@frankenjoly‘s entry for Black History Month. Yvette voices her complaints about Saul Henderson.
My February entry for @telltalemonthlychallenge
By that cut content (if I recall correctly and it’s not actually officially there) Henderson was racist, so I guess Yvette couldn’t stand him and avoided him as much as she could.
Also part of Vasquez’s bullshit in ep 1 can come off as transphobic and trans Rhys is my default soooo either being the case or not, when in doubt it’d be minimizing risks of dealing with crap.
“Any feedback for this plan?”
Right after Rhys finished his question, Vaughn instantly opened his mouth, but Yvette was quicker than him.
“Yes.” She left her glass on the table, crossing her arms. “We switch. You deal with Henderson, I deal with Vasquez. It’s a core requirement for it to work better, unless we’re changing something more.”
“Why?” Rhys asked back at her, genuinely curious. She had a bit more experience in Hyperion than Vaughn and him, so it always was definitely worth a shot.
“Why?” She snorted, raising a hand to take a braid out of her face. “I’m not dealing with Henderson, it’s gonna be a loss of sanity gone to waste. Guess you’re wondering why, as you haven’t been here as long as I had. But that guy…” She paused, now lowering her hand a bit to point at herself, making a few circles with her index finger. “… seems to have a problem with this.”
“Your looks?” Both the guys asked at the same time.
“Imagine which part.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, right?” Yvette didn’t try to conceal a tired sigh. “So, for not blowing it, I’d rather reduce my interactions with him to the bare minimum so I don’t end up puking my lunch over his shiny new shoes. That’d be lame, for doing something I’d rather come up with a plan to sweep the floor with him.”
“Sounds like you already have some ideas.” When she nodded, Rhys chuckled.
“They’re still on the works, but depending on what you tell me when you’re dealing with him…”
“Got it, we’re definitely switching.”
“Plus.” Vaughn added quickly. “If what I’ve heard about Vasquez’s true, doing that’s gonna have benefits for you too, Rhys.”
“Pfft, a few stuff of what you’ve heard it’s probably true.” Yvette didn’t seem impressed or surprised, more like… well, prepared to be more disappointed if there was new dirt. Most people there had at least one skeleton inside their closets, and the higher you were up in the company’s hierarchy, the most likely it was. “But go on.”
Vaughn wasn’t feeling as confident as her when it came to talking not-so-greatly about a superior, so he sure wasn’t going to spill the details without taking a few precautions. So he leaned in, gesturing to his friends to do it too in a way it didn’t seem too suspicious, lowered his voice a bit and only then started talking.
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February’s theme is: Black History Month
In observance of Black History Month, we give a spotlight to the characters of color who made a profound impact on Telltale’s various games. We welcome all works featuring Lee Everett, Clementine, Lucius and Tiffany Fox, Yvette the Lunch Leech and others.
All types of fanworks are free game: fanfic, poems, videos, edits, metas, gifs, art, music, whatever you’re inspired to make! There’s no length or time requirement–the only rule is that it must feature characters from (at least) one of the Telltale Games.
You can submit at any time during the month. If you’re just lousy with inspiration, we’re happy to accept multiple works, as long as they satisfy this month’s challenge Please tag it #telltalemonthlychallenge. Works will then be reblogged here.
We DO allow NSFW, but please be respectful and tag it as such.
Feel free to post your work on other platforms, too, such as AO3 or FFN. If this catches on enough, we might even set up a Telltale Monthly Challenge Collection on those sites.
Lastly, have fun with it!
(NOTE: Since I was a few days late in posting this theme, I will give a four-day grace period in March where I will still accept pieces for February’s theme.)
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Only two entries for “It’s The Only Way,” but shout out to both of them!
"Lose the Stache”, a gifset by @michellespenscratchz
“Fix Pandora,” a ficlet by @frankenjoly
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When Jack asked what Rhys would do if he ruled Hyperion, the only choice for @frankenjoly is “I’d Fix Pandora.” (At least if Rhys knows what’s good for him, in Sasha’s eyes.)
Fix Pandora
My entry for January’s @telltalemonthlychallenge prompt: It’s the only way. The “I’d fix Pandora” option it’s one of the ton I’ve chosen all 3 times I’ve already played, and thought about mixing it with an idea I had from long (and already sort of used in RP).
“And… what did you answer?” Sasha asked right away, and by the look on her green eyes, it was crystal clear for Rhys how it was a key question.
