tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Ceremony of Awards
The ceremony of awards, were the master of ceremony was David Valdez, took place at SUM at 7:30pm. Starting with a beautiful and motivator speech given by Jimena de Alba the Secretary General; the ceremony began. Each of the Under Security, Salma Hallal, Alex Velarde, Emilio Sanchez, Deborah Zenteno, David Valdez, Andres Rodriguez, Zyanya, and Sofia Rivera, went to the podium to start with the awards. The awards were given to the outstanding, excellent and best delegate of each committee. For the ending of this ceremony, Jimena de Alba gave the official close op of the TecMUN2018.
-Montse Alvarez
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Syria conference
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly session 7
The security council delegates have presented their resolution for the conflict between Israel and Palestine to the general assembly, the delegates of the general assembly have a lot of questions.
It seems that the delegates of the security council are very prepared and they are answering all their questions and probably the solution proposed will proceed.
The delegations of the general assembly expressed their concern about this solution not stopping the conflict with an unlimited session of questions.
-Miguel Kusumi
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly 2
In the 7th session of general Assembly 2 a unmoderated caucus was initiated for the negotiation of the details of the solution.
The china dellegation and the Russia dellegation are the ones writing the final solution
-Lia Yunuen
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
WTO sixth session
Rules being cleared out, the session starts with a couple unmoderated caucus, seeking a solution to the effect of trade wars and tariffs. With the lack of participation by some essential countries, the committee struggles to find a viable solution. Speakers list opens with France exposing their solution, a little bit of a lack of congruence outshines the solution's structure. Cayman Islands follows up with a solution on their own, still, a little bit of a lack luster. An other unmoderated caucus opens as a cry for hope in finding the final solution.
-Jos茅 Diego S Larragoiti
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
WHO session 6
In an unmoderated caucus the delegations are working on a solution which stands for a 7 step plan to prevent and eradicate the Ebola virus.
The main sponsors of this solution are the delegations of Central African Republic, Mexico and China.
The delegation of Congo can help with health workers in order to use the immunological and drug therapies, and proposes that the solution starts in the Congo and then to spread the health to other countries.
-Miguel Kusumi
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly 2
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In General Assembly 2 the topic of the sixth session was steel A; US implementation of tariffs and the possible start of a trade war. After the previous talk about the conflicts caused by the the implementation of high tariffs of the part of United States of America and after take in consideration the new proposals of the North American Free Trade Agreement to benefit all the counties by making a direct change in M茅xico, United States and Canada; the delegates are starting to create the general resolution to conclude this topic. Delegates are planing the creation of a forum were the states have the sufficient time to prepare themselves and implement the relation with the states, as well to see were tariffs can affect the least to the states.
-Montse Alvarez
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Group of 20
In the Group of 20, first session, the topic discussed was letter A; Massive migration because of a natural or man-made disasters. They are constantly on a unmoderated caucus discussing about options of resolution for the immigrants crisis. Some of the proposals are to improve the refugees or the immigrants for they can get an apr贸piate education.
-Montse Alvarez
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly 2 session 5
During the unmoderated caucus the delegations of China and Russia are looking for a solution by lowering the tariffs every 6 months by 5% and creating and agreement that states that every country with tariffs above the 25% will do the same.
The delegation of Iran and South Korea does not agree at all and they鈥檙e trying to convince the delegation of the US to not sign the solution proposed by China, the delegation of Brazil, Argentina and Spain are open to more ideas.
The tension grows between China and Iran because they all want the US as part of their solution.
The delegation China ensures that undeveloped countries will be benefitiated but the delegation of Iran emphasizes that their delegation is not agree with this solution.
-Miguel Kusumi
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Security Council fifth session
Fifth session in, security council's speakers list opens followed by an unmoderated caucus, in which all delegates debate over an agreement, looking forward to solve the humanitarian aid crisis in the Middle East. Waiting to hear a finished proposal and working hard to achieve it, all delegates group together to redact a paper that will be later presented.
