teshine · 9 months
"y'gonna spend new years with y/n, bakugou?" kirishima asks bakugou.
"mann, I wish I had someone to kiss during new years" denki whines. a pout reaching his lips.
ah right the new years kiss.
it's a week before the new years and it totally slipped out of bakugou's mind. thank god the little gathering with the bakusquad reminded him about it.
you and bakugou have both been dating for a few years now, yet every year he gets nervous for the new years kiss. he would get himself mentally prepared, days before new years eve. heck, even maps out the scenarios in his head, a day before. just thinking about in general erupts butterflies to flutter in this stomach.
see, this particular moment in this time of year is special to him. it let's him know that you've both gone through the whole year together. despite the ups and downs, the fights and argues, you still stuck with him. he has no idea why you do, but he's not definitely complaining.
yes, he thinks of every possible scenario that could happen, but oh boy I tell ya, when the real thing happens, he's lost.
that's how he found himself at the moment.
where suddenly the things he told himself to do for this special moment, all went out the window. because as the countdown to the new year begins, he starts panicking.
he turns to you
he admires your profile. your face all happy and excited, skin kissed with the different colors and hues of the festive lights surrounding you.
time slows down as if he was in a movie. he takes a deep breath, calming himself.
you face him with a wide smile, eyes smiling along with it. he reaches his hands to cup your cheeks. ears flushed into a bright pink.
then, he kisses you. soft and passionate, filled with all the love he could give.
seconds later, you pulled away. forehead touching, sharing little giggles to yourselves.
it was all sweet really. he's in love with the moment and will forever continue to love every passing moment with you.
"I love you katsuki, happy new year" you smile
"I love you too dumbass, happy new year babe"
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teshine · 1 year
i saw a post about mc stealing beel's shirts and ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT
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teshine · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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teshine · 2 years
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he would never admit it, but tsukishima has always been affectionate.
no, he wouldn’t even utter the words even if hell froze over this very second. but as he sits at the edge of your shared bed, he can’t help but pull your standing form closer to him.
the feeling of your fingers combing through his blonde locks as he rests his head on your abdomen slowly breaks down all his walls, relishing in the warmth of your body as you mumble on about your day. the slender hands on your waist wrap around your waist in an attempt to bring you even closer. you chuckle at the feeling, at tsukki. moving your hands from his hair to cup his face, you finally get a good look at him.
he was tired, you noted. the slight red color in the whites of his eyes telling you all you needed to know. he looked cute.
and he looked even cuter as he leaned in to plant a soft peck on your stomach. a smile graces your face as the action tickles you a little. as he plants more and more kisses, you can’t help but let out a hearty laugh.
because whether he admitted it or not, tsukishima has been and will always be affectionate.
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teshine · 2 years
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you get jealous of a manager 
relationship: osamu x f!reader 
content/warnings: jealousy, angst, self-doubt, osamu is kinda toxic here ngl but he makes up for it, fluff 
summary: you get jealous of a manager 
notes: happy birthday, osamu! 
atsumu & matsukawa’s part | daichi’s part | bokuto’s part | kuroo’s part
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Everyone always thought that Atsumu was the more emotionally constipated twin, but it was actually Osamu. 
You were friends for a while, still are, but every single day you feel like you’re tiptoeing that line that crosses into lovers instead. 
Ever since you woke up one day and realised that you were in love with Osamu, and have been for a while, you were hoping that one day he would do the same too. 
It was one of those days where the MSBY team were coming to Miya Onigiri, it’s been a tradition since Atsumu joined the team and Osamu opened up his shop. 
It usually consisted of the team in their post workout gear, tired off their feet and just wanting to fill their empty stomachs. 
Ordering an amount of onigiri that would feed an entire nation for one feeding
You would have never thought that you would be surrounded almost daily by gigantic athletic men, but here you are. 
There was something that changed though. An unfamiliar face followed the team. The new person, you assumed, was the new temporary manager for MSBY. 
She was spritely and nice, introducing herself to you 
Then she saw Osamu. 
