tenjiro-sentoki-blog · 12 years
Unacknoledged Roommates @Kisame
He was informed his roommate was just as new to Iwakiri as he was himself, maybe that was a good thing. He had no clue to where as his roommate was, Tenjiro had found his room where he and Kisame would stay together but other than his own belongings there was nothing there. Maybe his roommate had gotten lost, which he didn't blame him if so. Tenjiro had a hard time finding where to go himself.
As he turned a corner he saw a man with blue hair, and blue skin. He didn't look human, more like a shark hybrid. Tenjiro had seen sharks before in the world of the living but nothing like this. He wore a odd cloak, and a humongous sword of some kind lay against his back. Maybe it was a shield, but it had a handle like a sword. Maybe it was his zanpakuto but Tenjiro had never seen him around in his world.
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"Yo, shark boy!" Tenjiro said walking closer to the man trying to gain his attention. "I'm tryin' ta find a man with the name Kisame, ya know em'?"
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tenjiro-sentoki-blog · 12 years
Another Royal Guard Arrives (Open)
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Tenjiro did not know what to except from this place. He wondered who was here, he wondered if any Gotei 13 idiots were here as well. He was given a job, wrestling instructor. He was given a home and a roommate. Kisame, he repeated in his mind. He had never heard this name so he doubted he came from the Soul Society, maybe the world of the living?
"3C-A, eh?" He said annoyed, "This place gotsa be 'round here somewheres." He said knowing he was in the immediate area. Maybe his roommate was there by now, Tenjiro was figuring in his mind what this Kisame looked like. As he was thinking about many things, he could feel a presence. Someone was near, yet they hadn't said anything nor made a sound.
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"Whose tryin' ta hide from the Lighting Speed Tenjiro?" He announced.
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