terkoff · 5 days
Terk's eyebrows shot up in curiosity, not the best at minding their business — Riley didn't seem annoyed, fortunately, that they were staring. If anything, a little sheepish. "Once or twice," she nodded, or maybe a few more times... but it was whatever at this point.
Looking back at the car, they let out a sharp laugh. "I don't even know how to drive one of those things." They were so big and clunky, so many parts... Terk was ever intrigued by the mechanics humans came up with, but not enough to willingly get behind the wheel of one. "And I don't think anyone's ever called me an angel. Sorry, pal, I think you're out of luck."
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location: parking lot (building utp!!) status: open for everybody!
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grip tightening on her car key she ripped it from the ignition, it took everything in her not to chuck it out the open drivers side window. their car had once again failed to roar to life and she made a swift exit, slamming her door shut for dramatics. eyes meeting with the person across the way riley went red in the face, swallowing hard before they gave a goofy grin. "you ever have a day where you feel like the world is just totally against you? and if you haven't... are you an angel in disguise who can magically jump my car?"
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terkoff · 18 days
"Yeah, that's probably what it is," Terk nodded, a little too enthusiastically. They didn't buy it, but surely there was no harm in letting Alice believe it. Whatever she thought hapened wasn't going to change the outcome. And if she was going to break down, well, they'd prefer it be far, far away from them. "Probably the woods, maybe, that's where I'd be hiding out. Or a government building, if the mayor is in on it, but I don't know that I'd go breaking into those."
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"A prank! That must be it! Whitney has been coming out of her shell more and more...surely she is doing this to show me how bold she is becoming! Such a clever one she is..." That had to be it or...Alice didn't even know what would happen. Her mind was already always so close to shattering...so maybe that was her fate. Not if she kept looking, though. "She must be somewhere different. Somewhere she could prank me really good...Where would you hide to prank someone good?"
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terkoff · 2 months
"Uh... sure," Terk offered, wincing at themself the moment the word left their mouth. They didn't sound very convincing. To be fair, they weren't convinced, but Alice looked like she was teetering dangerously on emotional and Terk did not do good with emotions. "I mean, she's probably around here somewhere." That sounded a little better, and it was probably true. She didn't see how anyone would sneak so many people out of town in one night without getting caught. But if they didn't, then where was everyone? "Maybe we're just getting pranked or something."
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open starter location: outside wonderland
"Have you seen my friend Whit?" Alice asked, her voice strangely calm as she held the missing poster in front of her. "She's late for a very important date and I...I need to know she's okay. She has to be okay, right?" Ever since the news hit her mind had been moving a million miles a minute and her coping skills were not...the best. She couldn't focus or think right and after crying about it in solitude her mind just went into straight denial. "She has to be here somewhere....she has to be alright. So I'm checking work first and then her favorite spots and...it's going to be just fine! Right?"
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terkoff · 2 months
LOCATION: sidewalk downtown FOR: @wxlbxrr
Staring at the missing posters, which seemed to be so many they started to cancel themselves out — how was anyone supposed to remember so many faces? — Terk could only be grateful Tanton and Taran weren't on them. Morgan was, though, and that sucked pretty bad. "I don't get it," she stated, turning to invite the random passerby the closest to her into conversation. "They can't all fit in a basement, can they? How the fuck does someone kidnap a hundred people? In one night. It wasn't Santa Claus." ... at least, not if he was anything like any of the versions she'd heard about.
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terkoff · 2 months
"I don't know," Terk admitted, mulling over the thought. "It sounds kind of boring. I think I'd rather be an adventurous detective, you know, hacking through jungles with one of those big knives —" that they had definitely seen in person "— and searching for footprints in the mud, swinging from vines..." That just sounded like being back home again, but they sure did miss home from time to time.
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"I mean, I think so? I don't really know all that much about hunters." Unless that hunter was Morgan or Long John Silver and neither of them wore tacky hats like that...maybe she should?? No, no, no. That was tacky. But it did look good on Terk. "Do you want to be a pretentious detective? Because to be fair, I've tried it and it's not all it's cracked up to be. Nowhere near enough infamy or ...perks."