Appearing from the kitchen, you could basically see the hearts form in her eyes. Watching as they made eye contact, watching as he gave her the smile that you hoped to be at the end of one day. 
Despondently, you watched as Osamu subtly (but not subtle enough for you) talk to the new manager. You watched as he continued smiling at her, handing her the onigiri. 
Your heart began to hurt as you watched her giggle at whatever he said, turning around, you faced the bench.  
Gulping, you forced out a smile as you saw Sakusa and Hinata making their way to you. 
“Is everything okay, (Y/N)-san?” Noticing your look, Sakusa asked as he wiped the table with his wipes. 
“Fine, just tired,” you replied, and then turning to Hinata, “how was practice?”
Keep reading
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teshine · 2 years
Inspired by this ask I just got!
The tweet: “I’m in the library and there’s a bf helping his gf study and I’ve been overhearing parts of their conversation for the last hour and he just said ‘Babe, I’m gonna be honest with you. You’re going to fail this test, I love you, but there’s nothing we can do about it now’”
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“You’re a lost cause.”
That earns him a loud smack on the chest.
“Don’t be mean,” your voice is oddly malicious and it throws Tsukishima off. “I’m trying!”
“I know,” he shuts your notebook lightly, careful to move your hands away. He takes them into his own, his rough fingertips stroking your knuckles. “But you’re probably gonna fail. Let’s just go do something else.”
You’re stubborn, he’ll give you that. You’ve been studying relentlessly for the past week, yet nothing seems to stick in your head. He’s been helping you for five out of those seven days and each day it’s getting harder.
For him. It’s harder for him to hear you whine in confusion.
“Baby,” he’s tricking you. Manipulating you. He knows how much you love hearing that word fall from his lips.
“That’s gaslighting. You’re gaslighting me.”
“You don’t know the meaning of that word, baby.”
“That’s also gaslighting!”
You drop your head on the table, but instead of the harsh impact of the wooden table you were hoping for, you get a forehead-full of Tsukishima’s palm. (How fast are his reflexes? How was he able to move his hand fast enough to cushion your fall?)
“Don’t damage your brain even more,” he laughs, and you know one of his rude, mean, and severely unfunny jokes are on the tip of his tongue. “Can’t have my baby get even dumber.”
“Now you’re just being rude.”
He places his head on the table to be level with you. He’s looking you in your eyes, a smirk on his lips, and it feels as if you’re falling in love all over again.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, so politely and so lovingly.
“No. You’re an asshole and you’re mean and you’re the worst tutor and boyfriend ever.”
“Okay, I won’t kiss you,” you smile in victory, “but can I at least take you out tonight?”
You want to say no—you practically yearn to—but with that sultry look in his eyes, you can’t find it in yourself to say no.
“On one condition,” you push up from your position on the table.”
“I’m all yours,” he follows your actions soon after.
“If I get three kisses.”
He rolls his eyes. One kiss is placed on your forehead, the other on your nose, and lastly, one on your lips. It’s soft and sweet, but he leads it the whole way. A hand at the back of your head, his other wrapped tightly around your waist—he has you hooked.
He pulls away and strokes your cheeks with the backs of his thumbs.
“Have you given up yet?”
You nod, nice and slow, still drunk on his kisses.
“Then I’ll take you out, baby.”
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teshine · 2 years
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"you're going out again," you say, and your roommate, kuroo, laughs a little.
"i am," he replies, reaching for his shoes. "that's allowed, right? you didn't write up that bedtime rule just yet?"
it's allowed and there's not really a bedtime rule, but for some reason, you kind of want him home. call it selfishness or jealousy or whatever, but, recently, there's been a little ball that forms in the pit of your stomach every time he walks out the door after 11 PM.
"no, no it's still in revision. i think i'll have it ready next week." you grin, a little halfheartedly you'll admit. "it'll be on the fridge when it's done."
and he laughs, "thank god. we need a little structure around here. if you haven't noticed you're an animal."
you could hit him, you think, just for a moment.
"ah of course, because i'm the one who has weird midnight escapades, right?"
