terroremarium · 4 hours
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she felt awkward, social interaction was something she didn’t like, but forced social interaction in a dress, that was making blossom feel more uncomfortable than anything. the voices in her head telling her that something was going to happen and maybe that made the unknown banshee even more uncomfortable. she stepped back from where she was standing, instantly regretting it as she could feel herself tread on the other persons toe. “oh..shit..”she murmured, more to herself. turning she look at the other, stupid masks, made it impossible to know fully who the other person was. “really sorry for treading on your toes..really need to think where I step.”
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terroremarium · 1 day
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cameron’s masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 1 day
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lizzie’s masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 1 day
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georgie’s masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 1 day
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Lei’s masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 1 day
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mau’s masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 1 day
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blossoms masquarade outfit - enchanted evening ; event OO1
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terroremarium · 2 days
Cameron turned, a mere shrug from the hybrid. “well I’m not.” they remarked, the look of the dresses had turned Cameron off wearing one. “i’m either going to go for a suit or a jumpsuit, depends on my mood.”
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Open for @inaducursehqstarters
Cassie sighed in fustration looking through the dresses. What was with dresses being so sparkly? Where are the timeless little black dress. Cassie groaned as she looked at the dress rack. "Do I have to wear a dress to this stupud masquerade- it just feels like poor timing for fucks sake."
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terroremarium · 2 days
she was making her way through the woods, herself enjoying the evening breeze against her skin. she stumbled as she came across the other, eyes scanning over her. “I’m not going to hurt you.” she spoke, hands placed in the air. “you seem a little lost..or confused do you want some help?”
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To say Amara was shocked would be an understatement. One moment she was at peace and everything was fine and the next thing she knew she was awake, in the woods, and confused. "Stay away from me." She called, hearing what she thought was footsteps not far away. "Please." @inaducursehqstarters
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terroremarium · 2 days
mau knew others would dislike the person that killed their sister, but she knew it was a stupid accident and she could never see nikolas as a killer. he had a kindness under a facade and she knew that was why Eleanor and him were perfect for each other. she would never turn against him because she was sure they felt the loss so deeply, it ran through their veins. “i wouldn’t put it past your father.” mau remarked, a small grin tugging on her lips. “he always had a way of doing that if I recall. but hey, he does have great taste so I can’t disagree with him compelling to get the good booze in.”
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it was good to think about eleanor in the sense of who she was and not in the way of what he did to her ;; and to her family . he still wasn't able to forgive himself like the others did but it was still nice to remember the good for once , which was rare for the tribrid . he smiled when she agreed on the new drinking buddy toast before taking the glass to his lips . a quick sip before he spoke . " i'm sure my dad just compelled some poor old soul to ship it to us in crates . " he teased .
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terroremarium · 2 days
“I think you look okay.” blossom spoke, head tilting to the left for a moment. “but I think the navy would look nicer..but I guess it depends on what mask you’re wearing.” she shrugged, eyes turning back to the suits she had been checking out, seeing which one she saw would be best for her brother.
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Open for @inaducursehqstarters
Roo was not the type to wear suits. But he should at least try to be comfortable in his own skin. There was an anxiousness as he was at the rental suit store. Roo slowly popped out feeling self-conscious.
"How do I look?" He asked with the person he came with,
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terroremarium · 2 days
“I do think so.” blossom spoke, nudging her brothers shoulder. he deserved to be happy after everything he had been through. “I know it doesn’t but dating is never easy even in normal circumstances.” a pause for a moment. “although I wouldn’t take dating advice of me, I don’t want or need to date.”
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Jay nodded when his sister pushed him off and he shrugged. "Okay," he said. "If you think so." He looked up at her when she said that he deserved happiness. "Yeah, that doesn't make it easier."
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terroremarium · 2 days
an eyebrow raised as she heard the other speak, herself taken aback by laurie’s words. he must really like hope to go to that extent of a pinky promise. “fine, I will be holding you to that.” Lizzie spoke, her pinking linking with his to make the agreement. “she deserves happiness and that is all I want for her.” three years dead had somewhat made Lizzie feel soft. it almost made her want to vomit. “but don’t tell her I threatened you, don’t want that thought to go to her head as hope will never let it go.”
