful animal which leads them far from their path, but soon realizes the animal is Muse B in disguise.  🍎- Muse A accepts food/drink from Muse B, a fae. (Note: fairy folklore states that consuming food from the fairy realm will trap you there forever) 🍷 - Muse A offers a glass of wine to Muse B without telling them it has been laced with a powerful spell/curse. 🔮- Muse A searches for Muse B, a rumored witch, to hear their fortune or receive a warning.  👤- Muse A meets a doppelganger of themselves, Muse B, who may or may not be up to mischief.  ☠ - Muse A has been cursed and asks Muse B for help breaking it.  💍- Muse A finds a piece of magic jewelry, which gives them an ability of the mun’s choosing and is widely coveted by all. 👥- Muse A meets a mysterious stranger, Muse B, at a masquerade ball, and feels unnaturally drawn to them. 🎩- Muse A is approached by a traveling magician, Muse B, who offers to teach them magic in exchange for something precious. 🎎 - Muse A crafts a beautiful doll, Muse B, which comes to life with a personality of its own. 🍄 - Muse A steps into the center of a ring of mushrooms and is spirited away to a strange world with Muse B as their guide. 🌊 - Muse A is on a ship at sea and hears the call of a siren. The siren, Muse B, attempts to lure them off their path. 😾 - Muse A has accidentally disturbed the home of Muse B, a woodland spirit, who does not take kindly to trespassers.  👶 - One Muse A’s 18th birthday, a trickster (Muse B) appears and claims their parents offered to give them their newborn child as part of a deal …18 years ago. 🐲 - Muse A bravely vows to save Muse B from the dragon guarding the outside of their tower, not realizing Muse B is what the dragon is trying to protect everyone from.  💄 - Muse A makes a deal with a fae, Muse B, for eternal youth and beauty. However, the price is steep.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Reblog memes from the source. Stop reblogging memes from me when it's in my rules that you have to reblog from the source.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
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“Can you walk?”
“How did this happen?”
“What the hell happened?”
“I hit my head.”
“Did you hit your head?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Don’t close your eyes, stay awake!”
“Come on, stay with me!”
“No no no no no!”
“You shot me!”
“I didn’t mean to shoot you!”
“You stabbed me!”
“I didn’t mean to stab you!”
“Take the knife out!”
“Don’t take the knife out!”
“It was an accident!”
“That/this wasn’t an accident!”
“That looks broken.”
“I think my leg/arm is broken.”
“That doesn’t look good.”
“Am I going to die?”
“You’re not going to die!”
“Calm down!”
“Don’t panic!”
“I can’t help you if you don’t let me!”
“Are you bleeding?”
“Don’t move, you’re bleeding.”
“Is that blood?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“That’s a lot of blood.”
“Do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Damn, I got blood on my shirt.”
“Don’t move, you’re losing blood!”
“I won’t let you bleed out!”
“You have blood on your face.”
“I swear to god, if you get blood on me…”
“What’s your blood type?”
“Why in the hell would you need to know my blood type?”
“That cut is nasty.”
“You have a massive gash in your arm/leg!’
“Don’t touch it!”
“Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse!”
“I’ll get some bandages.”
“You’re going to need stitches.”
“That looks infected…”
“Did you get bit by something?”
“There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.”
“There’s an exit wound, the bullet went through you.”
“How are you feeling?”
“How does it feel?”
“It’s still not healed, but it’s getting there.”
“Let’s go home.”
“I just want to go home.”
“Let’s get you into the bathtub.”
“We need to change your bandages soon.”
“Get some sleep, okay?”
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.”
“I’ll check up on you in a bit.”
“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Again, if we have threads going, please like/tell me if you would like me to keep them or inbox me if you want to start a new thread, otherwise I’ll assume you want me to drop them.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
❤ this for a random starter.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
A few symbol starters
☣☔: It starts to pour down rain, and our muses decide to play in it!
✈: Our muses flee the country and start a new life together!