"right," he says, tugging his lip between his teeth. "gotta do anything i can to keep you contained."
kuroo pulls his shoe onto his foot and, as he searches for his wallet, you find yourself inching your way towards the front door. you're not really sure what your big plan is here, but, for some reason, body blocking seems like a great start—at least for the moment, anyway.
"you gonna uh-" he sways one of his hands back and forth in a little shooing motion while the other stuffs his wallet into his back pocket.
you eye him, "okay, but what if i have a nightmare? like a terrible horrible one where everyone i love dies." you pause for dramatic effect, "you included."
"then you call me," he says, a little smile creeping up his lips. "y'know, like you always do?"
"but tetsurou i mean like, bad. like, really bad. like, plane crash, shipwreck, my-worst-nightmare kind of bad. what's a phone call gonna do then?"
"what's me being here gonna do then."
"oh, you know." you're pretty sure he doesn't, and you really don't either if we're being honest here. "human touch? a helping hand? a little oh my beloved roommate it is just so sorrowful to see you like this maybe?"
"is that what i sound like in your head?"
you laugh, "sometimes."
"right now?"
kuroo shakes his head a little, plucking his keys off the hook before he begins to nudge you away from the door.
"you're gonna be fine," he says. "promise."
(so much for a great plan)
"and if i'm not?" he tilts his head at you and you jut out your bottom lip, holding on to any chance of pleading with him you have.
"i don't know, you got life insurance?"
"oh fuck you," you say, and he laughs.
"i'm kidding. really though, what's gotten into you?"
that, you think, is a really good question. if this conversation happened a month ago, you'd be pushing him out the door—all six feet and five inches (he insisted you knew that the moment you moved in together) of him in one fell swoop. you'd be begging for kuroo to get out of this apartment—and you'd be reveling in the alone time you'd get after he was gone—but, lately, seeing him go makes your skin crawl a little.
and you know well enough that's not because of some stupid nightmares you've been having—it's because you hate to see him go. you like having him around and you like talking to him and you like the idea of him spending the night with you instead of whatever girl from his organic chem class hit on him this week.
(and that's not to say you're one to slut shame—you're just jealous. bitterly, terribly, jealous.)
but that, you think as you work it out in your little head, is entirely your own problem, and really no reason for you to drag him down with you.
"it's nothing, really." you back away from the door, squeezing between kuroo and the handle. "i should let you go."
"no wait," he turns, facing the path you were planning to use to escape, and you halt. "you're freaking me out—i'm worried about you."
"i said it's nothing, tetsurou. i was being stupid, just go." you wave your hand out in front of you, motioning for the door.
"i'm not gonna leave you here if there's something—"
"but i don't think it's—"
"go," you repeat, and he pauses.
you scrunch your brows at him, hoping maybe that'll get him off your case. at least that way you could go lie in your room and pretend you hate him or something.
"no," he says finally. "i'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's up."
"tetsurou-" you start.
and he says your name, a little quieter than you'd usually expect from him, "just tell me."
you would like to say you consider what you're going to say to him for a moment. that you come up with something really wonderful and articulate and well-thought-out enough to get you out of this situation; you don't.
"i like you, stupid. i really, really like you and watching you go makes me—upset, that's all."
he grins, big, wide, and toothy, "you like me?"
the reality of what you said sets in a little as you watch his teeth poke out from behind his lips, and part of you wishes you could take it back. he's never going to let you live this down and you know it.
"not if you keep looking at me like that."
"you like me," he replies—same phrase, different emphasis.
"i do," you say.
"that's adorable."
you eye him, "don't baby me, big guy."
"no, no it's not even like that i just—" he stares at you for a second before he leans forward, holding your jaw between his fingers.
his eyes run over your face, your nose, your lips, and you feel your skin melting in his hands. he waits there, pulling his lip between his teeth again."