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"Yeah, yeah, okay blondie." He looked down at the girl, this apparent Hope's sister or best friend or whatever. Was he really going to have to get to know all these people and be nice to them in order to what, be with Hope? It felt... worth it, and that annoyed him more than anything. "If I make that girl cry, I'll come straight to you with a stake in hand. Pinky swear," he said sincerely, holding out his pinky for her.
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terroremarium · 2 days
“yes I am fine.” she spoke as she watched him for a moment. maybe she had been selfish in allowing Josie to win, but she couldn’t have lived with the loss of Josie, it would’ve broken her and she was doing well within herself. “i don’t feel any different, so I would call that fine.” she added, a soft sigh escaping her lips for a moment. Lizzie didn’t want to think about the past about what had happened. she just wanted to focus on the here and now. Lizzie felt a small twinge in her heart as she heard jay had been dating. She knew it was a possibility but she had hoped he hadn’t. “and by trying..does that mean you’ve been dating dating?” she murmured Ed, head still rested against his, finger tips brushing against his hand. “and that’s good you finished med school. i always knew you would.”
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He didn't know if he was mad she hadn't come to him first. Though given she had died for her sister, maybe he should expect that. "Is it really fine?" He asked. Because she had told him that lie before the merge and then he had been alone and she had been dead. For the smallest of moments his mind went to Hope and what had happened between them; but he didn't say the words out loud. He pressed his head against her and let out a sigh. "I'm been trying to date," he admitted. He needed her to know even that. 3 years was a long time. "I finished med school and started residency."
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terroremarium · 2 days
hearing hope telling her to shut up, it brought a small tug of a grin forming in her lips. oh how she had missed hope saying that to her. she was relieved to see that hope was still the same on telling her to shut up, after all, it was how they showed their love for eachother. feeling the bug, she hugged hope back tighter.
“death has probably made me more of a bitch.” she remarked, flickering her blond locks to one side, eyes scanning hope as she tried to see if anything had changed that she could physically see. “well then you owe me two cakes and a present for that. I mean I’m being nice I could demand three years worth of cakes and presents, but I’ll settle for just the one.”a brief pause for a moment. ”for now.”
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" OH SHUT UP ELIZABETH... " the comment had slipped her lips almost effortlessly, just like it had countless times before when hope heard her sister's voice inside of her head... except, it couldn't be could it? her heart begun to speed up, as ocean colored eyes wandered up from the notebook she'd been scribbling on, to find themselves face to face with a look she'd last seen seconds before tragedy struck. " oh.... " her mouth was open, and her reactions were slowed for a minute, in fact she hadn't even realized that she'd stood up, arms out stretched as she dashed forward and crashed in the blonde as her arms wrapped around her, a happy laugh slipping past her lips in an attempt to cover up the tears that had begun to form in her eyes. " glad to see... even death, didn't stop you from being a bitch. " she mused, gaze closed for a moment before she pulled back to look at her sister. " you had a cake... i ate it. " because falling into their typical banter felt natural, simple and it gave the tribid a reason to not think about logistics even if ' miracles ' like these in their world often meant something else would go incredibly wrong sometime soon.
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terroremarium · 2 days
her attention turned to look at Henry and there was a smile on her lips. “yes, it’s me.” she spoke, head tilted to the side, eyes scanning over him for a moment, seeing what changes had happened in the last three years. “and you shouldn’t be surprised to see me back, if anyone was to come back I would be first on the list.”
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Spotting the female from the other side of the coffee he frowned for a moment before approaching the blonde. He was at first thinking she was a ghost - that he was hallucinating, but when he heard her speak, he knew she was real. "Lizzie..." he questioned. "You're here.." he admitted.
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terroremarium · 2 days
“that’s nice to hear.” she remarked, it was nice to see the other content with his life. it was shocking to see this change but maybe that was what happened when you were in love. hearing his proposal, her eyebrow raised for a moment. “as tempting as that sounds, I’m more of a lone wolf. being in charge has never been my thing but I will think on it.” and she meant it, she had to think on the proposal idea.
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"Well that really depends on the person's wife," he said. "Just in case it comes up, the reason i'm a better man, is because of her. If she was crazy, the world would be doomed," he said with a chuckle. Klaus nodded. "We will see," he said before narrowing his eyes at the other for a moment. "The vampire faction needs a new leader, to keep them in line, do you think you are up for that?"
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