A question based on another one, as Jack’s AI had asked not so long ago what he would do if he had Hyperion’s resources, something that didn’t happen as he refused to take the chance when said AI had offered it to him. But as Atlas was now Rhys’ and he was successfully raising the company from its ashes… Well, no wonder Sasha wanted to know what he chose.
“I said I’d fix Pandora.” Admitted, briefly looking away as Sasha already had a sly remark.
“That’s what all say they’re gonna do, fix Pandora. And lemme tell you, most of them say it like we desperately need an outsider savior to help poor dumb us. And then just care about making profit.” She said, making dramatic gestures as she talked, and making Rhys smirk, even when they both knew it was a serious topic. But, not forgetting either how she intended to get her full point across, Sasha also didn’t mean it to make it a lecture or an attempt to shame him. “Coming from you, anyway, I’m pretty sure you meant it.”
“I was, yeah.” He answered, resting his head on Pandora’s shoulder. “And I mean it now. There’s a lot of people like you or Fi, who struggled for years, and deserve better.”
“Good, we’re on the same page about this.”
“Please, Sash, tell me you weren’t planning on leaving me depending on this answer.” Though he said it jokingly, deep down Rhys was legitimately wondering so.
“Noooo.” Her responding in the same amused tone… didn’t give him any clues. “Now seriously, if you still talked shit about Pandorans, I wouldn’t even be here in the first place. Talking shit about the planet has a pass… depending on what you say.”
They shared a few giggles, and stayed in silence for a while, Sasha’s hand running through Rhys’ hair, now free from the gel he used in his daily routine. A silence that stayed till he asked his own question.
“What would you say if I actually put a project to make things better there in the works?”
She didn’t even have to think about it.
“I’d say, if you wanna improve Pandorans’ lives, put another Pandoran on the job.” Said, clearly offering herself as a volunteer. “You know, for the insight.”
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Fiona looks death in the eye and tells it to lose the mustache.
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For the @telltalemonthlychallenge “No Other Way” theme.
My Fiona was an unrepentant sassy bitch, especially to Finch and Kroger. The fate of Rhys’ facial hair in Borderlands 3 made it doubly impossible for me to choose any dialog option but this.
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Happy 2021!
January’s theme is: It’s The Only Way
Over time, after multiple Telltale playthroughs and multiple options chosen, those end-episode stats had a way of leveling off to near 50%. But there were always a few that stayed very steadfastly on one side or the other. This month is dedicated to those choices that you absolutely have to make every single time.
All types of fanworks are free game: fanfic, poems, videos, edits, metas, gifs, art, music, whatever you’re inspired to make! There’s no length or time requirement–the only rule is that it must feature characters from (at least) one of the Telltale Games.
You can submit at any time during the month. If you’re just lousy with inspiration, we’re happy to accept multiple works, as long as they satisfy this month’s challenge Please tag it #telltalemonthlychallenge. Works will then be reblogged here.
We DO allow NSFW, but please be respectful and tag it as such.
Feel free to post your work on other platforms, too, such as AO3 or FFN. If this catches on enough, we might even set up a Telltale Monthly Challenge Collection on those sites.
Lastly, have fun with it!
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All four “Remembrance” entries were for Tales from the Borderlands
"Money Isn’t Everything,” a Rhys-themed poster by @monday-headache
“Sasha Will Never Forget That,” a ficlet by @frankenjoly
“Vaughn Will Remember That,” a ficlet by @416lottie
“Scooter Will Never Forget You,” a gifset by @michellespenscratchz
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“Scooter will never forget you.”
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I tried a gifset. :)
For @telltalemonthlychallenge‘s Remembrance theme. Fiona remembers Scooter.
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Vaughn remembers Fiona’s thoughtful gesture of buying him the glasses from the Quick Change.
Vaughn Will Remember That
My entry for the @telltalemonthlychallenge​ December theme, “Remembrance.”  This is my first time publicly posting any of my fanfic writing and I’m incredibly nervous about it. But here we go!
Inspired by the “Vaughn will remember that” you can get in Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3, if you have Fiona buy Vaughn glasses from the Quick Change machine.
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Vaughn wandered through Hellion Hole—the shanty town that the former Children of Helios (now known as the Helios Hellions) had erected in the entrance of the wreckage of Helios in the months after Helios had crashed into Pandora. It was one of those rare days at Helios Fallen where no one had any problems to report. No outdated Hyperion systems were failing. No rival bandits (or worse yet, Vault Hunters) had been seen approaching the base. Nobody even had a case of Pandoran Itchy Foot. In short… it was a good day to be a bandit chief.
