teijun · 11 years
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hey guys - good news! i'm fucking finished with the dangan ronpa roleplaying fandom, so i'm back! and hopefully for good. i'll get on with replies once i've calmed down a bit, since i'm pretty upset about shit the dr fandom makes. but yo, whatever.  
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teijun · 11 years
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{ ✧ }; "Well then take this as a warning to stay out of it! If a reminder is needed as to what happens to those who break rules then I shall provide one for you."
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"What are you talking about, Gamagoori-sempai? I’ve never been in any trouble!"
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teijun · 11 years
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     [ Gamagoori simply stares in disbelief for a moment, before yelling in complete and utter confusion. ]
{ ✧ }; "What is the meaning of this?! Is this a trick the Magic Club have set up?!"
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"Alright…If I must…Just please be careful with me."
Junketsu concentrates for a moment, then turns back into kamui form.
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teijun · 11 years
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It’s been a CRAZY week here, no doubt about it. I had no idea I’d get this far this fast, but, well, here we are! I’ve been having loads of fun here and I’m so glad I got involved with the roleplay community. And speaking of which, here are a few people therein that I absolutely adore!
Special Mention (you knew this was coming)
Without my Celery I never would have come here to begin with! One of my very favorite most special dear friends to me without a doubt.
Follow Forever I may not have roleplayed with all of you but your presence on my dash is part of what makes this so fun!
hyperactivenostar — thebeachcaptain — satiricalstringsoffate — officialomikohakodate — apexkiryuin — the-steel-queen — the-blind-monkey — redscissorme — pinkhairedconductor — amaidokueki — mrwildmonkey — sewdier — revocsmom — totenblumen — apexrebellion — gokulolita — futurespandex — sewingxstitches — thepinksymphony — scarletxscissor — detrimentalscissor — poupee-chiffon — moneyisbetter — rettogakusei — synchronizedbeing — tsewmugu — teijun — sennisoushitsu — bornforlifefibers — ladyxjakuzure — steelsovereign — terminalconquering — myujikaru—hanran — puraidodoragon — iuvenesscissor — jinittaikamuisenketsu — steadfastsin — symphonicregalia — symphonic-fate — nonniejakuzure — sewing-and-stitches — steadfastsword — scissorxsister — thesmilingpinkterror — sousakuryoku — fibermater — angry-little-matoi — ascended-hunter — barenakedbullets — regaliadecapo — takemyownpath — dont-jakuzure-my-swag — starlesstudent — lifefibersewn — fearedcouturier — shieldofthesovereign —
Art credit: x
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teijun · 11 years
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So about 6 days ago I made a klk RP blog. And I really couldn’t have asked for better timing. This was at a point in my life where I needed something to distract me from a lot of stress and panic. So to now have over 100 followers and also a belong to a community, it really means the world to me.  I love each and every one of you that I’ve had the pleasure to chat with, rp with, or even just make some dumb crack shit, every bit of it brought a smile to my face. Thank you to you all. And yes I’m gunna point out a few people who really made me feel welcome, made me laugh, or who I just really love interacting with. You’re all awesome though. <3
dont-jakuzure-my-swag redscissorme matoiiiii iuvenesscissor symphonic-fate pinkhairedconductor cutiekamui 117cm the-fiber-experiment the-blind-monkey the-steel-queen officialragyokiryuuin blonde-stitches sewing-and-stitches sewdier thepinksymphony fibermater shieldofthesovereign matoixryuko revocsmom sennisoushitsu sensei-nise nudisutobeach teijun takaradical makobunnie snarkerhacker uncladpreceptor nudistbeachfounder moneyisbetter data-of-the-world lordjusticelevi vigilatedeae elitefourmonkey strawberryseamstress two-star-chef fearedcouturier jinittaikamuisenketsu regaliadecapo barenakedbullets lifefibersewn officialomikohakodate the-patrician apexkiryuin angry-little-matoi mrwildmonkey
If I left anyone out I apologize.. You all mean a lot to me and helped me out of emotionally low place in my life.  Thank you. And I hope that we can continue to talk and be friends for the greatness that is Nudist Beach! 
(art credit to http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=54359. Their name is DSL and they are fantastic.)
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teijun · 11 years
{ outofrules; }
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shit i got too involved on my other roleplay blog;; anyway hi im back
who the heckie do i owe??
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teijun · 11 years
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alright, so it's almost 3am and i'm about to pass out, so. i think i best be off to bed! goodnight everyone! nvn
oh, and please! like this post if i owe!
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teijun · 11 years
Nervously, Amai approched her superior, holding a small bag full of candies. "u-uhm, 'h-happyWhiteDay' Mr Gamagoori!" She squeaked out handing him the candies and bowing before running off.
     [ After a quick and interrupted greeting, he takes the bag of candy into his hand and reaches out to her with the other. Despite his movements, she was already half way across the corridor by now, and he hadn’t even seen what the girl had gone through the trouble of delivering to him. He opened it up, and— what was it she said? Happy white day—? His view darts down to the treats, and he looks back up in her direction with a blush crept onto his face. ]
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{ ✧ }; ( I’ll have to thank her later. I can’t let this kindness go without proper gratitude! However— perhaps the best course of action would be to calm down a little first… Hmph—!)
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teijun · 11 years
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{ have a tiny sketch of gamagoori before i go to bed uvu;; this is the first time of ever seriously drawing him ah aha wh oops 
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teijun · 11 years
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{ ✧ }; "I can't believe Iori gave me three different sexual diseases."
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teijun · 11 years
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{ ✧ }; "I'd like to thank the academy..."
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teijun · 11 years
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teijun · 11 years
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oh!! yeah that'd be great actually? thank you! nvn ahh well im not used to rping within this fandom, so it's kind of a new experience for me. but yeah everyone seems really friendly and such! i look forward to being here more aaa,, uvu but yeah! welcome to klk roleplay! 
{//oh, gosh, if you want me to type up a starter, i can? uvu;;  and everyone here is pretty nice, too. it makes me feel bad that i hesitate to rp with them, honestly. theyre all so nice. 
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teijun · 11 years
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{//i’m already to 50 followers and i’ve only been here for 3 days;;//}
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teijun · 11 years
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teijun · 11 years
{ outofrules; }
you're welcome!! nvn but ahh, i only just got here too pretty much. i've not been here long at all! but thank you aaa--!! yes im totally up for rping with you if you'd like uvu i've not had much interaction with other canon characters yet so;;,, 
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teijun said: ooc; ah, you came up on my “recommended blogs” list and i checked you out so uvu;; i think you’re really good!!
{//oh my gosh thank you?? i jus t kind of got here and im still learning;; u w u youre really good too from what i see and if you ever wanna rp im here man!!
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teijun · 11 years
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