temptingdawnrpg · 3 years
What is an amazing storyline? I've often been asked that. My response is, An awesome sl is brought together by dedicated people that love to write and create a total mesh up of fresh and exciting new idea's.
Tempting Dawn is a group of dedicated writers with exciting sl ideas. Not many RPG's listens to the groups ideas as a whole. But we do.
How many RPG's have you seen willing to create a sl of a battle between the Cullens and the Volturi with the outcome of losses for both sides? Or an Imprint leaving behind her wolf to live in the Brazilian jungles with another of her kind, and having a daughter by him?
Or a sl of Jacob and Leah having a relationship despite Jake's Imprint to Renesme?
Tempting Dawn is full of twists and turns
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temptingdawnrpg · 3 years
Open roles
Old Quil
Also in need of kids for
Paul and Rachel
Rebecca and Brady
Kim and Jared
Jake and Leah
Quil and Claire
Must be 21+. Dm @TemptingDawnRPG on Twitter to Audition
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temptingdawnrpg · 3 years
Welcome to Fate of Dawn RPG,a Discord based RPG. We offer Twilight and Legacies. To join this RPG DM @FateOfDawnRPG on twitter  Once approved your discord username will be added to the server for the rpg. All members must be 21+ due to mature content Please read everything below carefully
Rules 1 Have Fun 2 No RP Outside The RPG .What you do off the server is your bussiness 3 No Drama .You cause Drama that isn’t realted to the storyline you will be removed 4 All Potential Members will be asked their real age .Please Be Honest .We are a 21+ RPG 5 No Poaching of any kind 6  No Bullying of any kind.If you have an issue with somone handle it   privately if you can’t talk to an owner .If it can’t be worked out you   may be asked to leave 7 OCs are welcomed and accepted with good back story .Back Stories are not Auditions 8 Couples  will be like the shows and movies if the couple was mated .If they were  not then it’s fair game. Please discuss pregancies and such with owners  and your mate make sure everyone is on the same page Note Please if you are not approved for a role do not cause drama by spreading lies about the RPG that will get you blocked.Be Mature.Also  some roles for Legacies that were on TVD and The Originals that died on  the show will be alive on this RPG example  Tyler,Klaus,Hayley,Klaus,Elijah ,Jenna ,Jo Laughlin ,Stefan .Their will  be unique twists as to why they are alive.
TVD Bonnie Bennett - Owner  - MysticCharmBonBon#5047 Tyler Lockwood - Reserved Damon Salvatore Stefan Salvatore Elena Gilbert - Salvatore Caroline Forbes Salvatore Matt Donovan Katherine Pierce Nadia Petrova Jeremy Gilbert Vicki Donovan Amara Tom Avery Anna Abby Bennett Lucy Bennett Shelia Bennett Enzo St. John Meridith Fell April Fell Mason Lockwood Josh Parker Josette Laughlin Liv Parker Kai Parker Pearl Qeisiyah Silas Rose Marie ​The Originals Freya Mikaelson - MikaelsonHeart#1896 Klaus Mikaelson Cami O'Connell - Mikaelson Rebekah Mikaelson - Gerard Marcel Gerard Elijah Mikaelson Hayley Marshall - Mikaelson Kol Mikaelson Davina Claire - Mikaelson Keelin Mikaelson Vincent Griffith Joshua Rosza Aidan Finn Mikaelson Mikael Ester Dahila Ansel Declan Jackson Kenner Lucien Castle Aurora de Martel Tristian de Martel Monique Deveraux Sophie Deveraux Ivy Legacies Hope Mikaelson - Owner -  tribridbish21#3798 Alaric Saltzman Dorian Williams Emma Tigg Josie Saltzman Lizza Saltzman Landon Kirby Rafel Wailthe M.G Kaleb Stefanie Salvatore Ethan Chad Jade Sheriff Mac Sebastian Malavore Jed
Twilight{Set 10 years after BD
Washington Forks Humans** Charlie Swan
Carlisle Cullen
Bree Tanner
Esme Cullen
Edward Cullen
Nessie Cullen
Bella Cullen
Jasper Cullen
Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Rosalie Cullen
LaPush Humans Billy Black Sue Clearwater Joshua Uley Pack Jacob Black {Alpha} Reserved Leah Clearwater -Leah Clearwater#3676 Quil Altera Embry Call Seth Clearwater Sam Uley Jared Cameron Paul Lahote Brady Fuller Collin Littlesea Imprints Rachel Black - Owner HisCharmRach#2111 Claire Young - ClaireYoung#2969 Rebecca Black Emily Uley Kim Connweller Covens Amazon Zafina Seena Kachiri Brazillian Hulien Nahuel Denali Eleazar Carmen Tanya Kate Garrett Egyptian Amun Kebi Benjamin Tia Irish Siobhan Liam Maggie Nomands Allister Mary Randall Peter Charolotte Romanian Vladimir Stefan Volturi Masters Aro Marcus Caius Mistresses Athenora Didyme Sulpicia Guard Jane Alex Felix Demetri Santiago Afton Gianna Corin Hedi Renata