For some other bandit chief, anyway. Vaughn had learned to dread the quiet days. The peace and quiet gave him too much time to think. To remember. To feel lost and alone, despite being surrounded by people.
Vaughn retreated into his shack and closed the door behind him. He leaned against it and let out a long sigh.
“Don’t,” the little voice in the back of his head warned. The voice and Vaughn both knew Vaughn was going to ignore it. “It’s just going to bum you out,” the voice continued.
Vaughn sighed again and crossed the small shack to a locker against the opposite wall. He opened the door and pulled the contents out: a small black case and a rolled up piece of paper. He carried them to the desk and sat down in the chair. It had been his own desk chair from his office in the accounting department, and had come through the crash of Helios relatively unscathed. He leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling of his shack, and spun himself around slowly in the chair a few times. Vaughn let the chair come to a halt again, and he leaned forward, reaching for the small black case.
Vaughn opened the case and pulled out the Apollo Visioneers—the eyeglasses Fiona had purchased for him from the Quick-Change machine they’d found in the Atlas Biodome while searching for Gortys’s upgrade. Vaughn pulled the cleaning cloth out of the case and wiped the lenses, even though they didn’t need it. The lenses were spotless, the frame in perfect condition. Unlike the Hyperion Echo-Spex Vaughn was currently wearing, which had scratched, cracked lenses, and a piece of tape holding the frame together at the bridge.
Vaughn supposed that he should press the Apollo Visioneers into service, but… he still couldn’t bring himself to put Fiona’s gift at risk of being damaged by the harsh living conditions that had rendered his Echo-Spex nearly useless. Vaughn still remembered the way the Visioneers had digistructed on his face while he was eating a piece of fruit. He hadn’t been paying attention to what the others were doing, so it had taken him a moment to figure out what was happening. He remembered seeing Fiona standing by the Quick-Change. She’d given him one of her patented winks, and Vaughn had panicked… rattling off the Apollo Visioneers’ technical specs. Fiona had flashed her cocky half-smile, obviously pleased.
Vaughn took off his Echo-Spex and put the Visioneers on. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the new glasses. It had been such a long time since he hadn’t had to try to peer around the cracks and scratches in his lenses.  Vaughn unrolled the piece of paper and flattened it on the desk as best he could. He stared at Fiona’s wanted poster.
“Where are you, Fi?” Vaughn asked. He missed her. Still. He couldn’t forget her. He’d tried.
“Hey, Vaughn,” Vaughn’s EchoComm crackled in his ear.
“What’s up, Reggie?” Vaughn asked.
“We’re not really sure, but there’s a group approaching the base. Fast.”
“Vault hunters, or bandits?” Vaughn sighed.
“It kind of looks like… Dahl,” Reggie said uncertainly, “or ex-Dahl? Bandits who’ve looted a Dahl facility? We dunno. But it feels like trouble.”
“Ok, I’ll be right there,” Vaughn said. He ended the call.
Vaughn stood, and gave Fiona’s poster one last, longing look before rolling it back up and putting the Apollo Visioneers back in their case. He stowed the keepsakes in the locker, and hastily donned his Echo-Spex before rushing out of his shack.
Vaughn was grateful for the distraction. He’d have plenty of time to mope about Fiona’s disappearance after the Hellions repelled the Dahl-attired bandits.
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@frankenjoly‘s entry for the December theme, Remembrance.
Sasha will never forget that
Aka a snippet about my take on how Rhys and Sasha’s relationship started to… well, start. Aka my december entry for @telltalemonthlychallenge
Of course, and to no one’s surprise, Fiona had told her.
The two sisters never kept anything important from the other for too long, and after fighting a Vault monster, Sasha having a near death experience and everything that followed after that… Well, Fiona had to tell her.
She knew since the moment Sasha mentioned the flower, one night in their time back at Hollow Point.
“… and maybe you’re gonna laugh, and please don’t but…” Putting it into words had been difficult, truly. “It was just a flower, and he barely touched me, but when he did that… I felt something I doubt I’ve ever felt. With anyone.” And it was no exaggeration. All of her previous  romantic relationships had been teenage flings or cons, and that was new territory, both exciting and a bit scary.
To Fiona’s credit, she hadn’t laughed… then, because the day Sasha had admitted to have started liking Rhys was another thing entirely. She couldn’t say she got it, but… come on, it was her little sister confiding in her, and that was quite serious. That was what inspired to interrogate Rhys right before entering the Vault, and she may or may not have kicked him if the answer he gave wasn’t satisfactory.
