tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
He said that its just a bump I don't have a concussion or anything. And that I should take an easy for a few days. I should be back to normal in no time. They gave me pain meds.. so I am a happy girl. 
Did the doctors say if anything was wrong with it? 
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
You shouldn't have gotten drunk.. alone.. I"m still not sold on being clean... but if you took the tie to go to treatment.. you should.. like throw that way.. or some shit.. I think I hit my head harder then we thought.. just thanks okay. And i'm here for you always you know that..
 Is your head okay? And yeah…I know that. Thanks.
Its okay, just throbbing most of the day.. I have a bump but I have been keeping ice on it. The dizziness went away. And you welcome. 
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
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Good, then leave us alone.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
I don't care... 
I’m sure you have plenty of fucking friends who would come get you. Or someone at the party. Or hey, get up, put some pressure on the wound on your head and get someone at the party to help you. You don’t fucking know scared until you’re taken advantage of when you’re fourteen years old and you can’t even go near your dad’s to tell them what’s happening because you’re afraid of hurting your family. You don’t know pain until you’ve been thrown into walls and smacked and hit around by a grown man two times your size every night until you were seventeen years old. You have no, fucking, clue.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
I didn't fucking make him do it.. he made the choice. I don't see how this is my fault. Yes what happened was my own doing but you wanna get in someones face for him ditching you talk to him. Again he could have said no.. or not picked up at the damn phone. I don't give a fuck about what had happen to you.. and I don't care if you don't like me.. I didn't do anything wrong.. I was scared and needed someone I am not going to apologize for getting a hold of someone I knew I could count on. Not all of us have a damn pack of people to come running when we get our self in to shit. So again I am not in the mood for your shit.. so good by Reese. 
I don’t give a fuck. If you wouldn’t make such bad fucking decisions all the damn time, you wouldn’t get your ass kicked by a guy. Don’t go and ask for someone else’s help when you brought yourself into it. Especially when he has a fiance and child at home to take care of. I’m looking out for him and making sure he’s okay, and it’s not happening if he’s hanging around you. Maybe next time you should try looking out for yourself once, you have no fucking idea what it’s like to be abused by a guy until you’ve stepped into my shoes, princess. Grow a pair and take your ass home. 
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Look, I didn't make him come get me last night. I was upset and had no one else to call. He made the fucking choice go bitch at him. As for the drinking if you knew what the fuck you were talking about you would know that I was knocked the fuck out on pain meds after he took me to the hospital to make sure I didn't have fucking brain damage.  If you can't keep you damn fiance at home that is your own fucking fault don't blame me for that shit. He could have said no.. but he was being a good friend and made sure I was okay.. I am sorry I got fucking attacked at a party and ruined you getting fucked.. 
No, I will not go away because this was the final straw. Leave. My Fiance. Alone. He has a family now, and he doesn’t need to be running away from them and getting drunk with your ass all night. It’s ridiculous. At this rate he’s going to relapse and then we’ll have a serious problem. Leave him the hell alone, and stay out of our lives. We don’t need you fucking things up more than you already have.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
reeseyberry replied to your post: Ugh
Good for you.
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As much as I usually love our hateful banter and causing you to hate me more. I am not in the mood for you today.. go away.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
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Feel like someone ran over my head. 
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: sighed when she said that she owed him for coming to get her. At this point he wasn't sure if anything she could do would ever make it up to Reese for ruining tonight. "Could you just do me one thing?" He asked, coming to another stop a red light. "Maybe try and not hate Reese so much? She's...she's convinced that you want to kill her or something. I dunno why she thinks that." He said quietly.
Tess: stopped pacing when he spoke. Her jaw setting at the mention of Reese. "I wasn't really picturing that as a way of payment for this.." she grumbled as her eyes closed through a fit of dizziness. "She's really not worth going to prison for.. so I don't have any plans to kill her.. and I may just tell you to go back home.. cause I honestly don't see how you think I can try to like her.." Tess was sure she was being unreasonable.. but this was the last things she wanted to think about while if felt like someone was trying to pry open her skull.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: hated the long drive to Columbus from Lima. "Its gonna take me awhile to get there. Can you hold on for a few hours?" He asked, looking into his mirrors to help him merge into oncoming traffic. "Just stay awake...if you feel sleepy, splash some water on your face...or slap yourself. Do anything to keep yourself awake right now. That's what's important."