Current Storyline Twilight Storyline is still being tweaked Group Storyline 10  years after the almost battle with the volturi. Nessie is fully grown and has decided she would rather be Jacob’s friend.Jacob knowing the the  imprinter will anything the imprintee wants is ok with Nessie’s   decision.The imprint pull is still there but it’s not romantic.Jacob   starts to develop feelings for Leah Clearwater and her for him but they hate each other at first mainly because Leah is still hurting from what  Sam did to her years ago and she’s not sure she can let her self fall in  love again .Jacob will eventually earn Leah’s trust and they will be in  love. Sam Uley has decided to step down as Alpha which would  make Jacob would become Alpha .Sam wants to settle down with Emily   slowly stop phasing and run his construction company .  Is Jacob ready   to take his birth right.Jacob has alot to balance between being a friend  to his imprint,his new love to Leah and being Alpha Claire   Young’s mom overhears a conversation about the wolves while in LaPush   visiting Claire when Claire was young.Her mom fears for her safety and   takes Claire from LaPush ignoring everyones advice that Claire is   perfectly safe.With Claire being so young at the time the imprint pull   wasn’t so strong. Years later she moves back to LaPush the imprint pull to Quil is very strong.Quil not wanting to push things on her and take away her choices isn’t sure if they should jump into a relationship   right away Rachel Black has finally saved up enough money from   working ,she’s actually bought her first place. The house does need   work.Sam Uley and the pack own thier own construction company .Most of   the older pack members work there when their not doing patrols,he’s   offered to send some guys out to do repairs on the house .Paul of course  insists on being one of them eventhough he wants her to move in with   him in his house . Rachel is all for them moving in together but she wants him to move in with her make the house their home. Rachel is very  much interested in doing interior design that’s what she went to school  to do along with working on computers which was her job for awhile.Sam  mentions that Esme Cullen has partnered up with the construction company  to do interior deseign for people that have their houses worked on.  Rachel jumps at the chance to work with Esme she always thought she was a  sweet woman and never had any issues with any of the Cullens eventhough  they are vampires. Paul of course is not happy about her working  with Esme because she is a vampire.It doesn’t matter to him that she is  Nessie’s grandma and that there is no treaty with The Cullens anymore  hasn’t been since Jake imprinted on her.He’s being extremely  overprotective of her.Rachel is trying to convince him she’ll be fine  Esme won’t hurt her and she drinks animal blood not human blood .Of  course Rachel’s decision to work with Esme makes the tension between her  and Paul worse mainly because he’s being stubborn eventhough he knows  he’ll do whatever to make Rachel happy eventually
Legacies SL Hope  Mikaelson is a 17 year old Triad living in Mystic Falls at the   Salvatore Boarding School .Her parents are dead her family lives in NOLA  they visit often though.She’s helping Alaric and others keep the kids of SBS safe from Malavore and someone else from the past who’s trying to  get out of the prison world that Bonnie Bennett put him in .He wants to  destroy his nieces and cause drama in Mystic Falls,who better to help  him do that but The Myth,The Legend ,The Baddest Bich Of Them All.Come  you know you want to say her name . Bonnie Bennett returns to Mystic  Falls from travelling the world after Elena Gilbert Salvatore calls her  telling her something weird is going on which is dead supernaturals are  coming back from the dead .Elena informs her that Stefan is back,no sign  of Katherine though yet. Hope Mikaelson is holding out hope that  Hayley,Klaus and Elijah will turn up alive to. Bonnie also has the same  hope that only it’s Tyler Lockwood she wants to walk back into her life  from the dead. Will it happen Stay Tuned to find out
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temptingdawnrpg · 3 years
Breaking Dawn Role Play Group is a 21+ Twitter RPG. We are set 15 years post Breaking Dawn. Both the Uley and Black packs have retired from phasing.