But it was, and Fiona was to make do with threatening his life if he ever hurted Sasha. He probably wouldn’t, and if he did her sister sure was perfectly capable of reducing him to dust if she wanted… but just in case.
Sasha, on the other hand, hadn’t ‘what if it goes wrong’ as her main concern, not after hearing about Rhy’s feelings from her sister’s lips. Oh, no. She was getting ready to step into action instead.
“Hey, Rhys.” Approaching him with her best (and most genuine) smile already showing, didn’t doubt about trying to go straight to the point. “Wanna chat? Bet you do.”
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Amazing poster for Remembrance. Rhys in the BL3 era reflects on the Maliwan war and the events of TFTBL.
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“Obviously money isn´t everything … Sure, sure i´ts important but … It doesn´t have to drive your existence like it did mine “
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We had three “The Night Is Young” participants, and we appreciate the heck out of them! Here’s the whole lineup.
Guess We’ll Take The Scenic Route by @monday-headache
Bro-Union by @michellespensctratchz
Leap of Faith by @frankenjoly
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Hello again! We’re back from our No-Content November hiatus.
December’s theme is: Remembrance
Telltale frequently assures us that “[X] will remember this,” but was there ever a remembered line that really touched you, like Clementine keeping her hair short? Or maybe you felt there was a missed opportunity for a line to be remembered? (Why didn’t they accept my apology?) Show us how those remembered lines (or should-be remembered lines) affected you.
All types of fanworks are free game: fanfic, poems, videos, edits, metas, gifs, art, music, whatever you’re inspired to make! There’s no length or time requirement–the only rule is that it must feature characters from (at least) one of the Telltale Games.
You can submit at any time during the month. If you’re just lousy with inspiration, we’re happy to accept multiple works, as long as they satisfy this month’s challenge Please tag it #telltalemonthlychallenge. Works will then be reblogged here.
We DO allow NSFW, but please be respectful and tag it as such.
Feel free to post your work on other platforms, too, such as AO3 or FFN. If this catches on enough, we might even set up a Telltale Monthly Challenge Collection on those sites.
Lastly, have fun with it!
(”The Night Is Young Master List will be posted later today.)
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The Telltale Monthly Challenge Blog has decided to observe No Content November, and will not be giving a new challenge this month. 
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No Content November
What is No Content November?
No content November is an invite to all creators that share their work on social media for free. The proposal is a month of no content at all (except paid content, like Patreon, Commissions, etc.)
What is the goal?
To show how much creators work everyday and how internet would look without all of what we do for free, and a lot of people take for granted. No at. No witting. No videos. Nothing.
How do I participate?
During the month of November, don’t share on social media any sot of work that isn’t paid.
If you are not a creator and want to participate, show your support to your favorite creators by sharing and rebloging their work!
+++ This is not a movement trying to guilt trip anyone, it’s a genuine problem million of creators face everyday, and sometimes actions speak louder than posts calling your followers to please share the work they decided to followed you for.
Our work can’t reach far if it isn’t with your help. A lot of people can’t support the content creators with money, because it’s hard, but there are other ways of show your support.
I’m not the first to say it, and I probably won’t be the last, but sharing, rebloging, sending nice comments, showing you enjoy the content, that is more helpful an valuable than you can imagine.
With reblogs you help us reach new people and you inspire us to create more content than before!
Thank you for your attention, and hopefully we can make the internet a friendlier space for content creators!
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One last-minute entry for “The Night Is Young.”
Yeah, sometimes I write Sasha one-shots too. And yeah, it's based on RP stuff.
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There was a Telltale Stranger Things game in the works right before the company went under. The composers have just released the soundtrack on Youtube. Give it a listen next time you’d like some mellow (or maybe not so mellow) synthwave in the background.
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A glimpse into Rhys and Vaughn’s reunion at the end of Borderlands 3. (It is very easy to mistake the night for being young on a planet with constant asteroids blocking out the sun.)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Borderlands (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rhys & Vaughn (Borderlands) Characters: Rhys (Borderlands), Vaughn (Borderlands) Additional Tags: Drabble, Drabble Collection, Drabble Sequence, Post-Borderlands 3 (Video Game), Post-Canon, Bromance, Epic Bromance, Reunions, No Romance, Kinda Slashey if you want it to be though Series: Part 15 of Scattershots Summary:
Some of those friends, you can go forever without seeing them, and then just pick right back up where you left off.
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