tehdischorse · 4 years
some of you need to be told to shut the fuck up more
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tehdischorse · 5 years
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tehdischorse · 5 years
a man and a woman: we would like a wedding cake please
homophobic baker: ok! congratulations on getting married
a man and a woman: ok but will u still want to make our cake when we tell u that we didnt feel any urge to have sex with each other until we knew each other extremely well? pretty queer right
homophobic baker: why are you telling me this
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tehdischorse · 5 years
just got into an argument with my best friend about whether cishet aces should be able to reclaim the slur queer or not and it brought me back to this blog
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tehdischorse · 5 years
What a year this week has been.
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tehdischorse · 5 years
cishet means ur not trans and you don’t experience SGA thanks for coming to my ted talk
hey so i have a genuine question for both sides of the discourse: Why not just make an ace community that’s entirely separate from the lgbt+ community??
Like, I’m demisexual, nb and a lesbian. The presence of cishet aces in this community makes me feel really uncomfortable and unsafe and I absolutely wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing the Deep Shit about gender and sexuality with them, because they’ve never experienced that.
However, there is definitely a need for a supportive, safe space for people on the ace spectrum. So like. Satisfy both groups of people by doing this?????? Idk it seems really obvious to me.
I’ve also seen posts about ace spec people saying it’s too hard to create another community, but what do you think lgbt people had to do??? Don’t demand labour from lgbt people because you don’t want to fight for your own community
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tehdischorse · 5 years
hey so i have a genuine question for both sides of the discourse: Why not just make an ace community that’s entirely separate from the lgbt+ community??
Like, I’m demisexual, nb and a lesbian. The presence of cishet aces in this community makes me feel really uncomfortable and unsafe and I absolutely wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing the Deep Shit about gender and sexuality with them, because they’ve never experienced that.
However, there is definitely a need for a supportive, safe space for people on the ace spectrum. So like. Satisfy both groups of people by doing this?????? Idk it seems really obvious to me.
I’ve also seen posts about ace spec people saying it’s too hard to create another community, but what do you think lgbt people had to do??? Don’t demand labour from lgbt people because you don’t want to fight for your own community
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tehdischorse · 5 years
the difference between sga/trans ppl & cishets is that all sga/trans ppl have a shared experience of oppression that dates back to when marsha threw the first brick at stonewall. cishets DON’T.
i used to identify as acespec. and i have plenty of friends who are acespec who, like me, believe cishets are not LGBT. you know why? because being LGBT is inherently being sga/trans. i, as a bisexual woman, am LGBT. you, as an aro pansexual person (sorry idk what you identify as!!) are LGBT. but someone who identifies as a girl (and was born as a girl) who is strictly attracted to boys but does not want to fuck them does not make them LGBT. it makes them a cishet ace.
the LGBT community isn’t about accepting anyone and everyone and holding hands and going to pride parades or whatever other ‘uwu drink water!!!’ mogai hell bullshit you can think of. it just isn’t. the LGBT community is not about accepting the people who want us dead and the people who oppress us into our safe spaces because ‘they’re bullied too!’. it’s not. the LGBT community is exclusive for the safety of it’s members.
you love to complain about HATEKEEPING!!!!!1!11 without even realizing that it is a very necessary part of the community. if we didn’t ‘gatekeep’ everyone from sally cishet to sammy the straighty would be LGBT just so they can feel included. this defeats the entire purpose of having a community in the first place!
when it comes down to it. the LGBT community was created and established for people who are oppressed systematicaly under homophobia/transphobia. that’s it. it wasn’t made for straight cis people who don’t feel sexual attraction and it wasn’t made for straight cis people who don’t feel romantic attraction. why? because these people actively benefit from our oppression. this is undeniable fact. you cannot opt out of the privileges you have as a straight, cisgendered person. you can’t.
and before you complain about the ‘oppression olympics’ or ‘it’s not a competition to see who’s more oppressed!’. let’s cut the shit. ace/aro individuals are not systemically oppressed on the basis of their ace/aro-ness. they aren’t. there is no competition. why? because if there was, aces/aros would not be competing bc they do not face systemic oppression. do they face stigma and discrimination? yes. but this is not systemic oppression and is nowhere near the same thing that LGBT people have to go through on a daily basis.
if you think that cishets aces and cishet aros belong in the LGBT community, simply because of their ace/aro-ness. then I’m going to need you to go read some LGBT history. open up a book and learn about axis of oppression and positions of power. listen to ACTUAL lgbt people when they tell you that ideas like this are not only harmful to the LGBT community as a whole, but make A LOT of lgbt people uncomfortable and afraid to even enter their safe spaces knowing that they have been invaded by the kind of people who want them dead. 
tl;dr—cishets aren’t LGBT. cishet aces and cishet aros are not LGBT. ace/aros are not systemically oppressed for being ace/aro, but this does not make them any less valid. 
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tehdischorse · 5 years
turns out the guy i was talking to is a brony so it’s gonna be real awkward next time we work the same shift
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tehdischorse · 5 years
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Everyday I wake up thinking “Wow I miss Aaron Hotchner”
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tehdischorse · 5 years
sorry guys i’m a criminal minds stan account even tho ACAB
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tehdischorse · 5 years
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#big dick energy
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tehdischorse · 5 years
⚪️ gay
⚪️ straight
⚪️ bi
🔵 This is calm, and it’s Doctor.
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tehdischorse · 6 years
Why do you hate cishet people so much
whats not to hate
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tehdischorse · 6 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about violent exclusionists who are making people feel “unsafe” and about “aphobia”. I like how y’all play the victim when I haven’t seen any violent rhetoric from exclusionists, and I keep up with many of them seeing as I am one. But I have seen some from inclusionists as well as concerning amounts of homophobia and shaming lgbt people for their sexualities (which is what we’re supposed to be celebrating this month) so I thought I’d share a few receipts, let’s start with threats of violence
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Here’s some homophobia:
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I have more that I wanna that I wanna organize and dive deeper in.
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tehdischorse · 6 years
girl culture is turning around every few feet when you’re walking alone to see if someone’s following u
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tehdischorse · 6 years
i keep calling simon a dumb bitch for not realizing bram liked him when meanwhile a girl could literally tell me she’s in love with me and i’d be like platonically? you mean platonically? is that platonic? are you gay?
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