Most of the older pack members have teenage kids that are present pack members. The new pack (yes one pack) is led by Andrew Uley, son of Sam and Emily, and Letty Black, daughter of Jacob and Renesme Black. Shortly after the two Alpha's first phased the two imprinted one one another. Thus allowing the two to lead a full pack side by side.
One year after the formation of the new pack, both Sam and Jake stepped down as Alpha. In a traditional ceremony the two Father's gave their blessing to their two children.
One would think that would solve most of their problems. However this only adds to them. The former pack members step up into the roles as members of the tribal council. Jacob had taken over as Chief after his Dad's passing. No longer being an Alpha provides him with plenty of time to conduct tribal business.
Ten years after the almost fight with the Volturi, Jacob and Renesme welcome their oldest child Letticia into the world. The black hair, brown eyed beautiful child was the first of her kind. A tribrid. Part Human, Vampire, and Wolf. A year later Jake and Renesme welcomed a set of twins, Asher and Aliyah.
Of course the Volturi heard about the three new children. Caius had been enraged. How could the Cullens allow Renesme to have children with a wolf?
Both Alec and Jane had been planning to leave Volterra and the Volturi. The twins had grown weary of Aro and his manipulative ways. Jane had learned of Aro's manipulation, through Felix's betrayal to her. After her transformation, Jane had began to become bored of living within the castles walls. The only time that she and her twin were allowed out was for missions for the Masters.
Upon learning of Jane's thoughts, Aro had ordered Felox to peruse her. To convince her that the two were mates. Of course Felix had followed Aro's orders to the letter. For over a century, Jane had fallen for the ruse. She had truly loved the tall dark haired Guard.
Jane had found out by accident about the ruse. She had been heartbroken. It had been then that she had began to formulate the Voltri's demise. Her twin was the only one that she had told her plan too. Though it had been hard the twins had kept the secret between the two of them.
The twins got their chance to implement the plan with the Voltri's attack on the Cullens.
Upon entering the same clearing as before, Jane's thoughts had gotten Edward's attention. She had given him every bit of the Masters plan. The three weren't leaving without a blood bath this time. The images that Edward had seen in Jane's mind had enraged him. This fueling his desire to end the Volturi.
The battle had been fierce. Both sides fueled by hate. Both sides loosing people. In the end Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Seth, Collin, Tanya, Carmen, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Felix, Chelsea, and Afton were all dead. A new treaty was verbally agreed upon between the Cullens and the remaining Volturi, lead by Alec and Jane.
Shortly after Andrew and Letty move into the new pack house, Letty gets pregnant. Soon the two welcomes a set of twins into the world, Raiden and Raelyn. The Elders and the pack have sworn to protect the future Alpha's at all costs.
What they didn't expect was a nutty vampire that believed himself to be a scientist. Joham, Nahuels Father, has been trying to find a way to create an unstoppable army. At first he was after the female Alpha. Thinking that mated with the right hybrid, the offspring would provide an Army that the world has never before seen.
Sending out his son Loki and his team of rogues, Joham learns about the newborn twins. Thus changing his plans. He orders his team of rogues to kidnap the twins, when the pack and Elders are all distracted. As the team learns about a planned barbecue at the pack house, Joham forms a plan.
Nikko and his team are to provide the distraction while Loki goes in for the twins. Upon arriving at the house, Nikko finds the Quileute's properly distracted by the female Alpha.
Letty had been verbally assaulting her Father. She had learned that Jacob was expecting twins with Leah Clearwater, his best friend. The woman that had helped raised she and her siblings, after her Mother had taken off after the fight with the Volturi.
Renesme had not been able to deal with the pain of loosing her Father. Three months after his death, Renesme had left for South America. Leaving behind her husband and three kids. In South America she had visited Nahuel and his Aunt, who had welcomed her with open arms. Two years later, Renesme and Nahuel welcomed their daughter Cassandra.