A forum was elected as a way to oversee the situation and choice making for the crisis. Peace initiatives would also be implemented. While recognizing Palestine as a member of The United National.
After a solution paper was presented, the opening of a moderated caucus clears out any doubts on the solution. Even though many discrepancies still appearing that should be corrected before going forward.
-Jos茅 Diego S Larragoiti
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Security Council
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During the 4th session in the UN Security Council, the delegation of USA and China have several differences on their opinions.
All the delegations are trying to find the best solution in order to solve the problem Palestina and Israel have been having in the Middle East.
The delegations of China, UK, Poland, USA and the Netherlands have proposed different solutions during the 4th session of this committee. Some delegations want international pressure and have even proposed peace talks, while other delegations want short term solutions. On one hand, the delegation of China wants international pressure and peace talks. On the other hand, the delegation of Poland wants measures taken right away.
-Take Ornelas
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
In the second day of the mun santa anita ecosoc during the fourth session discussed a solution for the lack of social health in the world.
Japan Denmark Spain France M茅xico Venezuela and Belgium formed an alliance to help the economic crisis by donations from other different countries that have the suficient technology and economic aid for social health. While the dellegation United States supported low income countries sepperatly.
An unmoderated caucus took place and the dellegations debated and discussed a negotiation to create a treaty that benefited all countries to achieve a better whole social health and program to prevent dieseases
The solution involved all suficient countries apporting technologies, campaign, support of educational programs, economic aid and Denmark and Turkey will be the supervisers while the solution takes place
- Lia Yunuen
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
WTO fourth session
The delegation of the US because of the pressure that the delegation of Germany, France and the UK made on an extended moderated caucus said that they are willing to lower the tariffs of steel in a 5% but no more than 3% in other materials because it will affect the US economy.
The delegation of China stablished that they will lower the tariffs only if the US agrees to make the same trade with them.
The delegation of Cayman Islands joined by the delegation of the UK are looking for solutions but the delegation of the US does not seem to agree with them.
-Miguel Kusumi
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Refugees fourth session
The start of the second day, fourth session in the Refugee Committee, feels empty, as almost half of the delegates weren't allowed to enter, for punctuality reasons. Within a 15 minute moderated caucus, the delegates exposed their countries' position. The massive migration from Venezuela, being a complex topic, was discussed in search for a solution that favors every country involved. The moderated caucus, starting to become a session of just questions without answers, makes appear a viable solution even further.
-Jos茅 Diego S Larragoiti
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
Security Council third session
Third session of security council stars full, with the speakers list, United States of America being the first to speak, and questioned by the delegate of Kazakhstan. A moderated caucus is opened next, where many countries express their points and situations, being a delicate topic. The crossfire between the delegation of the United States of America and the people's Republic of China starts to show up quickly. The search for a solution continues as the tension rises, the time stars to shorten and issues become to appear harder to solve.
-Jos茅 Diego S Larragoiti
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly 2
In the third session of the general assembly 2
Mexico si talking about the tarde agreement between Canada, US, and Mexico, he wants yo renegociate te agreement. Iran si questioning the solution proposed by Russia, which consists in creating an International Forum, which si supostly stop the grade war. Tariffs will be discussed and regulated in a court, where all countries involved could tell their oppinion and demands. This Forum will help the countries to avoid any big economic damage. During all the sesion questions where being asked questions and suggestions made to perfection the solution.
-Take Ornelas
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tecmunsta-blog 6 years
General Assembly 2
In General Assembly 2 the topic of the second session was A; US implementation of tariffs and the possible start os a trade war. United States of America improve tariffs to 200 billions to certain countries. The delegations of United States, M茅xico and Canada have been talking about the update of the NAFTA deal because of the effects it have had. NAFTA stands for North American Free Trade Agreement and this is to lift tariffs traded among the US. United States of America blames NAFTA for wiping out its manufacturing jobs because companies can move to Mexican factories were is cheaper. M茅xico, United States of America and Canada are constantly discussing about what can be de new proposals to solve this problem and that all countries are benefited.
-Montse Alvarez
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