"can i?" he says finally, a little spark lighting up in his eyes.
you nod (as enthusiastically as you can with your jaw held in place), and then he leans forward, crashing his lips into yours.
and listen, you'd spent a lot of time thinking about what kissing kuroo would be like—more so than you'd ever care to admit—but it's nothing like you'd imagine. there's no honey on his tongue or fire in his mouth, but it's him. in some indescribably, stupidly-appealing sort of way, it's him.
he moves like tetsurou and he tastes like tetsurou and he runs his tongue along your bottom lip in a way that nearly takes you off your feet before he pulls away.
"you okay?" he asks, huffing a little breath from his throat.
and i'm okay, is what you say before he smiles.
"good, 'cause i really wanna do that again."
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teshine · 2 years
mammon listens to bruno mars. he likes listening to 'grenade' and 'just the way you are' when he thinks of mc, and his personal faves are 'runaway baby' and 'thats what i like'. you cant convince me OTHERWISE .
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teshine · 2 years
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i got too silly
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teshine · 2 years
*During a play*
Lucifer, staring deeply into MC’s eyes: Your my one true love. my one true everything.
Mammon, jealously folding arms: “YoUr My OnE tRuE lOvE. mY oNe TrUe EvErYtHiNg.”
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teshine · 2 years
"Uhh...Kita-san. What're ya doin?"
The twins exchange a look as their captain flips between flash cards. "Well, yeah we can see that," replies Osamu.
Atsumu tries to disguise a laugh for clearing his throat. "We meant what's with the..." He waves a hand then elbows his twin.
"Y'know the-the... Why're ya just sitting there with-"
"They want to know," Suna cuts in as he walks up, "why you're just sitting there with someone asleep on you."
As if on cue you let out a small snore and shift, adjusting against his shoulder.
"Hm?" Kita looks up as if he hadn't heard the question. At their mixed reactions he quirks his brow. "Is there a problem?"
Atsumu gapes, offended. "Yeah there's a problem! Ya caught me yawning once in school and made me run laps at practice!"
"Made me do extra serves when you walked by and saw my head down on my desk" grumbles Suna.
Kita gives them a warning look. "Lower your voices, we're in the library."
Atsumu's jaw drops in exasperation but Osamu quietly points out "yer avoidin' the point captain!"
"The point I'm hearing is you're all athletes on my team who shouldn't be sleeping in school." He turns back to his cards. "I'm not responsible for a classmate who's not on my team."
There's a poignant pause and then the atmosphere around them shifts.
"Oho..." Atsumu gives a low chuckle. "Ya hear what I'm hearin' 'Samu?"
Kita's eyes flash up knowing Atsumu's playful tone well.
"I think so 'Tsumu. Sounds like our cap here's making an exception," Osamu murmurs slyly and Atsumu smirks.
Kita doesn't like the direction this is headed.
"Sounds like there's only one beauty he doesn't mind sleepin',"
"When it's on him," Osamu crosses his arms as his twin leans on his shoulder.
"I think the three of you have somewhere else to be," warns Kita and Atsumu grins like the Cheshire cat.
Kita's eyes flick to Suna who's inspecting his phone. He nods in satisfaction and slips the phone away.
"See ya later cap," the middle blocker says as he smoothly slips away.
"Suna, get back here right now," Kita demands, urgent and low but his kouhai simply smirks back over his shoulder.
"Sorry, I've got somewhere else to be."
The twins scurry off after him giggling deviously as they realize Kita won't want to chase after them and disturb you.
He exhales slowly, recentering himself with a reminder that they'll have to show up to practice later.
For now he goes back to his flash cards.
He softly flicks through them as you stir, he freezes, but you only shift to lean more of your weight against him.
Kita smiles.
Maybe he won't punish them as hard if Suna sends him that picture.
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teshine · 2 years
"MC, how the FUCK do you have that many blessings?" Solomon yelled, quickly glancing at you before looking around frantically for a book he'd left on his desk.
The Purgatory Hall bros had been looking into your spiritual energy for "educational purposes" when Solomon had discovered something very alarming.
"Solomon, language." Simeon warned. "MC, have you been in contact with anyone from the Celestial Realm recently?"
