tempest-muse · 5 years
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tempest-muse · 5 years
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tempest-muse · 5 years
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tempest-muse · 6 years
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tempest-muse · 6 years
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tempest-muse · 6 years
Nobody is shaming you for being vegan until you outright shove your beliefs down everyone else’s throats. Why does it matter so much to you if people aren’t vegan? Smh
Hmmm, why would it matter to me that people continue to exploit and slaughter animals, what possible reason could there be?
Cows only produce milk when pregnant and after birthing
Dairy cows restrained and forcibly impregnated
Dairy calves taken from their mothers
Calf seperation causes extreme distress
Dairy calf mother’s exhibit prolonged depressive states
Dairy calves killed after birth
Dairy cows killed when production slows
22.1% of female cows sent to slaughter pregnant
Throat slitting as kill method standard industry practice
Egg hens live 12-18 months
Hens kept in constant bright light to manipulate cycles
Poultry have the end of their beaks seared off
Poultry cannibalising due to overcrowding
Chickens dragged through electrified pools
Male chicks ground up alive
Free range does not mean kept outside
Free range no requirement for number of birds, space per bird, or slaughter method
Most piglets castrated without anasthetic
Most caught fish die from suffocation and stress
Current demand for animal products can only be met by factory farming
Illegal in several states to film conditions inside slaughterhouses
Emerging diseases in managed populations of bees could be a significant cause of wild bee decline
Queen bees artificially inseminated
Queen bees wings clipped
Beekeepers using smoke to panic and disorient bees
Beekeepers burning hives during winter to cut costs
Managed honey bees compete with wild pollinators and lower the effectiveness of their pollination
Meat consumption driving global species extinction
UN urges move to meat and dairy-free diet
UN’s report on environmental impact of animal agriculture
Animal waste causing ocean dead zones
Beef production linked to deforestation
Global meat production and consumption continue to rise
Animal agriculture water use unsustainable
1,000 gallons of water produce 1 gallon of milk
1/3 of planet’s  land surface and 2/3 of available agricultural land used for grazing farmed animals
2.5 acres of land are used per cow
Between 65% and 88% of  the deforestation of the Amazon is due to cattle ranching
Leather production uses harmful acids, salts, fungicides, bactericides, chromium, sulphides and sulphates
100% of water used in tanning discharged as poisonous effluent.
Animal agriculture responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions
Emissions for agriculture projected to increase 80% by 2050
7 million pounds of excrement  produced by animals raised for food in US per minute
Farm with 2,500 dairy cows produces same amount of waste as city of 411,000 people.
2.7 trillion marine animals pulled from oceans each yeah
For every 1 pound of fish caught up to 5 pounds of unintended marine species caught and discarded as by-kill
2 billion pounds of bycatch pet year
300,000 small whales, dolphins and porpoises caught in nets per year
37 pounds of “feeder” fish to produce 1 pound of commercially sold fish
Fishing severely damaging local ecosystems
Wild bees better pollinators than domestic honey bees
Domestic honey bees spreading diseases to wild bees
Domestic honey bees not endangered, many species of wild bees are.
Thousands of seals being shot to keep salmon industry going
Eating vegan could save 8.1 million human lives per year
Animal agriculture severely effecting local communities
Human rights abuses rife in slaughterhouses
Prevlance of PTSD and alcohol abuse in slaughterhouses
Alcohol abuse prevalent in slaughterhouse workers
Slaughterhouse workers have high rates of injury
Many slaughterhouse workers poor immigrants with no other choice
Workers at animal farms exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria
Many workers in slaughterhouses and meat-packing plants face real risk of losing limbs
Animal agriculture industries delay compensation claims from workers and take reprisals against those who file them
Poultry workers denied breaks, forced to wear diapers
Livestock consume 70% of all grain we produce
Livestock consume 75% of all soy we produce
Livestock accounts for 1/5 of all water use
An acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 50,000 pounds of tomatoes, or 250 pounds of beef.
Water footprint of any animal product larger than water footprint of a wisely chosen crop product with equivalent nutritional value.
Farmed animals take in more calories than they give out in meat
4 billion people globally live on a primarily plant based diet
Animal agriculture heavily subsidised by taxpayer
Indigenous communities threatened by ranching
Counties with larger nonwhite populations home to more factory farms
Animal agriculture industries structurally racist
Over-fishing threatens the food security of around 200 million people
Food shortages could force the world to give up meatNone of these are “beliefs”, they’re facts, and my telling you about them doesn’t constitute “shoving my beliefs down your throat.” I can appreciate that not knowing any of these things is convenient for you when you want to continue consuming animals, but you can’t expect others to help you maintain your ignorance when lives and our planet are at stake.
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tempest-muse · 6 years
“We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.”
— Andy Goldsworthy
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tempest-muse · 6 years
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tempest-muse · 6 years
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tempest-muse · 6 years
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Follow us @funnyveganmemes for the FUNNIEST vegan memes on the internet!
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tempest-muse · 6 years
Sometimes in late summer I won’t touch anything, not the flowers, not the blackberries brimming in the thickets; I won’t drink from the pond; I won’t name the birds or the trees; I won’t whisper my own name. One morning the fox came down the hill, glittering and confident, and didn’t see me—and I thought: so this is the world. I’m not in it. It is beautiful.
Mary Oliver, October (excerpt)
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tempest-muse · 7 years
Someone asked me what home was and all I could think of were the stars on the tip of your tongue, the flowers sprouting from your mouth, the roots entwined in the gaps between your fingers, the ocean echoing inside of your ribcage.
E.E. Cummings (via thelovejournals)
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tempest-muse · 7 years
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Fungi, Jill Bliss
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tempest-muse · 7 years
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And then everything starts to click..
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tempest-muse · 7 years
your smile. is the ultimate golden dream. all the poems in the world are waking up from.
Sanober Khan (via thelovejournals)
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tempest-muse · 7 years
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Summer storm
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tempest-muse · 7 years
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