tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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I want to see Vanitas mess with Sora’s head a bit in Kingdom Hearts III. I think it would be very interesting to see.
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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"Eh.. We could always watch a movie or get an ice cream or whatever." Came Vanitas' reply before he sat up straight and eyed Sora for a moment, "Why do you always have to be preoccupied, haven't you ever heard of a lazy day?"
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"I’m feelin’ so bored t’day. Do ya know what we could do?"
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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Vanitas merely raised an eyebrow and let out a curt grunt of amusement, not intimidated by the brunette's warning in the slightest. He'd have to give her credit though, this one had guts to stand up to him like she was now. 
"Oh? So I take it that you've met many people who supposedly hide behind masks?" He inquired, his tone condescending.
OOC: I'm happy you did! Been meaning to talk to you for awhile now, haha. How are you? xD
[[ -waves- o3o/ ]] "Leave me alone."
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"And why would I do that when I’m having so much fun?” The raven answered with a twisted sense of glee evident in his tone of voice, a smirk playing on his features from behind his glass helmet.
OOC: Hello there! *waves back aggressively*
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
[[ -waves- o3o/ ]] "Leave me alone."
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"And why would I do that when I’m having so much fun?” The raven answered with a twisted sense of glee evident in his tone of voice, a smirk playing on his features from behind his glass helmet.
OOC: Hello there! *waves back aggressively*
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
Angsty Sentence Starters
For those who have met or those who haven’t
"Stay back! I don’t want to hurt you."
"Run, before it gets us!"
"We have to hide."
"You should leave. Now."
"Oh god, is that blood?"
"Oh my god! That man’s insane!"
"Did you hear something?"
"What happened? Where are we?"
"What do you want with me?"
"I’m sorry! Please, don’t hurt me!"
"I’ll kill you. That’s not a threat; it’s a promise."
"How dare you!"
"Leave me alone."
"What do they want with us?"
"Help! Please, don’t leave me here!"
"I should’ve know it’d be you."
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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Extremely belated Birthday set for the Vanitas loving fuck Nicci!
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
OOC: -arms self with a frying pan- You wanna go, mate? > : |
melodiesofmayhem replied to your post:OOC: BRB
[[ -raids the kitchen- :> ]]
OOC: Oh no you don’t -swats away with a spatula D:<-
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
Within the first 24 hours after he'd been admitted in the place Vanitas had managed to piss off the nursing staff, his shrink, had broken one orderly's nose and had gotten to have his first visit to the solitary unit of the facility-- the first of many visits to come. He knew that had been a mistake. He knew that those actions obstructed the easy way out, if there was one at all. Really though, what would've they expected? After being dragged in there against his own will, screaming and seething with anger, did they really think he'd cooperate? You'd assume that the staff would know better since they put up with that kind of shit the whole time. Vanitas had been dobbed in by his adoptive father-- well, the man could hardly be called a father, if anything Xehanort was the bastard who'd caused him to be like this in the first place with the constant physical and mental abuse ever since he could remember.
That had been some time ago, Vanitas wasn't entirely sure on how long he'd been stuck in this loony bin, stuck in the sickening and demeaning white scrubs, stuck being talked to like a child and stuck with the real crazies, all the days seemed to bleed together. I don't belong here, was the raven's mantra, those three words playing on a loop within his mind everyday. Just a few violent outbursts, nothing much really. It doesn't count when they deserve it, when they instigated it. He remembered admiring his handiwork and revelling in his victims pained cries for mercy, watching the crimson liquid pool around their bodies. It wasn't his fault. They started it, remember? So how could he be held accountable?
This is bullshit, I'm fucking sane, I don't talk to myself and yet they classify me as mentally unstable. Don't they understand that people have short fuses?
               -- Apparently not.
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Vanitas sat on the far side of the cafeteria, alone as usual, watching those idiotic teens teasing the mute girl, an occurrence that never ceased to end. If it were him, Vanitas would've wiped the floor with those dickheads but he knew that the girl would deal with it herself when the time was right. His golden eyes averted downcast to his plate, eyeing the food wearily as he poked and prodded it with the plastic cutlery that all patients were required to use, like he was some kind of two year old. He couldn't be too careful, especially since he refused to take the assortment of pills they attempted to shove down his throat everyday and because of this his paranoia on the particular subject compelled him to thoroughly examine the crap they called food for any drugs that they might try to slip him. The only narcotics he'd willingly take, or demand, would be the sleeping tablets when he was having a particularly bad night when he'd keep visualising--
               -- No, don't think about it. Don't you dare.
He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, willing himself to keep his impulses at bay. He'd been pretty good so far, not an outburst in what, 2 weeks? Vanitas couldn't allow himself to succumb to it as it'd ruin his chances of being released but when he opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of the mute girl being harassed by those half-wits, something within him snapped. He didn't understand, the nurses were monitoring the room and yet they'd do nothing about that incessant problem.
               -- Don't- Don't do it, don- Ah, fuck it.