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terkoff · 4 months
"Hunters," Terk repeated with a shudder. They didn't like hunters, though they were, of course, a very biased source. Following Morgan's direction, they plopped it atop their hair, hoping it didn't come from someone with some weird head disease, tying the string around their chin. "You don't think I could be a pretentious detective? Come on, I can totally pull this look off!"
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"Huh?" Morgan asked, immediately knocking over something she hoped wasn't expensive or fragile, relieved to see it didn't break into pieces before she was able to put it right side up again. "Oh, I think that's like a weird hat thing, mostly a visor and then the flaps there come down and you can tie it around your chin. But I'm pretty sure the only people who were those are hunters and pretentious detectives."
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terkoff · 4 months
LOCATION: outside of bumper cars FOR: @wildcstwinter (barrett)
Terk was having fun, but she was mostly annoyed she hadn't been able to drag Tanton or Taran along with her. Of course, there was still plenty of time, they would make sure one of them gave in eventually. But for tonight, she was growing awfully bored of riding everything alone, or forcing Jane into it... who she still wasn't sure she trusted. "You look like a rebel," they stated, pointing to a man that was standing by himself near the line. "Wanna cause some chaos?"
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terkoff · 4 months
LOCATION: the zipper FOR: @janeporterx
Terk wasn't sure how to feel about Jane. On one hand, she seemed genuine, kind, pretty. On the other... she had kind of stole Taran away from them, and she was, well, human. Their guard was up but they tried their best not to be a total asshole because she didn't have a reason that wasn't rooted in hurt feelings and, unlike her mother, Terk could realize all humans weren't bad. Her best friend was one, after all. Gaze moving from the ride that towered over them, a mischievous smile danced across her lips. "You wanna prove to me you're cool once and for all?"
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terkoff · 5 months
LOCATION: secondhand treasures
FOR: @faiirytalcs (morgan)
"What the heck is this thing?" Terk was still getting used to all of the human objects. Sure, she grew up with Taran, but he wasn't really used to being human either. Eyeing the funny looking... decoration? on the shelf, they hoped Morgan would have an answer but didn't give them time before throwing out guesses. "Oh, wait, do you put it on your... you wear it as a... you... nah, I got nothin'."
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terkoff · 7 months
"That's a productive hobby, I guess," Terk nodded, under the assumption they meant planted a lot of trees. Which was nice. They'd planted one or twice... not as many as they really could have for the environment. "A daycare for athletes sounds absolutely chaotic. I don't watch reality shows, but I'd watch a reality show on that."
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❛ i mean, no, but i did make a lot of trees, ❜ riley sighed, tucking their fisted hands into the pocket of the hoodie under their jersey, blowing air between her lips so they trilled. riley nodded in reply to the question, clicking their tongue against their teeth; ❛ hockey and summer camps. it's basically like running a daycare but for athletes. waaaayyy less pressure than there is during the season.❜
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terkoff · 7 months
She was nodding as the woman went on about her croissants, tarts and danishes, trying to decide which one sounded the best — she was leaning towards the blackberry danish — when the sandwich was brought up, and their mind was made at once. "Wait, are you kidding? Sun-dried tomato pesto? That actually sounds so good," Terk admitted, they hadn't been aware there were savory options here or maybe they would have visited more often... though their wallet was probably thanking them for not eating out all the time. Pulling their card out, they slapped it down onto the counter. Were they persuaded too easily? Perhaps. "I'll take two."
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❛ useful is definitely a word for it, ❜ minseo laughed, shrugging her shoulders as she reached for one of the stray rags behind the counter, mindlessly beginning to wipe at the back of the display as the crowd in the cafe seemed to die down. ❛ terk, ❜ minseo repeated, nodding as if approving the name. it was unique, that was for sure. terk — she wondered if it meant anything. minseo perked up at the idea of suggesting pastries, leaning around the cabinet so she could point to the varying options on display; ❛ the double dutch croissant is always a winner but... being as you just had a croissant, the lemon tart is phenomenal. can never go wrong with a blackberry danish, either. ❜ looking at terk, trying to gauge their reactions to her suggestions, misneo smiled; ❛ if you're super hungry though and don't just want a pastry— the sun-dried tomato pesto sandwich is to die for. ❜
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terkoff · 7 months
Terk watched her take her turn, a little impressed, though she'd refuse to admit it or let it show on her face. "Not at all," they agreed, lining their own club up, pretty sure they had it right but when they pulled back and swung, the ball rolled and rolled in the direction they'd tried for... then slowed... and stopped just short of the hole. "What the fuck?" Pointing at the ball, Terk didn't dare look at Pacifica who she was sure was probably laughing at her now. "Bullshit, that was bullshit."
