teenscde · 3 years
                  being a light sleeper had it’s quite obvious negatives, including being woken up by one of the first  ( she’d assume )  pebbles thrown at her window, and being incapable of falling back asleep when there were several more hitting it like it was a damn halestorm or something. she doesn’t wanna get up. she doesn’t wanna check it. she’s all too stubborn for that  --  she just wanted to sleep  --  but the knocking became grating on her ears. and so, fuming, she storms to her window to open it, glaring daggers at whoever it is.
                        “  ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, GEEZ !!   i swear to god, if you’re just here to FUCK WITH ME, i’m gonna-  ”   and then she registers who it is, and her words freeze in the cold night air. she stares, brows furrowed, silent as she takes in his words. please wait, nene . exe hasn’t finished loading.
                  aaaaaand... ding !
                        “  PICO ?!  the hell did --  how’d you --  when’d you -- ?!  ”   she’s stammering, confused, gripping the windowframe as tight as she could. her heart’s racing out of her chest, the adrenaline rush of seeing once presumed... well, maybe not dead, but certainly gone in other ways, now trying to get her to grab lunch with him.   “  ... wait, what the hell did you say ?  l... lunch ???  at -  at 2 in the fucking... ??  ”
                  ... she can’t help but laugh. it’s soft, more a barely audible giggle, as she leans on the windowsill, murmuring something to herself before she yells back to him, completely disregarding her family sleeping peacefully down the hall.
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                        “  only if you pay, consider it payback for waking me up so damn early, you asshole !!  ”   it’s said affectionately, one can assume.
♡   @teenscde​​   liked   for  pico!
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❥  tink! tink! tink! whether or not nene was awake right now wasn’t exactly relevant to pico – he wanted to talk to her while he was in town, and that was the priority. she could get on his ass for interrupting her sleep schedule after they talked a bit, as far as he was concerned. another pebble, haphazardly picked up from the street, is thrown at the window as he mutters something to himself. “ dammit .. fuckin’ notice already, geez .. “ finally. the window opens and he can tell nene looks pissed, but despite it he seems happy to see her. after a moment of vague hand gestures to try and get the message across ( without waking anyone around here up ) he says, fuck it, and just calls to her up there at full volume. “ ’m in town for a few days. you wanna grab lunch or somethin’ ? “  ignore that it’s 2 in the morning .  
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teenscde · 3 years
@daemuzi​​ for gf !  /  sc.  ( closed ! )
                      nene’s cold gaze judges every detail they can find in the other girl’s face, her hands resting firmly on her hips as she leans closer and closer... it’s as if she’s studying every feature to catch her attention, looking for something.  ( this girl looks far too similar to... )
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                               “  ... tch. so, who’re you supposed to be, huh ?  ”   she scoffs, leaning back again, shifting her weight between her legs. to tell the truth, she was fully aware of who the other was  --  asking was more a formality at this point  ( even if the tone was nothing if not excessively rude ) .   “  i’ve never seen you around before. you here for something ?  ”
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teenscde · 3 years
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                       OOC :   imma try to work through the starters, but they likely wont b in order cause my muse is HELLA picky rn, if i dont get to urs immediately im super sorry !!!  ill get to it eventually i pwommy
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teenscde · 3 years
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sorry for not posting that much HCKDKDLD here's some cringe trio wearing the funny colors
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teenscde · 3 years
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                                      to me, nothing is more stunning 
                          than the luminous burning glow of a burning city. 
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teenscde · 3 years
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                       OOC :   i rly started this blog and then did literally fucking nothing with it huh. hbgdhgf im SO sorry. so uh. like for a funky lil starter lads
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teenscde · 3 years
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                        I CAN’T HANDLE THIS ANXIETY !!!!
                                                    ( sideblog to beepfriend. )
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teenscde · 3 years
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tag dump  2 / 2 !!
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teenscde · 3 years
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tag dump  1 / 2 !!
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