Jacob had been devastated when his wife had left. He had been left alone with three young children and his ailing father. As well as his duties as Alpha. A year after Renesme's departure, Jacob had gone to South America. He had seen his wife with the hybrid man. The two had been in one another's arms, when he had seen them from afar.
Jake had returned home heartbroken. Yet determined to be the best that he could be for his children. And he had been with the help of his family and his best friend. During the day, he had tended to the needs of his kids and his people. At night he often drowned himself in the bottom of a bottle.
Four years after Renesme had left, Jacob was served with the divorce papers. Though he had known that it was over with his Imprint, Jake was devastated. He had taken the papers and gone to the only one who could give him solace, his best friend.
Leah has seen her own share of heart break. While still in school, her fiance Sam Uley, had left her for her cousin Emily Young. At the time she hadn't known that the Quileute legends were true. She had only seen their betrayal. She had hated them both.
Even after she had phased and had learned that Sam had imprinted on Emily, she couldn't force herself to forgive them. Being a part of Sam's pack hadn't been easy for her. Being mind linked to Sam while he was thinking about Emily had not been what she had wanted.
When Jake had broken away from Sam's pack, Leah had followed her brother with the excuse that she didn't trust him to take care of himself. At first Jake had insisted that neither she nor Seth was needed. He hadn't gone off to form his own pack. But he hadn't ordered them to leave.
It had been through this time that Jake and Leah had became best friends. Jake had helped Leah through most of her pain in loosing Sam. Leah had helped Jake in loosing Bella to Edward, and Bella's human death. Leah had became Jake's beta. She had been there to help fight off Sam's attack after Renesme's birth.
In the years after the Cullens had moved to Alaska, both Leah and Jake had gone with them. Jake and Leah had taken their relationship beyond a friendship. The two had became lovers. Though Jake had imprinted on Renesme, she was to young for a mature relationship. Leah and Jake had taken precautions against pregnancy.
Once Renesme's feelings for Jake had started to grow into serious feelings, Leah and Jake had gone back to their friendship. Neither wanting to hurt Renesme's feelings, had ever told her of the relationship.
Shortly after ending her relationship with Jake. Leah had found Nikoli Milatos. A native of Russia. Soon the two had became involved. After months together, Nikoli had left without a word. Soon after Leah had discovered that she was pregnant. Both Jake and the Cullens had rallied around her. Helping her through her pregnancy and to raise her daughter.
The night that Jake had received his divorce papers, Leah had just gotten home from work and changed clothes. Leah had met him at the door. As he had came in, he had thrown the papers at Leah before collapsing to his knees.
That night had been the first night that Jake had ever spent the whole night in Leah's bed. That night had been the beginning of new feelings between the two. Jake had stopped spending so much time in the bars with Embry drinking. And more time at Leah's.
Five years after she had left, Renesme had came back home. Jake's house had been her and her daughter's first stop. The two had a heated argument about how things had gone. But Jake had insisted on his Imprint and her daughter staying with him.
Hoping to patch things up with her ex and their older older kids, Renesme had bought a house for both her and Cassandra. After a night spent at the beach, the couple began making up for lost time. Jake has taken in Cass like she was his own. Letty has began the process of forgiving her Mom.
For three weeks Jake has ghosted Leah. Not stopping by to see her or even picked up the phone to call. Leah had discovered that she was pregnant. She had gone to see the new doctor in town. After all of her years spent as a wolf Leah had thought that she would never Imprint. Yet she has. She has imprinted on her doctor, Daryl.
As Nikko and the others had distracted the Quileute's by a staged attack, Loki had gone in through the front door and taken the twins, who had been napping in their bassinets in the livingroom. Ki, Tivon (Embry's son) and Skylah (Paul and Rachel's daughter) was left alone in an upstairs room, unharmed. For it had been the twins that the rogue was after.
Loki had been able to escape with both twins unharrassed. The new pack, along with both of the other packs had given chase to Nikko and the other rogues. The older wolves had been enraged at the distraction of the kidnapping. The three packs had destroyed all but one of the rogues.
Taking Nikko back to the pack house barn, what will they discover? Will they find the newborn twins? Come find out at @TemptingDawnRPG on Twitter
Must be 21+ to join. Plenty of canon roles left. And we do accept OC's with a detailed background.
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