techscience-world-blog ยท 5 years
Natural Acceptance in the age of Artificial intelligence
World Economic Forum quoted Artificial Intelligence to be the backbone of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution".
There has been numerous debates upon this issue where the global community seems to be divided into two groups, one supporting the notion that Artificial Intelligence should be promoted in different sectors of the economy, while the other group signalling a red alert.
Everyone has their opinions and all should be respected. Obviously, we are a human community as a whole and every voice of opinion is as equal as the other.
But, we should ask ourselves the right questions to reach a common conclusion. The point is, "are we asking the right questions?", or we are only focused upon the economic parameters when we talk on AI as the whole. Isn't the human element getting ignored when we talk only on the terms of statistics.
Moreover, shouldn't we be questioning ourselves upon the justice that this technology declares to the human community as a whole, and not only to a specific segment of the society, who are more inclined towards the business domain over the human's natural acceptance domain, which is a big term that might be getting ignored.
I come from a technology background in profession and I can sense a disruption that this new technology is potent of bringing but as a global citizen, isn't in all what we think, "sustainability" be given weightage to? Who will make sure that the artificial is not superseding the natural?
The word 'Natural Acceptance' means what is naturally accepted to all human beings as designed by nature. Growth and Development should always be promoted and that is the most important thing, but with the technology as powerful as the AI, who will make sure that is doesn't take away the natural acceptable of the human community.
Going by the modern set up of management, or going by the spiritual-scientific science, Balance is the key, and proper balance is more important than anything else. The right question to ask should be the 'balance rather than optimisation.
With the speed at which the entire humanity is impacted by the new technology, in both the good and bad ways, are our systems ready to sustain the balance with such levels of optimisation? Or is it so, that on the race to optimise our economy, we are missing out on something really important and end up on compromising balance, creating a mess in the social structure leading to the International level conferences and summits on the "Artificial challenges" and how to tackle the newly born problem i.e. "Social Imbalance".
There have been various statements that AI couldn't be stopped and if one has to survive, you have to learn it. Obviously, at an individual level, one can tackle this challenge by learning the new tech(though not possible for entire humanity), but don't you think that such statements in itself forecast a big social problem on whole.
Humans are humans until they are naturally satisfied and if due to any reason, social balance is hurt affecting human satisfaction, same human beings takes on various illegal activities, leading to increased crime rates, violence, and all which disturbs the social structure.
Problem, while reading may look small but you might have also heard the statement - 'AI couldn't be stopped'. This is true, but we as natural human beings should have a check at the Artificial technology that it doesn't interfere our social and natural balance.
Thank you for your time, dear reader. I appreciate your time invested here and hope you'll give a thought upon the content. I respect your opinion and request you to share the same if you feel like.
Many thanks!
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