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Hearing footsteps behind her, Pacifica didn't need to glance back to know that Terk was following even though a direct invitation hadn't been extended. No worries. Although, she was a little annoyed she'd offered some kind of advice beforehand. Rolling her eyes, Paz placed her ball down only after giving the course a once over. Easy. Angling her club, the blonde got fully into her golfing mind space, taking a few deep breaths before hitting it at the perfect angle to bang against the wall, roll between the rocks and sink into the hole. "Don't worry, this one's an easy hole, shouldn't be too hard for you."
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terkoff · 8 months
"You didn't ever jump out of trees?" Terk lifted an eyebrow, the amount of heights they threw themself from without a care in the world was actually a little unnerving looking back, abilities aside. No wonder her mom was constantly saying she was going to go gray. Terk was lucky they didn't end up in a full body cast at some point of their childhood. "You run camps? That sounds fun. What kind of camps?"
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❛ jumping out of trees ?? ❜ riley echoed, shock washing over her features, an intrigued gleam in her eye. riley, too, was the kind of kid that would have found herself jumping out of trees... had she not been locked inside for the better half of her childhood. she climbed many a tree in her dreams, however, and those were more real than she could even begin to understand. ❛ i guess the dramatics are part of the sport ?? i kind of just do it to fill my time when hockey isn't in season, but even then, i run camps all year. ❜
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terkoff · 8 months
"Alright, I'll take it slower then," Terk stated, it would probably pay off in the end. And while they didn't mind the word cute, it felt very much like an insult at the moment. Uninvited, she followed Pacifica, resting her chin on her club as she waited for her to take her first swing. "So, let's see what ya got."
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She knew her competitive nature was one of the things she had to work on but sometimes...well, it was fun! It was fun being competitive especially when you always won. "Slow? If that's what you call being precise and getting holes-in-one, then I guess I'm slow but that's why you're never going to win against me. But it's cute if you want to try." Grabbing one of the clubs, Paz gave the other a smirk before heading out towards the first green.
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terkoff · 8 months
"Sounds like a useful hobby to have." Any hobby where you could make things was. They were more interested in music, but being able to feed yourself whatever you wanted sounded pretty cool, too. "Alright, alright. I guess I can do that," Terk nodded, though she was smiling as she spoke. "Oh, right. Terk. Winchell." They weren't much of a full name person, but she'd started it. As long as they didn't have to use their full first name, it was fine. Giving her hand a quick shake, their eyes darted to the menu. "So, if I'm going to buy something, what do you recommend?"
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❛ thanks !! i uh, bake a lot, sooo i've gotten tons of practice, ❜ minseo laughed, a bit bashful as she brushed her ponytail over her shoulder, offering the stranger a smile. the brunette tried to find something to busy her hands with, beginning to mess with the display trays atop a glass cabinet, wanting to ensure the treats they had for sale looked as good as they tasted. looking back at the other, minseo grinned; ❛ i think i can work something out, so long as you pay for something... i'll toss in some freebies for you in exchange for feedback.❜ then, realizing she didn't even know their name, minseo held out her hand; ❛ i'm minseo, by the way. kwon minseo. ❜
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terkoff · 8 months
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Kiersey Clemons for allure magazine.
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terkoff · 8 months
"We'll see about this." Now she was going to be really upset if she lost, "I'm not rushing," Terk insisted, though they were, never one for patience even when it was absolutely necessary. It wouldn't be the first time it was her downfall. They mumbled the next words, like an annoyed child. "You're just slow."
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"Of course you haven't, because you won't." Pacifica pushed back though she was still at least attempting to be playful about it. Everyone who knew her was aware that competitive didn't even start to describe her and it wasn't always conscious either. It just happened. Unfortunately, Terk wasn't one of the people who knew her that well. "Half an hour? No wonder you aren't ever number one, you're rushing through the courses." Amateur hour over here.
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