Tess: let out a sigh. "I should be okay.." she breathed out she really hated how far lima was from where she was. "I haven't gotten sleepy yet.." she added as she leaned her head back against the door. "I'll figure out something if I do.." she promised as she stood up. paced back and forth sitting down wasn't a good idea if she was trying to stay awake. "I really owe you for this... like.. it means a lot.." her tone was a bit softer as she chewed at her lip.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: sighed heavily and took a right turn. "You kinda interrupted us during sex so yeah...she's gonna hate you and me. I'm in the doghouse...again." He tried not to think about that because getting Tess out of danger was a priority of his right now. "How do you feel? Do you need me to pick up anything?" He asked, coming to a stop at a red light.
Tess: couldn't help but roll her eyes.. which only made her head hurt. "I have a headache that is setting in.. probably going to have a bruise where he grabbed me.." she answered him as she slowly shifted out of her place. "No.. just come here.." she added inspecting her appearance in the mirror..she looked like a complete mess. "I think I'm still pretty out of it.." she offered as she sat back on the floor. Even if she had stopped crying her body kept shaking.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: looked around for his keys and grabbed them before leaving the apartment and checking his texts to get the directions. "Don't be. That's what friends do, right? You've bailed me out of jail a few times so think of this as me owing you a favor." He chuckled, putting the truck into drive, then took off towards Tess's direction.
Tess: smiled a bit as he spoke. "Yeah.. I guess.." she breatehd scrunching her brow at the pain she felt in her head. She didn't think there was any damage but she sure as hell was going to have a headache from hell. "I forgot about that.." she offered with a light chuckle. "Well now I guess we're even.." she felt the tears stop as she talked to him. "You're person is going to hate me for this.. well more then she already does.." she added a little bitterly.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: listened to everything she was saying and only felt himself getting angrier. Whoever this guy was, he messed with the wrong girl and Blake was going to kick his ass. If there's one thing he knows its that you never hit a girl. "I'll stay on the phone with you until I get there, okay? Just try not to fall asleep and if you feel dizzy, get some water."
Tess: pulled her legs to her chest as he spoke. "Okay.." she agreed to him staying on the phone. She didn't like the idea of sitting in silence until he got there. Pulling the phone away from her ear she quickly text him the answer before putting the phone back to her ear. "I'm really sorry you have to do this.." she breathed out in an almost pathetic tone.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: pressed the phone closer to his ear so he could hear every word that she was saying. "Did he hit you?" Was all he asked as he felt his blood boiling. "Who was it?" He pinched the bridge of his nose when she asked if he could come get her. Without thinking it through, he instantly answered her. "I'll come get you, just stay wherever you are and I'll be there..."
Tess: shook her head, "He just shoved me a little to hard.. I fell.. hit my head.. I'll be fine.." she answered in between sniffles. "Thank you.." she breathed out when he said he would come get her. "I'll text you the address... just thank you.." she added her body relaxed a bit knowing she wouldn't be trapped in the bathroom all night.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: could tell something was up as soon as he heard her voice. She sounded sad and a little frightened which of course made him worry. "Tess...what happened? Are you okay? Did the party get out of hand? Running his fingers through his hair, he started to pace back and forth, worried that something might seriously be wrong with her.
Tess: too a few deep breaths before even attempting to answer his question. She was still a bit out of it from the alcohol and whatever else she had managed to get her hands on. "I got in to it.. wish some guy..I'm fine.. I just..." she stammered out. "Can you come get me? Please.. I need to not be here..." she blurted out abruptly. She could explain later she just needed to be gone.
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tess-fabray-blog · 11 years
Phone Call | Bless
Blake: was about to go get Reese until he saw his phone was ringing. Looking at the caller ID his eyebrows scrunched together as he picked up the phone. "What's up, Tess?"
Tess: let out a sigh of relief when Blake picked up. "Hi.. I know you're probably busy but I didn't know who else to call.." she coked out as she shifted in her place against the door. "I.." she was interrupted by a bang on the door. "Some one is in here.." yelled through the door. "I... just didn't have anyone to call.." she added again as she broke down in to a fit of sobs.
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