"Uhhhh no...?" You stared at the two, unable to grasp the gravity of the situation. Growing slightly frustrated, you whined, "If it's not that big of a deal, can we hurry up? I'm going to go to Ristorante Six with Lucifer after this and I don't want to be late."
"Simeon, I think we have a problem here...
The angel walked over to the sorcerer and peered into the page the latter had been skimming through. Simeon was silent for a while, before the corners of his lips twitched upwards.
"Yes, I see how that would potentially be counterproductive, but..." Simeon shared a look with Solomon.
"But that's not really a problem for us...is it, Simeon?" Solomon mirrored Simeon's slight smile.
"Actually, you're right. Never mind MC, false alarm. You can go back to the HOL now, make sure you let Luke know about your dinner plans!"
"Huh? Oh, okay! See you guys tomorrow then!" You slid off the table and made your way back to the House of Lamentation. You were nearing the gates leading to the entrance when you spotted a young angel holding several boxes of what presumably held cake. "Luke! Hi, need a helping hand?"
Luke's face lit up when he spotted you approaching him, and he set down the stack of boxes to give you a tight hug. "You're coming back from Purgatory Hall already? I was just on my way to give these to you!"
"Awww that's so sweet of you!" This little angel boy was really the only light in the Devildom, wasn't he? You pulled from the hug only for a strong gust of wind to almost blow you away. "Whoa, guess the weather's getting a little dicey, huh? You better head back now, Luke."
"I will!" Luke glanced at his boxes, contemplating whether to pick them up or not. He turned back to you and grabbed your hand, before cryptically whispering, "You better get home safely too, MC. It's not always safe around here."
Suddenly, a little string a light twirled itself around your ring finger. If you hadn't been paying more attention, you would've missed it. The slightly sinking feeling in your stomach disappeared altogether and you felt...more energized. You watched Luke skip away with his boxes, chuckling at how comically large the stack was for his size.
You walked past the gates and into the HoL foyer, heading straight for your room. You got changed immediately, and went back down to find Lucifer waiting in the living room. "Ah, MC. Good, you're right on time. I was just about to call Simeon and ask-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Lucifer's eyes widened. He took a few steps back, cringing, and held up a shaky finger to point at a spot behind you. "W-what in the Devildom? Why is that there?"
"Huh?" You asked, confused. You looked over your shoulder to find nothing and glanced back at the eldest brother. "Is there something behind me?"
Lucifer swallowed nervously. "Wait, don't move." He stormed out of the room, sticking as close to the walls as possible. You blinked, not sure what had him in such a twist. You could hear an array of voices chiming in disbelief outside the room, before the door slammed open. Lucifer stood with Mammon and Levi in tow, standing in the doorway. "Look for yourselves."
Mammon practically yelped before hiding behind Lucifer, while Levi shrunk back, fear evident on his face. "L-lucifer...why is there an angel aura around MC?" Levi could barely get the words out.
"A what?" You asked, feeling very out of the loop. You watched as Mammon and Levi continued to peer at you from behind Lucifer, who was furiously dialing up Simeon.
"Simeon? We have a situation here. Hm? What do you mean you- did you anticipate this?" Lucifer hastily hung up the phone, and glared at you- no, the mystical white light "surrounding" you.
In about twenty minutes, Simeon, Solomon, Luke, Diavolo, Barbatos and all the demon brothers were assembled at the doorway. You wondered why they were so hesitant to enter, until Simeon, Solomon and Luke stepped in without any difficulty.
"Luke...would you like to explain what you did?" Simeon asked Luke gently, shoulders shaking from barely suppressed laughter.
"Huh?! The chihuahua did this?" Mammon exclaimed, glaring at the young angel, who looked slightly guilty.
"Excuse me, but could you explain what's going on here, Simeon? Solomon?" Diavolo chimed, from the doorway.
"Luke, did you, by any chance bless MC today?" Solomon asked.
"Yes, on the way back from HoL!"
"Aw crap, now we can't hang around MC for the next few weeks!" the brothers grumbled and complained.
"Oh, what a shame. I planned on inviting them over for tea today!" Lord Diavolo looked like a kicked puppy, and you wanted nothing more than to give him a hug, but you weren't sure if that was the best idea with...an angel's blessing? On your shoulders?
