temporalthinker · 5 years
Every single odd number has an “e” in it.
643K notes · View notes
temporalthinker · 7 years
The fact that nobody is talking about Secret’s new commercials pisses me off
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temporalthinker · 7 years
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Here it is: Best stuff first
Extremely handy if you follow a lot of people and hate missing anything good. 
Best Stuff First moves the best stuff on your dashboard—mhm!—right up to the top. 
It’s rolling out this week on iOS and Android, and comes with this Help Center article.  
Thanks! ✌️
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temporalthinker · 7 years
Please Help
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I don’t like to bother and this is a long read, so I apologize a bit in advance, but I’m in a situation where I must do this.
Some of you know my situation and I know some of you really worry about it, but for those who don’t I’ll try to sum it up: Up until recently I lived in Venezuela, which as many of you know is currently a dictatorship where civil rights are trampled over daily and basic stuff like food, medical attention or even clean water were near impossible to obtain.
During the protests in these few past months I was pointed at with a gun by someone because people were robbing a supermarket near my apartment and I decided I couldn’t take it anymore so I took my little savings and went elsewhere. It was hard and I went through some hardships like government refusing to issue passports and highways being blocked because of protests (Nearly missed my flight), but I made it out in the end.
Sadly, now that I’m in another country, things are really looking up.
I chose Chile because of its inmigration laws making the whole process easier than other countries, at least for me as a Venezuelan. My plans were to rent a small place, work and well, survive just like back in Venezuela; I did find a small place with some basic furniture that runs me about $600 a month (Including water, electricity and good it goes up to about $850-$900 a month).
I know it doesn’t sound like much for many, but since I haven’t found a job yet and my only source of income is Patreon and commissions it’s been quite stressful, because Patreon’s income tends to fluctuate monthly and I get 2-3 commissions a month if I’m lucky and I’m already cutting down on food and eating twice or sometimes once a day.
Some of you might wonder why I’m not working I bet. Laws here state that I need a permit in order to work or be hired, said permit takes an average of 60 office days in being processed, and I’m still waiting for a response (It should take 1.5-2 more months according to some inmigration officers) because the Inmigration Department is currently saturated with work.
My mental health has deteriorated quite a lot these months, to the point were I suffer anxiety attacks almost daily, constant depression, my apetite has gone down a lot and I have stress bouts that give me strong headaches, all because losing patrons or barely getting any notes on my work.
I have asked openly others for advice regarding how to raise my popularity, which characters would people like to see, if they want me to see me try a new style or something, asking others for publicity, etc. I really don’t even know what to do at this point and I’m seriously wondering if my work is so bad that there’s nothing to be done about it, being honest I wish I could do anything else but this is all I have and I’m afraid of starving or ending up homeless, I’m in a new place and I don’t even have a safety net here or back in Venezuela. I can’t even go back to my old country anymore with the current shit going on.
The point of this post is just to ask of you to please share my work in your networks if you can, my Patreon ads or just my page (FB, Tumblr, etc). Tell your friends about it, spread the word, reblog if possible, so people know about my work and hopefully help me out by commissioning me or pledging on Patreon or something. Heck, if you don’t want to pledge or want a commission done and still want to help me somehow I could accept some aid via Paypal.
If you really can’t help in any way, not even sharing or hitting the reblog button in this or my work, it’s okay. I’m not gonna get upset or anything, just know that I’d be infinitely grateful for some help in these dire straits I’m in. Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/doctor_anfelo
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temporalthinker · 8 years
Reblog if 2017 is the year we stop interrogating d/Deaf/HoH people
If a d/Deaf/HoH person tells you that they are d/Deaf/HoH, you believe them. No questions asked.
If a d/Deaf/HoH person wants to communicate orally with/or without lip reading, using sign language, gesturing, cued speech, using their cell phone, or pen and paper, you respect their decision. No questions asked.
If a d/Deaf/HoH person speaks, do not comment on the “quality” or “tone” of their speech. If they choose to speak to communicate that’s their choice, no matter how it may sound to you. No compliments given, no criticism given, and again, no questions asked.
If a d/Deaf/HoH people talks/listens on the phone, uses hearing aids/cochlear implants, speaks clearly, grew up hearing, reads lips, etc, you will respect what they tell you about their being d/Deaf/HoH. No questions asked.
2017 is already an amazing year for equality, support, solidarity, and inclusion. Let’s band together to make the lives of d/Deaf/HoH people a little easier, and allow them to breathe easier when communicating with hearing people. 
Please reblog and add your own “d/Deaf/HoH No Questions asked”! I want to see what y’all have to say! 
Keep reading
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temporalthinker · 8 years
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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temporalthinker · 9 years
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temporalthinker · 9 years
Jesus Christ
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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temporalthinker · 9 years
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For future reference.
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temporalthinker · 9 years
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bon voyage, pig
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temporalthinker · 9 years
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temporalthinker · 10 years
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260K notes · View notes
temporalthinker · 10 years
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400K notes · View notes
temporalthinker · 10 years
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645K notes · View notes
temporalthinker · 10 years
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Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide. 
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temporalthinker · 10 years
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It’s worked for white people, I figured I might as well give it a shot.
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temporalthinker · 10 years
REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches
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1M notes · View notes