tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through the Internet Marketing Program
I initially made the choice to go through this program because after looking at many different online schools for marketing, Full Sail was the only one that seemed to have an internet marketing specific program and was the closest to what I wanted to learn with its classes. I made the decision to further my education in internet marketing because I knew I wanted to own an online business, but didn’t know where to start. Full Sail assisted and during many of the classes, I was able to take a few steps to move forward with my dream.
Although many of the classes were informative, I believe a large part of the program should have been dedicated to social media marketing specifically. I am a fan of a lot of what was being taught, but we are living in a time where social media is being made to be an important factor in our day to day lives, a lot of marketing is going on within social media and there are so many ways to utilize it. I believe part of the course should have been dedicated to learning more about this, or at least providing more resources to do so.  
Overall, the masters program met my original goals. I gained much knowledge and with a clear understanding of how and where to start when it comes to marketing my business online.  I think the masters program was still very helpful, even though I didn’t get everything I feel that I need.
Some things that I will be working on soon with my newfound free time include creating my website to be simple and effective for users, utilizing some SEO tactics, guest blogging so more links will be directed towards me, using YouTube and other forms of social media to create brand awareness and narrow down my target audience and get clear on how to best reach them. 
I believe I made the right decision in taking this course and even though I will need to do more research as I go along in my marketing journey, I think that's what it’s all about! We are supposed to use programs like this as stepping stones in our journey, but need to continuously maintain that hunger for knowledge, especially for a field that is ever-changing.
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Internet and the Law
Throughout this month’s course in Internet and the Law, I can say with confidence that I reached my main goal and that the class has exceeded my expectation. Of course, I will also say this is another class that can’t all be fit in one month, but the main points were definitely understood for me. Internet law, in my opinion, is one of those concepts that needs to be learned and researched consistently throughout an internet marketer’s career.  
There is so much information within this nook of the internet, and as internet marketers are constantly met with new tasks, it is our responsibility to make sure we are not in violation of any laws when it comes to marketing online. This was a very helpful course in my eyes, because it basically teaches how to not get fired and not land ourselves in court as our career barely begins.  
My goal for this course was to learn about copyright and how to use an artist’s information, images and music legally if needed. The course went over all of my concerns right away as we dove into the rules for using intellectual property. The class taught me what rules to follow, how to find these rules and how to go about using certain pieces of work.  
I believe this class is a vital piece to the completion of this course as a whole because it put another aspect of marketing into perspective that many of us don’t think about, and that is the legality of what we do as marketers whenever we create or use something as simple as a software that we have to agree to a contract for before using. The class broke down how to use and utilize privacy policies and terms of agreement and helped me to understand what makes these documents valid.  It also taught me how to determine if they are valid at all. Aside from that, I know there is much to be understood from a creator’s perspective as far as making sure I do all that I can to be transparent with users and making sure they understand their rights as visitors to a website, and my rights as an online business owner and make sure that my bases are covered legally.  
Overall, I am satisfied with what I received from this class and it has gotten me even more curious about extending my independent studies on internet laws.
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Digital Analytics And Optimization
My journey through this course has been a bit rocky due to work. Even though I passed, I found it difficult to catch on to everything I was reading and learning so quickly. Without a doubt, I will be revisiting a lot of the information that is within this course because it was one of the most helpful courses throughout the program.  
When I came into this course, my goal was to learn the ins and outs of how Google Analytics works and how to apply it to a real business. I am very happy that I was able to do this. Another amazing thing that came out of being in this course is that I received the Google Analytics certification and was able to learn the benefits and the importance of having proof that I passed the test. While I am working on my own business, I am glad I have gained all the knowledge that I have to find part-time marketing opportunities within my new found passion.
There was so much of this course that I needed to learn and understand for my future goals and I’m glad this course was a part of my learning this year. It met my expectations, but for the amount of knowledge that is within it, I will definitely need to go back and study more thoroughly on my own time. As with a previous course I discussed, this class should have been just a bit longer because of the amount of knowledge within it, but I understand the structure of the program is set up the way it’s supposed to be. But the course was very helpful and necessary overall.  
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Strategic Internet Public Relations
Before this class started, I was unsure as to what my goal would be. When I saw that the class would be related to public relations, I was really hoping to brush up on my PR writing skills. I took a couple PR writing classes as an undergrad, however, this course was just a bit more unique than this. 