⚡: It’s storming outside - one muse is scared, and the other must comfort them!
☃: One must begs the other to build a snowman with them - they don’t wanna.
⌛: Our muses have 24 hours left to spend together before the world ends.
☕: One muse spills hot coffee all over the other muse! Ouch!
♿: One muse is stuck in a wheel chair for awhile - the other must care for them!
⚓: Our muses sail out to sea together!
✂: Our muses do arts and crafts - one’s talented at it, and one sucks… bad.
✎: Our muses find a magical pencil - everything drawn becomes real!
✟: One muse is super religious and is convinced the other is the devil.
✿: One muse gives the other flowers… but they’re highly allergic and sent to the ER.
♕: One muse is king/prince and demands the others hand in marriage!
⏏: Our muses decorate a new apartment together - with new paint and all!
☏: One muse miss dials and calls the other muse! They decide to talk anyway, and they end up clicking and becoming friends/falling in love! Turns out, they live next door to each other and don’t even know it!
☣: One muse starts acting differently… the other finds out they’ve been possessed! But the demon simply refuses to leave their body.
⎚: Our muses are separated by a gate/wall that they’re unable to cross.
⚅: Our muses play a board-game that effects the real world! (Jumanji)
⌚: One muses gain the power to forward and rewind time with a watch!
☠: Our muses die in an accidents and their spirits are now stuck on earth!
❉: Our muses are snowed indoors together!
⚢: Our muses turn into the opposite gender!
⚉: Our muses go bowling together - and ones super competitive! 
☹: One muse is super upset - the other has to cheer them up!
♞: Our muses are sent back to the Victorian age!
☄: Our muses must survive during a war!
♬: One muse is a famous singer and the other is a crazy fan! Time to stalk.
✉: One muse is lonely and sends a letter to a random address. They actually reply, and the two muses continue to communicate by letters!
✖: Our muses follow a treasure map they found! Only probably is, they have to take a boat and enter a mysterious island to find it… do they do it?
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
❤ this for a random starter.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Sweet merciful gods I have a laptop again so I am officially open for BUSINESS.
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Things to Do in October: Starters
Send me a symbol for a thread or drabble in which the characters…
🎃 - carve Jack o’ Lanterns 🍁 - go on a scenic autumn walk 🔮 - see a fortune teller 👻 - tell ghost stories 👹 - go to a Halloween store 🕯 - perform a seance 🌽 - go through a corn maze 🌾 - go on a hayride 🌱 - go to a pumpkin patch 🍿 - have a Halloween movie marathon 🔪 - have a horror movie marathon 🍎 - go apple picking 🤡 - go to a haunted house attraction 🎭 - be actors at a haunted house attraction 🥕 - go to a farmer’s market 🔥 - have a bonfire 😱 - play scary slumber party games (Bloody Mary, the Midnight Game, etc…) 🎨 - do a craft  ☠ - visit a cemetery at night 🏈 - go to a football game 😈 - try on Halloween costumes 🌳 - take a drive to see the trees ⌛ - go to an antique store 👽 - talk about conspiracy theories 🌄 - go hiking ☔ - go on a rainy day walk 🥨 - make snacks for a party 🍬 - go shopping for Halloween candy 🍭 - hand out candy on Halloween 🥐 - cook some comfort food 😏 - play a scary prank 📚 - go to a library or bookstore 🎈 - plan a Halloween party together 🎉- attend a Halloween party together ☕ - go to a cozy cafe 📍 - sew homemade Halloween costumes 🎧 - listen to music together 🏚 - go poke around in a haunted location 🎪 - go to a creepy carnival 🏠 - sit at home by the fireside 🚂 - go on a scenic train ride 🍂 - rake leaves 🎫 - go on a tour of a spooky location 🍷 - go to a winery/brewery ⛺ - rent a cabin for the weekend 🏰 - spend the night in a spooky vacation spot
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technoparadigm-blog · 5 years
Sweet merciful gods I have a laptop again so I am officially open for BUSINESS.
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