tenthdoctorsglasses · 2 years
The Mermaid and the Pirate (Part one)
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Will Turner x mermaid!reader
Warnings: brief description of injury but that's really it!
Summary: When Will Turner, travelling alongside Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew, find themselves in a shipwreck, Will is saved by a mysteriously brave mermaid. How will he react when he learns that mermaids are not so much of a myth?
A/n: hey, so this is my first time posting something i've written online eeekk! This story is gonna be in parts, i'm not sure exactly how many yet but i hope you'll enjoy it :)
"Alright, let's see how long it'll take for me to swim out to Rumrunner's Isle today!"
You had been a mermaid for over a year now, and keeping a secret that big had proven itself to be very difficult. Consequently, you had become quite distant from your family, and often had to resort to setting yourself challenges like this one in order to keep yourself entertained.
Being a mermaid had made you into an extremely fast swimmer, and it had also made it easier for you to hold your breath underwater. Therefore, seeing how long you could last swimming long distances served as an easy distraction from your troubles. However, it didn't compensate for the loneliness and despair of having to keep what had become such a huge part of yourself secret. You were afraid of how people would react; maybe they would lock you away forever...or maybe even worse. They would most likely assume you to be a threat, but you knew that you weren't. You were still the same person you had always been, the only difference was that you turned into a mermaid everytime you came into contact with water. You weren't of any danger to anyone. Though, how you would convince them of that, was beyond you.
"Must have been about three minutes that time...not bad!" You thought, as you reached the shore of Rumrunner's Isle.
You had stopped to catch your breath when suddenly you heard people shouting in the distance and what sounded like things exploding. You looked to your left to see an oncoming shipwreck. You didn't even think before diving straight back into the water to go and help. Because if anyone could save those people, it was you.
Once you had made it closer to the scene of the disaster, you could see that there was a lot going on within the wreckage: people screaming while trying to stay afloat, groups of people crammed onto dingies, flames rising from fragments of the ship. However, there was one sight in particular that caught your attention; a man floating lifelessly in the opposite direction. You decided that you should go to him first, as he was completely helpless.
You felt bad for this, but the first thing that you noticed once you had reached him was how strikingly beautiful he was; not the cut on his forehead, nor the fact that he was floating unconscious on a scrap of wood in the middle of the sea. He was very handsome, you thought, as his shoulder length hair lay messy and undone, with some strands sticking to his face. But of course, none of that was important right now; you had to get him safely to the shore. So, you proceeded to grab hold of his waist. You propelled him down from the scrap of wood, which was keeping him afloat. This brought him down to your level, so you held onto him tightly, and kept him as close to you as possible. You used your mermaid abilities to swim him as fast as you could to the shore. Admittedly it was harder to swim fast, while also carrying another person. However, you still made it to the shore relatively quickly. Clearly all of your time spent swimming back and forth between Port Royal and Rumrunner's Isle had paid off. Once you had reached the shore you laid him down on the sand, and just as you did this, his eyes started to flutter open.
"Hello", you said to him, unsure of how else to handle the confusing situation that you were in.
He looked confused, which was understandable given that he had just been knocked unconscious in a shipwreck, but then he glanced behind you and immediately jumped up in fear.
"W-what a-are you?" He said, while slipping his sword out from his scabbard and pointing it at you. You looked behind to see your tail sprawled out, resting on the shoreline. Your tail looked quite magnificent, you thought, shimmering an iridescent glow in the sunlight.
"Dammit" you were becoming frustrated. You had been so preoccupied with saving him that you had momentarily forgotten about the fact that you were a mermaid.
"Look, it's ok" you said, while putting your hands up in defence, but truly you were panicking over the fact that someone else knew your secret, "I'm a mermaid, but I come in peace. I don't want to hurt you, I just saw you out in that shipwreck and dragged you ashore, that's all."
"You're actually a mermaid?" He was utterly perplexed.
"Yes" you responded.
"I'm not sure how I could make it much clearer" you said sarcastically "I mean, I am sitting here with a fully-grown tail".
"That's really quite brilliant" he smiled, while lowering his sword.
"You really think so?" You were completely shocked at his sheer adoration of you, nevermind the fact that he had just immediately accepted you for what you were.
"I do; mythical creatures being real...it's very exciting" he gushed "Especially one as beautiful as the mermaid".
This made you blush.
"I'll have to ask you to keep this a secret though" you explained, "If word got out that I was a mermaid, lord knows what would happen to me. I could end up being experimented on for the rest of my life."
"Of course" he smiled, "Your secret's safe with me"
'Relieved' wasn't a strong enough word to describe what you felt in this moment. To have someone see you as you truly are, and not just merely accept you, but for him to gush over you...that was something far beyond relief. You found yourself overwhelmed with appreciation for his words.
"I must thank you for saving my life" he commended you "What's your name?"
"(Y/n L/n)" you responded.
"Well (Y/n L/n), thank you for your bravery today" he smiled while looking directly into your eyes, caushing you to blush again, "If not for you, then I could be dead right now."
"Oh it was no trouble at all" you tried to downplay your actions, "Besides, i'm a very fast swimmer so it wasn't too hard".
"Really? Is that a perk of being a mermaid?" He asked.
"Something like that" You smiled.
"By any chance, could you help me get to that hut over there?" You pointed, "I use it to dry off after being in the water". You had spent quite some time building that hut out of old scraps and pieces of wood that you found on the beach. You even brought some blankets from your house, so that you could hide your tail if someone was to walk by. You spent so much time there that it almost started to feel like your home.
"Certainly" he nodded, and with one swift movement he lifted you up and held you in his arms.
"I just realised; I don't even know your name" You said
"Will" he responded "Will Turner" and with that, he carefully carried you through the forested area of the beach, up to your hut."
A/n: Part two coming soon :)
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