tendophoria · 3 years
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DESCRIPTION: how the haikyuu characters kiss you
WRITTEN FOR: a gender neutral reader
INCLUDES: male and female characters [oikawa, kuroo, sugawara, osamu, yachi, yamaguchi, tendō, saeko tanaka]
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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OIKAWA kisses the back of your hand. His calloused fingers gently graze across your own as he cups your hand in his own. Time feels like it goes in slow motion as he raises the back of your palm against his lip. His eyes gently flutter shut as he places the tender kiss.A feeling so serenity floods through your body as you feel the short puffs of breath coming from him.
KUROO kisses the insides of your wrists. After a long, stressful day, he pulls you away from whatever task. His hands gently hold your arm as he begins to place kisses right on your pulse. He keeps his lips there momentarily— just feeling the full throb of your pulse. All you can do is close your eyes and focus on the feeling of his lips.
SUGAWARA leaves kisses on the corner of your lips. A soft hand always grips your chin lightly— solely focusing on keeping you still. He enjoys the little huff when you feel his soft lips teasing you by avoiding the entirety of your lips. He always claims that it’s “a warmup for later.” It’s incredibly dorky, but it’s cute every single time. Giggles in your ear every time he hears you complain that you want a “real” kiss. He makes you agree to watch a boring movie in return. Spoiler— you cave.
OSAMU kisses you on the lips with an insatiable hunger. He’s used to being around sweets that test his patience— but you’re his guilty pleasure. He will put a little bit of icing on his thumb so he can pretend he’s wiping it off your face. It’s all an excuse to kiss you with the added taste of sweet icing. Those kisses are sweet and slow. They have to be sweet and slow if he plans to canvas every inch of your mouth for the sweet filling.
YACHI gives kisses on the top of your head. She always waits until you’re laying slouched against her figure. Her fingers gently rake through your hair— massaging your scalp with her manicured nails. After a moment, she smooths down your hair so he can comfortably lean down and kiss the top of your head. She laughs and giggles as you try to maneuver yourself so you can kiss her. Fuck, she looks gorgeous as she hides her face in embarrassment.
YAMAGUCHI kisses the palm of your hands. He never fails to remind you that those same, pretty hands are the ones that help him every day of your lives. Those hands take care of you and take care of him, so he wants to pepper them with kisses every single chance he gets. No matter how many time you pull away because it tickles, he always brings them back so he can place a kiss and tell you a reason he’s thankful for you.
TENDO kisses you on the temple. His thumb gently caresses the area, smoothing over the skin before he leans down to place the kiss. His lips stay on the area just a second longer than you expect, but you can’t find it in yourself to complain. While his lips rest against your temple, he feels at peace. His eyes close and his heart rate slows to a comfortable pace. He’s safe like this.
S. TANAKA kisses you right behind the ear. She knows it’s cheeky and unusual, but she can’t stop herself from doing it every time. The initial look of shock always brings a genuine smile to her face. She loves it because it’s so subtle. She can pull you in for a hug and give you a kiss without anybody knowing at all. It’s perfect for her, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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all content belongs to @tendophoria do not copy, translate, modify or repost my works on any other platform— this includes wattpad & ao3
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tendophoria · 3 years
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## ! 🧸 astra! ♡
ʚ♡⃛ɞ nineteen. she/they. queer. unconditional lover.
must be 18 or older to ask for my nsfw blog (DC)
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## ! 🕊 masterlists! ♡
ʚ♡⃛ɞ haikyuu || my hero || jujutsu kaisen || genshin impact
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## ! 🧺 it’s new! ♡
ʚ♡⃛ɞ lips as sweet as sugar— hq multi
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all content belongs to @tendophoria do not copy, repost, translate, or recommend my works on any other platform— including tiktok, ao3, or wattpad
theme by my beloved, sae — love n kisses
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