tehulme · 4 years
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The Moon
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tehulme · 4 years
Unknown Wealth By Chance
Under the Sun’s intense embrace
Shelter to all near and far
Where lived in the past, not too distant
Carry it on  back, as far as you can go
Three numbers strapped sealed to one’s heart 
Dreams begot in a Field, others could;t escape
Forged in an older state, new but incomplete,
The key  to the land, but no instructions 
Success  but limited by nature
Failure to even try an attempt 
Blind without prophecy, sight with  no vision 
Play it by ear,  a chance with unknown wealth
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tehulme · 4 years
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“The ruddy Moon leaning over the hedge”
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tehulme · 4 years
Above The Dock
Above the quiet dock in mid night,
Tangled in the tall mast’s corded height,
Hangs the moon. What seemed so far away
Is but a child’s balloon, forgotten after play.
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tehulme · 4 years
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Above The Dock
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tehulme · 4 years
Lighthearted I walked into the valley wood
In the time of hyacinths,
Till beauty like a scented cloth
Cast over, stifled me. I was bound
Motionless and faint over breath
By loveliness that is her own eunuch.
Now pass I to I to the final river
Ignominiously, in a sack , without sound,
As any peeping Turk to the Bosphorus.
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tehulme · 4 years
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tehulme · 4 years
Literature, like memory, selects only the vivid patches
T.E Hulme
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tehulme · 4 years
A touch of cold in the autumn night---
I walked abroad, 
And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge
Like a red-faced farmer.
I did not speak, but nodded,
And round were the wistful stars
With white faces like town children
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tehulme · 4 years
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tehulme · 4 years
The Embankment
Once in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy, 
In the flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.
Now See I 
The warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.
Oh, God, make small
The old star-eaten blanket of the sky, 
That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie
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tehulme · 4 years
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The Embankment
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