temaak2013 · 4 years
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temaak2013 · 5 years
Awesome printers from #MRRF2019
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temaak2013 · 6 years
Ruby Red An Example of What Weed Killer can Do!
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temaak2013 · 6 years
Well our No Tailed Cat has garnered a full and proper name he is now called Mister NT Aries, Mister NT for short. I have watched Mister NT for months sculling about our yard grabbing a meal where he could until he finally just walked up one Thursday morning and announced his presence and ever since then though really shy around strangers he is no stranger to us.
Mister NT has a spot set up in the garage so he can stay safe and warm through the winter, I do however bring him in the house on occasion. The first time I brought Mister NT is he laid on the couch so relaxed and took a long needed nap as Dodge  “our English Mastiff” stuck his big head right a top of NT most cats I’ve been around would have clawed the crap out of Dodge then runaway to find some place to hide. Not NT just laid there not a hiss or a growl he just let it happen. NT let Thor “our MinPin Jack Russell” jump up next to him no reaction NT let Lexi “our German Shepard Mix Breed “sniff and check him out and still no reaction. The dogs have been overall excepting of the newbie in the house. Percy “our cat” has not had an overall good reaction toward NT she runs up and wacks, hisses, growls then Percy runs away, still no reaction from NT he just lays there with no reaction like “Ahh Whatever”.
Over the past few weeks of bringing Mister NT Aries in for short spurts Percy throws her little temper tantrums and still attempts to take off after him and she still gets no reaction. Mister NT doesn’t move growl or hiss he just looks at Percy like “Whatever I’m in from the cold and I’m going to enjoy it! And no matter how much you try you won’t get a reaction from me.” I’ve held Mister NT Aries he’s a pretty dang solid healthy cat he could mess Percy up if he wanted but doesn’t. Now the reaction from Dodge and Thor when Percy attacks NT is beyond interesting they both wedge themselves between the two cats Dodge will herd Percy away from NT and Thor will jump up next to NT as if to say “ you’re ok Percy will come around just hang in there.” Lexi will come up and put her head next to NT as if to try to give him comfort, and after Percy calms down a bit all three dogs in their own weird way let Percy know even though she’s being a butthead they still love her.
I don’t know where Mister NT Aries came from all I know is that it seems over a period of months before he formally introduced himself he was checking us out. Mister NT Aries comes with a calmness a peacefulness I’ve never seen before in an animal he just seems to roll with the punches, which I think is pretty gosh darn cool and I think something could be learned from him.
And No Mister NT Aries is not going anywhere unless he chooses to move on he is free to come and go as he pleases!
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temaak2013 · 6 years
Michiana Trials Team April 27, 2018 Practicing
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temaak2013 · 6 years
Well the New Year is just tomorrow! and well kind of tired of all the bickering on facebook about politics. Thing is if that is life is way more than politics it’s about being creative and moving forward, it’s about the darn cat that shows up on your door step hungry and needing a warm safe place to sleep it’s about the little things. I have forgotten that for a long time!
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temaak2013 · 11 years
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temaak2013 · 11 years
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temaak2013 · 11 years
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temaak2013 · 11 years
Fireworks somewhere in Indiana 2013 (by karaline VanDiepenbos)
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temaak2013 · 11 years
Just stuff we've done.
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temaak2013 · 11 years
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temaak2013 · 11 years
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temaak2013 · 12 years
Our Facebook page is the place I try my best to keep everyone updated on our current work..
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temaak2013 · 13 years
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This stone came to us in the summer of 2010 two weeks before the fair, this was one of those "holy smokes" type deals. The stones surface was absolutely horrible, really no redeeming qualities about it on the surface. But closer examination revealed a true possibility. Well what were we to do? The outside of the shop was covered in large boulders ready for us to carve something into them, and we were on a deadline, do we keep the stone the way it was or do we take the liberty and do something creative.
We took the artistic liberty to reveal what mother nature was hiding from the rest of the world the stone revealed such spectacular color. Who would have thought just an ordinary boulder from a farm had such beauty locked inside.
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temaak2013 · 13 years
Awesome job on the costume "Rosie The Riveter" you look just like her strong and beautiful.
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temaak2013 · 13 years
This species is called Siena.
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