"Wait, let me get this right. What happens if I get blessed by an angel?" you asked.
"It essentially acts as demon-repellant. None of us, nor Lord Diavolo and Barbatos can get within three meters of you." Satan provided, looking miserable at the revelation.
"But we can." Solomon added, trying not to look smug.
"Do you give MC blessings often?" Simeon pressed, his smile starting to grow into a grin.
"I might've...given MC a few blessings here and there..."
"A few, Luke?" Solomon could barely hold in his laughter. Lucifer glared at the sorcerer, who took much amusement in the situation.
"Luke...you just gave MC their 666th blessing today."
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teshine · 2 years
Random weird sibling head canons for the brothers
- laundry mixups are normal. Sometimes it leads to a full on fight. Sometimes Lucifer accidentally puts on Asmo's jeans that have juicy bedazzled on the ass pockets.
- Beel has the biggest hoodies and T-shirts so those are prime game for getting stolen by Belphie and Asmo as night shirts.
- Lucifer can't take a shit in peace. So you know when your mom is in the bathroom and you either stand outside the door or barge in to ask a stupid question? Yeah that's everybody. This isn't even new Lucifer hasn't know peace since Mammon could walk.
- when Mammon takes a shower it's also normal for Levi to scream at Mammon from outside the bathroom door demanding his fucking money back.
- the bathroom has the weirdest shit in it so these demons can take proper care of their demon forms. I can't think of anything rn besides Belphie uses horse shampoo
- stealing food off each other's fucking plates sharing food. This is expected from Beel but everyone does it especially when take out is ordered. You ever seen seven grown ass men picking at each other's plates at a restaurant?
- sharing drinks is normal too. Nobody even asks for permission it's always "gimie a sip" and who ever just grabs the fucking cup
- when someone gets sick it goes through the whole ass house. Doesn't help that almost everyone hates being left alone when sick.
- Beel has a hard time sleeping by himself. He's always been like that even before the fall. Pretty sure it's a twin thing? When Belphie was in the attic he had a really hard time staying asleep.
- speaking of the twins the stories about them as little kids are the second wildest (#1 is Satan by a very large lead)
- when Levi's social clock is low but he feels lonely he goes to one of his brothers rooms and quietly plays a hand held or mobile game while whatever brother does his own thing. Typically he goes to Lucifer, Satan or Asmo's rooms those three are the quietest depending on the time of day.
- Lucifer is literally so fucked up from so many things happening to his family. When any of his younger siblings are out the house he's quietly freaking out. Bonus points of he can't get ahold of them.
- Satan's embarrassing baby photos are framed and scattered around the house. One in particular is a cursed oil painting that makes you feel his violent toddler wrath if looked at too long. Asmo thinks it's the cutest shit. Mammon and Levi agreed Satan's expression looks like a old woman's angry purse dog.
- Satan and Levi watch obscure deep dives on YouTube about random topics.
- Satan and Levi's interests have collided on multiple occasions especially involving fandom shit. Sometimes a book gets a game or manga/comic adaptation and Satan's interested or a new detective game is out and Levi knows it's something Satan would like. Sometimes they larp while playing detective video/board games together.
- there's those tiny spikes that keep birds away on certain areas in the house to make sure Belphie doesn't find a way up there to sleep.
- very rarely Levi and Asmo will get into a heated verbal argument about some stupid thing. Asmo is talking like a high school mean girl, Levi is screaming in however way a chronically online otaku would and poor Lucifer is standing there listening to this shit like 🧍 because he doesn't even understand half this shit. Sometimes Luci asks Mammon if he even wants to know what the fuck half these words mean. The answers is usually no.
- if the couch is full Belphie will just lay across everybody who's already sitting down. Nobody cares.
- Once Beel, Levi and Mammon fought over a bag of hot Cheetos the bag ripped and got everywhere. Mammon and Levi continued to fight while Beel ate the Cheetos off the couch. They all made up less than a hour later.
