terftouch Ā· 6 years
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Iā€™m honestly so glad pride month is over
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
yes!!! women are so great!!
i love being a gay trans man i love trans mlm
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
pride marches in 2030
corporate mascots kissing
kink/ace solidarity
explicit banning of lesbian flag
police pride
$80 entrance fees
bowties are required apparel
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
the trend i hate the most in modern gay vocabulary is people using the wordĀ ā€œfemmesā€ as a replacement forĀ ā€œwomenā€
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
i tried to get the url pussygender and then i had a suden realization that a toerf might have taken it and cthen i checked and it was taken and pussygender was a turf GGGgggg
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
full offense but this obsession with womenā€™s bodies being able to ā€œbounce backā€ after pregnancy is absolutely fucking weird and abnormal. women who, after pushing out a human being from their fucking vaginas, are instantly back in the gym because the very idea of a woman looking like sheā€™s been pregnant is even more proof of our obsession with women never looking like weā€™re actual human beings and instead like weā€™re fantasy images who people (read: men) must never see as imperfect.
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terftouch Ā· 6 years
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
My About. My nameā€™s Tia. Iā€™m 24 this August past as of 2017. Iā€™m trans and Iā€™m in transition. Iā€™ve been officially doing so since I was 19. Iā€™m pansexual. Iā€™m in a relationship for three years now with Jonelle. Sheā€™s 25. Sheā€™s a cis-lesbian, not bi, not str8. And I will defend her and others like her saying that forever. So yes these relationships do work and do exist. And she started it. And she pretty much saved me from slowly dying of a life in utter loneliness and lonership. And I love her. Iā€™m not into clothes, not into make-up. Iā€™m mostly a sweat and tees and hoodies girl and own a few of the stereotypical things but Iā€™m not into all the cutesy things. Short haired, heavy set, food safe semi-vegan (Iā€™m not but totes respect the choices and food needs.) Ex-short order cook under the table, ex-server, berry picker, almond, olive and mushroom harvester and fish plant worker and about a hundred other things to make living cash to survive including sex work a few times. Currently a student starting my 3rd year of Womenā€™s and Gender Studies with a minor in Sociology and I am looking to get into working with kids like me as from personal experience thereā€™s just not enough people to do any of the work that we desperately need in the community. Iā€™m working part time as a bartender in two places and I am a casual Ward aide worker at the hospital. Ex-drug user though never really went any heavier than weed, oil, acid and molly mushrooms and the few odd times. Iā€™m a dyed in the wool Liberal/3rd Wave intersectional Feminist and a stanch supporter of Trans People and of The Equal Rights Movement. The LGBTQAIPD+ community means a lot to me. Anti-Terf, heavily Anti-Terf and for that matter most of the practices of Radfems and 2nd wavers. More on why later. Iā€™m from rural Nova Scotia, Canada. And I mean that in the most redneck and coming out of racism and bigoted ways. I left home from abuse from being trans when I was 14 and it came from all sides of my family except my older brother who was largely not there in reality because of his one issues and them pushing him to cope with self-medication that became addiction. My hometown wasnā€™t much better. Really small and mixed religious but strongly religious. I took what things I could carry and went to my cousinā€™s place three miles away and soul him a lot of my things that he wanted and took the first train out and away to Toronto. I didnā€™t have a damned thing really just a few clothes and lived off of couch surfing from a few trans friendly folks but those places could only be temporary and after a pretty bad first year there including being homeless, assaulted a few times and an attempted rape to getting a sort of a share place in a really crappy sort of share house close to Brampton I left with two friends after someone in the share house didnā€™t take no for an answer and raped me. We took off in an old ford escort and headed for Vancouver. Actually that working and living sort of road trip was one of the best times in my life. Scary thereā€™s a lot of things a lot of folks will try to pull of three girls but we made out okay actually. I learned some things thoughā€¦. The prairies are as flat as a lot of people make them out to be. Regina is a nice city. Saskatoon berries are NOT blueberries. Flapper pie is only good when youā€™re either stoned or are chasing it with strong black tea or coffee. Churchill Falls has really nice people. Winnipeg is really hard to live in without a ride. I like and know how to make really good pierogi and thereā€™s a silent h behind the r when you say it out west. Get groceries when youā€™re passing through anywhere out west. Wages are good even under the table and rentā€™s crazy high but there are things that are wicked cheaper like hamburger or cheese and milk sometimes than in Toronto or they were home. I like the mountainsā€¦ We stayed in Bamf for three days taking a break and The Rockies were the first mountains that Iā€™d ever seen. I lived in B.C. for two years mostly in and around Richmond and Vancouver except for an extended stint down unto the states with other friends and that was fine even though it was a sort of working thing under the table. I left B.C. because we lost our place because the landlord sold our building and we were plain and simply given the choice of a next to impossible lease or leave. Jen one of my best friends and I left and we made our way to her Auntā€™s in Saguenay and stayed there a couple of months until we both got jobs in Montreal through other friends. And thatā€™s when I ended up meeting Nat. My Ex. The Exā€¦.Like that big one we all end up having. The literal worst thing that had ever happened to my life since leaving home. She was smart and she was really smart taking law and she was a feminist but not like I knew and I really knew damned little back then. And I fell hardā€¦.and I was so into her that I went full dive into radfem theory. I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker really. Privilege, socialization, GNC stuff and I was more than willing to take all of it and was even spouting all of it with her and her friends in her social circles both IRL as her ā€œGNC Boyfriendā€ and that she was ā€œshowing me how to be free of the patriarchy.