tegriy · 3 months
"The pen is stronger than the sword." The author of the book "God of Swords" will be prosecuted.
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After Arundhati Roy, the author of The God of Small Things, won the PEN-Pinter Award, two weeks later the Delhi governor authorized the prosecution of the writer under India's strict anti-terrorism laws.
The reason was comments in 2010 about the disputed region of Kashmir, where Roy stated that: "Kashmir has never been an integral part of India."
Roy was an outspoken critic of Narendra Modi's policies. Salil Tripathi, a board member of PEN International, wrote in the Guardian last week that while Modi lost his parliamentary majority in recent elections, “it is wrong to assume that [he] has changed”" "The prosecution of a well - known person like Roy is the government's way of warning critics that they should not expect anything else. The sword looms over the critics; the Swarm reminds us why the pen should remain stronger than the sword.”
More than 200 prominent figures in India have signed an open letter calling on the government to reverse the decision. Arundhati Roy is an Indian writer and human rights activist. She has written the novels "The God of Small Things" and "The Ministry of Supreme Happiness", as well as the non-fiction books "Capitalism: A Ghost Story" and "The Algebra of Infinite Justice". Her work has been awarded various literary awards for its talent and raising complex issues such as environmental degradation and human rights violations.
Link to the source here.
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tegriy · 4 months
The Taliban made a visit to St Petersburg with the aim of ‘developing economic relations with the Russian Federation and other countries’.
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The Taliban made the visit with the aim of ‘developing economic relations with the Russian Federation and other countries’.
Also, the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry said they were going to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorist organisations.
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tegriy · 4 months
A femme activist was sentenced to 21 years in prison in Iran.
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Journalist and women's rights activist, Gina Modares Gorji was sentenced to 21 years in prison.
According to the court, she is accused of "purposefully participating in meetings and expressing structure-destroying slogans," "communicating with anti-revolutionary elements," and so on.The activist is awaiting imprisonment in Hamedan.
Gorji's lawyers have formally registered their opposition to the harsh sentence, and the case will be sent to the provincial appeals court for review.
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tegriy · 4 months
The judge of the Supreme Court of Karelia supported the decision to fine the activist and blogger Alexei Trunov.
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Judge of the Supreme Court of Karelia Natalia Kolbasova today left unchanged the decision of Petrozavodsk City Court, which fined in late February, activist and blogger Alexei Trunov 30 thousand rubles for last year's comments on the page of former mayor of Petrozavodsk Vladimir Lyubarsky in the social network “VK”.
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Lawyer Anatoly Aleksandrovsky, who represented the blogger's interests, pointed out that police inspector Roman Timichev, who drew up the report on Trunov, had been declared bankrupt. Alexandrovsky urged Judge Kolbasova to cancel the fine, but she upheld the decision.
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Judge Kolbasova did not take into account that in the protocol on “discrediting the army” against blogger Trunov the date of the offense was December 20. But ex-mayor Lyubarsky had already deleted his page in “VK” by that time.
Lawyer Aleksandrovsky, who represented Trunov's interests, drew attention to the fact that police inspector Timichev, who drew up the protocol, was declared bankrupt. He urged Judge Kolbasova to cancel the decision, but she upheld it.
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The judge found Trunov guilty of “discrediting” the Russian army. But Nurieva was not embarrassed by the fact that the administrative offense protocol indicated December 20 as the date of its detection. At that moment Lyubarsky's page in “VK” had already been deleted.
The senior commissioner of the department of counteraction to extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia, who found “discrediting”, summoned to the court and stated that the offense was detected by him on December 12.
According to the lawyer, it could be a matter of falsification of evidence. He promised to appeal the judge's decision.
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