telepathicfeline · 20 days
Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make way for Israel in 1948.
Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced that day. This did not start on October 7th.
Know their history, fight for their future. 🍉
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telepathicfeline · 20 days
thinkin about clara oswald again. little freak of a woman. i remember people being like "ugh she's just a generic companion" in s7 and like i can see why people would think that but the seeds are all there. she just needed some time to truly become her most egotistical, controlling, arrogant self. she blossomed into a beautiful awful flower and then when she got her comeuppance in face the raven, two eps later moffat was like akshually. she should get everything she wanted (minus the doctor) (but who needs the doctor when you can be the doctor) and he was so right for that. love her forever and ever
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telepathicfeline · 20 days
i actually dont think there's anything funnier than people watching a show or whatever bc they heard it allegedly had gay people in it then getting upset when it includes incredibly normal genre specific tropes that they personally dont like, like maybe you should have checked that before you watched it king and then they get mad at the show for being the show that it is instead of embracing it for what it is. like I'm so sorry that axe murderer 30000 had axe murderers in it and didnt have a happy ending and was really violent but i do think there are some context clues around it that could have let you pick up on that
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telepathicfeline · 24 days
Yo, Macklemore, what the fuck?
Dressing up like a Jewish caricature isn't anything but straight up antisemitism.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
"lol jews find so many loopholes in their own religion they must hate being jewish" damn just say you're uncreative and have never examined your own religious texts further than the exact words written down on the paper. just say you take everything at face value and you never enjoy reading between the lines to gain a new understanding of something. it's ok, we all see it already
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
Why is it that it never seems to occur to y'all that Jews who oppose the war in Gaza, or name the Nakba or the apartheid system in the West Bank as things that exist and are bad, or oppose Zionism, are doing it out of actual sincere desire for justice and ethics?
Why do you always assume we're doing it to be "good Jews" or to save our skins or for social media clout? It's never occurred to you that we oppose the war in Gaza because people in Gaza are suffering and we actually sincerely care about that?
Honestly the level of false motives you ascribe to us would be antisemitic if it was coming from goyim.
And it's just disrespectful. Feel free to disagree with us. But please for half a second assume that we're not doing this to try to earn cookies from goyim.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
Friendly reminder that A Land for All is an excellent organization that is still, even now, working to create an equitable resolution to the conflict. Please check them out:
I also strongly recommend reading through their full proposal here.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
Do the people who think that Jews are not an oppressed group know that the word “ghetto” was created specifically for us?
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
about to say something mean but i feel like every "male-specific" issue is something that also happens to women its just that a lot of you dont seem to see women as people
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
Did christian communities only ever persecute jews on a large scale during times of uncertainty and low fortune or are there examples of prosperous societies engaging in pogroms and the like?
Hi friend, hope you’re well!
Now, as you noted, on average (and there have been studies on this, if anyone wants to leap behind the paywall), persecution in Christendom against Jews was typically higher during periods of instability (economic issues, political turmoil, epidemic illness, etc.)
However, yes, there were periods of widespread persecution that weren’t directly linked to a specific scapegoating need and instead had their roots in religious hatred. One good example are the Crusades.
Now, this isn’t to say that the Crusades did not have economic or political aims in addition to their religious ones - they did - but rather that the slaughter of the Jews of Europe had little to do with those, and was largely a matter of religious fervor and convenience on the crusaders’ paths to larger aims against the Muslim world. (Now whether we’d consider any of those Christian kingdoms/provinces/city-states prosperous is perhaps up for debate, but the driving force of the persecutions wasn’t particularly linked to lack of prosperity.)
And the Crusades certainly did wide-scale damage, reducing (through, y’know, murder and swordpoint conversions) the Jewish population of Europe by over 90% over a few centuries.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
shoutout to all my followers who don’t hate me yet
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
There's this perception on here among neurodivergent people that neurotypical social behaviour is all fake and arbitrary. That it's a cruel, baseless game played to "weed out" ND people or to cause pain and complicate things on purpose.
This is wrong. All of those social rules and nuances ARE communication. Sorry if this is rude but it's not the NTs' fault if things don't gel- the gap goes both ways. Just because communication doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it's random or purposeless. Remember this post?
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Every interaction in an NT conversation has purpose, and communicates something, and I don't understand why nobody ever explains this to ND people. There's information on basic stuff like facial expressions, but never what any of it actually means.
Small talk about the weather isn't about the weather. It's about how nice it is to be around the people you're talking to, or feeling out their understanding of the world, or just saying that you're both present and people and you're being people together. It's not literal. The words are, but the broad scope isn't.
A conversation is not just an exchange of words, it's an exchange of acknowledgement, attention, and emotional understanding. Of course it confuses people when their part in that exchange is met with flat affect or unembelished words. It's like looking in a mirror and not seeing your reflection.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
The tumblr experience is having politics that make the most left leaning progressive you know irl blush and then logging on here and getting called a bootlicker fascist because you said that you dont think we should make the reign of terror happen again
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
By reciting the Haggadah, Jews give their children a sense of connectedness to Jews throughout the world and to the Jewish people throughout time.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l, The Chief Rabbi’s Haggadah (Essays), p. 2
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
I would like to not feel soul crushing anger every minute of the day... but the world is the way it is so I guess I can't.
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telepathicfeline · 1 month
I hate... fanon archetypes. You know how people sand down their blorbos to fit into the same handful of incorrect quote templates and then they forget their actual canon personalities because they've gone too long without engaging with the source material? I hate it. I hate it. He would not fucking say that. The joke was slightly funny when it was on the office or whatever but we've all heard it over and over with different characters pasted into it how are you still laughing please let me out
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