teresapeltier · 7 years
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(via HBR)
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teresapeltier · 7 years
Those who felt they could express their authentic selves at work were, on average, 16% more engaged and more committed to their organizations than those who felt they had to hide their authentic selves.
Let Your Workers Rebel, HBR
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teresapeltier · 8 years
What do you want to have debated, decided, or discovered at the end of this session that you and the team haven’t already debated, decided, or discovered?
HBR Tip of the Day
A strategy to keep a meeting on point and to feel accomplished at the end of it.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
“You cannot be anything you want to be — but you can be a lot more of who you already are.
Tom Rath, “StrengthsFinder 2.0.”
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teresapeltier · 8 years
A great explanation and demonstration of “noncomplimentary behavior”.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
As more and more employees work offsite, virtual meetings are becoming a necessity. Since it’s harder to “read the room” when you’re not actually in the same room as your team, these meetings can be tricky to navigate. The key is to focus on building relationships. Allow 10 minutes at the start of each meeting for people to connect and catch up with each other. Think of this as your virtual watercooler time, when you can engage in informal conversations. Ask questions about personal lives and families to get to know each other outside the context of work. Once you officially start the meeting, be sure to refer to each contributor by name so that everyone feels recognized and part of the community. When you can, meet face to face with team members. These techniques help lay the foundation for authentic conversation and connection, which ultimately lead to more-effective virtual meetings.
HBR’s Management Tip of the Day
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teresapeltier · 8 years
If the most fundamental definition of design is to solve problems, why are so many people devoting so much energy to solving problems that don’t really exist? How can we get more people to look beyond their own lived experience?... Ms. Helfand calls for a deeper embrace of personal vigilance: 'Design may provide the map,' she writes, 'but the moral compass that guides our personal choices resides permanently within us all.'
“Solving All the Wrong Problems” by Allison Arieff
Interesting thoughts on the role of humanity (and humility) in our “disruptive” world.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
A good reminder that we can always spend more time connecting in the real world, not just the virtual one.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
Framed by WDET is a very interesting project. There was a photographer that we had worked with here and there. He had been doing some photography alongside some audio features. We put them on our website, and he had wanted to put some of them up at a local coffee shop. I thought, well that’s interesting, having these photos up. He told people that they could hear the story at WDET.org. I thought, what if we took it the next step and people could actually hear the story as they look at the photos, so we did a little test, and Courtney Hurtt was the one who really made it happen. A photographer plus Courtney went out and captured stories of Hamtramck’s Bengali community. We installed them in this gallery that was willing to work with us with headphones and little iPod Shuffles in these containers we found at a hardware store. Surprisingly, over 200 people showed up to the exhibit. We had people from the community come who were curious about this gallery in their community. They walked by regularly, but it wasn’t presenting work that they were familiar with. So sometimes they came in a little confused, you see these photos on the wall that represent shops in your neighborhood and there’s audio — what is this? So we just realized that there’s something there, and to be in a room and watch people in a public space put on headphones, engage in listening while looking at photos, and then realizing that they’re in the community where this is taking place, so if you step outside these are people and shops that are right there, but you feel like you have a connection to them.
How Detroit’s public radio station is trying to attract younger listeners
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teresapeltier · 8 years
Ask, listen, refine, deliver - just what the Brooklyn Museum staff did to create a personal and effective app experience. Two thumbs way up.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
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“... Radical Candor, which is the ability to give feedback in a way that challenges people directly, and at the same time shows you care about them personally...
Obnoxious Aggression is what happens when you challenge, but don’t care. Ruinous Empathy is what happens when you care, but don’t challenge — and 80% of management mistakes happen as a result of Ruinous Empathy, in my experience. Finally, worst but also fortunately comparatively rare, is Manipulative Insincerity — when you neither care nor challenge.”
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teresapeltier · 8 years
On the WSKG Celebration Team, we call it “planned spontaneity” :)
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teresapeltier · 8 years
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teresapeltier · 8 years
...few companies are capable of integrating the required data sources, technologies and departments to make omnichannel marketing work. Those in this elite group are there because they have mastered four core tactics: 1. They take an audience-centric approach, not a channel-specific one. Doing so allows the customer to dictate the ideal communication channels, not individual channel managers. 2. They overcome channel silos, both at the organizational and the technological levels. This enables channel integration via improved data sharing and communication. 3. They continually work to make their messaging as relevant and meaningful as possible, regardless of device, channel or content type. Failure to do so results in poor customer experience. 4. And finally, they rely on multichannel attribution to both measure and improve omnichannel efforts. This allows them to take a holistic view of their campaigns and evaluate them without bias.
Making Multichannel Marketing Work: Four Tactics Required for Omnichannel Success - eMarketer
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teresapeltier · 8 years
NPR’s problem isn’t its journalism; it’s packaging.
Voice-recognition technology will kill All Things Considered. Here’s what will take its place.
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teresapeltier · 8 years
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teresapeltier · 8 years
Icebreakers – Change Management
Icebreakers – Change Management @ Experiential Exercises
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