- nobody in this fucking house knocks. NOBODY that is why everyone enchants their doors.
- I'd say the names of everyone who just walks into each other's room and does their own thing but that's most of them so the ones that won't are Beel and Lucifer. Nobody else knows what privacy is even when they themself demands it (Levi I'm talking about Levi)
- there's teeth marks in some of the doorways of the HoL some are from when Satan was teething some are from Beel on a normal Tuesday.
- marketable plushies are sold of brothers. All the proceeds go to fixing Mammon's dept. These things have been in production for thousands of years but at least it keeps the dept collectors away.
- Levi tracks down ugly bootlegs of the plushies and gives them to his brothers on holidays.
- Mammon made some bootlegs of the marketable plushies and got really sad when Levi gave one back to him and called it ugly :(
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teshine · 2 years
The canon dynamic between MC & the brothers (+ other characters) is great because instead of a "just some guy" human getting freaked out by the otherness of their supernatural companions, it's them being completely nonplussed while said supernatural companions are increasingly freaked out by how fucking weird this human is
Mammon said he could be killed or whatever by Lucifer and comeback after some million years and MC didn't even blink a fucking eye. They didn't even comment on it? Just continued to antagonise him until he did what they wanted? And this was in S1 before they were even friends, they'd probably known each other for a week at most
Meanwhile the increasing distress at MC's 'guess this is my life now/guess I'll just die' attitude is hilarious
The number of times one of the brothers have had to jump in during main story and event canon to say some variation of 'how are you okay with this!?' , 'don't just lay there and accept your death!' and just purely; 'NO!' is God tier
Anyway if Mammon's hair wasn't fully white it would have been by the end of season 1
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teshine · 2 years
"y'gonna spend new years with y/n, bakugou?" kirishima asks bakugou.
"mann, I wish I had someone to kiss during new years" denki whines. a pout reaching his lips.
ah right the new years kiss.
it's a week before the new years and it totally slipped out of bakugou's mind. thank god the little gathering with the bakusquad reminded him about it.
you and bakugou have both been dating for a few years now, yet every year he gets nervous for the new years kiss. he would get himself mentally prepared, days before new years eve. heck, even maps out the scenarios in his head, a day before. just thinking about in general erupts butterflies to flutter in this stomach.
see, this particular moment in this time of year is special to him. it let's him know that you've both gone through the whole year together. despite the ups and downs, the fights and argues, you still stuck with him. he has no idea why you do, but he's not definitely complaining.
yes, he thinks of every possible scenario that could happen, but oh boy I tell ya, when the real thing happens, he's lost.
that's how he found himself at the moment.
where suddenly the things he told himself to do for this special moment, all went out the window. because as the countdown to the new year begins, he starts panicking.
he turns to you
he admires your profile. your face all happy and excited, skin kissed with the different colors and hues of the festive lights surrounding you.
time slows down as if he was in a movie. he takes a deep breath, calming himself.
you face him with a wide smile, eyes smiling along with it. he reaches his hands to cup your cheeks. ears flushed into a bright pink.
then, he kisses you. soft and passionate, filled with all the love he could give.
seconds later, you pulled away. forehead touching, sharing little giggles to yourselves.
it was all sweet really. he's in love with the moment and will forever continue to love every passing moment with you.
"I love you katsuki, happy new year" you smile
"I love you too dumbass, happy new year babe"
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teshine · 2 years
just bakugou katsuki things
what if I told you, the oh so tough bakugou katsuki, was a softie in text. like, hear me out. in real life, when you're around him, he's all furrowed brows and glares but in chat he's completely different. or atleast, different to you.
the last thing you expected him to say was shit like 'youre so fucking cute', or 'youre my pretty fuckin baby <3'. you know damn well he'd never say things like this in public. and learning that he was only like this to you made your heart swell.
he gives you never ending praise in texts, says random I love you's, asks you the most random questions. it's incredibly cute how clingy he can be sometimes. and of course, in real life, he's more show than talk. you've always loved him this way. and he'll be forever grateful for it
part 2
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teshine · 2 years
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