teenagedream2009 · 8 months
already 1am, jeez! i reeeaallly need to fix my sleep schedule by next week!
Sooooo, turns out that I won't start driving until next week! (I think...) so in the end I still got like 1 more hour of sleep xD
Today I had 2/3 finals and I did pretty good on both! I have my history final on Wednesday tho...kinda really nervous about it because if I do bad on it I might fail the class! Eeeek! @_@
In other news, I talked to my friend today, a lot actually! He said that he couldn't believe that we'd technically known each other for almost two months, and I said that it probably doesn't feel like it because we never really talk! LOL! We kind of just...sit there. Not that I mind being in silence, but sometimes I just wanna talk! Well good for me because that seemed to get the conversation going. I even mentioned that sometimes I feel that he looks so disinterested when talking to me, turns out his face just looks like that LOL. He told me that he does in fact really enjoy talking to me, and that if I wanna talk that I should just say so :] I feel like we got to know each other better today. Hell, I was even 40 minutes late to class because I was talking to him so much! If it wasn't for the quiz I had to take I probably would have stayed with him for longer, I guess I just really enjoy talking to him! hehehe
Oh right, then other guy who I talk to after class. I probably won't see him any time soon LOL might run into him but that's about it. Kinda bummed about that but I'll get over it. Though I also talked a lot with him today too!
Ooooo wait i just remembered LOL
So a couple days ago, my friend called me short (I'm AVERAGE high FYI!!) So today I told him to stand up to compare our heights. Then he agreed that I was in fact not short.....thing is....I was wearing platforms today. So now he thinks that I'm a little taller than I actually am xDDDD
Besides all that I don't think anything noteworthy happened today. I just thought today was a pretty good day! ^__^
Now I should go to sleep bcuz it's almost 1:30 am! EEEKK!!
-- D ☆
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teenagedream2009 · 8 months
first blog entry!
EEEEEKKKK!! It's already 12 am @_@
Oh well! So, new blog. I'm really gonna try my best to keep this one alive I promiseeeee >_> Still unsure if I wanna make this public or not...we'll see. (If someone is reading this, then that means this is probably public LOL)
Anywaayys, update on my life :3
Today I actually finished my homework early!! Wooo!! ....30 minutes before the deadline, that is....but still, it's progress!! It's better than uploading it by 11:58 LOL
I actually should be sleeping right now, because tomorrow I have to wake up earlier than I'm used to bcuz my mom is sending one of her friends to teach me how to drive at 8am, 2 hours before my classes start T___T
I'm reeeaaallly nervous about driving, but I gotta say that I'm also really excited about getting my license. It would mean that I can go anywhere without needing my parents, who knows, it might even lead to some fun adventures! Which I desperately need BTW! It's not normal for a 19 year old to be this sheltered T_T even my 17 year old sister goes out more than I do!
But then again...I guess nothing about me is particularly normal, LOL!
Tomorrow (or i guess today xD) is my last day of classes for this quarter! Starting next week I'll have a new schedule! Which means I might not get to see my friends between and after classes anymore ;;
Well maybe I'll get to see my friend in my free hour if we have classes the same days, who knows! I'll for sure ask him tomorrow! Hopefully we do! I don't wanna be alone :[
Then there's this other guy who I talk to after class (actually IDK if we're actually friends LMAO) I probably won't see again LOL unless we end up having a class together in the spring semester, but honestly I doubt it. I might see him around campus tho.
Don't think i don't have any more friends tho! I do!! They're just in another city for college T_T But we're gonna hang out soon!!!
I think that's about all I have to say, at least for right now. I should get some sleep, tomorrow's gonna be hectic, i can feel it *_*
-- D ^__^
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