terfsatwork · 7 years
Charly @dzongsar
And, the trans droogs showed up in numbers 2017 with rainbow colored BATS at our @dykemarkchCHI and @womensmarch NYC.
Why are these queer white men getting access to our kids gender knickers?
They should be kept away from children.
Oh, pedosadism, the last taboo 2 out.Charly added,
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terfsatwork · 7 years
Lily Maynard‏ @LilyLilyMaynard
How can a man know how a woman 'feels'? How is it possible to 'live as a woman'? Can you define 'woman' without sexism or elusive feels? Why can't I be black? Or 20? Or a genius? How can a kid be trans without stereotypes? Get your bloody claws out of our children.
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terfsatwork · 7 years
Craig's VCR @Craigs_VCR
Women really fucked themselves over allowing trans women to be included with them.
Now y'all can't do nothing without men being involved.
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terfsatwork · 7 years
afab nb trans woman @FabiBold
Nein, nicht "cis Personen" begehen Morde und andere Gewalttaten an Männern/Frauen/Kindern, sondern -in über 90 % der Fälle- MÄNNER!
Und da du ein Mann bist, bist du Teil dieser Gruppe - daran ändert auch deine "weibliche Identität" und dein "Gefühl, eine Frau zu sein" nichts...
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terfsatwork · 7 years
Centering Women @CenteringWomen
1/ Transactivism has made it clear that there is still a general lack of critical feminist thought, even on the left. Trans rhetoric is incompatible with the basic tenets of feminism - that it has been so enthusiastically embraced shows a shallow understanding of our oppression
2/ Transactivism has co-opted the language of feminism,LGB rights and,most importantly the Civil Rights movement.They appropriate the work and struggles of others and equate anyone who questions them with racists,homophobes and misogynists- nobody wants to be called these things.
3/ "Good, White Liberals" want desperately to establish themselves as "allies" to the marginalized and will pay fervent lip service to social justice without doing anything to dismantle systems of oppression. Transactivists are taking full advantage of this.
4/ Being a "trans ally" lets straight, "cis" men mansplain feminism and berate any woman who disagrees. Being able to threaten women with rape and death, all while being a knight in shining armour, hero to the marginalized - it's every lefty bro's wet dream.
5/ Transactivism doesn't fundamentally challenge the status quo. It doesn't threaten anyone's privilege. It is safe and familiar. It allows everyone to play feel-good ally without requiring the uncomfortable work of real change.
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