In previous classes, I was taught the basics of PR and how to write press releases. This particular class went into depth on how to respond to controversy and how to do damage control. This is a part of the PR rep’s job that I think many people forget about. This is very valuable to understand because as internet marketers promote companies, and our own businesses as well, we will also be faced with people who will try to speak down on our brand. Knowing the proper responses will either make or break our companies, and I believe that some of that responsibility definitely falls on the internet marketer. 
This class has given me the resources that I needed to understand how to respond to the public and also understand what is worth responding to at all. Understanding the role of the PR rep has also allowed me to learn that not only what you do as a company is important, but it’s how you do it that is just as equally important. I am absolutely satisfied with what I have learned throughout this course and this program so far. 
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Advanced Search Engine Optimization
For this course, my general goal was to learn more about SEO. This was a foreign topic to me that I wasn’t quite understanding when I first entered this course. I knew it was important to websites, but I was hoping to learn basic information about it and learn how I could apply it to my own business. My next goal after entering Advanced SEO was to learn how I could enhance my business’ visibility online throughout the course.  
While my personal website had not gone live yet, I was grateful to be able to work on the content of my blog and other sections of my website to make sure I had the fundamentals down. Throughout this course, I learned how important the use of proper key words is. I’ve learned how to use the key words and phrases that I think people who are interested in my niche may be searching for. Another thing I will take advantage of is Google My Business to claim my business and also monitor my listing so no changes are made without my consent. I had no idea this even existed, so as a website owner, this was definitely a must know for me because there is no way I would have found this on my own right away.  
Before this course, I had no idea how important these kinds of things were. I thought I’d create my site, run Facebook ads and that’s mostly all there would be to it. There are many factors that come into play when getting in the faces of any consumers. This course has opened my eyes to the many ideas that I need to discover as I work on my business. I learned that there is so much more work to getting a business more recognized online and I am grateful that this course has introduced and expanded my knowledge on these topics.  
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies
As I am looking through the future courses, I realized that I am more than halfway through this program and I am proud of myself! I have had some struggles throughout the program as far as time management and personal matters, but I’ve tried to keep up, especially with this class. There was a lot of important resources within the class that I need to go back and read, but my overall takeaway has been great.
I think this was a lot of information to fit into one class, which is probably why it is advanced, but my main takeaway from this course is learning about how to pay other companies for different types of advertisements. I am familiar with marketing on Facebook a bit, but it opened my eyes to new ways of marketing that I never thought about like through other companies’ newsletters and through magazines.
Creating a marketing plan myself which included projections was the hands-on experience I needed so I could understand how companies go about the process, because this is something that I will be considering in the future. I do, however, need to go back and revisit the projections chart to make sure I am clear on the math needed to get revenue, ad costs, etc. Because math is not my strong point.  
Overall, the course gave me a lot of understanding on how  the marketing process works, how to plan, lay everything out and show proof on how the plan will benefit the selected company.  
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through New Media Marketing
For the course New Media Marketing, my originals expectations included learning about modern ways that brands reach and gain their followers and audience members. I can say with confidence that this course has exceeded my expectations in that aspect.  
In the assignments where we learned about influencer and brand ambassador programs, I was provided with clarity on what I already knew existed, but I was able to go into dept with learning how they work and how they are applied. The class gave me an understanding on which program works for my specific business and how to determine which one should be used for which type of business when It comes to thinking about others that I may work with in the future.
The class helped me to define short-term and long-term goals for my case study company and made me realize this is something I need to be doing for my own business as well. This exercise was helpful because I was able to determine the goals that are attainable and those that I have to think about a bit more thoroughly with to properly accomplish them.  
I will apply these concepts to the business I am building in a number of different ways. After defining my audience and brand voice, the class gave me something to do as my first step which is setting my short-term and long-term goals. This is essential for me to clearly lay out what I wish to accomplish when my business is established. During the next course, I am hoping to dive even deeper into this.  
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Web Design and Usability
When I initially heard of this course, my first thought was that we’d be working on or learning how to actually design a website as well as understand the ins and outs of upkeeping one. While this unfortunately was not the goal of the teachings, I still gained much insight on some other things that I needed to know about.
The course didn’t teach what I thought it would, but I got a great understanding of usability. One of the main things I did not put a lot of thought into until recently is how important it is to have a clear and simple website. Navigation plays a huge role in a website being user friendly. If people cannot locate things easily, this will lead to frustration in customers and the possibility of both sales and visitors decreasing.  
As I am design my own website for my business, I will keep in mind how important it is to have everything in the most simple terms possible so users can understand everything clearly. I also plan to use usability testing. I think it’s important to test new features of a website and record results with specific testers because I’ll be able to keep track of what works and what doesn’t work. This is something that I didn’t know about before taking this class which will help me along my journey.