ā€ And online with the groups we were both a part of, My friends list was her friends list and I argued gender abolition with the rest of them against trans folks that just didnā€™t ā€œGet it.ā€ And it was a good long while before I got it. And that was because of this person call Michelle like the French Michelle and they were a non-binary person and we were at a party held but some mutual folks and they argued tooth and nail about TERF ideology and gaslighting and all the things that I was doing, that Nat was doing. Which got me thinking, which had me friending Michelle on FB and us talking. And Nat finding out and demanding I unfriend her. Slapping me when I questioned why and went off on a rant about it being her place and her rules and my privilege. And I unfriended Michelle. And it really was too late at that point. Because I knew itā€¦she had hit me because of having someone that she didnā€™t like on my phone, on my friends list. Oh yeah she went through my phoneā€¦al lot. Threw mason jars at me one night when I had changed my password. Yeah and it just went on from there. Until the night of our biggest fight that was again over nothing but her paranoia and her accusing me of using her. The trans hate just poured out of her that night with every glass of wine that she had and I went from drowning in her constant abuse to shouting back and standing up for myself and a screaming match, me getting hit twice, slapped once as I was trying to get out of our apartment and she raked my arm with her nails as she tried to pull me back inside I literally ran away from her. And with my phone and everything I was literally getting hate message after hate message from her and ALL of ā€œOur friends.ā€ Until the battery died on my phone. By the time the sun rolled around I was more than doneā€¦I hit that wall of just a short drop off an over pass that I hadnā€™t felt as bad in years and I took off and hitched to Toronto where I at least had people I knew. I was her make herself feel good project, her showing me off to her friends project. I was in that relationship and in the TERF community for way too fucking long and I know a boatload of them and seen all the shit that they pull. This is why Iā€™m so strongly Anti-TERF. I didnā€™t stay too in Toronto, itā€™s a nice place if you want to visit and some folks are actually really great but me and that city well I really never could get a grip there. So after a while I moved to North Bay. And actually met my Uncle Robert. Heā€™s actually my dadā€™s cousin but he sort of became a decent bit of stability for me and he knew folks down here in Sackville thatā€™d help me and put me up as long as I helped out at their place. He was the one that got me thinking about getting myself on my feet. Because while not me and way older he did the same thing only in his day it was leaving school to work and leaving home to not get stuck in a crappy job youā€™ll die doing in a one horse little town. And now Iā€™m here in New Brunswick, having gotten my GED and taking all the other classes I needed to get into actual college, I have an apartment in my name and Iā€™m making the bills work and I have an address and a bed and thingsā€¦just things and now black garbage bags full of what I could carry. I have an amazing girlfriend and a good community here with a great mix of international folks and Iā€™m in one of the most queer friendly campuses in Canada. Iā€™m luckyā€¦and I know it, I was lucky enough to work for all of it, to have the chances, to get out of the abuse. And thatā€™s why Iā€™m blogging, thatā€™s why Iā€™m not letting TERFā€™s, TWERFā€™s, RADFEMā€™s and really all of those folks go unchallenged. Iā€™m not attacking them Iā€™m challenging their bullshit, Iā€™m saying that there are people that donā€™t say the things they say and that thereā€™s folks that wonā€™t be quiet and let them. Thereā€™s a mix of other things in here too but yeahā€¦itā€™s because people deserve to hear voices challenging people like TERFā€™s and other extremists.
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
trans mysogis built the lgbt community and all u do is erase them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Youā€™re so transmysogiphobic! oh my god!
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
why do so
friendly reminder that you can be trans and not experience gender dysphoria!!
you are still valid!!!
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
@radfem-gossip please unblock @tygerofaera theyā€™re sorry for what theyā€™ve done.
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
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You can tell this comic is written by a man because like, 8 year old girls donā€™t fucking know what a ā€œclittyā€ is and are nowhere near this comfortable talking about their vulvasā€“little boys on the other hand tend to be very happy to draw penises everywhere or start pulling their pants down in front of girls.
Men who identify as trans have zero perspective on what girlhood is actually like.
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terftouch Ā· 7 years
Have you noticed how all terfs are unattractive
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