If the orderlies weren't going to do their job then he would. Rising from his seat, Vanitas stalked over to the group of teenagers and grabbed the snot-nosed leader by the back of the head before slamming him face first against the wall. The raven wore a nonchalant expression on his face the whole time, while he walked over, when he grabbed hold of the kid, while he slammed his face into the wall and even while being apprehended by the nurses. Vanitas knew exactly where he was headed; the crisis stabilisation ward that'd he had become oh-so accustomed to. The only time his expression changed was when he was dragged out the doors, cracking a smirk towards the idiot who he'd attacked that was being fussed over by the nurses.
I hope I broke his nose, he thought gleefully, he deserves it anyway.
Welcome to the Freak Show
Red. All there was was red. Across the walls, splattered up onto the ceiling. Though it all paled in comparison to the growing pool on the mahogany of the hardwood floors. The black cotton of a small girl’s dress was wet to the touch, hands coming away red.. as the memory faded— she could barely.. hear.. the.. screams.
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White tile floors. White sterile walls. White new sheets. Blue eyes stared at the offending color. It’s reflectance of light burning into the corneas. The silence of the room was deafening, though the screams echoing through the halls gave way to the idea that there were others out there. Not that she had noticed.
Sitting alone, just like always. Silent. Sterile. Unseeing. The monitors had taken her to meals, to therapy, to the showers and back again. Never leaving her alone. Never ceasing to elicit some reaction from her. It was tiring to say the very least.
The white cotton pajama suit she had been given adorned her small body more snugly than she had thought it could. Her small stature made her look weak compared to other patients. Still, she left her room just as she was instructed. Eyes on her feet, the girl walked to the cafeteria. Pieces of time went missing. She was walking. Sitting. Somehow, food had been placed before her. One moment there was no one in sight, a moment later she wasn’t alone.
"…" A group of teenagers from the floor below her had obviously been scheduled to have breakfast at the same time. They now circled her table, mocking her silence and making comments on her lack of response. They teased her about her meals, how she never touched a single portion on her plate. This was their goal day in and day out—who can make the mute cry first. It was disgusting.
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
melodiesofmayhem replied to your post:OOC: BRB
[[ -raids the kitchen- :> ]]
OOC: Oh no you don't -swats away with a spatula D:<-
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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Handsome..idk(?.. (x)
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
↖Slow as fuck with replies but does it anyway.. eventually..
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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Ventus’ revenge
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
Darkness never will invade our hearts.
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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"Your innocent look won't fool me and you know it." Vanitas was aware that it was the anniversary of the death of Ven's parents and although in actuality it happened awhile back it was still a fresh wound for the blonde that hadn't healed yet seeing as he had only woke up not too long ago. Vanitas didn't know what having parents was like since he was adopted by Xehanort, the prick who had constantly belittled and abused him as he grew up but that didn't mean that he wouldn't be there for Ven on this occasion. Vanitas lifted his arm and ruffled Ventus' hair affectionately, "C'mon, we'll have a lazy day, eh? Movies, video games, junk food, the works." He offered, a small smile playing on his lips.
*sprays with water with an unamused look on his face*
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Gives Ventus an irritated sodonewithyourshit look before proceeding to take the hose and turn it on the blonde.
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
Vantas also heard the ruffling noise but passed it off as a random animal, the last thing he expected was for Ven to tackle him and he hit the deck with a grunt. "Oi, what the hell, Ven?" He questioned, irritation seeping into his tone. It took him a moment to comprehend what had happened; the noise must have scared Ven, although that didn't make him any less annoyed at what happened.
After getting back onto his feet Vanitas peered over to where Ven had been walking and he spotted the culprit.. A squirrel. Vanitas facepalmed himself before turning to back to Ventus, "It's just a squirrel, Ven. Nothing's gonna hurt you out here, unless Slendermen decides to pay us a visit when it gets dark." The raven joked, trying to make light of the situation before he noticed the blonde's teary eyes. What the..?
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows drawn down slightly. He'd never seen Ventus act like this before and it worried him, although he wasn't going to let it show.
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* writes * How did we get into this mess?
9. Lost in the woods.
Golden eyes scanned the heavily forested area with a critical gaze, the dull light filtering through the top of the tree branches told Vanitas that the sun was beginning to set. They’d been out in the woods for at least three hours or so and it had not been enjoyable in the slightest for the raven, he hadn’t wanted to come out here in the first place anyway, it was hot and his allergies had started to play up on him, much to Vanitas’ chagrin. He hated to admit it, but they were lost and it wouldn’t be too long before darkness settled in… Great.
Vanitas brought his hand up to run through his messy raven tresses, the heat having gotten to it and causing his usually spiky hair to drop considerably. An irritated sigh left his mouth and he turned to look back at Ven, a slight scowl marring his features. “Well, we’re screwed.”
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tenebrisaenigma · 11 years
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At first Vanitas was pretty pissed that Ventus had soaked him with the hose, but more so because he'd ruined a completely good cigarette. He kept the hose on Ven until he was tackled to the ground by him which caused him to drop it. "You little shit." He laughed whilst trying to get the hose back before Ven could.
*sprays with water with an unamused look on his face*
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Gives Ventus an irritated sodonewithyourshit look before proceeding to take the hose and turn it on the blonde.
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