I am overall pleased with what I have learned from the course and all that it has given me to think about. Website format is very important for any business to think about, but it is especially important for businesses who are selling themselves mostly online.  
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 5 years
My Personal Development Through Consumer Behavior and Analysis
Looking back on my original goals from my first Mastery post, I’d say I am on the right track when it comes to the goals I’d like to complete by the end of this program. Consumer Behavior and Analysis gave me much to think about beyond my original thoughts of internet marketing. It gave me an idea of what to look for when analyzing who my target audience is, understanding what their interests are and finding out how I can best target them within my own future business ventures.  
One of my original goals was to learn how to market myself, and understanding how things like location and need are very important when thinking about how I will make money from my business. The course has also taught me to find where my audience and possible consumers are and ways that I can engage them in my business and keep them interactive. Engagement will keep traffic going, but it is not something that I ever thought about. In the past, my idea of bringing people to my website was to post a small summary of something with a link that directed my Facebook friends to what I was talking about. Seeing that there are so many possibilities when it comes to engaging my audience gives me a lot of confidence that this is something I can definitely do.  
Cookies was something that I never quite understood and will look more into it in the future just for my own personal knowledge. Though I don’t believe I would be needing this in the future of my health and wellness business, it was important for me to understand this and consider finding a way to track what my potential clients may be interested in so I can know what services to market to them and how. I would love to find a more ethical way to do this.  
The course has overall helped me in thinking about the importance of marketing directly to individuals based on their own separate needs. I am excited for the future classes in this course and I am hoping I can learn the future concepts with just as much ease!
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
My Personal Development Through Digital Storytelling and Branding
Seeing that I received my BA in Broadcast Journalism, my original goal for the Digital Storytelling class was to brush up on my storytelling skills in general, but the skills I learned along the way far exceeded my expectations for this journey. I learned how to tell a brand story, literally.
What I really enjoyed about the class is that I was not only able to tell a company’s story, but I was also able to utilized these same skills in understanding my own brand voice and company with my business. Professionally, I am able to continue to use the resources and the skills I learned in my own business while I am building it. It will also become useful as my business changes in the future if I adjust who I am reaching out to.
This class was important for me because even though I had no idea we were going to go in debt with personifying a brand, it was useful to give our brand personifying points to help connect with who our audience and consumers may be. All courses are fast-paced for me at Full Sail, but I wish this one wasn’t because I wish I had more time to utilize the skills we learned for our brands. Either way, I will still be using the information provided to get a clearer picture of my own brand and what it has to offer people.
This class gave a variety of ways that I was able to use my creative skills to tell stories. This is something else that was important to me because broadcast is very basic and it really does not allow for much creative energy when telling stories to viewers. I loved learning about the many examples of brand stories and voices and it gave me a more creative outlook on business. Having a business is hard, but it can definitely be creative!
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
My Personal Development Through Internet Marketing Fundamentals
My original Mastery goal was to work more on my website and learn how to market myself as a health coach with the information I am learning in this program. A  goal that I added later on was to learn how to manage my time a little better. As of right now, I am slowly learning how to allocate my time towards the tasks I need to complete. I am still struggling with putting the most time sensitive tasks first, because many things I do are time sensitive, especially with the job I currently have. But I can definitely say I have be doing a lot better. This program is especially challenging me on this goal. Two things I have done to make things easier is using a huge dry erase calendar. I write down the things that need to be completed on the deadline dates. I also use a planner for my assignments now and I write a to-do list every morning on my days off and I will try to complete the hardest tasks first during the early parts of the day.
My other goal has been to work on my website. I haven’t been able to pay for the service I’d like to use just yet unfortunately, but I have been working on small bits of what I’d like to offer on my website, such as the type of blog posts I’d like to write, my about me section, and how I would like to market myself.
Internet Marketing Fundamentals has opened my eyes to marketing online. There are so many things I never knew that needed to be considered when it comes to getting people to find an individual and their business online. Things that I did not know about that I will keep in mind as I start my website will be the title tag and keywords within my posts. I’ve become passionate in learning more within this program, not only for marketing myself, but also for marketing other small business owners as well. I would love to assist others who do not have the means to go to college and learn the amazing information that we are being given at Full Sail.
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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Motivational Post
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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My Mastery Journey
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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My Papaly Account 
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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My Feedly Account
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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My LinkedIn Profile 
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tedranaeyhill-blog · 6 years
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My Mastery Journey Logo 
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